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TO LET A VONDALE, 27, <> weekly. interest and **■ principal. No waiting Government loan. Suburban Homes. Alliance BlOg> . O'Connell _ C OEKKSFORD St., City. 0 roomed House *-* •_•."!/ per week.—Bak<r and Swan. Lister Building. Victoria St. F.. _3 BIKKE.NHEAD— Houm-, 4 rooms, modern i-opr*.. (m>l rated, bandy boat: rent '40'. <..ldiers Land Bureau. Hellab.vK Bldgs. 27 BON XIAKCHE CHAMBERS. KnranjabajH-Koad.-MoUern Office, suitable doctor, lawyer, healer, optician, dre*ei_aker. pitotopraphtr. agent. D BUNGALOW, furu. right through; suit iu.c.: all coins.: iu 10/ weekly.—ll. Minnyri'lf H«1 . Mt. lvlon. x2S BC MS A LOW, ."• nM.nnHi, near Rwwnrolr: .J.".': 2 sinks, omkers.—Apply 13-V I'riiniMi'T Ril . litvy Lynn. 27 t»L"NtiALOWS, 4 rooms. -Ith section. 32 6. > Buyswatrr. bench frontage. 30/. — i'r.t in. -■'■.' Phoi-iii\ rhambi-ft. 2Z BI'NUALOW, .1 rooms, garage; large section: <ir stop, section; il~- 5/. — 1. BeacvnsnVld St.. Grvy Lynn. __5 Br.MiALOW. 4 n>nnn>, kitchenette, bathroom, «-»nvs.. ".7. i>. gi.o«l tenants: 33. Kingsley t>l.. Grey L<ou.—lnquire Stab 26 BINGALOW, 5 iargc roomy, kitchenett«\ hall, slwplng pon-b. gnngv: '"•iiutifui harbour views; £U week.—Key at Mi.-. William*. Tc I'ab. Clarence B«l.. Northcotr. 2o BUKXLEY, Terrace, bandy cars-—<> Larse Kootns. inudern cuuvs.. -10/. —Soldiers' L.IIIII Bureau. liellabv b Bldgs. "Jo / iliMlUL—Fully FuruUued Office, rea-.-enable rent : Queeu St. —Write X. 4>>'o. STAB. \M CHANCERY CHAMBERS —Suite. Single K»oni ; .-nit solicitor. accountant, arvtaiiccu cu-.—Arthur Clea\e. Higb tit. 2o CITV and Eden Terrace—6-Rd. Hout?e. all Lvnvs. —Irwn, Richardson Kd.. Mt. Albert. x2li CITY —Garage. IC-, per week and rates for leat.-.—Saail. Vailc and Sens, s>. ijucen St. r\tVoXrOKT—Large Bed Sittins Boom. ■■--' partly lurnlshod : o»n <utrance; bcouiful \i.w : el — I.:. Cfcurrh St. piEVONPOKT. — Part Furn. House. 3 bed- *-' room.- cie<-tr;i-. gas; glorious riew; i<lillt>: o'.',' weekly. — Phone 4S i'ob. \'M DDNfiVAX ST. Blockhouse Bay. two n»i;i----iit>-> -Houm-. i rvom»: electrlcUy t lnqnir«- <~rinic*'s Store. \J~ t t'ToNOVAN" ST., Blf><khoiise Bay.—l U rimmed totnge. bathroom, 0.1. ; bus; i 1 2 6.—Guiiornj>oa. Winjard Ud., Block!i.)u.-<- Bay. 31 EDKNDALK — .New Bungalow. 3i/6. option purcbai"": lor loan. <nliurban Hi-mes. Alliance Bldgs.. OConuell -t C Houses. Newton. City. Ponsonby. :in-i Mt. E«lt-u.—Kevfc and Davey. 16. H.B. Bidg>-.. Newton. 26 EMPTY Homes Everywhere, from 25/. '.Ve Bull.l Homes. £10 deposit 23/ tees:y.—7. Ueliaby'g Bolldli-gs. D U'LAT. half bcu.-f. supTior. 3 unfurnished r rtiouis. J entranc-'s, absolutelr self- • ■utained.—lo. Gladwin Kd.. Greenwood's '■•rn«T --I rjAHAUE to l>-t, 0/ wec-kir. —Apply &'-. J Honainion Kd C &AKAC.K. encrete floor and jard. •arstcr liiid on. moderate rent.—lnvin. -liemist. -i' 2. I'ousonby Kd. V 0 pRtAI Nt'KTH RD.—Bungalow. 3rd «"C l * lion. — owners nd<lre«s. :»4. Walnier i>l . ui-ar Mone Jug. Pt. Cberalier. '-6 REV LYNN. -J".. Castle St.—6 fcoom*. T el., bulb. copi»er, calUont : ba*ement.--15. Wilton St. x 26 O RKY LYNN. June 7. —."> rooni<-U Buiijki *-* low. modern couvs.. b«-»t i«in. —Apply !"•"•. 1 nimnn-f j;«! i - j7 HE RN E DAY— o Rouai>. uafura.. £~; I), a n<J —G lJooan. uii .—A.B.C.. .". Ue.liit... » Bml<iing>. Ci LJLIIM. BA\ — lluui- 1 0 rooms, n<-f: i-kftrie light; niiautr e.i. h— Ir.jiiire :::■. M"k«!i >t Jl'7 LTOUSE. li r.-oui- and cvuvs.— Apply Tayfl I'T I'-, Kd. £j Hi.'l. SE. ."> room!-, all conru, Great Sourh Rd. u-.uiiiiu-- --Ph'-ti> -OlO.'i. U-j Hot'SE. 0 room*. Und s<v-ti"n. cf>i>i'<"rtubs. 2> — Jollj. M. Kden Tcrra--e. xij HOCSE. i-rpomed. to L« : pt. Chevalier: r«-nt :>■» .—H PnriT. Phon" 27-f»-4. "J" HOt'SE. Tμ room-, e. light, c-onvs.. lmin car. 2nd sccti'jn . rent. iT» .—3, Kings r.nri Terrao - . tT3 HOUSE. 0 rvoius. all «-<jn».-.. »ailab!« boarding hou»<- kt tiaif, oa cir llai.— Robin's Store. Unecunga. °^% HOI'S E, G rooref. nrar PomUiioa Kd. oi Hd'-iiJuK- cars. — Wallace, isijnwriter, 52. Weii-siey St. Wf*l. 2t ■LTOt'SE. 0 ro« m«. b>'t water, larp *-*- srounds. (Too'l oMi-r. Motor Garase. £2 J"ll.'. si. I .>|. x^ "LTOI'SE. ne». 4 large rniais. kticbenette ■*-*- eleeping por>-ii : .-r.rr modern roor.Ap;!; 1.-.— \. New .v.»r:!i K.> . Mt. Albert. S T'lNf,S|.A\r' 3'!. Third Ave—Hoij«~l "»■ ""'"i*. ("'nit. : o", . adults prcfcrr<-<i — !'■■ St . I'lt.i. x£i LAH'.E 7 i!.l Mon>,f .il! .-,•■nv« • 3 A!l>.in> Rl . H»rn° B.i> r--nt moderate T IVING Room* (4>. ;as -:o«-. t :<- : priral* .--iinn;^< , : bauuy citr; 'Hh — TJS. A---T.TU 3t ' ' v'J ,, ! At iLH.>l;l> —I-'urn. H»i-es from Uo • l I iilnrij fr.< jii —Baile>. Milforr R.i n...1K 2~..".,'' " a^ AIILFoRL' Rf-j.-h —Ba.-h. J rooms, (urn M■,<• ""I , .-'.""".- . mrn --Mt:.' "Saudcroft.Milf.ifU Kd.. 'lak.ipuna. u£ ■AritliKßN Bur.saJow. 4 r-'Las. ail ronvv * - 1 - I'.!!»r5;t» traaj teraiiajs.—Apply N'-?:i 3 Rd ■ -ire,-., \\ I. ALBERT. —Modern Bunsalo*. € k-v tux: door — Bon ring ■>■', eSO. I , ; VE" >b"p. .' room*., suitable f OI h-m,- i-ookery fruiterer :30 neekir Innnir* , SiAt; 1 l!> •'•- \-LW Eunpaluw. Now Four:. Aroadelo -7 ii : oii|i"ti pur.-na'r ; av--c:an--e foi loan. ilffl.-e ..|.e-i I-imljx- 7:i r m - -iiJ.i-.rh.-,:<- . Alliatire Buildinsi> O'Con -" s ' A ■V - ". «7. .-! M ry'-Rd . u#me Bay. taeani Mop.ll> jiitii Maj.—Apply -«7. >r f~\FilCl'.s to :,.-!. front !<"■ to "7 "( K/ K««-fr- an -d Ds»ri. 1-.. 7TK !:■■];- . ' -^ OiKJ ICC&. bliort's BulidiDiT*. tjuevu St.—Heury Alleu Saarebroker I'ril Kloor. 0 r\NEHUNGA. o riicr Church nnd Selwyt St-v—β-rooa House. a!! c-iavs.l— -M-.-.r ai:.f I.nm;.|r.. Pb'-n" Jl--T.M. P 4 S«-!|->n.— i>. 0" -. 1 ■-■": low r.-n'.T'. nppr.««l :. r..m: - - \r. •ir-ii..j ■\r--a.i'' Pi' •!* II efo 1 1)!' « i-Kv.M.iK!: - r--jii-jiTTT I T^," *- ii; i-ar k.vb : rrul u3--!-r.ii«- '•* 'i v. i.:ji:. t- t:.i -y TI'»NSiiNBY :■" 71: .-w-. '. •: " ■ -rs-n 1 ■_-. .1 --. ;..,; _j J: >;;. ; •„. ;, ; ~ tll 1 ' .-■• ■ >V -..-■ I)"N'S'tNHY J"..i Br. -I. Mi.-i» m..! J iv. <-l I-γ. C.--..1. .V neek — Hadfi' :i] :,-,t? >o-i- :■. \\ii:>i,.i,.- KI.U-. £ rjO>S"NBY. ■» Ti. • m -. S...m> =.-.< Mi-rhatl rip-.-ni-v »'li.-.niN-r> •_•; p..\>.i\nY. - l.r. -n >• - H--U- ~\ " r "-. •' . rn- , .0. ~-r. -lain :•. il:. i , --. ' ' * -j: 1 rv\ sr s.-,ir;t, . t.^~ U-ll Is) fi.~.r: t.uii3M< ■>-i''-it..r >b«-nrer. or •arftaV-r 1 r>!".';t KR.\ Kl' >• , ; Huijr-!- -« 4 nmn. 1% at:.!>-lion»tt<. iii.~|ern»., £2 .*. Hi.lfield an.l S..HS. Wta>t..ue Bi-!cv C R.-.o\!> ,! ( ~,,.! ~.„.. .f.;. .-•)-. >r:rjn<->~ \PI«1? <h.- s--TV. h .:• - ■;■ •-' \J7 f">ni>Ms 1" 1. 'inf'tr-i . ];ir:<- s-tnnv IV ,Uh: -I— Sjaj"t:d» St.—4. Ed-a™i. !:■! . Mt 2." Kim'M. •■■-■. -trsi". n;.|.1.-o fur n ish«-d : .1. cnv- 1" <•; I cfurnixLcd Hat :7 1". -67 YerßKat > % . U" ROOMS I,*. 1. and iwi".. eX, and b»i *it»r: v ,<ri »!;i|. and prair: If'. Pin» St . >iv Kri-n - Ring Ph-'ne -.•1-I'C V^TjOOMs (j>. unfurn.. ki:>-lj< nette. f<>psrat< . « .'nn-. rw'"T. '•THrivf-" : ve<-ond section I". F->nt«-.>f.l Ai.v. r>--a;'-nl..n K-I. U: Ri'"M v iU f>r Si. luru. or furn •■>.-iM. njnny ■ i~i'--boc. _"j> i-i«k.T: .;i ' !*t n>..<l>-r.-t» !■•"■! -- Irionir'- STAB *""• \"J" Ol' HKI.IKR< B\Y.—M-J»rn Bunalo* • " ' «.n:-. el • cre.-i , riew: on'- ■>.-. —P),..nt. -ivn'T. 2<3 •j::mi r.t m;.m.w. H r™- ra «. :nn;- <] 1 nin car.—Apply 17 Columbia r.rf . E<:*adalc 2 f

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Auckland Star, Volume LVIII, Issue 121, 25 May 1927, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume LVIII, Issue 121, 25 May 1927, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume LVIII, Issue 121, 25 May 1927, Page 2