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*«. an nne vh o moiorei off walked, let me lell the Prime Minwter .Ii ?T MiniMer of ,^ r reSSj'S*" many luxuries partiruUHv j« f.rrnei». «flii! murh more h»im than pncxl. \V<enroarajre men to on Jh«- land. a « d to oT.v* we mu.| he t« gran, . farmer 12 a« much c».mfor» (luxuries if V o« call ii a.» people in the 1«»nt. «nd J,, V e * B * a motor nr fthauwl tv tli<- l a »t a f«t»2 *hould buy i» an insult »«. thr man ™ <h, jT? After my farming e*, w rt».n«. | „ J** any man takinp «p land t-r. pM a cm- a*'Jl! a> he ran. and »1m» to get the «-"? μ-i. an<l a |M*MubJe r««i f /"* who b twenty «r thirty mile* f WOT Ij,r rafliw »<M lU ir»-. and thrm aIL Aopripdjj,. Mr. Young, furmer i* re»fm»Mi4e lon f]» the ler-e s «f Uaaee and beinj: Mvpd. Whal absurd itnnw*we« rommoditifMk «rp nwp no(iej««arv lo farmer than t« ihe HJy dw#ller«; bet* by thr amount of pa* I-mjis <li-.iriValti.a I.J in Notir, Anrkiand. perhaf» MiniZ ter« consider the I.rnnm- if not no » Jtvjßit^ EX-.MSBKIOU. Ohakune. MUNICIPAL COKCEBTS. Can any of your leader* inform m« *i«- j» i« that the Mime M>loi«i. ar< » <b™«en litne after timt> to Miij at muniripa! rvmrpru nthw public «*nlertaininent.f>; I« it ht%can«e of ence or among jn•<.f**t,ionaJ! t*ertier«? We ha\e in our m«d«t a rinniwr «if v«rT n|«lii( and nnperfi who hu* proved their at onmpetitioaf aa| in otker ways but whiJe tioir wnim* «rv nought for philaathiv>}«ir o..ufyii* «nd oiler function-. th<>y sever (rt a *Jook in" where feet are concerned. Thi* if no way to rir—ia» mnsieal talent, and I lni#t that the pemnn* whr eonlrol t!x. ronuieipa! and other fnjMif oonorrts will give the matter •-rnrajthftii Attention. MUffICUS. THE HEED OP A - BALPWAY IOTJaaL" In an i*Mie U«-t week *n •.ooomt of the pro*reeut»on of a tinware hawker ft» being a vagrant- Th«« man wu terrible afflicted with St. Viui* danm. Thi* imfflitiJ. nate man called at my h<«u«e aiid, ajiaongh I felt rather nervous, of him when I openel the door in answer to hi« knock, I fdt, dwni* wiry for him. He should haw htm in in-titmi'Mi. where h»- Mould ha\e foes v c f looked after instead of Wing aJlowed to ttmm the ttreetft and unrared for. Tie magistrate Mid there wae no pfore otacr flu Mount Eden PriM>n that thi- unfortunate mi could be «ent t». This cam again iUartt»l*» the need «f a "half-way bouse,~ «r Kri tioii where thr»« unfortunate.', could hr. ouol for - A GITIZES.

BIOWH BREAD The baker* of Kn?la»d h»r% recently ismd a riirnlar to the Knjrfif4 awflj. eel profokion in which two qn»"»;»w»f. *r% a*ked: <H Dα you eat while hrrjmi »«r waolrtncal* (2| I»« ytuj thr bi« of brown hrr*<) in prefcuent* t« n-fcitc! A*wut a thind of the doctor* rrj.]jed. "Xt** \n \ht *«co«d query. A> the remaining t«o-tairt» replied "Xo"* to the ««coßd. awd *AMul*" to Urn firs* quetition. the \ w t« is heavy on the site ef white bread ** against brown, and JJ» bakers ara not U»at there i*. no special virtue in wholemeal louv?* mn d «U1 aot end H<erial machinerr U, produce them. a« Ihejr intMMIM doinp had Uk voU- ltecn the ©ibw way about. The lat<? Mr. Virtue alwa?» rtmtended that the superior of «tni bre-ad and more rapid wnvcTMtwi into ewiniilable food made the wholemwil kaf imk* «econl place, whilst the preparation of wiiiie Amr expelled the proiTtbia! poc-V of dirt and prothe human b«dy frora many liTiutmj MibfctancTK. Three to ow apain*-! i*. bfitvj oddv and ! hope that the eiamplc of thf vfcna bread doctwk will l<e accepted a* definitely tettling this much-argued qurrtion. FLOtH EZTEMftMATIRG THE WHALE*" In reply to Vir. Huriic! Ix>tnryV 3«IW « yocr Umjc of ahe WHh inM.. permit me J-β ■*k if Captain AmoivWn rlaimei all the land around the SouTli Pole f<ir Stmn}. why waj New Zealand allovcd 10 claini Bm* territory with which pa ««. a metier of eroimv the Hov« ?vavj The New Zealand granted the a thirty rears' leaf* How could they do that if they were net CTtitled to do m»T Or why did Jbe >.oTW.pi» apply and probaMy pav for ■ lierw* from our * AppßrcniJT thci* i* n<. •.nfrsuard a> tu time. m>\ or number of -whales i<. be taken CMrh wtm They «*« wipe oat lijie, inoffennve h-rmtlun of the deep a* auick as )«ru*ib}c. It j* the way tfcrj po about it to which mot-l roen object. If Xrw Zealand ««d Auet.raJia camiol p-vveot U»e ef tinrtion of th» animaJ titem»el\c» the wane , they e.rk f«r an internetjon«3 <■ ■.mention thi brttrr. t» o molhcr atimn? 3* scorpions will opfrai<> Msa*«w. It take a oa3f 34 yrat> i»-> |«r<i(3nrc an«tJicr calf (*• yo«rf to ix-aoii maturity. t*<, jc«r> to oMT* il, an<3 j«o ycaji t« ntan« iu. U> are dq>loring the fact thai two spty-irt- <4 bird* beam* extinct. They mere ix«t o1 much economic vaftje, and yet we take no step* n. proiet-i the vital* in the t-maik>t drpvr. UftIVALD HUt'LZL.

THE FAKXCKS POSITION. Mr. \. F_ linbiriMin, hef««rc lie <>iimr fi-;jliev. »«ifj them. T* •«?, a* he <}<•<>. that tbr a»erayr \ahic }<cr ««t ih*. avrrarr »n"rtp«yr |, M «<-!■,. roreJ lwidi ha* rrmaiofnl th« same tnyt-,- 1911 Till ll)C preM~ni day, brinp> He zrzvnuvi i<, ih<- fjitnai of absurdity. Th P a h« t*f «t»unjv la.tid» Jo l!»l! wa, £lKi.i«flC..TrC. i»heiva, i« 13C4 £i it junij.rHj to jUUjvUX..?. ilx-., fi-nTTc from th* \>«i B, w l, r *}.)«de \hi- rpoklen* ttt-twlf incorrec-t Matement <•< wiy <-riii< N"* for fhe VfnrF.-< >V i-b<-« •■ ffotn the mvJtiplirity of w«rl«T*ff«- ihal bnd tnortyai-et- arc *U<iu hall i)i.. M ~1 t h<. rotmttj; thiw-. a> the !>mnini..Tt'» 1«.1j«1 ljmd «-er* £S»(«.i«(»tt.OfK« iti I<J]l. ;, 1,0 }uim r>"« lumped to Ci*ii.««H.f«((M. ik r t-Bif. ~f dr.di,,n..n frnin Ceo/rV.wio jj,n ,„ i;)«*.<*«<«.<•'u< in JJW6Vnd a> the ai«'i-}i;r<- ia»<- <»1 itiift<-i h*<- rit"* frorn .»: per <vni 1,, Hi yrr cviH l«j.j.f.ii ). K'<WnMifl tna_> |*«a« \s)ir;-f 1 |i,. |>rirliOß «»f the itifunif t» ;-,, m ;, ?k1 \ nil» i* oqtially at Nc-g f jin-»i ..»ti» ~1 tnitnVtV 18«tj«n atid intxiniT. In 191 ] IhtkJ.iv nrt> jidd <'t»lj £«2»<.T3C J;,TH] Ijiv. Vom 1>,,-, p,, v t 1 .^'ifl.fiSl, and the fannerh p3\ Ihf lion ► ►)mt< ..winctfl the mjlilJ*4 I<-gii.|aii ■ <■ \xu-X. M Ufi.iitn t>y vliifl larg-o healthy UuUdini; ~-nr»n. iti .111 1"«1» «"W«pe m-(»T ftry of land i» v h ,» X ),ilri!-tuiial* for Mr. I;<»t»ir>M>ti th«i t«- <]M<iS»-» ft£iiue»- <& f»rm«> - a>«»-c>.i»i3ilr inn<t««*» <■« 1»?3. hr«fiiaw «t |«pe 7K\ Ur2; Mr Ho..V. br u ill *<t iliai iB fa»Tt>ej>" inrorm-. oMjiih><l irnm ihe w f"d ruHiialiojj «) tji" m>i] »«■<■ «v<-i». ? .i<-d. «W<* "4«k«>«. hi» fijuiv>» vorihjo. n . <M.ifpari)<«* Th* >«•»» |~ri..r i,. the «A«Miq.i i,.ii »!..,ui k«.o* farrnert' J . f . fc f-^ ! .,r.f] m.-i.Tt.. . t» i"M.<«(4(vo(W. .." -elnrh 2HC4 N. ( tiiitl««* ejut»<-<j «n<l hTkuM Ki.<#*i liiftuC* 4f>tnall f«mjpri-l «-m-«ie-d IWt niimimi ot £*-WP J O<«W. Hrncr !})<• li"tn taS jwr \f-ii h j<ifwt)i.aii'.ii ( .1 nii} .(«W 1* thw 3W»» odd *t..3 mm U ilti.fKHl <* th» »C<itlO *rru;Jl lnrmet> 11u f I.' tbr vcinthy eU*» f refer 10. v h«. vjii dwrm™. jnrcunea, ai> reie.-j*.<*<! fro-ni I«v»linn. whk-h !•■ «• ICIM o! puow f»rr^vV A. HALL SKELTOS, ,

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Auckland Star, Volume LVIII, Issue 121, 25 May 1927, Page 6

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IN THE PUBLIC MIND. Auckland Star, Volume LVIII, Issue 121, 25 May 1927, Page 6

IN THE PUBLIC MIND. Auckland Star, Volume LVIII, Issue 121, 25 May 1927, Page 6