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THE DENHAM ARRIVED. ! CUMBERLAND DUE SUNDAY. The only overseas nrri\al at Auckland to-day was the Deuhnin from New York during the afternoon. A radio nx-M-age. i fioin the Cumberland, states that >ho expects to arrive from Home pori* rally on Sunday morning. This morning: the Port Darwin Milled for New PlyinuUUi nnd the Ulininroa, for Sydney. AKRIVAI-R—YESTKHDAY. Awahoii. from Kast Coast, 1.13 p.m. THIS DAY. Mnlnnci. from Tanran?a. 7 a.m. I'iirunniion. from Const. 4.40 a.m. Kniinki. from Portland. 0..1S a in. t'tansman. front Unssell. 11 a.m. Kaniona, from New Plymouth. 1.1.% j>.m. Ucnhnra, from New York, -.:» p.m. mUWRTTRES— YESTERDAY. Morokinn. for Port 1«C<1, 3.30 p.m. Claymore, for Whaiijr.irci. " p.m. Waiplatn. for Lytielioii. 10.15 p.m. THIS PAY. ' Port l>.irnin. for New Plymouth. 7.13 a.m. Waliilalil. for Great Harrier. 0.1.1 a.m. I'liinanui. for Sydney. 11.10 am. I'anM-n----firs : Saloon: Messrs. Sloan. KcrClisoii. Hlickley. Sanders. ThleMns. ilurvy. Thompson. I'owell, IWirltnc. Smart. Jnncn, H.iltbiirton. Snr;n>nI'nmni. Mflniosh. Mnswr*. Greene. strr-.-t. M.iling. Howard. Aixlomon. Mr. ami Mr*. I»<- Lflliy. Messrs. !><• Lueii. Iloi lc. Mr. and Mrs. Kills. Mrs. Harry. Mis* Ijilham. Miss Ilerrjr. Mr. ami Jin.. »;<«!■ ••hilil. Mr. ami Mrs. Millar. Mr. nn<l Mr*. Iloolcy. Mr. anil Mrs. Downle. MU< Mo Sweeney. Mrs. Bellamy. Miss Macfnrlnne. Sister Salmon. Sister Nottingham. Mr*. HiegillHOti. Miss HiCKiiisoti, Mljw Mr. and Mrs. McMillan. Ml** Pike. Ml»* Pierce. Mi.-s I»e Lnny. Mrs llarlinc. Mr*. Pilttnck, Misses Froudn. Mountain. Nirhollx. Nioholls. Mann, (tcmmcll. Ktrby. Klrby, lltiti-hiusoi). Afford. Jacobs. Mrs. Mountain. Mrs. Schniitlt. Mr. nnd Mrs. Jenkins. Mewem. Alton, trivin. Burton. Whliniore. Stevenimn, .lex, Mr. and Mrs. and infant. Mr. nnii Mrs. rivnii and child. Mr. M«.t>ir<\ Mr. IVonnolly. Mr. and Mm. Harris. Mc*»rs. Itiickley. I-itiiont. I.unken. Mr. nnd Mrs. Mil la m. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ivor l*ovi<- and '- children. Mrs. Ansell. Mr. and Mrs. l-np-wood. Mrs. Ijirsen. Mlkm-k Arnold. Jenkins. Waller. Waller. Crumble. i:dmist..n. lloh«.n. Mrs. nnd Miss Svmi-s. Mis* Koser*. Mm. Itiickley. Mrs. He>t. Mr anil Mrs. filtlrrn. Miss Cnlcolt, Miss niiywnrd. Mrs. Harvey Smith. Miss Hul.hlnwin. Mrs Kibble. Mrs. AmiKxln. Miss It.-yi.ol.U. Miss Ilendlnn. Miss Ma kin. Mrs. Ituinstleld nn.l ihlld. Mrs! Thiisinc and rhlld. Mian Peter*. Mrx. Sum- I mers. Mr*. Itonnoll.r. Miss Clarke. Mrs ! .lay. Mrs. IVrrett. Mrs. Illckey. Mrs. and Miss Miss Meredith. Mrs. Gcorsv and infant. Mis* Magn-. Mrs. Pntrnum. Mrs. Sullivan and 12 children. Mr. nnd Mrs. Teskey and child. Mrs. itn.adhurst. Misjws Hroadliiirsl (L'l. Mrs. Kverinirhnm. Master Kvcrlnuhnin. Messrs. Comiuer, I«ar>en. Snctldon. KichnriUun. Ku.-sell. Snejoton. 1-nwlor. I'.rincer, I.iimi h. Jamison. WoollutT. Wilton. Williams. Wallace. Cullen. Kernow. Maunder. O'Callaghan. Ijiwrle. Mr. St. l<eun, Mr-*. SI. Miss Si. nml 2 clilldrrn. Miss 1. Muiw Mrs llamfnrth. Mrs, Allen. .Master Allen, Mrs Koxhill. Mine A ins worth. Mrs. Cubit-, Mrs. Cummer and child. Mrs. Clifton, Miss Clifton. MKs Mi-Cnllum. Mrs. Mlnsey. Mis* lloilgklntaiu. Miss Ktan. Mlkm llMltmaii. Miss Carey. Miss I'll I'lw. Miss Foster, Miss Stevenson. Mrs. Payne. Mrs. I.iisirli. Master I.tislch. Mlssrs I.nsicli (J i. Miss Snnkey, Mls.h Tniscott. Mlm Cummer. Miss itoKen. Mr. St. Lvuu. Mr. C. Si. Mr. M. Si. l.«-on. Master It. Si. Mr lluylp. Mr Biilmnn. Mr. Fletcher. Mr. I.inton. Mr. Hull. Mr. Summer Ilejre, Mr. I MfKi-lixie, Mr. Starr. Mr. McMillan. Mr. I MrMillau. Mr. Stevenson. Mr. Uabb. Mr. j Olusey. M-.sier (ilnttey. Mr. Winter. M.-iuior Kiziin. Mr. ttiwn. Mr. MrKntpbl. Mr»»rd. Welliare. Chase. Krerpianl. Ferguson. iin r . ker. Cuuinbii. Camtlcl ; and IJI stevrajc. im liKliiij; J Cliiiu-ec. VESSELS EXrnCTF.Ii AT ATCKI.ANn. Cumberland, I-lrcrpool. April 21. It.M.m.s. Aorangl, Vancouver, April "I. Toncariro, London. April 23. Maiiiipinul. Sydney. April 'M. West Conob. Anp-len. April ZiV Nnculn, San Pedro, April U7. Kin ora. South (londsi. April Canatllau CUallcnscr, Soulb ilua<l»). Aprtl 12». Hinomo.l. Fiji. April 20. 11.M.5. Dlomcde. New Hebrides. April Sii>si-x, Calcutta, May '1. Matiiroa, Ixindon. May Z. Itnrnngn. South ilondsl. May .". Foreric. Nauru Island. May 4. West I'arniKia, Lus Anjjeie*. May G. 1 11.M.5. Veronica, South, May G. . Baron Kuthven. Cuba. May 7. Queen Eleanor, St. John, .M.iy 7. Aruwa, Liverpool. May 7. Canadian llritishcr, tiniifax. May \'\ .Marama. Sydney, Slay 10. ■ AUKtrnlind. New York. Mar 12. Wairuna. San Fnincisco. May 1. , . - Port Hardy. London, May 10. . Tofu.i, S.\Jney, M.iy 10. VESSELS IN PORT. ' lI.Ms. Laburnum, at DcvoDport t Naval lii partlucuti. I \Vnk.iku:a finine»TTeri>or). Nt Ucronporl I (Naval l>epartmeiii i. Maroro iKcbJ, North Wall (A. G. Frankham) I .Nurtbumberlaßil, > Wharf (Ms. c<. ». ' U.M.c.a. Irla. In aircaui il'aciUc Cable Itoa r<l) Kaltoke. In stream (I'nlon S.S. Co.). Kauiiii. Kind's Wharf Union S S. C«> V Kurnaipl. in stream iNorlbern Co i Htiruiiui, ijucen's Wharf I N.Z. Shipping Co.). t Waikawa. Central Wharf Union S.S. Co.',. Kainuna. Prince's Wharf il'nlon S.S. C».i. J Siimers<-t. gueelis Wharf i Co. I. ' Baron Urnbani, Chelsea (It. Millar nnd Co.). Knwalirt. In Stream tUtilon S.S. Co.). { Waiporl. In Stream (I'nlon S.S. Co.i. Tofua. Kine's Wharf (I'tilon SS. Co>. Horallii". Prince's Wharf iL. 1». Nathan i. . tjuern Maud. Prlucc's Wharf (N. 7.. Shipping I Co.i. Awahou. King's Wharf (Watkln nnd Walli-> r.VION COMPANY'S STKAMKKS. The Wnlkawa is timed to Milt nt l<) pin to-day fur WellUnrton, Lylleltaii nnd l'.in iilii). in contliiii.ilion of her voyngo from Itiinhury. The knmonn wn< expected to arrive from Grrytnouth, via New Plrmoiith. thl< after- ' noou. She was !<• berth al the Prince'* wharf. The Kfllofl i* expected to leave I.yttelton , tomorrow for Auckland direct. " t The Waipahi has been llxed to load ot " Lytteltnn on We»Uu-s«lay next for Auckland. ' via Wei 11 union. The Kltlawa left Tlmaru early yesterday ' mnrnlns for Aiickland. vin New' Plvmoutli After discharse at this port she is'to pro ceeil to IVrlland to load cement for Wei- ■ llnston and Lyttelton. The Will until I is expected to leave Hnnedln at 5 p.m. to-day for (i.imnnt. Timani L.v M.lion. Wpllinelon nml Auckland. rile Kur.w i« expecled to Je.ive ltlutT thi* . :uwi A.ick'ia,,. , ,: 0 " cr - ,ii: ' w "» i-'«on The Kainiiin.-nva left We»ti>ort n! 11 In !' P'" , °" «>,lneMl.iy for Ancklrind " > f J F'u—M nM U'" "f 1, "' " •••••"«* '• i,,r. "i""5 1 ""- ""akaka (XHwn,, Hf ,i port and (•reymoinb '• r : l^;f;x t i--r'd-v-- : l. The Whmijmpe In due n , < , lrthll<l r i. Newcastle about Thursday Bf Vi. fr ° m ' NORTHERN COMPANVS MOVEMENTS I. I'rojectetl I>eportureii. K\pecteil Arrival* ■'- 7 J^-- Weta ««W. fr,.,n ~rea l ,: arr = rr •I To.n.orrow.-omaiia. fr.. n , Wnihrfcr -i >, Tanlwha Parma. ; nm r^,, " tmT'USSSJT' It/ , ™* l r Tri * f,,r ****** , asl evening She i< ,i,, 0 i n . ninrnilt , it) to sail on Turwlny on her return trip. The Awahou |« to will to mormw evmlnc • for Tokomarii Hay nnd <;u!>orne. \i.i p,. r t || land. She Is |..ndlns nt the Kins,. xcUmrt. The Mako i< due to arrlro In port on j Sundny mornlnc- Mnwn. Wntkin and Wai Uf achise that she is to nail on hrr r<»t»irn trip to tho East Coast on Tunwlay. !, TIIK DENIIAM. I To llralher.>erton and dmpanr • il agency, the C. anil l>. Line rim r<'-fnl «lenmer IVnbain arrlvml at AuekUnd. Jrr>m New York, this aflcrnoon. From AurkUml «be i« to procre«l to Knu'h**m and Aui- • ••■•llau I'orts to conspirtc di^Jwrgc.

THE MATAKAWA LIGHT The Marine lH"partmont .ndvi*r «fc« j Mat.ikana LJgbt J* apaiu out of onlcr. THE QtEKN MA IP In ronlimiall«»n <-f h.-r \o\nre from Kart ' I'nnaila. th<- steamer «,>ucx-n Mend It i<> Mil I Auckland »Mi> n<\t J«r j StMithrrn jK»rt>. SOMERSET SAILS TO-MORROW. A projected sailinc from Auckland at T. P m. t<. morrow i* the Line »te.->rner S'mer.«et. for Napier, to t-ontinae her Ilooac- j «ard K'.iding. THE rUOSSKKYS. For further discUnrpf of tier Awricaa j cars». the steamer Cros*ker* m> to ell frotn Auckland this ■fternooM for Wcllins , lon, Lytteltc.n. Timaru aud Lnmcdin. L" LI MA BO A SAILED. With pasM-ncer mail, and csrpo. the IliKltl.irt-Parker Company'* wKawr I'J'ma i roa left Auckland for Sydney thi« nsoruing She I* due al Sjdnej , «-n Tuenlaf. MADIA FOR LONDON. CarryinS a carso of New /.<-.->!.ii;c! prxvltjoe. the Shaw. Savill and Albion Cn."» Meawer j Mahia left Welllnnon tbl* moraine f«r | Ixindon. via Montevideo. Kio ilc Janeiro. : and Tcnerlffe. THE NORTIII'MBERLANn. At present loadins al the Kinc"« wharf.; the F«leral Meamer Northumberland I* uov announce,! to Mil from Auckland on Th«r»<lny next for Ka*t C«a»J port* and W rllinjju.ii. to fill up for London. TAHITI LKFT FRISCO. Tho tnlon Co.'» It.Mn. Tahiti Ml San; Kranclxo on W«ln<-t*l3y for Wellinsrton and Sydney, via Papeete and Raroloncn. Ins in n cable iweirod to-day. She i» Uue to arrive al Wellington «*n May 3. ;, PORT CAMPBELL REPORTED I A calil«-sram n-pi.rt« that the C. end l>. j Line steamer Port «"atnpl*!l I<-H Bo»»nn for Ijondon on W«|n<-«la> The rr*«cl oailod : fr«.m Auckland on March 11 !or New Ywrk. Itoston and lx>nd«n TIIK FOYI.K Advice lia« l»r-en rwrivod by the New Zealand Shipplns Co. thai the * Koylo left Ixmisbers on April 1-1 I«T hi. I John t» complete her c.irffo for Auckland. | Welllnston. Lytfelton. I>«ne<lin. Melbourne. • nml Sitliiej. She i* to leave St. John on Moiidai. THE HINKMOA. From Auckland, via Nluo Island an.l Apia, the t.uvrminiat ste.inier Hinemoa arrivr«j , nt Suva lhi» morninfi. Thenr-c »hc i« t<-n-turn to Auckland, heins ilue here al«««t Friday <.f ne\t *wk. Spr-ddjng. Ltd . »rr the I«.K-al agents. TIIK lIOUATILS. Messrs. 1.. I» Nathan and C.ji-p.inr advlvr i I thai the Abenlccn While Star<- st<-.-injrr \ I IliiraliuK. which i« the l)r»( v«~s«-l flyinj; the conipaii) » fias lo visit Aurkland. i» to N3il at noon tuin»rm» lt<r Luoduu. via Muulevtdcv and TrncTiffc TOFUA"B SAILING I*OSTPONED. Her cleniiins nnd painting complclrxl. ibe I'nivn **o> - !! i»aKsen«er sic-jnier Tofua un- ' docked this morning nnd returns t« lb«- i Kine's wharf. The tifoe of her departure to-morrow (or Fijian. Tonjwn and mukii ! j.i-ris has bfcn |«'s'i««nfd uniil 5 p to. Till: RARANOA. It is anuoiincnl tUat the Sbair. Savill asd Albion Co.'e Kleemer lUirasisa i<. due at Auckland from NeUoa for Homeward i<<ad- ' in; alM.ut May .'• lletjf'e to Napier. Wanjranui and Wellington, to Slj up. being tschcdnleU lo leave New Zealand Unally on May «». CCM,BURL.VND REPORTS AccorOlns \o her wirelcn;* report. She Federal Line ntcimcr Cumt>erla»d *11l arrlte nt Auckland Ironi H'r»i » <oM oj l-nilrd Kinj?iloDi |mrt» al _' am. on Su»<la>. 1 lWM4de» uer.'il OKU for dliecbarjie at Auckland. Napier. Wellington. lo tlrlton. asd l>u!i<il!ii. ibe vcsM-l X 25 ol iuall oij board. AORANC.I LKVT SUVA. Cnbletl information rcoeifej by Ibe t'oion ! Co. state* thai K.M.m ». Aoranci left Suva ' for Auckland at s pm. y<-leniay In tontloualloo of her vojagc Irotn Vancouver. I She U due here al .*• p.m. on Sunday. The ] Aoransi I* announced to resume her lo Sydney at 10 p.m. oa Tuc.Kd.iy. THE UtttCXCre PROGRAMMEAn alteration in Hie Uurunui* Itinerary ! in announctxl by the New Z,< .thiml Sblppiog \ Co. ThU vc«»rl will leave AurUand on i Sunday morning and will prorml to Gt»- | borne. Wellington and Napier, to till np. She | ix »chnluled to iuii| fn«m Napier on May >• for Avonraoutb. t;ias,fuw, MauchrMrr. and Liverpool. THE WAIRrXA. Hrinsin; r.iw oil an.l g»-ncral carco froro Pacific i',om port*, the I nioa <"otnpenjs steamer Walmna. which cleared S«n Fran ci»cn on April 14. l« rxpectrd to arrive a; P.i|«-e;e oa May 1. and at Auckland ah»at j M.iy 12. Her other dis-rhartiaj per:* arr i Wellington. Melbourne, Sydney and Xt«-I caatic. PORT DARWIN SAILED. ll.ivir; loaded tho local |>ortion of her cargo, the Comraotiwe.iitli aj,«| lH.niininn ' Lit;-- steamer Port I».irx«in sail.-d (rotn i Auckland thi* moraine f<»r New Plymouth I Tbenoe s he i* to proceed lo W'aocanul. iMmetlin and WrlHnirton fi!] up. brine »«he»lule<l to clear the la*>l u..r,j<-i3 port tori Ix<udun abuut May 4. THE KIA ORA The Shaw. Savill and AlbUa Co '« Urawr \ K'n Orn nrrlve<| at Wellington I rum P.luff thi« morning to conllnuc Jnadinc. She i« l<. leave Welljnclou fo r Auckland on T«<-» day. |M-ius due here on ThurnUy ,\t tbi» ■ port the vessel i» to com-tlcte hrr rarpn Jor i New York. Bo«lon. llnlifux nnd l/r.n<li,n A S. atcriwu ntui Co. nro the Wai a grnt» t PASSENGERS FOR HOME. IV>und for via Panama. Ihe , Meaiix-r ArgylUhlre xva* to lea\-c Wellinploa ' this moroins. She na» to t.ikc (he follow \ inc pawngrri :—Captain Wllion. Mr. J. Maudsly. Mr. and Mr*. C. H. Scale*. Mr and Mr*. Kider. Mr. R. Hay. Nnr*e UrOr-r | Mr. F. O. llridgeman. Captain W. B. John wn. Mr. and Mr*. It. Plimmer. Mr« Mar I shnll A'lVane and Infant. Mr. Crawford. Mr. nnd Mr*. PtK-bin. l»r. li.ijjig-si*. and child. Mln Cbarlen. Mr. and Mrn. I*iost<~r Jone«. Mi»« Malcolm. Mr. and Mr*. M. N llardio. Mrs. McKoniie. MU* IVawden I Mlsws Atkinson. Wll»on. Rria. Mr and jm«> Itothnchlld and 2 children. Mr*. Jacob*.* 1 MiK*e« tjow. Holme*. Mr. and Mr». Me ! Muririe. Mr*, and MU« Glrdler.

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Auckland Star, Volume LVIII, Issue 94, 22 April 1927, Page 4

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SHIPPING NEWS. Auckland Star, Volume LVIII, Issue 94, 22 April 1927, Page 4

SHIPPING NEWS. Auckland Star, Volume LVIII, Issue 94, 22 April 1927, Page 4