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WAIKAWA DELAYED BY FOG. TOFUA TO-MORROW MORNING. Two nvi>r»r:i4 stcnnicrs, the Wuikawa from Bunhury, nnd the Tort Darwin, from J'lirt Kcinhla, n-aclioil Atirkland today. 'DlO first-11:1 mot! μ-ssc] arrived at the pilot stati-.ii lit dayl.rcak, hut was delavod in Kan-itoto I Uaiim-1 for three hours owing to a dcii>e 10-. Tlio j>assengor steamer Ulimanm is due to arrixc lati" thi> altciiioon fmin Sydney, but the Tofun, wliich was also expected to make port today, has reported that she will not arrive until ti a.m. to-morrow. The Somerset, which is coming, from Australia to load for Home is also due to-inonow. ARRIVALS—YESTERDAY. HiiniMiii. from Opun. *> p.m. Isabella «!•• Fraine, from H.iki:mgn 4.40 a.m. TIMS DAY. Wiiikawa, from Hunbnry, U. 311 n.m. Clansman, from Hllss.ll. 7 a.m. Akaro.i. from Cons;. 7 10 n m MKPAKTI'KKS— SATIKDAY. Waioinhi, for Moulioru, •.Mγ. 1. m Coronation, for Cum. Io.LT. p.m. Port Darwin, from Port Kemblu, 1.30 pin. YESTERDAY. Claymore, fur Whim cirri, sir, p „, 11 m 1 , VESSELS '- N POKT. 11.M.5. Laliiirnum. ut Dev.,nport (Naval Department 1. Wakakiira (minesweeper), at I>cv<jnport (Naval Department 1. Maroro (sell.), N<.rth Wall (A. C Frnnkham) Northumberland. Id Dock (N.Z.S. Co.). U.M.c.B. Iris, in etnum (Pacific Cable Uonrd) Kaitoke. In stream (Union S.S. Co.). Kiiiina. King's Wharf il-'ninn S.S. c,. p. Kiirna;,.!. in stream (Northern Wairoa Co t liiiriiniii, gticon'x Wharf ( 5.7.. Shipping Waikawa. Central Wharf Union S.S. Co) Kawaiiri. In Stream il.'nioo S.t>. Co > Waipori. in Stream it'nlon S.S. Co.). Kartiei. Kings Wharf it'nion S.S. Coi. Waipiata, Priu<e'H Wharf Union S.S. Co.). Tinrn. Queens Wharf (A. <;. Fratikbain). VVuinui. Central Wharf (L'nl<>u S.S. c.i. Cro-skeys, Princes (U.ndcr.-ou and Maclarianei. VESSELS EXPECTED AT AUCKLAND. Ullmaroa. Sydney. April IS. Tofua. Suva. April I'.i. Pomerser. Australia (loads), April 19. Toncariro. London. April L'li. Bnron Graham. Cuba. April J'i Denhnni, New York. April _'". Horntlus, Smith (load.-). April Queen Maud. St John. April •_'•>. Kia Ora. South (loadsi, April .:. Cumberland. Liverpool. April 24. K.M.m.s. Aorangi, Vancouver. April 21. West Conob. I.os Anse|,.s. April S>. Mauncnn'ii. Sydney. April ■."•'.. Nucula. San Pedro. April '27. CanadliMi Challenger, South (loads). April

Forerie, Nauru Islnnd. April SO. Mnt.'iroa. London. May -. Arawii, Liverpool, May - J H.M.s. niomoili-. New" Llchrldc*, early May. Sussex. Calcutta, pnrly May. West Cnrmona, Los Angoleft, May 6. H.M.s Veronica. South. May G. Canadian rtritisli.-r. Halifax. May In. Huron Ituthvi-ii, Cuba, May 7. Australind. New York. May 7. '.'ui'i'ii Eleanor, St. John. .May 7. Wjiinuia. San Frnnclsro. May H. Port Hardy. London. May Hi. Huntingdon. Liverpool. May T.'. IVrsian Prince, (.ialveston, Slay 20. City of Khartoum. Now York May Jj Tokoa. Liverpool. May 30. Mainarl. London. June A. Corlnthic, I.<>n<inu. via South, June 7. Mnhann. Liverpool, June 2S. UNION CO.'S RTEAMEKS. The Kainiannwa is to load nt Westport for Auckland to-morrow. The Karori is to load nt Greymouth tomorrow fur Auckland. The Wainui is to sail for Tokomnru Bay, Gishorne and Napier at ."i p.m. to-morrow. The Knrtipl is exported to snil lit r> pm tomorrow for Wellington nnd Went port. The Waipiuta is expected tu mil auouTnursanj for Southern ports. The Klttnwa was exported to lenvr Dunedin on Saturday for Timaru. Now i>l v mouth and Auckland. NORTHERN COMPANY'S MOVEMENTS. Projected Departures. To-tiny.—Mutnnjri. for Tnurnngn. 7.30 pni.; Kancltoto. fer Thames. mtdnl?ht 10-iuorrow—Waiuku. fur Wailickt*. 0.30 Kvpcrteil Arrivals. Today.- Kaneitoto, from Kawnu, P.m.; Wiiiiiku. from Surf.l.ilc »i :i(i pmUaijui. Osti-nd. t; p.m.; Hauitl. from Omiha. ti.:i(i P .ni. . Kawau. tnuu Awaroa Hay and Oraplti. 7 p.m.: Taniwha. f r< >m I'owes Vrl'i ■ 3 iV I'- n .V;.""'nim. from Manly and Arkle s Ba>, 1i.1.i p.m. Tiiinorrow. cimnna. from Siirfdale and Omiha. 5.4."i a.m.; Claymore! iri'in \\ hangarej, t; a.m. The auxiliary schooner Isabella de Frame arrived from Hoki.ui,-u vestcrdav morning. ' '• OMAN.V FROM NEWCASTLE. An expected arrival at Auckland on Friday next Is the Laini. (\..\s M.-am-r Omniin wilh roal and ficiu Ncwcaellc. Mie left .Ni'wca.sik- on Saturday.

TIIK MARYLAND. II is anniiimc'il that ilir- Menmrr , Maryland has b«cn clitirtprod in Inad n carfo of raw sugar at Cuba fur Auckland. ■ TIIK BAKO.V (JKAHAM. Sugar laden from Culm, the sipauior ltd roll (Irahain is ••xpcci.-d tn nirivi> r%l Auckland on Wrdiicsday. She will discharge at Chelsea. ULIMAROA FROM SYDNEY. With passengers, mail and carpi, tin-Hiidilart-I'nrkir Co.'s .-(.-ain«-r I liniaroa is .■\pnti-d io arrive hi Anrkland from Sydney abuut 4 o'clock this iifti>ru<niu She wifl Ix-rth at tin- Central wharf. Tln> Cliiiiarou is to sail oil her return trip on Friday. THE I'KNHAM. l"p till midday to-day no wireless rrport had h«<n received fmm thi- C. and l>«- - chartered stenmor Dcnhani. which U p\picicd to arrive at Auckland N.'w ; ai an .-arly dale. Ilea I her, Kouerlon I Ltd.. are the local agents. THE IHNTINunoN. Cabled information reports th- deimrtuiv Iron, Liverpool on Saturday of the Federal Line steamer Huntingdon. f,,r Auckland Wellington. J.ytfelton. I>uii>mUu and Bluff She is due here about May 1",!. THE W.VIUUXA. A i-ablegi-aiu report:) the departure from San 1-rancisco on 'Saturday of tin- Union Co.s steamer Wairuna, for" Auckland. \\>l- - Melbourne and Sydney, via Papeete !>he is Uue here about May H. THE MAUNGANLI. From Wellington, the Union Co.'s passencer steamer Maunpanui arrived at Sydncv llus morning. This vessel is to Kivr Sydney on Friday ne.\t for Auckland, being due lure on Tuesday. April TOITA AUIUVINi; TO M«.»i:ilOW. According to her wireless report tho Union Company - * passenger s-teamer T..fna will ii"t nacb Aiii-kliind from Fijian, Toucan and Samoa n ports until «i n'rlm-k tomorrow morning. She will berth nlnnit two hour* later at the Kings wharf. IKALA CHAKTEREP. A chart.r has boon arranged f,,r the steamer Ikala to load at Montreal for Auckland. Wellington. I.yttelton, Dunedin and Australian ports. She is to sail thence on May 23. The N.Z. Shipping Co. are the local agents. THE PORT DARWIN. The Commonwealth and Dominion Line steamer Port Darwin arrived at Auckland from Port Kemhla this afternoon and berthed at the yueen'a whnrf. she has eome to this port to commence Homeward loading. Heather, Kobertou. Ltd.. ure the local agents. SOMERSET DUE TO-MORROW. Coming from Brisbane to commence her Homeward loading. Hip Federal Line steamer Somerset is expected in arrive at Auckland at noon to-morrow. She will berth at the Oiieen's wharf. From Auckland the Somerset is Io proceed to Niijder. Port Chalmers, and Wellington, to till up for Londou.

THE CANADIAN EXPLORER. The steamer Canadian Explorer, -which sailed from Auckland <>n Mnr<-h 5 for N»-w York. Hosion m.d Montreal, arrived al Nik York on TliUTMlay l«»t. THE TOKT r.VMI'BKLL. Kn route fr«>m Auckland (March II) to London, via New York and Rudtnn, tbo Common wealth and poinlnion Line slfflni'-r purl Campbell arriw-d at New York on Thut>da\. MAKAMA AT SYI>MIY. The Union Co.'s passwngvr sieamer , Mnrama. wliirli sailed fr.-m Auckland >-n Thurwlay aflt-rnocui. arriv.-d al Sjdii'-y this morning! m-conllng t<. a r.-ihl-sram r.-.-riw-d to-day. Hit next irip will IV made lo Wellington. Tin: srs>i:x Kn route from i/alcutta and Ilio Fte.inwr Su>«"x «-i> <-xj-.N-.i ;■> I«a\e >.nc-.-pore hi Saturday for Snnuirans and Sotira baya lo complete her cargo for Townuvtlle. Auckland. Wellington, I.Jltellon and l)U»-I edin. Slie is due li.-re during the hrs; w«-k I iu Mny. A. AND A. LINK FAILINGS information li.i- !'<><-n rc.-oived I IV 'h - ' !0.-jil otli< f the N«-w Zealand Shipi»»£ Company that the A. and A. Lino's c'.iar-!<-red r 1 refuels , has b.-ca rt-plao-d by the Wirral. which is lo leave New Yoik oil May 7 for Auckland and other N-» j /.calami poris. It i« a'.so mMouno-l thai , the Ka-amn has rcplao-d ih» » ity <.t I»ui>- <!.<• Milling from N.-w Y»rk lale iu M" W , Auckland. \Wi:tnzt"ti. U>iii-l:o:i. lnmclu. ; Bluff and I-aiinr<-sl<.u. - MESS TABLE <;<»>SII\ Captain A. B. SUer i" iu romiuand <'f llie ' In.on 1'... - .-. M.MHi.r Waikuuaili. »hi<h re- I c.mmUi-iniird .11 Wellinston on Thur-dny. | H.s r.fficrs are :—Chief. Mr. C. Burje** ; -<<on,l Mr. P. O'Nt-i; ; third, Mr. l>. L. Clark: chief en?ineer. Mr. J. M'ivilJe: *e,-..i;d Mr. J. MattUens: third. Mr. K i Kenwick: fourih! Mr. II W. \Lirks. The! v.--. : lefl Wellington U>r Sydney, whore >h<- will dock. She w,,l lli.-n pr.»-o<M 10 N,wca«llo an.l Sidney, t<. load for Biuff. . UiiDcdln. I.yuoluni :«ii'l Tinuru. WAIKAWA ARRIVE!". Cnrrying a of har«]w<.•<■<!. the Icion j Comimio '■> Mcainr Wj.ikaua iCaptain W. T...:<ii ai rived al A<:<k'.::i:d from Itunhurj Illij. Ix-rlliine al Ihe Centra! wharf. The- hteamir left Port < halui< rs iit:r:DS (i<-t<il«r ol laM jear. and proceeded t<> Port 1 Kenili'.a. wh.-n- eh.-«-d a cargo <.f coal lor I'.i.. 1.0- Alrrs. via \\ < I.awr she 10:k'..,1 maize at The Plate f.. r |tarccl"S«. I \ia l'a;ujii>. thenie proco-ding t<> <>raa ■ for lunik'rs. l"r<in urat> »bc came out 10 Huf&Jcion and Bunbury. via Suet, lo load | her prcf<nt rsijn. lieparture was taken , fr<im Bunhury April -1. .-.nd a fin«-- 1 ivi-.ilher Trip mn<i<' !•• .his port. Alter- | unloading the 10. ai portion of lier cargo, the 1 Waikun.i is to proceed t" \V.:ilngtr<n. I.J I- I 1.-ltn. and liunedin u> rompl< te i!i-cf.arj;.-. Captain T.-!.i l.m, nitu iiim the f--1 ;<■«-- | in: offlrprs .— First. Mr J. Hackworth: -<-...n<!. Mr \V A. MclJarrj : third. Mr. «.. , r\ C. C;.gsf..rd: <.-i<ra!<.r. Mr. 11. A Patcbelt ; rticf Mr. \V. I». I Taylor: second. Mr L. »"a:\.rt: third. Mr. , IV. B. Kitrpa trick: fotinh. Mr. J. \\ iUU ; j bii-"f stfward, Mr. L. Kcox. llllilMl IN POUT. Two day.N abend <.f ►•hedule time, ibe New Zfjland Shipping l"<-mj«anj"» >lean3«r Muriiniil ariiv. 1] at Aukland from t»j)ua !ast evening. This she r.crtbc-J .-.t the Queen's wharf. The \.ssel sailed Jr<.m Cardiff on January 1 .'or New York, ar/ experienced a s'.urmy passage acr<js> ibe Atlantic. At N>« York --he loa«1<-d Reneral curgo fir Australi:;, and sail<d on February <!. Fine weather exiMjricnced on the ' w.yag<- to Brisbane, which i*.ri was n-ach'x: on March ].'!. The vosj-el als-i dis<h:irgf-d in Newcastle. Melbourne, and Adelaide, i From Australia she < ame to N<-w Zealand ■ ommebcins luadlnj: at New I'lymoiith and "pua. After loading at Auckland tbe Huruniil is to proceed to Oisi.orne. NaplT. I iind \V.-;iiiiKton. to tiil up for Avonmouth. (.I:isrow. Manchester, and Liverpool Captain J Burton I>a\is i» in t-..mraan<i I Jus officers being: —First. Mr. J. Orntird ; i •vemd. Mr. F. Lone herd : ihird Mr I C I Ciinn: fourLh. Mr. (~ K. Uoldsworlhr: winless operator. Mr. J. Bastablo: chi'. f ensi- ?, o,r i J. J ** l,cr - »«cond. Mr. J Turn third, Mr. I Simpson; fourth Mr F C Troiman: fifth. Mr. s. Anker/; sU;h. Mr! I m r V : , M>V ' n,l, ' Mr ' K l - Thompson ■: chief rcfrlperatinK engineer. Mr A \ look: second, Mr. .! w. Manning- chief steward, Mr. W. Culiicr. «-»«t I

PORT OF ONEHUKGA. !>KPAKTCRKS— SATURDAY i Arnp:,«.-,. r„r and Kawhia. .'■ p.m.! ARRIVALS—YKSTER DAY. Orcpukf. from Darjraville. f. P „,. TELEGRAPHIC SHIPPING. from* I p«fr n ,N„^ Pr - i i ,C --Arrlvcd: inh,, ir«".n i nril.itin, .. in p m fl'ltaVi 1 1«- Arrive: r akllra . ---si! ,„ r I - v ','*' : , ,o " v Ifi -Arrived: P or , V |c ! •or. from Nnpjor. ; , „, April it _ • Armed: kaiwnrrn. from NetrraMl*. 640 I.vftrltnn. April 1 S _ Arrival : K. onedv lington. ,>,h. ;lm . Salu^ . K Grrymonll), 6.<" a m «"»«»ri. jor OVKRSKAS I ,S -^ r '-': M.«.ki.| vA&fctf&X :M.*.» .from ! Sydney. April hi—Arrival- Mnnnjrnnnf I A«rkra t,,,,APrtI,G - ISa,,Ml: °»"--"T| tui/'r'VMV 1 "" »■—Arrival : Canadian ltri- I tislier (Halifax to Auckland) I Now York. April H— Arrived : Canadian hxplorer. from Auckland. April K. irriv«l° Port Campbell. fro,„ Au.kland ' Armetl • | n-^f'S:;,,,- »-«»*-: W.|. toWSaSSr.!.**^ 1 1,: - S;,i '-' Huntingdon. ,

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Auckland Star, Volume LVIII, Issue 90, 18 April 1927, Page 4

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SHIPPING NEWS. Auckland Star, Volume LVIII, Issue 90, 18 April 1927, Page 4

SHIPPING NEWS. Auckland Star, Volume LVIII, Issue 90, 18 April 1927, Page 4