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den J letters * Q rlyf^S>

Leora Jenkins- l am sorry thai we cannot accept your " Dear Unto Our Hearts " contribution, as the column Is rio-.d ror a while. M. Rainsford—The rule to which vou rerer Is thai a rresh sheet or paper is" to be used for every question. Maurice Crosby—There is nothing io pay io become a member or the club \n enrolment rorm Is published in the •• <tar " and all you have to do is to rill it in and post It to us. We will then send vou a certificate or membership, ir vou would like a club badge when vou have vour certificate they cost 1/3. Marjorie Reid—We are pleased to welcome you as a member or the club. What a pity It was too wet ror vou to go to your picnic. Your two kittens are verv like all other kittens, ror I do not knowany that are not playful. Sylvia Stewart—<ce mv answer to Maurice Crosby, with reference lo joining the club. I am glad you like Ginger. Leah Chapman—Vou do not have to huv a badge. Merely ill] m a rorm. See what I have said to Maurice r.rosbv. l shall be pleased to welcome you. Kathleen Carrigan—Vou arc acling up to the club's mono. Than* vou getting the new member. We al\v.i\> like to hear that our readers are enjovlng the Budget. Emily Giles—Thank vou' for vour post cards. Janet Shew—l am glad vou read " >iar " Twinkle* to your rule *<<\< r. >he i< not too young to join the club if vour mother says she may. .-he would enjov the Little Folks Own Corner I am sure. Mary Shaw—l think the >ame as mother does: " If at Ilrst you don't succeed, try. try, try again." I am sorry you have been sick, but glad you are out in the garden again helping your daddy. Winifred Btone—Thank vou for vour puzzle. We will keep it. and perhaps publish It some day. We shall be pleased to have your letter about the new Girl Guide company. Mary Kemp—You send in six lines of poetry- Do you want to know who wrote It, or is it a piece or which vou are particularly Tond? I will keep it until you tell me more about It. Douglas Dent—lt certainly was bad luck to have had so many fires in your neighbourhood so quickly'. Olive King—The system to which you refer proved unsatisfactory as our club Sew. As long as you are enrolled and ve a club certificate all Is well. Phyllis Whittaker—That reallv Is too bad, Phyllis. . We must keep to the rule about the big Easter competition. I am sure you would get lots of fun working It out while you are waiting for the ordinary competltlon to start again. Perhaps ir your solution were nearly rlgbt your father might reward you. You do not have to do anything about the Call or the Club, ir you see your own name in that space you cut It out and send it to us and we send you 2/6. s Pauline Jones—l am very sorry about the trousers. Please send the ones you have made at once. Thank you ror vour drawings. I am keeping them. Do not send any more just now please. 6. Walker—We have no record that vou have enrolled as a member or the club. An enrolment rorm will be printed shortly. and we will keep your stamps and send you a badge with your certincate. Bern lee Ellenberger—l am glad vou are getting on so well at school. I was pleased to get your letter. I think Brown's Bay Is a bcautirul place. Doreen Johnson—Please send vour "Dear unto our hearts" contribution again when the column is re-opened. Your little neighbour will Be able to Join soon, for the enrolment rorm will be printed shortly. Stanley Morrla—l am sure the Teddy Bear enjoyed the pudding; I like to see him come to the office on the note paper. I bope Topsy is well and that she win not mind the cold weather. Cheer up, summer will soon be here again.

' Ethel Dillon— Thank vou for rour roie. ■ i am piad you received vour certUlrate | safely. j *** Taylor—l am sure all our readers i are proud or our own coloured supplement i know you win pot lots or amusement ou: of the competition. , Ro ** r F Prwiheroe—The ceruncaJe of the mud is beautirm. It was designed esperaiiy for us by our own artist. lam fur" 11 is cold in Rotorua. for It 1? very cold in Auckland. Thank you verv much indeed for the nine rrock. You never bore mc .>one or my readers ran. and 1 am pleas'-1 to bear or any suggestions, l will certainly remember yours. Yvonne Brown—Now that vou are going to High School your spare time will be less than ever, but I bope vou will have some leisure to enter for competitions. Eva Novell—l hope vou will see this answer to vour letter. I am glad vour hand is belter, and that vou are bark home with grandmaMabel Ede—The Easier rompeiiiion is well started, and l am smro von arc cnjo\ - i lug li. I am plad ynn bad "a nnc day for , your school picnic. I hope vour ankle will soon be better. Clarice Turner—Poor Clarice. I hope you will soon be up and about again, but I am plad you have so many kind friends I • \pect you win soon he gelling m^rc : points. I think I would like Laddie more j than the other animal* on ihc rarm. I Max Moody—Thank you for the trousers I In the special problem the word "cut" , rtoe« not really mean rut wjiii scissors. li means crossed wiili one line. Gwenyth Aldisa—l am glad vou like the >tory competition. I am afraid we cannot .-lari any new ideas now. Lui we will rciuember your suggestion. Mar* Murphy—l am sorry that vou did not see your answer last week, and hope >"ii see this. 1 \\a> pleased to hear your annuals. We send Birthday Gre<~l i nigs to e\ery member or the club and j print them in the same frame every wc k. I'lease do not write on both sides of iho | pa|>er again. I Gwan Hyland—l am glad vou have j enough to enter for toe competition. I i am sure you enjoyed your sports day, and I I am pleased you won your race, l uuj" you get your proflcleocv when vou »it : for it. Dorothy Harsanl—The Budget is c<t- ! lainly a very uscrul as well as an enter - j laming thing. I am glad thai it wa< the means or your undinir vour r<*lame-. Would you not rather wait until the giti-dre>-es arc ready lor the winter cne. r campaign - ? That will be really uselul sewing. Sydney Hilditch—Thank vou ror returnIng the certincate. You shall have on< ~r your own very soon. Please- send v«ur "Dear unto our hearts" contribution in again when the column re-opens. Joan Thomson—l am glad vou are coining the competition. You ought to hav kept your solution to the special probl< in until you send in your completed attempt ror thv Master competition. Pleas* send It in again then, for every one win ha>'equal chances when the "big competition ; is judged. Ronald Parker —We shall be pleased !<■ welcome you as a member ol the club asoon as you nil in an enrolment rorm I am sorry yon have been sick and dope you will soon be quite well again. Frances Powell—l know that uncn Gram mar School commences, spare time becomes less and less, "but a little nonsense n«w and then" Is a very good motto, so go on enjoying the Budget. Olga Hill—You have your wish al lasl. You may have another badge ir you send 1/;;. Vou shall have another story competition. When you have ss points wonii of certificates send them to us. and we send you the book. We welcome suggestions or competitions or any sort. Doris Climo—l am sure" that your concert win be very enjoyable. 1 wish you success ror the competitions which you enter. Thank you tor your taster wistie.. F. Knight—We have sent your supplement to you. Winifred Stone—l was pleased to bear all about your new company, and wis!) il every success. I am glad vou raw the Duchess, and am sure that Princess Elw.i betb will love her doll rrom rar away NewZealand. Thank you ror the poetry; we will keep It, and bope that we will have space Tor It some day. B. Willi*—Watch the "Star" Tor ih r« will soon be another enrolment form printed in It. Betty Ryan—We have accepted the penname you have chosen ror yourseir. and will lei yon know with whom you are t < correspond. You may have the material Tor the trousers In a day or two. 1 alwe-. = say definitely to the "Star"' whether a reader is to receive a certificate or not. Your poem on sprtng was quite good, but it Is better to arrange the rhymes m soma other rorm. Read some short poems the "Golden Treasury."* and nonce how the lines rhyme. George Johnson—lt Is lonely ones Dial have the warmest welcome; so write a> orten as you like. You bare to go a l-'nu way to school, but the walk will make > on strong. If you choose a pen-name for yourself and let us know what it is. we will find a pen-friend for you. Mice Marshall —There will be an enrolment form in next Wednesday's "Star"': nil it In. and send It to us. and we will b« pleased to welcome you as a member ol the club. Be sure and put the date of your birth.

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Auckland Star, Volume LVIII, Issue 89, 16 April 1927, Page 3 (Supplement)

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PETER PAN'S MAIL BAG Auckland Star, Volume LVIII, Issue 89, 16 April 1927, Page 3 (Supplement)

PETER PAN'S MAIL BAG Auckland Star, Volume LVIII, Issue 89, 16 April 1927, Page 3 (Supplement)