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Seventeen variety theatre* bdoajpng Jo London Theatre* i Ltd I have bn-u sold I tor nearly a million pound*, i Hunting mm in "pink" attended the funeral oi Mr. Charlw Wert at Martin hus-sincWec. near Worrhester. Mr. Wot died lr«-m mjuriw received in a jail -a bra • hunting with tLc Atherstone Hounds. ' t aj.Tujii lUmsden. master of the Ath'-r----stonc houn i«. founded tLc "Gone A«ii'' over the grave. It ha* l.een disposed that the 'ravsterv " lower* bualt by the Admiralty during the ' war were intended to be ttw .<j m the ck-l'cnec of the Strait* of Dover. They w.-rc to he towed out to **.* st ,d heavily fortifi-d ' with gun*. Owin- to the Ara:»Un- onlv ' two *no bwlt. They are to be used in filming the Bct'Jc of Falkland Islands. Rack pointing* have been discovered 1 •juite accidentally at the Hoos Cave. a| lonely iaini near Fort ictona. F.hodc*-i3. and are believed to W jure Egyptian art. They depict a group ol minstrels, and have Seen identified a* of Egyptian mifin bv I>r. Impcy. the author ol well-known antiquarian work*. WRITING NOVEL IN GLASS CASE. A journalist and author. George Sim. of Liege, who ha> al»out &) novel* to hi* credit, though he i* only 2*. u about to give a public exhibition oi hi* prohxiti. He will shut him-c-lj v[> in a glass cas« I and write 1.'5.000 lme-s ol a note! in M hour*, with interval* of freedom amounting to two hour*. THE QUEEN—HER MARK. Visiting the % illaee of Waipolc St. i Peter. Norfolk, fifteen mile* j'tora Sand-) iingham. the C/iieen wrote her name with I a diamond on ore of the leaded windowpane* of Dovecot Farm, a sixteenth cenrjrr building. With the rector, the Rev. H. C. Staverley. formerly a curate at Sandnngham. as hrr guide, the Queen roamfi about the village for half in hour. She admired the beauties of the parish church. walked through the "Bolt Hole." a curious archway beneath the altar, and was | interested in a Wilham and Mary Prayer J Book, which was presented to the cburcli ] about ITW. THE ALSATIAN'S FATAL BITE. Sitting for the fifth time at the Marylebone Coroner's Court, a jury found that] John Albert Brown, aged 10, oi Addles- j stone, died from tetanus set up by a dec I bite. They expressed the opinion that the] owner o: the dog. an Alsatian, ussed the > words "See them < children I off." but had no criminal intent- "We think, however." the jury - added, "the did not exercise proper control over the dog." THE MONK'S WINE. The Lord Abbot of Buokfast applied to ■ Totnes magistrates for an off w me license tor the abbey. Mr. Bell, on his behalf. fcaid that for thirty year* the monks had sold medicated wine, but a High Court decision made it necessary for them to obtain a license. The abbot pave a written undertaking that only medicated wine would be sold, as in the past. Objection to the application wan made, and tbf Bench declined to grant a license. BELGIAN TRAITOR CONDEMNED. The Belgian informer. Ifruari. who was condemned to death in bis absence, and afterwards surrendered to the authorities. ha* been tried a second time, and again I sentenced to death by the Assize Court at j Brussels. He was found cuilty of handing ' over to the enemy information, the betrayal of which was hkcVy to cause harm to the Belgian army and* to the armies oi the Allies, - BEER AND BLOUSES " PROTEST "I protest against, a haberdashery establishment dealing in the liquor traffic, mixing beer with blouses, whisky with women, and drapery with drink." said the Rev. Moffatt Gautrey, superintendent of the Tooling Wesleyan Central Hall at Wandsworth Licensing Sessions. He was opposing the grant of a rtil! license to the restaurant of a firm of drapers. The Bench refused the application. AMATEUR TRAFFIC CONTROLLER. j A one-legged crossing sweeper, who. for IT years. ' regulated the traffic outside Xoibiton Station. Kingston-on-Thames, has died. The man. Henry Joseph Russell, so familiar to motorists, was often seen in the middle of the road, supported by hi* crutch, holding tip car* with one hand while with the other he directed driver* to proceed. AH obeyed him. and it is errthat his signs prevented many accidents. The Automobile Association some years ago recognised Russell's services and made him a grant. THIEF ABANDONS THE BABY. For stealing a perambulator. Mary Meade, of no fixed address, was at Manchester, sentenced to two months' imprisonment. The perambulator, which was left outside a house, contained a baby. Two hours afterwards the child r« found unhurt, crying on a door*tep. The following day Mcadc was seen by a detective wheeling the perambulator, which she said she found sn the street, apparent 1 ?" abandono-3. She escaped on the way to the poln-c station, but wa« recaptured. ORDERS TO THE "BOSSES.'' Nine hundred special constables of No. j 1 Butanes** House Division of the London Metropolitan Special Constabulary Reserve marched through the West End to divine j service at Chnst Church. Victoria Street. The division is drawn from men engaged in various capacities in the big stores of Oxford Street and the neighbourhood. Commander A. T. E. Rmstead. who was in charge of the parade, said there was "a fine democratic spirit in the division." "It sometimes happens." he added, "that a director of one of the big firm*, being in the ranks, finds himself ol«ey-ing order* given by an officer who 'off parade.' is one of hi* junior employee*." UNCLAIMED MILLIONS. The passing of Dividend Day for Govern raont stocks in London is a reminder of the great number of these stockholders who fail to claim their chare. The amount thu* left unclaimed average* a quarter of a m;lhon pounds a year, which, after the laps*- of a certain time, if the owner* sr< untraceable, is taken c.veT by the National Debt Commissioner*, When Mr. Gewben converted the National Debt in IS*(9 over 12.000 notices sent to stockholder* were returned "unkown." and after every po« sibie inquiry had l»een made, nearly £8.000,000 remained unclaimed.

Panic was created at the Alexandra Palace Exhibition. London, by a large bear which suddeu'y appeared among the crowd. It wa» afterward* wtured by r.i trainer and maalcd. Sto7pcd l>y the :maii;r„ljoti av. i<* at Cof.echag crt. Florrao. Amy Lamb, in <ightoen-\<ii-t.i.j 13.:; g,i'. v as found 1< slowed :.v :\ on a ste'am.'T Which leM Hull leeentb. >••<• w -rs detained and sci.t liack to England. Mr. Fred < jit' »'b»ip death if announce,] :,t the air <ii >\ ( .muvd lo hsrf burn tie rurt nun t<- s»;;n the Englisi Charnel. Mi C*v:ll f:oia to t ala.s m iSr.ut twe'-.e hcw.i* in I<JT7. aJtboweh < aptaia Webb » *uc. €•**-..,] eflmi' m > ; ,. -.:., : . T .r ..ft,.;:. reeor.! The c,:.l Tiioinp">r. »Li "h w afl sunk during lie- I'.;,;: , ~- La Hop... has been raiwd :t,hi the b-'t un ~j :». P harbour at < nc-i.o-jt - He h*:ll bei:ri stnkinc Wtini'.-:! 1.0 the e>r«-llent n.arl.smanship ..f the }...(.:,.!, ar,- Dutch A number oi int-rertmr ?-Vts ha*r found on board, and w.J l. t j,; at ed ia t : tc; c a va useu in s. GIRL DIES AT DANCE. \rhile dancilic in the Wellington Rooms, Hull, an eighteen-vear-old shopcrrl. Ruth I-«mHeit. ~: t "o<i sTiddetily <- r ., jUpsied "■ heT partnei's arms. He- Van;.-'' her to the side of the halL and found that she whs dead. Miss Lambert had given »<- indication of being ill. and death is bebevod to have been due to hypostatic pneumonia. which cite:, develop* with great rapidit>. PRINCESS MARY. F.R.C.S. Princess Mary. Viscountess Lawe-lies. j ha* been admitted honorary Fellow of the Royal ( ollege <,< Suigeem*. At a pnvat« rr.c-eting of Ihe c-ounnl of the college lh<president i Sir Berkeler Moynihani banded the diploma to her. She then donned he: cap and gown and p:«ceodod to the lecturr tlieatre. where she took hc-r scat among (the other Fellow* to hear Sir Barkele* j deliver the Hunlerian oration. Tliere are I already women Fellow* of the college, but JlYinc-c** Mary i* the first to receive the bcuiorary dipjoma, WOMAN'S FATAL WAR WOUNDS. The bombardment of Hartlepool by th* Germans twelve years ago va* recalled at the inquest on the body of Sarah Stringer, wife c >f a Hartlepool shjpjard j labour«-. w hose death w.-.s stated to be due to toxaemia cav;siod by w c.unds which she received m the bombaidmcTit, Eridenoe was given that Mrs. Stringer reeejved severe injuries from shrapnel, and that the wounds, which had ne-ver healed, cause'* ber gre-af pain. MR. SHAW SUES. Mr. George Bernard Shaw has st.jied 3e-ga3 proceeding* i«r the i**ue oi an injunction against Mr. Wilham I'age. of New York, and the latter's publisher and printer to restrain them irom further publishing without permission four of Mr. Shaw's letters. He if also claiming £20.000 damage*. Mr. Page is an American theatrical producer, and has incorporated in a book four letters which Mr. Shaw wrote to him about 25 years ago. regarding the production of some c»i his j.lays in NewYen k. A £1000 BIRD. I Birds valued irj the aggregate at £I* *r*re exhibited at the Grand National Cage Bird Show at Crystal Palace. Sydenliam. The highest price, £1090. w.i* that oi a black carrion crow. 20 vear* old ownc-3 by Mi. A. .J. Shipton. of Balbam] S.W. THEATRE STAR-GAZING. Vienna will be tlje first city outside Gcr- • many to have a planetarium, an apparatus by which the stars are displayed on the inside of a large dome. It has been ordered, and is to be ready by May. Copenhagen and New York have ordered pian<laiiums. but theirs will not I*> in operation by that month. The L.C.C. is sii ; ! considering the question of providing on. for London. Yiennese astronamera who saw the apparatus in Germany were rull of enthusiaKm for tlienr educational value— which lias been frequently emphasise.: They found the interest in Jlerlm so keen that crowds of children and student* were unable to obtain adrntfiwon to plan eta Hum jec t ur-e*. HUGE DOPE FIND. Six huge packing ease* lately arrived in Genoa for shipment on t Vie Italia u j cfeamer Dante Aligheri for America. A Custom* offic'.al wa* about to pre th. eXT'ort permit when he notioed that th. bill of lading and the invoice dencriL 1 the article's variouslr us "aluminiiM , utensrils" and "electj). tj.pliinces." "J,. ascertain which was which, he had 1!:. eases opened—and found die largest con sigr.rr.ent of smuggled;ne. heroin, an.' cAhn narc-6tic r*»dc-» on 7,. r .r.rd— abot.i £]* in'tO worth. Fines of 2.<» , * 1 .'«H0 In. i£lS.(KtCt'i were imposed, it \mis proi'-i that the case* had been brought into Jta ■ from S«rit*erland without pa-iiTy: duty. Tl.' case* are being held agamsl pjivmcnt of the fines. SCOTS' MARRIAGE TANGLE. The lergahty of s marriage under Scottish iaw was cSsrusscd at Marylebone Polic-« Court, when a young Enclasbwomun eowent the ad-occ of tiie magistrate I Mr. Hai. Halkclt I. She said that the marriage tc» a Sc-olsman was by declaration while she w: j a" G-orobridgc. Midlothian* m Decemhter, The rn.-.n was a soidrrT at the time, and she declared before witnesse* that she would take ban for bcr husband, and he declared that he would take her for hia wife. Then- afterwards went to Eriglan 1. and had three children, Jwc. arc stii! living, but the man repudiated the manage and left hcT destitute. Tlic magistrate stated that as her husband w.i* re* - dent in Scotland she could only obtain an order in Scotland. On mentioning she could not pay the fare there, the magi»-tr.-.'e drreru-d that she shou'd be tempciranlv assisted from the p>cwc V>ox until she . oould g<-t n. touch the Scottish OfSte. TWO AND A-HALF HOURS OF SUSPENSE. \ Art unusci.a] ace acjenl c»cc"wri'ed at So'.*. ' Nc»:-BCK«i. England. Two brother* t.«: ,•• Skeet*. of Ihe l>nv<-. Tncnnt n '}«.- w <ie !el ling some tail elm ttect an-", m , using a steej half-inch haws.-. ( :.a- - Skeets . I*> • was fir*: ■'•.,— t. ground, when a bough weighing 2 r ..-.- ;i 1.; been sawn ciff. and it *sir-ped. the wh- . of its weight holding Skeets hand bem ■»: , the hawser. Police ofaccrs who wer < ».. t lor. climbed the tree to assist I"*..■•■ • brother to saw- through the hawser. !•_• was over an hour before the bong. *■ The retcuei* und tV.e :• --red mr.n v .-.■ i a perilon* position, as there wn-. no r..<.. .» of .le-wenrlir.g to ttie p-rowi. .\ etc-ajK- wa* brought ir '. ■-• use. :.- '. < (-..: ally the mprred man w;« c''t n i- » te<r«e cnair. He c.....-».'•. c:. ; t acting t ■•* ground, and was t the h057.1t..'. The rerscuer* were £.nd .-i-h.*.:: ho"'« up the tree in the cold. fog. ar.J darkness before trier were "rescued. BLESSING FOR BABY. In lV» Betrnestered six-cent uries-e'ej Roman <. athobr Churh of St. FtVMre-dr. Ely Place. Holborn„ W.< . on f«t. Ji.a ; trf « Day. men. women, and eh.ldren nh-d •.*-> i' r altar BeT.eiic tion to i.- 1 ■ blessing of the t'.roat. the ..f.r.f*- ! eerYmonv a<w«<ciate<i with t..r teasl ot ".' e martirc-.l b>l> p >■ g-' • t w•« thetun.b--f,f ;)..«(■ v .-' '.g to •■'•l' t'.e ! leasir.g 1!.;,t t!.<- ..-.Tr— -j-v v .-.» -•• • •: 1 lc .•■■<- I |.T»-»t n. t '.e <! :: ' .1 -•' ■'• '' ' , tl.<- ■ > '.•.!•< v : ..•..' : '<" • : j !«"•..,. t:..-"lV:!<.:,'■ : ■ wi- . • i-e. :. ir.otVrfT with a b.iiv tVal !■.:■• b'j he-id up tJ-eelnid from tie ;-c: '.mlrjlat-i: 1 ■ i order that it mignt : '<th i the biessr..g ah». one oi the priest* specially bnaging the lighted candles uted is the the v-cEtzy.

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Auckland Star, Volume LVIII, Issue 89, 16 April 1927, Page 23

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NEWS FROM ALL QUARTERS. Auckland Star, Volume LVIII, Issue 89, 16 April 1927, Page 23

NEWS FROM ALL QUARTERS. Auckland Star, Volume LVIII, Issue 89, 16 April 1927, Page 23