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SHIPPING. TJMON gTEAM gHIP QOMPARJ' OF NEW ZEALAND. SAILINGS. (CirnaiDßtancet PcnoitOng^ CANADIAN-AUSTRALASIAN R.M. tQ~ To Canada. United States and Enron. Via Suva. Honolulu. Victoria (BCJaS From Auckland. 11 a.m. R.M.S. AORANGI* Tuej-dav, JOOi v._ R.M.S MAUNGANUI....TueRnsV, iK R.M.S AORANGI* To«*d*V, falS* RMS NIAGARAt....Tue«dsr. iuflA-lS R.M.S. AORANGI*....TaewJay. aenh AagSK Paßnengers Sn Three Cianßea. •Magnificent New Quadruple Screw Um— Ship. 17.41U Tons Ji-glfc-KT *™" e (Tr'plc Screw. Oil 13.143 Jons »*__*__. EXCURSIONS TO HONOLCLTjJ^ Partlrularit on Application. FOR SYDNEY """"** R.M.M.S. AORANGI Tues je.ih April, 10ti-I*a»;B<-nger» in Three Clasiies. UNION HOYAL MAIL LINE ""* To Unlteid States. Canada end Eoniw From Wellington, via Rarotongj, lihiend San Francisco. S p.m. "■""•< R.M.S MAKCRA Toesday. £ot* .--„ ' R.M.S. TAHITI Tuendajp. 2MJ, iK R-M.S MAKCRA Tuesda.v. 2l« JSJ RMS TAHITI ToeHoay. IJ»S J^! B.M.S. MAKUBA Tue*d.y7l«tS Attgnit PasiMagers In Three Clam>ea. INTERCOLONIAL. ISLAND AXD ~" COASTAL SERVICES. Sydney Direct " •Maunganul Friday. 2Uth April, 8 »«, •Marama I'riday. K-:tb Mav. J _\'__ 'Passengrrs in Tiiroe Cia.w>e«. Sydney. iFrom Wellington.) •Marama Friday, 2fta xitOt •Mounganni Friday. Uftfc Mai 'Passengers in Throe Clajmca. Melbourne Direct. tJ"rom WeUingtonT™" Mwrafcl Samrday. 3(>th Atirfl Fiji (Suva«. Tonga (NutaJofa. Bim» t i Vavau). Samoa «Apla\ Tofoa Saturday. ST'.rd April. II |« Gishorne and N«pi<r. Wa '"«S Tuesday. ::»th April, 5 ___ ''alls Tohomaro Bay witb Pawwepg^ New Plymouth (From Onehuncal R-Ta-na Ttn-sdi.r. IMh April. «.30»i.tii Plct"n (From Wellington! Taronh! April. C p.m. fthwwih. Monday. Wednesday. Friday, a p.avU LyrteltoTi (From Welllngron) Wahlnc Monday, Wed_ FrL. at ;(j.. Maori...Tuesday. Thurn, Sbl, at Ttfnn* It<rth«i Bofdted at Auckland Offiw. Lj tteJton. Itunedin. and Timaru. •f'argo < inly i Walpiata Wednesday, yith April, mw Wellington an<3 W**tpon. (Cargo Onlv ) Kartigi Tu«-sdi.>. M«th April, j \_ Inquiriei ere Invited regarding tilisi ta> AustralU. South Sea Island*, HonoTtfhT Canada. United Statea. Europe. AronnJ the World Tours in either direction Padfc Tours,. Including Japan and the East Ho x o \_ v i. r OXoL r L u i pOR Y OCB \yiNTER TTOLIDIY. A SIX WEEKS' TRIP TO TEE ISLAKM <<F DELIGHT. -*««•/ FROM AUCKLAND BY __} MAUNGA.MT JUNE* 9 AORANGI ; JCLYsJI M-M.ARA AUG iW Excursion Fare. C<~- Fir« Class. W Particulars from *S TJMON gTEAM gmv po. OF SJE^ LIMITED. g — -»l QOUNTLESS - ' T\ELIGHTS : £*k VIA THE * f^SL QANADIAN pACIFIC T^ArLWA^ r-»v-.TT, 1 . 1 1- C< ' ,l '- luric ' ioo WUh 4 CANADIA.N-AUSTKALASIAN ROYAL 5 MAIL LINE I TO VANCOUVER, B C f r^l^V' 1 J h< ' CFn ° n ■ Tj lp *fr« * matrhlexs and memorable: All-StwJ Trains— Lau-st l, il;iri£ Md a .v.i.,l'"," Wl ' V erjulpj-etl. WONDERFUL i.]ory-lbe Stupendous Rocky Mountains.n«iio<.bk Lalu- Banff. Niaxara Fails.? Historical QucU'c. and other Fattoia* Beaut j Sr.ols n ™ REACHED BY TRAINS OF THE |f QANADIAX pACIFIC TJAILWAY.^ Your Passages may l,r r.ooied front NrW' u.M.M.>. Aorangi. sumj.t uously appnlntofl Meamers. which call at Suia. Honolulu, and > Jctori.l. 8.*. - .. «-n route to \onconvnr. * ACEOSS THE ATLANTIC YOO \ CAN TRAVEL Tit LIVERPOOL SOUTHAMPTON. GLASOOTT AND BELFAST. BY QANADIAN pACIFIC Twenty-srven Splendidly Equipped VcfiscH 01 the renowned "Empress" class Reservations made on Sleeping Cart, Hokls, and Atlantic Steamers. i«t D<-scraptiv«. Pamphlets and MB parnrulars apply to any Ofhee of the Union steam Ship Company of N.Z. Ltd, Thos. 11 ooii and Son. or A. W. Esses. Passenger Manager for New Zealand. MarlUmt Building. Ouay Stieet. Auckland. W*t QRIENT — rpu TOXDOS. VIA COLOMBO. SUEZ, PORT SAID, ' NAPLES. TOULON. GIBRALTAS, ''? AND PLYMOUTH. *' - S,< *-' im< ' r - Tons. Sails About __.* - (Ki ""-' | ORMETO 1Z.133 -Mi, l L ' 1 «.n.%! t . l * KV i - v --' aiftAaeMt * '"- n '-' ______ ]_____ ______ FIRST AND THIRD CLASSES ONLY. ij'Niox cjteam po. or S.Z. LIMITED. Agents for New ZrfaUnd. Mt I . 'PHE NKW ZEALAND S&ITTTXw -*• _ company. limited. to the united kingdom, . .. via panama canal * large modern twin screw _, . passenger steamers. j "itb I nsuri'-'issod AeeoTr.Tnodntlnn. yuaicfr. From A hoot | J'RUAHINE WcUingtoa ApriL 18^7 I _ _ Da r break. •Rl APEHU 2T*tb AprO. ISO I-ROTOKUA Welling!on l-tb June. W-7 I'KEMUERA Wellington July. V& '.•RUAHINE WeUlngton l«>th Sent, 18^ it* ROTOR U A Welllngtou Mb Xot- V*3 :«REMUERA : rd per.. IHL7 •oil FueL *Ca||« off Pitrasrn Island, wbjert to Weather crcunisiances permitting. f Intermediate f -loon - rf. dl«emVerl >■■■ I-iver, i Return TicLels are interchangeuhle wltk , F. and O. and Ori'ai Line* via Soei, C.A-, i and Union Lines mil Bloa Funnel Una 1 >la South Afri<a. ' For further prnlcnlr.r* npply ■ UNION STEAM SHIP COMPANY OF NV... LID.. Aretiis. • PN<JLAND — * FRICA — T.MEOrE. — 'J-11UCA — -"-TROPE. ' PERSONS TRAVELLING OVERSEAS WILL FIND OUR PASSENGER DErARTj MENT VERY HELPFUL I Reliable inlortuatjon s.-;d is gladly I given on ro(ju«-sr. WE SPECIALISE IN BOOKINGS TO 1 ENGLAND. EUROPE. AND AFRICA, all* ROUND THE WoRLD Ti'l K- ""a "^ ! .-irranr*. for n Urce tiuv !.<r ol TOURS BY ALTERNATIVE Rol ] |> Luggage Insurance eCi-cted. HENDERSON AND MAcFaRLAXE, LTD. lEstahlisbcd :»■,. . | Passenger Agents. j MariJlm* BailJ.t,gs. o.u.t Street KAIPARA steamship company, SELLARS ALLEN STEAMSHIP CO. I In Cont'ine'ioo Witlj __ UELENSVILLE DARGAVILLB SERVICE I leaves Uelencvllle: Ijcaves Dargarille: Mon.. after arriial of i lU.UJ ato train. Sun_ 7__pJnMon.. niter last train. T;ies.. it* Tues.. after las; tra.u. Wed.. 7 P.' 111- — ' Thurs.. after ».-<st train. Ttiurs, ' P^ 8 * Frl.. after last train. 1 rU 7 p.m. Auekland Agents: Northern S.S. Co., J*» • Berths Booked at Nortbtru S.S. Ce.'a o» ca 'Ftionc 11. Hclensvine. D H. 0. MENZJES. Monagef- ' INSURANCE COMPANIES. __ j 1 LLIANCE ASSLEA.NCE CO, WW* I ♦*- Assets £25.000.000. — 'Phoi.e * tr fi ! T., O'Conncll St.. Manager. Wilfrid S*ek» w

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Auckland Star, Volume LVIII, Issue 89, 16 April 1927, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume LVIII, Issue 89, 16 April 1927, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume LVIII, Issue 89, 16 April 1927, Page 4