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£125 COMPETITION THIRD CROSS-WORD PUZZLE. j FIRST PRICE. £75; SECOND PRIZE, £15; THIRD PREE. £10; FOURTH PRIZE. £5; and 20 PRIZES OF «. | Pr«c Money and Sealed Solution deposed with Lt-CoL R- C. D-S O- Officer.' Club. AUCKLAND. CONDITIONS. Q I j 1. Forward Solution* to P.O. Box 1735. Auckland. TJ K* j HT~~~ to be delivered tfacro not later than c.:anic:.t | j I j S^^^^^H on Saturday, the 7th day of Mjj. »t . i—_J . which hour entries will close "* I j 2. An entry tee of one shilling mu<t accompany | flaV flk»____- Java ' I the lust solution submitted Additional *oiu- ■**■*• — I |£J j MM lions, in the name of the same Competitor. will IB M | I Hj le accepted with t fee oi §nper.ce for each iBpB m»»J I ' < ' sMB odditional solution Entry fees are payable by Ij4 iiS < i i ja | Postal Note, marked "Not Neeotiable " j ■ 111 3. The correct solution ar.d list of i'r.zc Winners ___^^_-- I ~"~MM—TS ' -fl will be published in this paper. f»:vd in other 3 H j U principal daily newspapers on Saturday, the ' 1 IJth day of May. HUT prire moneys will be — 1 ■■■»>! T^ - ( 1 paid in cash on or before that date 1 SIBM 818 I < 1 4. )r, the event of a t,e or t:r- the Competitors | BHI M BH| I concerned will divide equally between them JJ T3 ,MP j j*o | MJ** ■■■■■ the particular prizes af?c. ted In the event of j j Hh 1 j HJ no correct solution heme received, the solution neirest to correct carry the first prue. and H BVj i others in order ol merit All pri7e moneys w.!l HJ HJ ] j HDL_ le pnid whether or cot s correrj solution it MB ~~~"~— I ■ ■§ ■■ 5. For extra forms, send stamped addressed enve- WM i HW WW lope to P.O Box IT?.?. Auckland Please srccify ji — 1 j ** ' number of forms required j ■■■ ■■■ 6. Competitors desiring to receive a copy ol the I correct solution and list of Prixe Winners. sexd T> I H I I I separate stamped addressed envelope marked ■■■ I j HJ ■] •Results" to PO Eox 173?. Auckland ■■TZi — 7. All words used in this pnxx'.e are certinrri to *° Bl B BBb be found in Webster's Dictionary. Cassell's j { BB» \ BMI . MM Ne-v Enc'i'h Dictionary, and ;n most copies o« '• jj —' ■ K a> H** f l**l other standard dictionaries in uso in our HVI I i ' PWJt 1 ' [ 6. Soluion* will be retained by ihe "S Br ! ' j HVJ 7 ' I ! i until the 21st day oi May. l r O~. up to which 111 BBm 1 day any Competitor may apply for a re- " mml , — >^—MM • scrutiny of his or her solution Thereafter vio , . — , «n» _._..:„- tt.t>«< T_T^^^ further correspondence can be entered into rrspectinc <*»• Competition. An application for t i**ero}"£ > »«*» by reentered mail, and be accompanied by the butt ol the postal note and a further fee of two •ailiinsi ano tixpenoe. If the Competitor is entitled to a prixe. the re-scrutiny ' p b s. resu! l e "',i ! 9. The decisions of the Adtudtcator. shall be 6nal. and legally bicflW on all s;*=^ I ,?"L T ,- j, ira^m 10. Thi. Competition is the third of a senes of monthly Competitions Mm!. "^ff"?^ \*}£ IL ft,. r»ne»t of (UTtl£ n f Messrs. Dlscountlns Mous- Company. No. IJ. rirst Floor, m** b,ne * t "** Hmn + lion and Band Fundi of the Coast Crouo. New Zealand Artlllerr CTerrttorlM Poms). Enquiries should be addressed only by letter 1. Given to jestinc. merry: sportive. ~ A „, oroor> ,l e Association (lnitial»>. «• Jo delay by force or crail. 7 - :°*::°> or clol ° the n,ou:n ' 5: SSli, cn.d,a a a*.-*. »• j«««j s n-u IJ. Howl, ("like a doc); wails. (Initials). M „ 51. The first letter of a wordL 11. To -how affection, to make love. 33. To wound with a pointed weapon. (j. Royal Society of Hortacxultaie 15. Overlays with cold. 35. Compare (Latin abbreviation). (Initials). 16. A smsll enclosure: a coop 31. a very bich mountain 11. A ndce of rock or coral near or 17. A little devil: a mischievous 37. x deep and narrow ravine (foe- a< t fce surface of tie water. child tical spelling—woroawoTtnl. aj. JCaiional HiSe Aafcooataoa at 19. Glascow Institute (Initials). jf. a bricht warm eotovir. Canada (Initials). JO. An introductory step: power to 41. a orefix mesnins NOT fused D«>- es. a leni ne 0 f laxds or tenexaeata. take the lead fore b.m p.) , 68. Application to a purpose. Jl. A moist and stronc-smellins «1. A short cord or line (used Jor «,§,. Greater in Quantity or importstate: humidity finnr canron) ance. 58. F.'chty-nne and one more. as. A swell: a dandy (s'.anc). 78. Steam ship (Initials) 51. The native name of Persia. 48. Delayed, not tip to time. 71 . To Ibe feet 3oOBe:T !ccel v--18. Like: in proportion to. 50. To make sure. «, c . , , . "Bci-arx. 30. Supposinc that $J. Sudden fancies: caprices. "- Stormed: raved: was funona. VERTICAL CLUES. 1. A vessel for holdinc Hcnids. IJ. A secret tseKsenser or agent: a *•• A South American domesticated I. A form of Government in whirh spy. animal. supreme power is vested in tno 18. To mix and disarrange 'TP'- „ ,- * debtor (porrnlaT eontractjori). hands of a small exclusive 17. Colloouial ctnlraction of "1 have. 41. Possessive iorm of the proaoua c!a«s. 18. Broken stone used for buildina -."H"' 3. Renting to the kitchen or cook- roads «3. New England (Initials). ine ?1. Tntn: tidy: clean, adroit. 44. Godlike: heavenly; superastaiml. 4. Advanced in years. M. Twin-screw (Initials). «8. To cook with tat is a pan. 5. The common Indian antelope. 53. Within; towards. «". Pretended. 1 8. Electric telecraph (Initials). 54. To strike: to clans. 48. Whixia. 7. Secretary of State (Initials). IS. Krirht of the North (Initials). 49. A prefix to denote the presence 8. Pertaining to the ocean: fre- 57. A bark, a yelp. of lithio end. j quentme mid-ocean 33. Thin, narrow strips of wood or 51. Close by; adiacent to. 8. A Mich Priest (especially of the metal 53. Flexibla pipes for conveyine Sacred College of Ancient Rome). 38. Delicious: adorable: pleasing to water. "^ 10. Post Office (Initial). the sen«e«. 51. A contraction of the Trigone. 11. A small mouthful. 38- A love ailair: a love intrigue. metrical ratio "sine." I I 55. Presence; nearnetis in place or "COMPETITION." atkxfii (Latin initials). j P.O. B0« 1738. Auckland. 53. A Buddiist priest, or monk, a I forward herewith solution's) of Cross-word Purzle. end postal t i* ad ».°n*cl»B. ~,.,. , el. A popular make ol motor omai. note to the value of. shilhns's) _ pence, being nij bus. ~-^^jentrx fee therein. I agree to abide by the adjudicators' decision. '*■ * tcota. or cam. on a pear wheeL . ' fi. A whispered command for silenos. ' Name - — ■. •-—= . •<". The chemical avmbo] for "Selcn--1 AddrM » ' -»~ •—■— • —--=---» | w . RoTa?" Engineers (Initials). RESULTS OF SECOND "EASTER EOO" CROSS-WORD PUZZLE COMPETITION. Sixteen Competitors, who esch submitted a correct solution, divide equal 1 .}- between liiem the * ;>. ft Wt: " *..": 'a^TT^F?*^'! first sixteen prizes, and receive a cash prize of £5/16/3 each. I*TN^!^fl°l^i°l Mrs. O. B)nrce, Waipukurau. Hawhe's Hiy. !-'r Bi 11B1j1 11 li| Mrs. M. Buclianan, No. 17. Grafton Flats. Auckland. i\'-' ■ I+^Wfz' 5' 7 w.i E mtl Mrs. Trlnllrad Doyle. Lower Ranparoa, Taumarunui. , ajt ; i .i,,f*', t llfcnffTTrgsxgl I Mrs. R. M. Edwards, care Mrs Drew, 12. First Avenue. Kingsland. Baff i sStT' \ W, .-', sMCllfflll Mrs R. Clch. l.axe li.-ad. Frankton Junction tMII--.^BIV-- ■—?- Q L Mg , IIM Mias N. Hulbert. 3 J . Tennyson Street. Berkenham. Chrirtchurch. TT" '*W*'" "' T 'JE TWf'- 1 Mrs E. W. Kane. 51. Bolton Street. Wellington. I'r rl||V* ["MjESjIBESi ' j Mrs. M. McLennan. Parau-ai. Thames. |>T."^li\lt '<■ Mrs. E. McQuln. 11. Test Street. Oarr.eru | -~X^Ws\~\ , • ale 010 l J ' 1 Miss A. MarfcS. 453. Mt Eden Road. Auckland. }- . Ssxß-11 . «M ..*^Ooio,M Miss M. S. Newman. 7. Wapiti Aven :e. Epsom. J", •. *JL -%^-J^*--^ Mrs. L. Roberts. Stanley Street. Ravensbournc. Dunediu. |*■ * = rp- rOy I "'' li [*J*ijl Master A. C. Rowland. s*. Victoria Street. Auckland. ['• -.BJl*- a- 1% .i 1 :■■ It lT;tJv Mr. W. H. Shearer. P.O. Box 514. Auckland \\~ **?rl'i ' '•■": Mr I Mr. Ceorge Smythson. care Mrs R B Smythson. 2«7. Adelaide Head. Wellington. -■T- -"IT"»■' ~*,-- "Mr ! Mrs. A. W. Whllllams. 59a. Miltcn Road. Napier !-■—= -M'. M" Oii <£M 1 a l)ne hundred and one Competitor*. _ who each submitted • volution containing only ore tnisH take, have been awarded a cash pnre of five shillings each. J I All i>riie winners have been communicated with by post, and all prt» money* have been pmd. Cut BCt whole advL The tatal amount paid out in Prize Moneys is £!*'s'. in excess of the prizes advertised. |M jj j : _I~ j j H -•■ ■ " ,^^»-.:: ! ..--- .■.. ■■.■.i-;....:. ;; ,;;i: i ..-.'iilil 111-'.HMlllllll.liiillllililll IlllllllliilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllW 1 THE COLOURED SUPPLEMENT IS PRINTED WITH COLOURED f§ I ROTARY INKS IVIANUFACTURED BY 1 B 1 MORRISON & I MORRISON, Ltd. Printing (nk, Printers* Varnish and "Flexo'' Roller 1 j — Composition Makers. 1 I CHRISTCHURCH WELLINGTON AUCKLAND 1 | Printing M«chinery and Material Stock«sd M For the Production of the Perfect Newspaper, instal ~'i | THE MONOTYPE NEWSPAPER TYPE FOUNDRY casts Type from S-point I 6 to 48-point; «lso Leads, Rules, and Slugs. Composes and Casts I i Type to 24-point. %\ | THE " WINKLER " MOULDING PRESS, AutomaUc Curved PUte Caster, j kj and other Stereotype Apparatus. 1; j BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER COOPER MIXED TYPE — Stocks held. 1 I THE THOMPSON CABINET CO.'S TYPE CABINETS, Wood and Metal I | Furnishings. Stocks held. W | CAPPER PASS METAL, for Stereotype, Linotype, and Monotype. lj SPENCER COOK'S BRITISH FOLDERS, for Book, Job, Catalogue, and 1 |f Magazine Folding. I UGHTS FLONGS, suitable for all classes Newspaper and Stereo Work. I The above names are famous for Newspaper Machinery and Material. I j Write us for Particulars and Prices. \ = I

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Auckland Star, Volume LVIII, Issue 89, 16 April 1927, Page 16

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Page 16 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume LVIII, Issue 89, 16 April 1927, Page 16

Page 16 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume LVIII, Issue 89, 16 April 1927, Page 16