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EASTER TOURNAMENT. AUCKLAND COMPETITIONS. A GOOD START MADE. PROGRESS RESULTS. The annual tournament arranged l>y he Auckland Bowling Centre was coninenced yesterday under excellent conlitioiis and the games set down on the irogrunune were |>ut through. Resides he'"Kaster Fours, there are also on the •rotiratiuno for decision tlie Executive •\nirs and the First Year I'hampionshin. V time limit of 'ij hours has been placed m all games in the Easter Fours for he rest of the tournament. Results >f the opening rounds are as follow: EXECUTIVE FOURS. SECTION A —AT i.PSOM. First K..mid. — Wc«t. Yeoman. Kelly. Lay■mil ' i I'timini-'ii Roadi. 23, v. Waters, nivih' Knight. Andrew (Papaiuctoe >. 7 •" Law. usborne, Ycdand. Forb. s iMnnu-i-wai v. linn. Koefocd. White, Knight St Heller-i "- McGowon. Scelly. Tbrnnp.'m! Patcrson iltawhltl). 24, v. Ryan. Toy. ■lvger Godfrey (Ellersllci, 23; Balldou. linclmm. Whittle, Buckley Hirey Lynin. u v Holdswurth, l'aim. Tlmmas. J< nkin Mount Albert). IU: Berry. Muliius, Rousill Roylan.c i Rocky Nook). 20. v. Lonnell. loodiug. Mas..ii, Pa>cu«- i I >e\ ■■npori i, 14: :niith. Lung, (iarrard. Kisslinp iK.'innerai. '.i v. McLiunon, Soaimcrs, Knight. Connor Mnngerci. 14. Second Round.—Buckley. 24. v. Forbes, 0 ; Kisslinp. v. (.Jodfit-y. 15 : Jonkiu, la. Connor. 10; Layland. 23. v. Faterson. lt»: Cr.ight. 32, v. t'a'scne. lb: Ruj lance, -1, v, uidrew. 'Jo. Tilird Hound lenkin. ;;o. v. Godfrey. 1•> : kndn-w. 'J-, v. Peterson, 1 S: Knight. 23. Royiance. 20; Connor, 23. v. Forbes. 10: iissluig, 23, v. Layland, 14 ; Pascoe, 21, v. tuckley, IT. SUCTION B.—AT REMI'EIIA. First Round. —Melville. King. Snoad. Elvy I»e\uniKirt), 27, v. Downey. Fearnley, Fer•uson. Lippiatt (Utahuhin, -1 : —, Butcher, •ottrell. Hell (Te I'ukel, 20. v. Stlllwcll. Irudshaw. LJrownett. Goldsmith (Edendalei. s; Hardy, Adams. Cox, Plummcr i West mil). 25. T. Mlddle'ton. Smith. illl (Mount Eden). 21 ; Whitley. Bray, Sheelan, Jo* (Stanley), IT. v. Smith. Stringer. Anderson, l'ollard ( Hillsboro'i, 10: Hamay. Blakey, Jones, George iF.psom). 23, v. .toughen v, Jionovnn. Snedden, Parsons Ponsunby). 21 ; Brlttain, Kowe. Kilgnur. 'erry (Carltont, US, v. Buscomh. Canton, JcLeod. I-eighton (Henderson), 15. Second Round. —George, 27. v. Pollard, S : Perry, J2. v. Parsons. 13 ; Elvy. J3. v. .cighton" IT: riummer, 3u. v. Cox. 14; Joldsmith, 21. v. Lippiatt, IS; GUI. 20, v. Jell. 23. Third Round.—George, -'4. v. Plummcr. S; Cox. 22. v. Bell, lu; Perry. 24, v. Pnlard, 10: Persons. 28. v. Klvy, 20; dill, :::. v. (;oidsmith, 15; Leightou. 24. v. Lipdatt, 22. EASTER FOURS. SKCTIUX A—AT ST. HELIER'S. First Round.— Mason. Whittle, Mu«ton (Auckland), lit, v. Foot*, 'larke. Mill. Morrison (Epsom i, IB: Dick. .'ollin McLean, Gallaher (Grey Lynni. '21. ;. Mayhlll, —. I-alng, Constanltne (Rocky S'onki", 10; Brookes, Patcrson, <"oe, Hill Remuera), 23, v. Kilery. Cowhonrne. Strick■tt. Allen ( Ponsonliy i." 21 : lUewden. Pitt. • tiffin. Rose i Carlton). 23. v. Clarkson, 'outts. Ball. Trusrott (Carlton). 20; Carsens. Donkin. Jones, liensnn (liomlnlnn P.oad), 10 v. IMgnan, Cordes, Cribble, Marshall (Mount Eden), 13. Second Round.—Gallahcr. 22. v. Benson. IT; Rose. 17. v. Marshall. 15: Mtinton, 20. • CoiiKtantine. 21: Hill. 25. v. Morrisi n 15: Truscott, 30. v. Alien. "J»i. Third Round. —Rase, 20. v. Allen, 23; nill. 21. v. Constantino. 13: Callnher. 22 r. Marshall, 14: Truscott. 20. v. Jlorrlson. 10; Muston, IT, r. Reason, 13. SECTION B.—AT AUCKLAND. Robertson. T. Mountain, Packman, C. Mountain (Carlton i. IS. v. Allwoo,'., I.union. Clayton, Uonnell (Carlton i, 22: IVaterworth, Itlenco.-, p.neklc. Nelld (Pun IT. v. Mcpherson, Taylor. Chiplin. IVooilT ißawliitlt. 3o; Rralthwnlte. Burton. Wriplit. Richmond (Epsom I, 33, v. ['amphcll. Wc'tbrooke. McLeod. Maeklow • Eilerslie), T: Harrison, Lamb, Finch, Wakerley (Rocky Nook). 22, v. Joseph Preston." .1. ('. Preston, John Preston. Clements (Crev Lynn), IT; Clarke. Wise. Cjnnltrough. Hardley (West Kndi, 23. v. T. Nairn. Smith. Uatridge, Bainhridge (Mount Eden i, lit. Second Round.— Richmond. 24. v. Wool ler. 13: Hardley. 23. v. Clements. IS; Meld, 23. v. Mountain. S; Rainbridge, 23. v. Uonnell. 14 : Wakerley, 20, v. Maeklow, 20. Third Round.—Clement*. 10, v. Bainhridge. 24 : Mountain. 12, V. Richmond. 24 : Wakerley. 22. v. Wooller. 17: Hardlev. U3, v. Maeklow, 15: Uonnell, 24. v. Nelld. 13. SECTION C—AT PONSONBY. First Round.—Bates, Josey. Mantel!. Laurejison (Carlton). 25. v. Wright. Isaacs. Stevens. Ritchie (Carlton). 22: McDougall. Dowdlhß, Rutland, Boyne I Epsom), 25. v. Jol:, Itigeens. Osborno. Lickson (Ktlersllei. 13; Finch, McLeod, —. Kelly (Ponsonby). 3S, v. Martin, Vaughan. Stubbs, Austin (Rnwhlti), 7: Ilorsbv, Thomas, Whltten Scott (West F.nd), 22. v. Ryburn. Daw, Allport. Hyde (Clevedon). 21 : Maeklow, Sutherland, (;eorge. Hills (Onehungn), 17. v. Kayes, Clarke, Keatley. Jury (Rocky Nook). 13. Second Round.—Ritchie. 21, r. Kelly. 20; Royne, 17, v. Austin, 10; I.aurenson. 20 v Hyde. 14; Scott. 21. v. Hills. 10 ; Jury. 22, v. Dickson. I*. Third Round.— Jury 17. r. Austin. 1(1; Kelly, -J7. r. I.aurenson. 17: Hills. L'C. v Hyde. I'm; Scott. 17, v. Dickson, IS; Ritchie aud Hyde to play. SECTION I>.—AT PEVONPORT. First Round.—Miller. Barter. Bird. Boston (Carlton i, 14, v . dates. Carbines. Buchan, Di«k (Ponsonby), H5 ; Wright, Braidwood. U"?t. Johnson (Ponsnnhvi. is! v. Hunt. Ariean, P.aiu. stone (RockvNook) 20; Rlanchard, Millrn. .Tonkin. Fouhistet 1 Epsom ■. L' 2. v. Lane. Bromler. Walker. Clark (Mount Albert). 23 : Parkinson, Selbv, Hill. Potter, is. v. Turner, Cnllen, Allen Boag. 10; Blair. Stevenson. Cartwright! Bush (Dominion Road). J2, r. McMaster Monro. Kenny. Oatland (Onehunga). 23. Second Round.—Dick. 22. v Boag 1,1 Bush. IS. v. Clark. l« : Foubistrr. 34. v! stone. i«; Johnson, 22. v. Buxton 14Gatland, 28, v. Potter, 22. Third Round. —Oatland. 30 v Roa<* 14 Fonhister. 2S, r. Buxton. 22: <"!ark v B i ! 6 h- "'■ v ' stone • - o; johns ° n - SECTION E.-AT MOUNT ALBERT. Firs: Round.—Cottrell. Blair. Wrightson Hoskins (Carlton). 20. v. Ralfe. Conwav ,tl'J lI i man V. Torr anee (Ponsonbv) 17; Lewis Whelan. Bruce. Mlngins(Epsom'). 10.v. Raintv White, Kelly, Johnson (Stanley), 10; Ken nedy, Green, Schnnekenberg. Wright (One hunga), 2«, v. Gunning, Edjreworth, True man. Glfford (Dominion Road). 11; Sidler Farley. Williams. Ran (Tell (Rocky Nook) 10. v. Harbntt. Maxwell. Baildon. Dawsoi (Mount Albert), IS ; Brentford. Knagg* MeKeow-n. Garry (West End). 21. v Ogll vie. Bailey. Sykes, Murdoch (Otnhuhn). 14 Second Round.—Torronce. 21). v. Murdoch 1C ; Hoskins, 27. v. Minglns, 23; Dawson 25. v. Gifford, 13 : Randell. i>s. v. John son. 17 ; Wright, 22. v. Garry, 14. Third Round.— Hoskins. 22. v. Randall 21 : Gifford. 23. v. Johnson. 1C ; Garrv. 10 v Dawson. 23; Wright. 22. v. Murdoch 23 ; Collins. Ist, v. Mingens, IS. SECTION K— AT LAhU'O.V. First Round.— Stnnfleld. Wvatt. Daniels Russell (Remuera). 22, v. Caddy, Shaw Tonge, Little (Grey Lynn) 17; Wyatt Macky. Cater. Seantlebury 20. v. Jorgen son. Maud. Adams. Anchor (Frankfon June tion). IS: Kelsnll. Sutherland. TopU* Somervell (Avondale), 22. v. Blomley Hethorington. Bridges (Epsom). 10; Mlt ehell, Guy, Warren, Casey (Carlton), 20, v McGregor, Farrow. Mclnnes, Hilton (Pon sonby). 12: Lamb, —. Wilkinson. <j< Lau«ay (Epsom), 25. v. SUson, Blackledgc Lyons, McPhail (Waltemata), 2; Hunt Smith. Norris. Wright (St. Hellers), 23, v Ritchie, Clarke, Ramsey, Roberts (Domlnloi Road). 13. Second Round.— Bridges. 24. r. Roberts 17 ; Seantlebury, 21. r. Russell. IS ; Wright 23. v. Little. IS: Casey. IS. v. de Launav 13; Hilton. 10, v. Anchor, IS; Somervell 24. v. McPhail. 20. Third Round.— De Launav. 23. v. Hilton 10: Wright. 21. v. Scantleburv. 20 Roberts. 20. v. McPhail. 17 : Bridges, 22 v. Little. 12: Anchor. 23. v. Russell, lo Casey, 21), v. Somervell, "Jit. FIRST YEAR CHAMPIONSHIP. SECTION A — RAWHITI CUB. First Round.— Taylor, Findlay, Graham Yeo (Rocky Nook). 13; v. Tool, Nyberg Ward, Wallace (Mount Albert). 24; Bland ford, Sped, Richards, Slgley (Mangerc), 21)

<-. Gnrah. Beare. Murdoch. Watson (Mount Kden). 11: Rridson. Laurie. Hicplnriouom. Book (Henderson). IS, v. Blair, Richards. Georpe. Frater <l>evonporn. 21. Second Round. — Book, 37. v. Watson. 11 : Whittcn. 3.", v. Wallace, 13; Fruter. 23, v. Yi-o. 10; Sisley. ;;n. v. Simpson. !•">. Third Round.- —Watson. 21. r. YeO. 1": Swanson. -S. v. Sislev, 13 ; Simpson, 2S. v. Dook, 11 : Frater. 2'.). v. Whlttpn. 10. SECTION B.— AT WEST END. Bailey. «"ox. Mnson. Teapuc (Grey I.ynnl. 40. v. Million. Hnllctt. Birch. Swindalc (Waitomnta). 7: Thomson. Farlanrt. Clark, Sheath, IS. v. Williams. Israel. Matheson. Macky (Auckland). I<"> : Hunt. Newson. I Minn. Masscy (Mansrre), Z'J, v. Marks. )ami's-, Dawson. Spcicht (Tc Tapapai. 9: Moors. Ozich. Massey. Norcross (Henderson), 24. v. Gorrie. Nicholson. Moverlcy. l'ollnrd (Otahuhu). 22. Second Round. — Sheath, 32. v. Hammond. Caeth. Greenwood. Hill (Edendale). 12: Pollard. 22. v. 21 ; Macky, 18. v. Teayui*. 17 : Norcross. :_•<",, v. Speight. 10. Third Round. — Mackv. 32. v. pollard. 12: Mns-cv. 2'"., v. Norcross. IS; Hall.-tt. 2V v. Spelclit 11; Tcagup 21. v. Hill 17.


Tlif weekly mntch fnr tin- Prnisou Tins •csultod: Warron, f<>okt>, Wrlchtnon. tiro. I iuKhin (Cnrltonl L' 7. v. St<M>hr>ns. Rnwc. •:. Thorna*, J. Thomas (Mount Albert) 10.

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Auckland Star, Volume LVIII, Issue 89, 16 April 1927, Page 15

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BOWLING. Auckland Star, Volume LVIII, Issue 89, 16 April 1927, Page 15

BOWLING. Auckland Star, Volume LVIII, Issue 89, 16 April 1927, Page 15