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m a THE FARMERS' I l /gs EASTER BARGAINS \ >. we serve in the 1 ATTRACTIVE SPECIALS FOR TO-MORROW ONLY // Enjoy a cup be- *■ s==== " ii — ~ y f / fore or after *-« 1> • * ' ° ~ ===r ~ * —— •' • - r - • !! ® ( mZSfiZZ Easter Bargains in Ladies'and i /-J®P v -V I) are equally good BLANKETS AND RUGS. *1 1 f «« * 0015 \\ Bowser Pump* ill I i \ anc * satisfying. ull-wool colonial grey blankets .HI Q Wf Wyndham Street. ' vk \ \\\ -r n ,t Sizes Sin«leßed 2 Bed Dn„H,R.J VHHWi VII Of f VOI r— „ _J !| iMJI R °° m ° PCn j Special Prices 21 /fi 9Q /£ /2 ~, , 1 To-morrow till jj *1/6 29/6 35/6 J UtoEk ) 7P m - H BUSH RUGS—Special rugs, made to our order. I? o 1»» _ 9 _ f ftiß&ifWr H ttnd , com P° sed of a good-wearing mixture of wool ( A. \ lX<jllzlCo3. LS Hi 0 / \ W* _ "i^ SBSjBg? 1 and cotton, put together in such a way as to »•»*** WttAlrQ &A, 1# ( bring out a warm, serviceable rug; 80 per ccnt. .% _ _ _ _ }\ j Easter Holidays „T« v Half Price Ii T4/ rSSS i!& s 1 "* " 13/11 (ti-> / '/! A, /K. handy »>,o»Jd have one r( >-itV» »..•*. X T V,V Our Warehouse will be open To-morrow till 9 p.m. 11l \j?V. !\ 1 I LADIES ' ALWETHA" COATS. In shower- [ fjl ill 'in.:*, bnrinc up !n j.ltja. enrsa*c-d m ". l r / fli I! Closed on Friday, Saturday, and Monday for Easter. 60 xBO •• 16/6 >%J/ \ V/£/ \ all "round"®' si£°. anV'iO.n — /kA \W/ \ Tl" f" P *? d . " <3 ' AjW ,j/ , JXi r ,. n ,p, . — - ••25/6 MMj\ — 35/- (jJ4 V; A Mi I Children s il3.y ground \ proofs light weight coloured water. I T ! New Motor-cars, Tricycles, Scooters and Kiddie Cars on/) Pillaut C! 1" _ 1.1 t.r--cn. lan. Hc'.io. nnd Wine; lengths. 42m. to ) / >>~y fS| 1 ('til have been placed on the roof for the amusement of dliCl A IIIOW OlipS g Special Pricc <)7 c 'l / J L*.„ -v _ Wl |u\ i children who are accompanied by their parents. |U1 9s r cc ' 2#/ 6 if/ /V jf 1 j Rl Bring the children to-morrow, or next Tuesday and DOUBLE-BED WHITE HONEYCOMB QUILTS, r i - y<\ , J|- I • I / / .1 I \ 1 lr\ Wednesday (when the school, will be closed), and L 4 R '! ' • \/ J \ i '1\ they will have a great time. Special Price. lg /g Each. C [ Wool FrOCks 1 Vl J| i\ J | B i LADIES- HEAVY KNIT WOOL FROCKS. In V, J •j' ,1 ' NO. AiSS—BREAST DRILLS. *Vai»r-d hardwc.od „ TAPED PILLOW SLIPS, made of good calico I (j shades ol Brown and I awn. trimmed with con- W -I—til l.andle*. black «i»nirl!i-d Sron Irani, and brca»; . Ml 1 p , *% • • * ize 18 x 28 - _ \ ' I liasling shades. 'j VT j M « «Mf plalr. ro'.icd *1«-I main .Vock; lar e <- E r.,r JUI \ Easter Bargains m s P^ , \ , W/6 \\ .[villi \ ■ __ \\ H ■ 4,n ' '° • machtnr <ut (rear »rh«-c]»; ball \ Travel Requisites _ __, )\\ I \t* u . u . ■ I Towels --lf\ V *• Holiday Hats « 1 -r-T-— """"• . I \.\ H B 11 round t-hank dnll». leme'.h oittill I Bin v 1 0 LADIES READY-TO-WEAR FELT HATS. In FllllOVerS Ca-. 3 Jo^ e IV.ce, 21,6 each! n I . « H WHITE TURKISH TOWELS, size 18 X 3 8. of Tan Navy. Blue. Salmon, and Cre> — * UUUVCId f 1 |L* D_* _ _ ' j s P ecia ' P" ce . J/3 Each, or 2/0 Pair. \ " Specl: ' 1 Price . OJJ LADIES' WOOLLEN PULL- U rfC *"ls/6 116 l ttilS MVdJ 0C 0211 WHITE HUCKABACK TOWELS, .iie ,8 x 36, \ l fI,,,.^DREN; ? BLACK BEAVER, „*T ? . ...,"iZ".' :-T ' for tile HoDdayS ! ; K .: [£j Special Price, Qfl each, or 4 /(- p a i r I \ » PCC a rr,C< '' 6 11 Special Price. J4/11 value in MEN'S RAIN- j J VJ r I II IA COATS, made of All "VX'onJ C?j.barr a table or children's millinery. j n HI ciine. in two fcmart —Trcoch- II - - " —■■ - i —= >■ asiort?d t,hadcs—Usual Trire. 7/11. ' , >rilrc . vn nun »t irsc nn t utvrrxe , »h*pe and Chsn-rrfie.ld. "nhry are j/ ' ADIES SILK AND NVOOL NO. A.MO PLIEJvS. DELL*HANGER S. iirr.nclr ra»y-fiHine coai.i in t*Ke pnrmlar rDP _ N rAntN TD ., N „ _ . ~, . _ Special Price, g Q CARDIGANS, .n .hade, o! Henna. tra ' ! '- " r " i V t ° t> , d , • !o " ? } "*f* * nd taUrri, } a*-n f.had<% vrilh pood cbtsck laninju |'| GREEN CABIN TRUNK, made out of compressed fibre, and IT O Ko . c a - d Ki-> c fi-Se- * VCTT looi lo aad are of?«*d at 20/. Ire. than U»e - 1 coveted with green waterproof canvas; beechwood hoops for JCjaSier MfllPflinS 111 1 Lme'.h CK-rrall Siia. 6:a. ; an . *""=al retail price.. Wsth our £-ua»- I two solid ieather handles. ti " Special Price I** 'C Ca!a3o C »e Tme. 21! JJ .We. of utiriarttea « »mfy | SI2£S T„ „„ „ 1 ¥5 • lfc/O „ ' .S.refc, 34. it, 38. 40. 42. 44.inch I 28in. 3 oin. 30in. 36in. 3Bin. LCOCKPrV 1 ViaiTiaS Special Prices • \ f/Q f /ff cheat mcawiresmart. F.e rure to i Usual Prices: J J»*t«U.O »/ m M/ 9 A/ * A yemr else and ihe a-.yle you I "" """ E LA?k^ L^ M v w^,, "°if»™ ,^r. E .5 T . E „ b r^ s ~ Hose • "" ' ! 63/6 67/S 74/6 81/6 85/6 —~ —-»#/»» LADIES* silk AND WOOL HOSi, wool fe<r!. (hade. Nudr. f |q| g •* 5t aril] t-uj-n heai-r- rain, and (jrlvp • pnnn"iur- E " NES J OF f IVE ENGLISH CoiTl fllTl ft t IOTI C \ "'iT Fn wn ~ L ,u:>l Price. o«» r»l*alor "oj aattrfwrtiTO PUDDING BOWLS, sizes sin. to 7m. N/UIIIU 111<X LIUIIO ' 1 '• — te im or mnnrr M elin " 1 Tf. Price, O /tt Nest of Five Special Price, /« | j 6 - 4n . iachr. chert. 2/9 nest Five. ladies . JW „ COMBINAT , ONS 1/11 NO CUTTING Oar Pric«. « /ft M /ft made of cotton, with pure wool next .kin' NIPPERS, forred from hne *Wj .treL « 52/0 ENGLISH WHITE __TANKABD JUGS—Special fa „ ; LAD.ES' ARTIFICIAL SILK Clearance Pricea for Thursday only: * Special Price « n HOSE, plaited on •wool: ahadea: any ordinary- a.-ii*. but i. not la!*ad«d lor c-al-ipt. Ipt. lipt. 2pt. 3nt 3i ot ' 10/ 6 Nude. Fawn, and Brown—U.ual sir hardened •■■eel or piano «-ire. Icajlh. fcjin. .. * ; l TJ IJ* 4 -t 4 +* #»/- «% Price, 6/I I. — Price. 3 4 per pair. iViamaS [ 7d 1/4 1/7 1/11 2/5 2/11 GIRLS' WOVEN COMBINATIONS. In natural _ ~ p , „t m m Prfce. /-» J * cotton, good quality; sU e ,. 6. 7. 8 and 9. Special Price, g f\\ 2/3 MEVS WARM FLANNELETTE f\ . Special Price, f/< | PAJAMAS—<ieI « pair or two lor I! r -. I I '1/11 THIRn nnn. auvumn and wlnlrr ve.-.r at our I I r-,c<nrj'-«.aviri(j pricca - Sire. S.K. M. O.S. ~ ! >»" v Special Priceas ATTACHE CASES, in plain solid leather, with a very fine — 7/11 8 6 8/11 f smooth finish. The edges and corners are well sewn with ' —I. V ——agR» - | good thread, and it is lined inside with the best twill; fitted n **" ~ j; with a solid leather handle, and two nickel spring lever V BI fmTM locks. p g r n yaf I \ / \ no. ajto—pincers, tower.—The fce « r e » _ _ _ 1 "">■ "•»- '»'»■ I V \YJZ* TliSc V«t»li ;» sSbTSt Hats and Caps li 15/11 18/8 21/6 24/. . I f >nT 1 IMS WatCD IS «E« all-tv. tclt h i I x I I 1 r_a . «"1 JB CatalogQc Price* 111 2/J 2 8 of Grrj- and Brcmn, m r.rnart K Absolutely Waterproof • Hwilr&v,.; Aluminium lrmlicate C LJ —- • - - ._- - j mevs mED.cAP.vh ij ): l 1 # l\ I it • c ... k, ~, , palterna and lichl and dark »hnde»; i n n -\\ Here '» Something New in Wristlet Watches. . »«« t>i to ;jm. Saucepan Set cent.-s .s-jewel s .lver wristlet watch, _ Thermo » S "" M 2/6 1 ALUMINIUM TRIPLICATE SAUCEPAN SET. \ r I I wilK d'«l Guaranteed ab.olutcly water- « \ - T^^!OS E 'iT^isKS SUIT CASE, well made, with turned-over ends, and strongly 8 " 8 ' ° r f lectrl ? \ , 1111 n / P roof nnd dust-proof. The movement is nealed in • { 1 I . .*.! <-n.ab 1 .« you to locp hot m _ • _ 1 !. ssurrssi I d..w. A.«... W\ , Men's Socks ,| SiZ " 22in - 24in - 26i "- 28in - ' Special P ' C // those working out-of-doors ,n all weather* and at all OUR FAMOUS ALL-WOOL f 1 Special Prices O /ft Q/ Jk 1A / r* * * apeciai rnce, * /g per Set. 1\ V // / times of the year. one of these watches nnd ■ mens, wherci-r? yoa F r. i 0 COLONIAL WORK SOCKS, which we it ' ' Aw/ O **/0 ' 1\ T I f II I place it in a tumhUr r.f w,i , I L er>«ure lhat the chiidrc-n in onr CaUloruc £>. a loader i IV 1 H I tumbler ot water. If the watch show. and worker, cl ,-our familr at 1/2 per pa:r. Buy raw at this FIBRE LUNCH BOXES-These Lunch Boxes are made of -| \ jl I any moisture inside the double case, we will take it hprc ial J rit c. fibre, and fitted with a light leather handle and a strong *! 11l \ I I_L— 111 back end relund your money in full. or out on ihc farm 1/- r.l"p' I 1 21b. of Choice Blend Ceylon \ ' l L— —j —1 11 S,M 1 pal : '»• '»'»• <*>■ i Tea in BUly for Al* t j IIU-M I our easter bargain pwce, CQ/ft ■ »♦ j Our Prices: £|| / [ J »' 1 I / Special Prtre: inc colour.: Putty. Champagne, HeW 1/4 1/6 1/9 1/11 2/3 2/6 y 5/9 811 3 ""f Da,k ;! FARMERS' TRADING Go, Ltd. w^st

— ,e 6/- „ Meltonian ,r,..,„»« h Your Gift! \®e, P denture is always cool to and ice thi« wonderful inven- ~ ~ K M 1 all post free. Jfttm. CREAM JOT GOOD SHOES wear; in fact, you hardly tion and have our advice, II I* UU B f~X. ur , Ur\ c™. '.~*<» B,«k .„d .h«. /B> -l"" Uv * *in r °" r Sm 1 ™" 1 Wedding and other present* that wear I Mb\*-S* \KFATF*£WtLir-l-r- / mn_ shade, of Brown, be.ide. the white cream (which IVf *. - and ri*CX- => r " CBI A M M ~ t7^' 18, goods CLEAN v |m CStH, Dciltsil Pflfloi'S well, and gifts that last. go ykjz 43 FORT ctdcct ~ * llfrm Packed alio in a Handy Tube Outfit for travellint, sold at 1 ,'6. il M\i| j - _ « T street, AUCKLAND. | % wWtECLEAN^R 1 . # || 406 QUEEN STREET. Our ReputeUon of Over 60 Y«r s bat Stake! 178 Queen Street m N.Z, DhMbuita • Wtti & Ditlton, LU., Auckland. mi | MHnmHHHHMIMHHBMMHiMMHBPIf*

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Auckland Star, Volume LVIII, Issue 87, 13 April 1927, Page 19

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Page 19 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LVIII, Issue 87, 13 April 1927, Page 19

Page 19 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LVIII, Issue 87, 13 April 1927, Page 19