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Grace Beer —w> rr-i-eivect \ ( .nr rnm|. ment (orin. and you -hall have" your r.-rtl-llrale very soon. I hope you pel iulo iljp sixth standard when the time come* for your examination.

***** McCarthy—l am sorry that you nave had the measles, and am glad thai vou are better. High school work does take up JL.? , °.L 11n, .° ' know - an<l ,raln J"urneys make, the time you have at home even shorter. 1 do not know Maiuaku. but I am sure I would ir I had lived there a < you n »y e oonv. I am so sorry that vour Mars don"t arrive sometimes ft is very trying for you ir you lose tho nndget Thank you r«.r your promise or help m our \\lnier Cheer campaign. perhaps vou r°V. ,(, f.^ 1 V " k0 ■"'Win* T you did more or It. Would you like to try to make some trousers with your mother's help?

Kathleen Kinosford—l was ever so pleased lo got your llrst letter. Kathleen All you haves to do to heroine a member Is to fill in an enrolment form One Is published In the " Star" rrom time to time. Tho last one appeared on March 6. I have kept your address quite safely and as soon as you find a rorm and send It to us I will sec about sending you a certincate.

Vincent Vassey—Yes. 1 am sorrv that the Duke and Duchess have jrone \\ ua% hard lurk that your school was not in ih<drill, but, as you say, belter luck next lime.

Haiel Ross—Did you nnd nut how the pictures deceived the eye lie Tore you read about them? i wonder what ha> happened to you* - Hour Unto Our Heart* " contributions, for they are not with your letter

Robert R. W. ? —f am sorry that 1 rannot answer your letter properly, because you have not written your surname clearly enough for mo to read. In your letter you ask about a pen friend, and remark upon the relative iKeiuliiess of Scouts and Guides. We cannot arrange about your pen friend until we are quite sure who you arc. so pieaso write again and print vour surname.

Dorothy Jonae—'You will have your certlllcate long before this. Your la-t 'joke was not quite good enough for publication, so I could not award you any points this time. Please Dorothy, send me 7 the day and the month and year In which vou were born.

llva Phillip* many of our readers have had spells or sickness, l am glad to hear you arc home again, but be sure and take care now tha.t the colder weather has come. We .shall bo pleased to have the things you mention. " Never say die." You might win the competition. Try hard anyway. How unfortunate that you were not wearing your badge when vou were In Auckland.

Klma Johnson—You did very well to get Into .standard 11. How sorry you must be to have lost Peter. I am glad you are having. Peter and Wendy's story read to you. How lovely to be able to swim In hot springs, it is never too late to enrol as a member of the club, so look out for the next enrolment form that will appear very soon In our pages.

Betty Molesworth —Thank you Tor the poetry. I will publish it and send you a four-point cortlllcalc. I hope other club members will take your advice.

Dulcio Hawthorn—l am sure you enjoyed yourself tn your outbids u> Blockhouse. Hay and Ranglloio. Your sister will never forget the day that she paraded with the Guides before the Puke and Duchess.

Muriel Townaley—Those other picture puzzles arc worrying , ever so many people. No they do not belong , to me. I am glad you liked your certincate.

Lily Wallace—lt was Interesting to hear Dial our prize was the flr'st you had ever won. Try again and you might have some more (rood fortune.

Anece Raaeie—Your certificate has been sent to you. and we are pleased to welcome you as a member of our club.

leobel ■rook—Thank you for your knitting patterns. We will send you a threepoint certincate Tor them. I am glad you like the overall pattern. Tinker Bell says that you shall have a table giving- you the proportions for cutting a frock. We. will make a pin cushion In the Busy Bee column at the earliest opportunity. Edna Turner —Your letter was most Interesting , , antl ! appreciated It very much.

I cannot say Just now whether w< , can | arrange the ox-members' roll or not. hut please do not lose touch with us. Will you please, ask your younger sister Phyllis to fill In another form. I quite asree with you that It is most disappointing- to have one's mental pictures upset by the theatre or the screen. I always, without exception, prefer m> - own conception or people and places. I am quite sure that you do not waste time, and I know that small boys can always produce sowing. Any church work Is worth while, hut you have your full share of It. Your snapshots will be mbre Interesting as the time passes. How bored Royalty must pel with the everlasting click of the camera. Ruth Bassett. —Tlio order or the O.S.R. Is very rarely awarded, but 1 shall be pleased to read your contributions, and thank you for taking- such an inn-rest In the Budget. •Mtf Mop*—Your letter had travelled a long , way before It reached us. and I was ever so pleased to get it. The newspaper man ought to use a map. ought he not? Mabtl Young—l say " good " ton. but I am afraid you cannot count this one. with your homework. Do yon like Talhape as "well as Horoplto? I am glad your school Is good, and that'you are not anxious about your proiiclency. Little dogs are very interesting. I think. I am sorry the Duchess was HI. but hope the sea voyage will make her better. Phyl J (Eamond Rd., Takapuna) — I hope the thumb is loss painful now. He very careful to keep ii clean. Trudy Richards —The Club's admirers are increasing rapidly. Thank you for your offer of help for the Winter Cheer campaign. The material will be sent to you in a day or two. If your name appears In ttie Call "or the Club cut It out and send it to us. and we will forward you s/6. j. Douglas—l am sorry that I cannot discuss the word-bulldlntr competition, but I will tell you that It might have happened because one of your words was not written plainly enough to read. W. S. Francia—Are you a boy or a jrfrl please? And. h»re you sent in an enrolment form? VOU cannot ha»e a badge until you are a member or the < .Ml) and hold the Club Ccrtltlcate. I am lakmp care or your 1/3. bul will return It ir you * S Oorothy Brooke.—l quite understand Dorothy, and le*k rorward to your next letter Elsie Thomaa—such a delight nuiy |<w letter rrom you. and I was interested in til you said. f am sure the ImrliM ■dm n>4 our harbeur. she Just ™'Wn' help it. 1 am glad yoo do not think or going farther away *an Palmerston >prth. though, or course, letters reach us rrom all parts of the Demlnlon. \\ endy sends a message to you: " Thank you very much ror the begonia blooms. They were truly beautirnl. I thought they must have been grown In a hothouse, but evidently they Ire growing out or doors I would yrj much like a slip or It. and will Plant , and think or you.- The trouser- are quii« satisfactory, and my thanks arc due for them I hope Allen will have made a p«o< recovery. I am sending you a ro'ir-poin ceriineatc for all the extra sewing that you have doue. Hurry up and send thein in before yen go away, so that you im> have your book. 1 am sure the baby Princess misses her rather and mother, but her granny Is taking great rare or tier. I am pleased that you love books. Norman Raohham—l hope you are successful in winning a prlio In the big winpetition. I think Fein » a>w«vs very funny. You may send In riddles and Jokes now "and then. , ....„„ Frod lr»ine —1 am ever so P'«^ ocl \ou like ymir own corner of the Budget, l shall look for your little brother's name, and when I see It shall know that he Is V William Callinan— The competition will soon be out now. only rour more days. ■ am sure you will llnd It even better than votir dreams. ■ NoMio Marriaon—Because your second riddle was published under the licarim? " Sent In by r, you do not set a certiflcatc

Frank Moloworih— Thank you for suggestion ror a competition. I wjn l2J£ pernio** U SOIDC «™ •«£«•• K?«& Ohakun* Road, flattihi Win u» rinh sssfS » dir^ you to come down 10 the oflice!l,hope vou m^eV'S^W.C wtt, ■' ph " Loma Cave—You certainly *r» Terr bu«v and I understand why you do not do any «ewmg. You must not send your photo graph to your pen rnend. If you (fid >t would spoil it all. The greatest charm or pen friendships is not knowing earn other \itit send Hie coupons in with each Mettoa >[ the competition. Ailu Ryan— A badge, was sent to you. »o wo received your letter safely. I ain wondering if It would be any UM axkln? at ihe |h.m omee about it iam m> sorrv n ha- pone astray. 1 am glad you got your rt-tiiiirat*' of membership. Campbell Sllenberoer—How kind of rour mother to pet Me Hudget " >tir«" •specially for you. 1 am glad you like Auckland, and I nnd that the joiiiest place* arr licit .-o nice lu the vmi.-r time Maurice Chittenden —There t« no entrance fee to tho rlut). All you hare to i<l i- to mi in ili<- < liMiiiuriii form that «•» publish In the- •• stai - time to time \\> iiiPii forward you a certificate of member-hip. The badge or membership cm* i :t. Florence Sitnbero, —I knew you would lik<- the coloured Mipplement. Tinker Bell shank- you (or your pattern. Dorothy Brooke—The trousers 'Were beautifully made, thank you. I am Mire the London rliildrc-n will appreciate your iikiukDi. |io not hurry too inurh. hut Vend tin- oth.-r things when they are, finished. Tliank you lor your good wishes. Elsie Thomae—l wonder how many of the " Star'.* " big family will keep their Hudgrl* .«o carefully. I hope it will not be »ery long before you join your falber and brother. Sandy Davidson.—You will know by thin time mat our coloured pages have, come t« May. It was Rood or you to remember the picture of the Rlmu'taka train in your •• Wonder Book of Railways." Fay Dawson —I loved your letter, ray. ami hope Dial you will be a member very soon. lMoa>e. tell your daddy that an enrolment form appeared on March r<. and. If h* can iin<l it and If you print your name on It and send It to us. we will send you the club ccriiiioate. Your drawing's were beautiful. I like the kisses between the star*. Fanny Batiatich —The rainy days keep u* Indoor.-, but we can always find somethingto do. and that win keep us happy. 1 hope vour rai.» do not iipjit. Mabel Shepherd—i cannot think what has happened to your badge, for It wa< sent from this onice many weeks ago. Art you quiic suns thai you nave not lost it? M. White —Ginger Meggs Is Just like lots or other lime boys of his age that I know. I wonder how he will tret on In the winter. We must watrh our Budget to nod out. Tony Batiatich —I am glad you wrote to me at last. I am sure you will soon be moved into Standard I. Mark Batiatich—lanny sets you a good example. You may join too, you know. 1 wish I could hear you play on your violin. What name have you given to your bantam roo-t.-r.' Jack Hunter—Thanks for your Jokes. I will ptibli«h them when space allows. Valda Heron—loure getting on towards your i:> point?. I hope you arc successful tii lite big compelttioii. Louisa Murray—We will publish your Jok«- under the heading " To Raise a Smile."• Maria Henderson —it's never too late to Join the club. All you have to do Is to nil in Iho enrolment rutin. I must publish one attain very soon. If you can find the la>t one. which appeared on March 5. and nil It in. send it to u> and we will forward you a cerllllralo , or membership at onre. Rona Willerton —O.P.U. stands for Order or the stiver Hedge, it is an honour con-rerr.-d upon r.iun members who " have displayed, exceptional keenness and devotion to the club and Its activities for advancement."' Joe Henderaon —Sec my answer to your sister. Volande Willerton —You arc another member added to the list or those who have written to tell us how much you like, the Budget. You arc quite right to do your home work first, but we shall be pleased to hear from you whenever you can write. I bavc gtvcui the meaning of 0.5.8. to Hona. Will you please read my reply to her. Lydls Henshall —Thank yon very much indeed for the parcel. It was very kind of yon to spend your priic money for stamps. Merls itark —Now. here is yotir answer. I have said it many times before, but I will do It once more ror you. All you have to do Is to nil In the enrolment form and send It to us, and we will forward you a certificate of membership. There is nothing to pay to Join the club, put when you have joined andt if you want a badge they cost 1/3.

Phyllis Rμ —I am glad you Hke the c*rtlllratc. You will like " Star Twinkle* " more as the weeks go on. \\> do not publish the pen friend every Saturday, but win d<> so as soon as we can. II was not hard to give a name 10 your drawing*. He was surely Captain Hook.

■ay McJt«gn«y—Thank you for ■oTitinsr to iis about the Budget. Your time or waiting- lor tin- competition Is. over. I was sci sorry to hoar about your little sifter, but hope that she will very twn t>« tiritPt. How loTdy it wiU be to have hrr borne asrain. Muriel Warren—The Budget is Trowing more and more, popular, isn't It? Everyone is toiling , me so. I think the mbieets you arc learning at the Tech. very sensible.

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Auckland Star, Volume LVIII, Issue 78, 2 April 1927, Page 3

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PETER PAN'S MAIL BAG Auckland Star, Volume LVIII, Issue 78, 2 April 1927, Page 3

PETER PAN'S MAIL BAG Auckland Star, Volume LVIII, Issue 78, 2 April 1927, Page 3