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Further Record Reductions I In All 33 Departments iiirr* 3 EVERY ITEM J® SSI?* I _ PRICED FOR j Thrifty Shoppers. CLEARANCE. Neck Wear Hose Bargains, j - Drastically Reduced. Th— th re. s .i.B PN w.are M i w t.df«m I I '' "-MIT Men's Clothing. Men's Wear * a large selection of reliable quality Hoee « 1 1 L * l*- 1 ——SisM J B j. p n . 18-inch by 70-inch Length French Double now selling at price* that mean a decided I' iv ; II J f .NnriM a fnros Silk Net Scarves, embroidered, or with saving. XPBSWr a |Tt~ll [Till I if l ll' '• ll Sen's EngHeh-med. Sport Coats, wiis fin art * * » «^«T^a finished borders. Black, brown, greys, "Silkestra" Meroerised Lisle Hoaa full I SI II II I 'II I II I I "P lll orercbeclu !n the newest style and navy, and 4/11. rasbioned. Recommended'orwe'ar a£d | tJLL li »111 1 ,i fll Bl If H fiff sh.des-U5W11y63 , Sale Price, \/\\ appearance^ in pearl, J | J ILll_ 11 ll|l ! |H «sle Price, 49/6 Sh'rti ojTo Piafn Who. *Ten£i. "sh'V'Sl! g Dainty Neckwear, comprising Organdie 6/11. PBH » *n Usually ■e' I jjg tj JuJ Special "•ate" Price Offer to clear a seleo- A selection ©I oddments. all well madr. ja Collars, In various styles, also Plion sale Price a #.« V SSI sir f 0 " •* Tweed and Worsted reliable quality—A. Kualiy sold Mom 4,11 ■ Jabots and Collars with fronts—Usually ' 4/11 w7 553 Ba lTXf\ W. m V ] Br-4 ,( j| S lfln~ IfrF *. FnlP l=flfiSS Treuaers, In various srey shades. All 3 from 1/6 to 5/11. ' UnP ■ II Ik™ M M f I I' 1 T H I |iri p •"•ell cut. correct styles—Usually 95. 6 Prioe, all at 3/lt each. jl Sale Pr.ces, frcm 6 d to 2/11 AH3?6* H B fl. M "111 111 II J! II LIL li 1. ,p ftli' 16/6 / C ° lloT ' M Sm r f wUb ° 1/11 B gjSi' «•«'• MSk Silk Hau-Usn.lty 55/.. gw. Two qual i t?es-—Usually 3 *TS. ' LJ I " Si, - B, H<Jl ' TTIT hi I W « 39/6 4150 ™ I '; B^ lPUBlly "?" Sale Prices, 1 /in and A/Q do*en. Black All-wool Hose, ror gymnasium use. T VyfylT UlMßpi? 10 flfi '1/6 ' w / in sizes 4, 5, 6. S.W. and Women'a 111 ill ft H HII Tl T ft 1 fmm H ■ ■•n's Wida-and Silk Tiaa, In a frtti Mm'i Pun Mm) Cmmi Multi-coloured Jap. Silk Scarves, 24in. x sizes. I | * I Hll ll ,I I H || ll Bfl | II I K><l slisdes Ifually mefti "Doctor BraaO" In 5.5. Sinrim ana 5/n — 4/u ||JLiLlttfl-lLlil ipLilJll LjLji .pkMpy-BSII , /3f w? Ea£ v " GROUND FLOOR. OTOUND ,U, °"- Vf' || Jf| || |m|. 1 '»1» OROW.O FLOOR. , u T ift l - f<em j T 6l ° Ve Savin S s - Footwear Carpet Savings. At Half Price and Less, Ladies' one-dome suedetex cloves. Best Jfl fflliT ilfnT- Hemnrhahl/v Tshv Priced Frencli make, with small gauntlet cuffs. * r y- | i f7' if TTM 111 FIiVM liflill 'i TfiCißVl 'TT I llcHMil ttUtflj iiUIl l rilcll Ouaiii. mmJI m M Ba vvir,ni U tP-_^°***iv f wA lte ' plnt ' or Mae fu^r? 1( a!f e 2liCT lf usually^/li? 1 beaver ' P BLP Y t| r fflJ Carpet, la rolßn«n'mate larr^ Sale "Price, Qd. , Bale Price, A If* * ' 100 pslrt of Ladies' High-grade English iVc'vsi'k colourlnfrf Veually •» **/ O and American Sheea, in patent, (rtace Wd. _ , _ * White Ivorold Rake Drtosing Combs, I By carefully studying this page of further store-wide Sale Reductions I styles only—Usually iTfe L * CC J 9/11 * I unbreakable—Usually 7/11, 10/6. Ona-dome Sueda Finish Gloves, wltn gaunt- ... ~ , . Sal* Frle#, o/| | pair. • S.I. p-ic, 2/6 3/6 "'<•■ you e " Jy reco « nu,e » Bvm 8 ! afforded. Each item has been ... / . ... ,~r,n T""7 ,]?T^ I .j s .i . ■ r . .. . , _ '®" pa>re OT laalte Mat Quality English admirable floor covfrinir lor l>pfl or aitG.min. whalebone n.HM h.if »"* '««. 2/11 «elected and pneed extra low for unmediate clearance. Every SS P "TSS* cSS L n ia 'r...';r K3 ■ "-= »< ■ i»to -1 .-»« v «ji{yn|j-w "it. department is represented, and the line, offered are all of the depend- u "" bMS - £5/19/6 Pure Bilk Gloves, elbow length, witb tucked ,LI- mialihr tL-t m .-_. f. ;_ i .• . . . , Ssle Price, ie/C A fine selection of the world's best Per- X ml' able quality that means satisfaction in wear. As we anticipate a quick 15/6 « onlr Super Quali wnten fumes, Including Colgate's, Houbfgaht's, ' usually 12/6. demknd von ara nroMl fo nlsn fnw mw% _1.._ ..... » Also. 100 pairs of Oddments and Sampiaa Squares, wirt ricti colourings una eff«cPiver's, Caley's, and Reichenback, In Sale Price, e/11 uemana, yOU are UFgCu tO plan lOr an early Shopping Visit next week. in Lace, Strap, and Court styles. All live designs. Size JUi. Jm. s 1 ?,n attractive bottles. 5/11 the Qnest quality, including Selby and €ln.—t'suaily £ST/10/Priced Half Usual. ■ - Cinderella makes—Usually 37/6 to s*/«. .... rnn ~n , ——— Ssls Price. Ifi/js pair. Pr,ce - £22/10/" GROUND FLOOR. GROUND FLOOR. ' —— — Special Purchase from England 1 n i m +T-* Basement Goods . Boys Clothing. Priced, Extra Low. 3000 yards Maids' Frocks. Furnishings Youths' English Tweed Sac Suits, latest - __ _ _ __ A f Knr frffift Prifd>9 cut, smartly fluisbed. Good quality. Sizes Vou will find a visit to this notable shop- A V V WW ▼ V Children's Dainty Voile Frocka, suitable for ***mi c s 1, 2, and 2i (long: trousers). ping area both Interesting and economical. MTX ■ ■ IR/ party wear, m a large variety of preur Sale Price At\lr* *«"* useful houseware artiolea are oon- .■ ■ mfWf MM ■ ■ ■ ftj ■■ .designs; n shades of sky. rose, hello*. price, 49/g stantly being shown at the lowest price A Jk A JL ▼ V A mJ primrose and white. S!t*s i«m . 90m.. SC-ineh All-wool Heavy Art. Sarge, Tor procurable. 59in.. S4ln.—Usually priced to 11 6 eacti. Hanrlngs or corernps; in la-au sbaOe Oddments in Children's Socks—To clear at 9-inch, alio 10-inch, White Earthenware Sale Price, all at A/\% only—t sually */c. 6 d ' 9"' 1/3 - l/e ""CI-h 54 inch, London Shrunk, /£* ZI!L-. ..— 4/9'•wa. c rsTf^sff , B»??s sale priced, //O yard S c - and 't0 10 - impergctlon. Comp)Me „„ Pric# . . *V" 52S ' - " Sale Prices, 4 f g I An outstanding value offer that will result in a ready sale, especially when I <*/!! j «... Price* 47/6, 57/ 6 67/6 I "vßloS lh coio n nrK r *"*' SlZe " 1 3 ° - one fonsiders the economy of securing a length for autumn wear. This great MrS. piam «-'««»h, Designed cretonnes, for Oddments in Boys Dark Canoe Shirts. Sizes -a /- each. special purchase includes many entirely new shades, and the quality is euaran- silks, in sires suitable for ibe roun* rusiiion corerinrs and tia-ip-mrs. m a ' sale Prico^^/iT-i SUa ? Special Value in. 7-picaa Decorated Salad teed London shrunk, and dependable in every way. Tonings are in blue, •9% to 11 10 5 9 - TCTrs —^isuany "narrafn 0 priced—t^uum 4/H ?2?florSV lavender, Venetian blue, mushroom. Irak, wine berry, Parma vislet, Egyptian ""■'l.l'LL' GROUND FLOOR. 3/11 "" , XTR «. red. orchid, passion flower, turf, coronation. o»mcl,a. Mslay, I/Uporto, etc., etc. First Floor Department. fourth floor. ~ second floor. Haby. Bargains House Linens — Priced Summer Frocks lumner Suits * r , Worth Inestigating. Most Economically* Priced for Clearance Blazers, Pull-overs. Laces, Flouncings, •»« *'<r Clearance. • At Half Price and Less. p sttr"tive "rai damask 20 onl * Pur * Llnin Frocks, In various namon. prey, malre, and brown—Usually Ladies' Sleevelaaa Siasars for sporu wear, aPrtcot,. swe, eherry. tafrtet, l/g eacb designs—usuauy styles and co j ours _ Lsu!UlJ .' 82/6> 27/6> S 9/6, 05/-. m blact. with royal or cardinal siripcs. m . . . 29/6. _ . _ . ( I in. widtb; a long roll collar siyle wi«i Ivory ChanUlly Lac Flounclnga, In two Sy 2 K /4 dozen.' mol< \ cbampaßrne - * tlB Pr,oe ' 1/" Meh; 11/6 d °" n ' To Clear, jg/g MC h. M ' 19/6 l 1/6. I cxtren-jf-ly degitrns. Jriced extra I Sale Price, i/- dotan. Wonderful Value in SB-Se-lnch Plain Col- . in «ni« rr.n. thin. J.imnar auita rruh Ml * 3/11 Sal. Price, e/l l 7/11 oarad Light-weight, Wlnceyette, in 18 only Figured Voile Frocka, latest designs n ?pMp<? *k?rt« The made SS D/ 11, //ll LU^bTu?l^e t r 2 C fl2 e &ms- Si nlnk— Usu all v tJl'vSa and newest shades-UsuaHy 55/-. fo'lsleeves 'and WcolPar. Shades are Ladiaa' Fin. Wot Pu.l-ovar Three Effective Designs in Real BS. Linen rtestrn? i 4 whffp »nrt fawn pottrtn t 1/3 yard. Sale Price, OQ/fi in navy. rose, cyclamen, cornllower. and Jumpers, wiuj Eton collar and pc-ckeis; L«ce Insertion, -aidtb—Usually 1/-. iS% ( i cotton— Sale Price, inld.J Q/11 dozen. w '° fawn—Usually TP/6. In cyclamen, fawn. sate. grev. almond. Sale Pr.ce, ed. Sale Price, o/H ... " fIL 12 only Attractive Cotton Gaorgetta. with Sale Price, oq/C rust, coral and scarlet-Usually ! j c b / Six. SCin. x 32in. Lace Table Covers. ?^,TnJ t0 tve lar * e check elTect— ' Sale Price, C/1 1 Also. R-inch Linen Lac. Insertion, «'lt6 a 9-inch Brassiere Elastic, in white only— Sale Price, -j /c each. usually j j/e. _ cluny pattern—l'snailr 1/6. Usually 2/11. WO Sate Price. 1n #0 12 onl > Superior Quality Wool Repp Sale Price, od. Sale Price, 1 //• i- l"/0 Ensemble Skiru. The skirts made wttb Special Value In Apron Overalls, or plain f I/O 36-36-Inch Heavy White Flannelette offered I silk crepe de chine top to tone. Shades: I coloured llncne. wits lancy I ■ 2-Plv Raton's Suner Finaerinn Wool in at • P r 'e« aaving that makes laying by 12 only Trlola Frocka, to the newest lines Naw. tan. almond, delpb. blue, and rust— Usually 3/6. Embroidered Fine Longcioth Nightdress e-rev onlv ' a «tock worth while—UsuaUy 1/6. Usually 35/-. Usually 6 guineas. m rir . , Topt, -altu square ij'-rk. scalloped «ape s.i. Prti., 3|di 2/3 h-a " s R' l ", 1/-' 11/9 19/6 99/6 1/6 "" ri '^eri^/|pSS. , ' ,T ' GROUND FLOOR. FIRST FLOOR. THIRD FLOOR. THIRD FLOOR. THIRD FLOOR. FLOOR. Silk Materials. j Wash Fabrics ?f u ; a mm^'kiir«^d?i«i k - Sports Coats. Corsets Ladies' Underteear. J Price ft Afiirh T,£>« cally reduced In price to clear. Ladies' Sporu Coats, made ** a g «* * r Many Silk, are featured at greatly reduced * _ MjC99. a l.rge ••'•et|en of love*, J % l^CclollT"\n h, pla?n FriCCrf MuCll LeSS. ies* Conon Bathing Suits, Kleei-eIeFK. II prices, including:- priced M\ six.fctt t-o«« k«, Je. All sizes Usually 38-inch Silk Marocain, ia ivory shade only. SB-Inch Woven Check Ginghams, to a.large rrom 35/6 to 19/6. |UC= patme. brown: also with ....... ..... Bale Price 1/11 \ suDerior aualitv Tor frocks and range of ravourlte shades and checks. A To Clear, 0/11 each. *—1 nl ofT-ctive checks and stripes. boo piUra Ledie. Corsau. in Uaree disti jet 1/11 JumperS'suaUy 14/6 serviceable quality to pink, blue, brown, 51 „ 9/11 M Pill m. usually <•/-. 40 6. 67/6. styles, one wiUi medium and long juujyeis usudiiy 14/o. , hello Tawn name Also, Modala, from 89/6 to - hip model, in dove and wane, sires S3 Ladies Cotton Crepe Bioomers, in •women £ Sale Price, d/ 11 _ . _ , , . 59/6. W Sale Price. Ofl/c 31 An elastic tip m<-.del. m xrhlte. sire only. JCL. madt. O/ ** Sale Price, 1/- yard. To Clear, 10/0 each. ■ M | 29/6 sltej 90 to Jf. Also a pint sports Bale fries, 1/C pair. .It I . {^t'siT^Jl'to'sr^ 15 M s:acs Bnd r * ne » r,era ' Crlm ' , with en^crw 18-inch Black Hatters' Plush, ror millinery, «-inch Pla'i White O'gtndie Muslin, extra V* V«&i« w,a l 1" Sa *''- ***$■> with a ricb flnisbed heavy pile—Usually a ne weave Usually 2/3 Sale Prlca, all at 3/lf pair. led. benna. with coniiasting Ehafles— 9 5 s.„ 2/n u : X "STAR ATTRACTIONS" f 4 /u 1A ' 000 pairs of Strong White Coutil Coreets Fine White ■adapoi.m Highidreee*. with __ . . „ _ 40-inch Fine Oualit* Art. Silk Milanese for offered at a ssle pr.ce that means extra- s-sriss embroidery voke. Marrar .trie 38-inch Broche Crepe Delhi. A sort crepe ous ai^effea?ve o shad'es* 1 D ExcpA- dainty underwear. A circular good- C top. I wim square net* andtb I >**■ SSM??,,?" 1 "• X w awprasa 7/1 I Sale Price, 2/11 Bale Price, 1/6 yard. £10 P o C /s 1 eg 79 to 36—Usually tl/l 1. 16/11. 1? C. Si - Al arVlrot. Crifnp ' I 11 Saving 0/11 ll «o Sale PHee, all at g/|i pair. .prlrot. blue, and bello. grounds—Usually rIMT c inna rur.,. ,1 An Exceptional "Star" Value Offer on Men'a and 89 • Prlea. a >«• FIRST FLOOR. F,RBT F*-OOR. Offered striped Wlnceyette, alae Guinea . AIMI 4/11 off W Pyivnee, In siz« rroln S. Men's to Extra W taume* FOURTH FLOOR. i - O.S. Men's All well-made roomy suits. Jensen FOURTH FLOOR. Jensen- with neat stripes, and of serviceable ai. a|--„ rpiallty materials—Usnallv to 11/6. WlOOte n.ji Tfhhrk wioore g star price, g/n suit, Monday. m Piano* Flannels, Rugs. At Half Price and Less. M From 9to 11.30 a.m. only \ Records, Portables. Etc. Articare Items. Take advantage of these big saving*, and lay U\t 1 a . .1 „r •» a n • lyarmg SeSectlen ef Frolt Bowls Vases and Ornaby a stock of flannel for the cold season. ufadual M Mail OrdcfS not acccpleq at Star Attraction Pnce rn »ka mant IVavattiaa, mso OOdtnenta in Cn«iish 28 grev h na^ t °Sh^!and e 'an(i l^vhite— Usually 3-inch Corded Silk Ribbone, for millinery Payments M * % " Sole" Oddments In iMn. "Emar*>n- 5222* Wl'l' Port.^'.n^Tumbr e rI P * B "* f/iV. naT ' or trimming purposes; to grey, brown. from 7/6 M \ pf?®, in numerous Utles. ® a? Pr^ Sale Price, i /1i or kingfisher—Usually 1/8. »_l— m m rmo °' If. L". 1/11 weekly. # m sale Price to Clear, t/Q Special Reductions Offer Saving. Sale Prioe, cl. €€ Jk t- n ff Superior Dinner and Tea Set., exclusive 28-inch Coloured All-wool Drees Flannels, **IU)QyS IStISy e "Maatartana" rnrtahla ntamni*ian . Tw'tti'i" In cardinal, peacock, ltsht and dark rswh, I>indi S.tln Ribbon,. A Etron? durable n»o»r T? , :,, , 3P G BT 'C saa TAtvl . * « « «/«»/«»/« e " 2 / 3 ."• """• 3-- . ||||J\] TD I fIJ 49/6 Light-weight All-wool Rugs, Tor train car, ? t'-inch Black taffeta Silk Ribbbn, Tor mil- IV fI I ■ 111 I | | ||1 im, m hw. 6,,e Pr ' ce " 65/", 75/ ,79/6 mSi. °h£?<,£'i oVe " tecK i.nery or trimmings. VV/111l VVVlll IjlUt JSpSSR .... phc 11/6 übb. | 2 d. ~r t. w first floor. j Fm,T FLeoR. Auckland's Leading Drapers and Furnishers "" ""*■ 7

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Auckland Star, Volume LVIII, Issue 42, 19 February 1927, Page 35

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Page 35 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LVIII, Issue 42, 19 February 1927, Page 35

Page 35 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LVIII, Issue 42, 19 February 1927, Page 35