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WHOLESALERS MAKING HEAVY DELIVERIES. FyRTHER ADVANCE ON SUGAR, DECLINE IN CHEAP PACKET CORNFLOUR. "Auckland Star" Office, Wednesday, December 22, 1926. As Tyetß anticipated, wholesale grocery merchants are finding that it is almost impossible to cope with the volume of business that is now demanding their at' tention, and it is difficult to imagine how they will be able to complete all their deliveries in time for the holidays. Most firms have had their employees back every night to help cope with the situation, but even with this assistance, merchants are finding themselves in difficulties. All orders npw beinp delivered are for January account, which has helped to swell the tide of demand for instant delivery, has been very brisk interhou,se trading between merchants, which mdi? cates that a good many lines from overseas ape h e !d in light supply. Dominion trade conditions are on the whole much brighter, the firmer values recently ad> vised on export produce and the heavy production figures having exercised a moye brightening influence on country tracliqg. The retail "trade commenced their holiday rush towards the end of last week—ya<;_hV ing and camping orders are commencing to come in, and the will be over? whelmed with the amount of business rei quiring to be transacted almost immedj: ately. Hams are moving fairly freely, with retailers hoping that their stocks are . sufficient to tide them over, as further pjjrchagea matfe ftfe this time would be, at higher money, Eggs are pot plentiful, and the heavy demand haa hejped to firm yp retailers,' Belling prices, * General, Figs ape etjlj selling well, but" it" is now anticipated that supplies m\] fie mope thftH sufficient (or fl} e yequjrements, Ppket are (jqnsidered te be very ?eae.op' ahlo tor this time o f year, jktuaeatele are practically cleaned up from whole? saiers' hands. aHhwgh the reteil are stjji msking a fair showing of the bulk end. psießSt H ne J> Jordan and iicily almpnda aye in bripk demand ?s rgeently landed, with supplies juat about sufficient tW present trade retjuirpmenta. Jn ground Epslieh p«ekin.fg are in heavy , demand.! viw ptocks in very light compass, A very quantity of unusually high-grade . arrived to J ft very bftF? market, and owing to tlie . general shortage went into eoneuming channels immediately. The demand for nuts ia heavy, with etocks. about eufflcieni for the tradp, Cartnua ftTfi having » par» , tiQu!»r!y seod run, the, saving pf time in handling tci the retail.being pne pI the gpeatest ttttractions. Cryetalliaed and drained pherrjes. Jiave been, rather jate in arriving this year, and SUpPnes are'now being distributed, The long*e*peete j d of canned fr-iiii; have, just come ttv hftnd, and. all cpnt;r«p,ta\up to and in' eluding Pecember delivepiea Rre now bejn.g ■- eijeeuiiedi Aa the portion of this - Bhipn\en,t tan he«n -required for . indent QfmVn, the cnpry ; ovep for ordinary trade refluiremeHta « vepy light, The heHday Wftwn he# wueert an MnuiuaJiy heavy de< TO9Bj! for supphej of piaeapplee, with the ~ mm that apme eiwHi mi paeka ape in vepy light supply, Pricee ape very flpm, fPupee |i\ the large and medium sizes ere. ift supply, with. d.em«n4 keen en pre» 't'9W% .offwiiijsi.. m\w to srie?- Priod Wfjcetf are being pjfete4 frpm. ftook at hiehw Pfttee, whW|i hai caujed m(m wnßOft te he iiven fa Upward hpokiijgi or South Aftican at lesj money, {Jpjjt Ktecke ere!, ifl wnall eonapasa. fii-ied pej(ph.<i ape>efflf at #W_W awi OTeeeJUns Wf!l. w«nj: , r;|pjja«| ffltoejlußt. »pos .Vgffieritigi. >pe being , m*te en the Qhe»pef ■ grade*/, which; he? created, a good demand, ©the? and more higb'Priced patkjngH are in temnprapy • aupp]y. The. new epop eeda iippe4 . rm natural nnhleaphed Thomnaon'f "wed. ]eaa are pather lightly held against a keen . inltanae in two and three, erpwn, Auitraiian ape rather short, which is cauwng buyer? to pay mope-attention to . the new #ea»on'e Snjyrpa fruit, which is ' of excellent quality, , ' Cable* revived last week fpom. Hepg- . KPBB advise firm but unchanged quotas tienj on preaepved gipgep for'prompt Bhjpment, ■ " , Carmway So«ds. .;-'. Merchant* have just been adviaed p( new . quotations an Dutch earrawaye, which (ihow an advance of 4/ pei cwt «« previoui i 'rate*.' fhi« offering is lor prompt ship' ment, and merchants are advised that the. earpawaya are packed* In double baga to aaye loss m transit. Cemnour. ; ■ One of the largest of the Englieh packiiiK houses has advlaed a reduction of £2 per ten on their cheaper brands of packet cornflour. • Canned P(« Fruits, Southern packers are already soliciting come idea of merchante , probable require* juent* en pie frniti, although delivery will .net require to be effected till the demand tset* in. probably in March up April next. Information available at present Iβ to the effect that the stone fruit season in Otago • Ceqtral promiees to be a very light one, owing to the adverse weather conditions that have been experienced. This applies particularly tQ apricots, and packers state that every endeavour will 1>» jnad.e to fulfil all orders received, although no guarantee can be given, at this juncture what size the pack will be.oln regard to the other varieties offered., packers intend, owing to the difficulties of the aeason, to pack only suffioient to enable them to execute any orders sent in to them by the '* end of this week.. Eno'f Fruit Salts. Hepchanta have, been advised of an ad- ; vanqe of 3d per dozen in the landed quota* • tions for both the household and handy size* qf Eno'a fpuit aalti, wlilch will take effect immediately, . •■..'■"' Ceylon Tμ. At the weekly sale of tea held at Colombo on the. ltth init., 2,375,000 pounds were., offered fop sa)e. , Thw was an un- • uaually large quantity and wan owing to the fact that it proved tq be the laat aole of the year, no further offerings being made till the first week" in January, Quality proved rather useful, but the '.tendency of the market was for slightly easier rates owing to the heavy offerjnge being too much for buyers' requirements, The result of the sale showed a reduction vf Sα per lb on commons, Hd on cleaned groe4 by id perlb, but plain broken * ek,e? deohned the name amount, I** ,,9 ' *»* the « ne a* wta remained rates. Exchange w« stocks we cleared, &£?%£:'JZSS " v •*•»• «nd of the summer month, ew A^riiZ™ 04 * c^ lmerell, P»eeta fop March. & W T ° Ver the B^w* ,

• Slpr Date?. Slightly easier market rates have been advised on prompt shipment quotations for new season , * $iar dates from London. The latest cabled' advice of 1/ per cwt reduction is the ~ second that has' taken place thia wonth. .; Sugar. Local quotations for all grades of augar, including leaf, advanped n further 10/I 0 / pep ton at the beginning Of the weeky which is the fpui'th advance that has taken plape during the last three months. Retail'aUP.tfttlons Vfff advanqed to the public qn the first of the month, when prices advanced 307, but in thia instance, <>wing to the smailnese pf the rise, it jfj understood that the retailera are only increasing their eeljing pa|ee by W per bag, with nP aftei'fttipn in Wfi pwaiJer packings. Paanui *er«ef». Market quotations for %lava peanut nela are slightly easier, revised price* received a few days agq showintj a reduce tion of 7/e per ton for January shipment. The shipment under offer is. packed in double hags and is offered at Pa.f>e. rates. flfienff) Cloth* and Mo|»*. Owing to tne further reduptiona in the cpt.t°n roapket, the manufaotmera gf enpnge plqths and cotton mope advise an all ppqnd peductipn of 3d per do«en pn all sizes and both lines, Tapiepa. Mail advices recently received frpm one. af the largest shippers of sago and tapioca from Peniing an.4 give theip reasons for the unusually firm state pf this market, and it lp.qke from the information received that it Will be impossible to pret diet any decline, in values te those level* in force earlier in the year. They ptate that at the time, of writing there was » good demand from bpth Australia and the Continent in cenwquenee pI whiph the mapket position wa» unuaualiy firm. The chief reasons PFSHent firm state. of the market ia owing tp a combination of circumstances, the effecst Pf which if. onjy npw felt, $he fact ie that past prices have not been remunerative, te the grower, and the smell holdepe whq are the chief plantepa. pf thii srqp ape able to make more, money ny growing punber and cQcpnuta, Further, many pf the large? Chinese pubhep estates, in which tapioca waa interplanted' between the rubber trees, as. a catch crop, have passed into Eiu'iipenn pwhepebJp* with the "result that the tapioca ia immediately taken out ta imprqye the growth of the rubber* Under the circumstances it ia nqt anticipated that the supplies of tapioca will be able to keep wjth the demand, and buyer* may ;weH. expect tp see higher prices in tljiq commodity during the. next tew years. ~ Prices as listed last week were on ,t. firm market, with quotation* ahow ing no alteration from that of the pre« vioiia week, ', Stpeke qi» apot are not at all plentiful and merchants have been forced to PPPQUPe supplies from Sydney, to keep them going till the direct ship-, meats land: early in January* •/ Prunes, Tee last cabled quotations received Jn connection with packers' offering, of prunea adviaed ,an" unuaually firm market with indent ratea for.W3o'a showing an advance pf 9/ pep qw%, - » :, D«*!«ea,t«d Commit The indent'market haa not shown any further alteration singe laat week, and mail report* now -to hand incline tq lqwer ppices, which should fee the. meane «f creating more interest an buying at the higher quotatlonji - previously adviaed baa not by any meane been of an extensive nature. .... - •: ■■'■'■■■ O«o#j«' Quotations on the hign grade* of eoooa at Opipmbo at the moment are very firm, while the lower grades ape iuplined, to weaker owing to the fact that fairly large of"'the lattep are held jn store, and,the demand for the present ip ........... , ', • VQupt4tioßß retfeivecT from' London on new seaspn'f Sicilies during the earljep part of the showed a. •'tendency for- low.*r valuee. Prices iov prompt shipment and indent are now advised as being firmer, the latest Alteration; beine an advanoe «f V .per ton. s■. ';■■ .-.-.*. CeWB»VQII. Mail' reports jusy'ttf hand advise that the market just prior to the time of writ-; ing. had wen very quiet, gome weak native holders, had been forced te liquidate the month, which had temporwrjjy depreeeed the xnapket. The poaitien, however> leen cleared and price* flnished up by advancing 5/ per ten over the previous quotation!I Unwed OH. Aβ the re»uh of c*»ier marketp on J!ng. lieh raw end .toiled linseed oil, the prieea as cabled last weefc repreeent a fall in value* of JH4 per. gallon for December shipment, ..Quotajtona. are also Uste4 fop spread shipment from January tq April inclusive at .an advance of Hd pep gallon on the previous ponth'a bookings. .■:■ . C«onut Fibre. ", ' ~?jwei ofmattpejs <ibpa have abown a slight increase,, partially on account of the resumption of the rains and partly aa a result pf the good general demand. • ; ■? Haniwtrf.' Wholeaalt! hardware dealers advise that trade haa shown a further improvement thw the demand, for kitchen utility lines and other, articles suitable for Christmaa preaenta being quite brisk. Retailer* ape. also dpjng mpre trade. The ruah of business, although it haa wmmenfled a bit lat !' H be very heavy f Qr the rest of ther wefk. Further oversea, ahip* menits arrived to ■ merchants' orders laat week and now being unpacked end distributed. . They comprise Welah tin* plate, enamelware, tinned bake pans (these have been in very short supply), Anglo enamelware, Continental glassware, garden hose, aluminium ware and flour sifters. , , Wholesale Current Prices. Butter quality creamery but' ter, booked/ \t&k per lb, prompt cash: Anchor, Sunbeam and Opotlki, l/m per lbr first factory, l/«» per 16 booked aK* P ? % fo p Prompt caeh; >cbnd BT«de factory, booked 1/3% per IbnncJ 1/3 pep llrfpr prompt cash; farmera? •epara'pr, pep }b,r ■;, • . . , Cheese grade factory, medium we, nuld 9d tQ »*dj loaf, UM jm lb, Sfft. $ to J/» per lb; boned haroa, \m to l/«H Per jb; bacon aio>«, Ud to I/I wr lb| rolled aides, 1/1 to 1/3 per lb: middlei, l/»: to 1/4 per lb; Moulder. M to Wd per lh;,rolled ihoulder., ljd to \(aW J b ;l a wl. hulk IM tolld per lfc pats lid to,l/ perib: ' . ~ • - x 2001b sacke £18 10/ per ton, 100'e 419 5/ per ton, 50'e ]£lV W pw ton, 35. S3Q 15/ per ton, 12H'p i£2l 7/6 per ton, m* *2117/« per ton; few JH Pβ*oei,tdiacouet. <P f nirt:™ ahanN and ,*ran,—ljoeal sharpa, £Xl 10/ per twrbran, « 10/ per ton. 12/3 per buahel; whole wlute, 12A per buehel; whole black, 13/ per buehel: ;, •-.-••'.'-. S/6 per lb; binder, 8d per 1b,...-, ■■ \._. . ~, ...--_-,,:,., -.i.-v--Peameal.r-12/e, per 1001b. Irtuseel Meal,—Moose, 16/ per 1001b ■ lWlb Oil Ca,J « %*»— 14/9 Per Bluestone:—32/ per cwt. .7

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Auckland Star, Volume LVII, Issue 303, 22 December 1926, Page 4

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THE MARKETS AT A GLANCE. Auckland Star, Volume LVII, Issue 303, 22 December 1926, Page 4

THE MARKETS AT A GLANCE. Auckland Star, Volume LVII, Issue 303, 22 December 1926, Page 4