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Decidethat you must and you Will Tne ino*t <-on\ inuiiijj prooi vi the , ! H l-\ \ 1 \ I l/l / jl V/ T| WJIL-i I get rid of that pain in your joints and efficacy of De Witt's Pills is that afforded j 1~----4 <p\ \ \| 1 1 aSl*^/vi//l / /« you will have taken tbe first big step by the unsolicited testimonials of men r _ft -- \V\ \ ?\ 1 | thy C \ 3 lfi\ along the road to recovery. and women who have actually used the '""""".Tr \W__\_______±-- q\ » V\ 1 * \ £?Jk I 7 V*\ "\~VTI ' A I~i The, remainder of the way is easy, remedy and by so doing have banished 3f"*" |j^\ NT . -~-K *Sfcs.\i f / > WI B* f\ MX t No purgative salts, the joint pains which tortured them. -*"*""" | —"" J' 5 * 5 * A \V L\tf&* VV I—jL ll Vi No Harmful Drugs The following is a typical case. ] ke^-"J J* \ . ~. .. T " riting from Browning St., Learning- >c v. I VA i*S**T no embrocations or rubbing oils. Just ton, Cambridge, Mrs. Emily Critchley V T I > , / / JHH.2 ————== an inexpensive box of Debuts Pdls says ._»_ had .rouble with my kidneys ii \ V iA '* i HHffr / / U ' " from the chemist. Iwo taken with for d | u , ed to Buffer terrib , I \ \ <* V+ / / . ,__. „_,.. „.„,„ __,___„. a drink of water at night and then, ... •••-_ ■. • . 1 \ V H H9 illustrates a Popular Summer Vest HHI2 —Ladies' Fine White Woven Cotton freedom from pain. ™„„L " tt " ?~,l~ wfkLt,./.-,!?. \ Style in Cream Cotton and Art. Silk, Cami-Knickers A round neck sleeveless When you think of all you have ren _ ed y aftel _ »"° tner . without success, \ \ \ chemise length, finished seir binding; style, nnisned lace edging, also lace in- l| unen you think or ail you nave anJ , mlllt have spent pounds in this \ fv I without sleeves. An excellent value, in serlion at waist, ami edging on wide |~ mittered you may hnd it hard to believe ma but in thp end , waersuaded \ \ Women's Size. legs. An ideal garment for bummer ; that such a simple method of treatment De w, pm dth promptly j \ / \ I "l 1 1 Wear ' 0 S Ican accomplish so much in such a short .. , tl v »»i t »l. -n 1 I \ I O/11. women a. v.a. , .' TT . , „ gave mc relief. 1 hree bottles ot the pills II \ ■ x/ilt2'"ll space of tune. Here is the reason. De ? •, j . t _ :i_ ~»• i I I \ V 4/11 9/ II Tin i l i i . .i banished every trace or my ailment. ,i I 1 \ V ~ , - ' I W ltt s rills cleanse, heal and strengthen — t- _i ''A i\\A ° your kidneys and your bladder andthus FreeCSOITI YOT YOU '! I \ \Jk HHB—A Cream Cami-Knicker of Woven HHlo—The centre figure of group shows rid your body of the harmful uric acid You too can be freed from your pain i| M \Q %?£?. that has been causing the pain in your lour nearest chemist sells and reconi- J J__vg W neck and arms, also lace Insertion at and wide knee, edged lace to finish. A j. joints. You cannot obtain results like mends De Witt's Pills, and if only you j i-|HA waist, with braid round legs. A durable, reliable quality garment that reflects | this by any other means, and you cannot will take them as directed you will jl fin a g oo d quality garment, in good value. ," get rid of the pain in your joints while quickly get rid of the swelling, the , .j Women's. O.S. Women's. OS. that harmful uric acid remains. stiffness and the pains that make walking j] 9/6 10/6 3/11 4/11 That is why De Witt's Pills are recom- difficult and torture you every time you • ■> mended to you. If you will give them a move. Your health will benefit in many | = | fair trial pain will quickly disappear and ways when you get rid of the uric acid ' your !if>nlth will improve in mmiv w.t «. 'tbnt ie ran.i-" "iii -m vi.-ir imnts. | L wB Jgtf vBnV IP-' ____. ____■ ___r \i __l t__r ¥ vi « €bw. 8 I ■E3 a 8 L^>^ kidney a.n. .; 1... DuLU m\. J\- J? v JLI-l **Jr I'll ! ohtv Ers g ■ I attractive s h or t cuff styles, A#A\\\\V*ff/ A few hours after you take the first dose of De Witt's Pills, discolouration of the /,? .4'"_?' jr\ I!|I // , , / nrine will prove that they have commenced their good wo*. You will be able to o-rftW-rr\iAf>YPn p\c £V '/'•'/'*'_* \\ \ 1 V//// ' tee that the cleansing, healing and strengthening ingredients of De Witt's Pills j CTTIOI OlUClCt* j CIU. #7 .?,•'//'.• f \1 j \J//// \ have passed tlirougb your kidneys and your bladder. No other medicine furnishes 1 /J f '''''/*S \\\j 1 // / ■ proof like this, and when once you have tried De Witt's Pills, your one regret - - - 7 • /7SS/ *•</'/// will be that you did not do so before. Take them for Scalding Pains, Gravel, A7l Ao-t\ot-tA/inlP TTin&PS flf /rJ\S* Wi^A^ Stone, Painful Joints, Stiffness. Rheumatism, Backache, Lumbago, Sciatica. Give S±ll Ue/JCIIUUUH- tit ///// :hem to children subject to Bed-wetting and to aged persons afflicted by Urinary j T 1 7> 17" 1 I") • '//f^S Ttixorders, and in every case they will give prompt, relief and lasting benefit. Ailir&lfinn S fx PP7ICSI iTICC'S* 7}lffCr A __ 8m iflljil. fW ~- Cs^aL^ J^"==: y. j Ladies' 1-Oome French Kid Gloves, with fancy ribbon ,j co V/dl ! Ladies' 1-Dome Art. Silk Gauntlet Gloves, trimmed with ( , i]fr |n pa _ telle on _ y . tr i m med Brown and Gold. An ; 1 utT .to keep A B oT? r^o^ t, s£uS <Kl excellent Cove, smart fitting. M Backache— two pills- water at bedtime- you well H J 8/11 pair f : " ~ , „ ~ „ ~~J~ Ladies' 1-Dome Suede Finish Gloves, perrect fitting, ! 1 ; 2-Dome Pure Silk Gloves, in Fownes English make, reliable French make, with fancy petal cuffs, also ______ - with double finger tips. An excellent value, in Black, trimmed Oriental colours; in Pastelle, Sand, and Grey. 1: Mnthpr said slip max tlite ' Tussore - Grey - _, n, ?_. Sana ' Good value. I-; may * j 6 6. 3/6 pair. I i'l Also, in 12-Button Length Ladies' 1-Dome Brussels Kid Gloves, faultless flttrng, [ ) ii // 11. Wllh turned-back cuffs, in Pastelle and Grey. I 16-Button Length. 10/6 pair. V / ' —— -—" — ■ Ladies' 1-Dome Suede Gloves, with small gauntlet cuff. |, x f kmmtt " V i ll , ]» I Ladies' 2-Dome Suede Finish Gloves, with 2 cord twist self fringe. A superior line, in Tan and | J.l <*--- v«M«rifcl ,tal|si:&S 5 points. A special value for Fprini? wear, In Pastelle, Putty shades on] y- __ ,_, Tan ' BelsP ' Grey ' Silvpr - and Black - 13/6 A-? Flbow lenrth same dtlce Smart Suede Gloves, with sort pmntlet and elastic 1 \\i J%£t&S_W' Elbow ieng_____same price. wrist; in Grey, Pastelle, Beaver, Tan, Brown, and —,Ji V<\ l%»*« 4i_\_____% Ladies' 1-Dome French Suede Gloves, with self rrflled Black. -»//,• SiJ*\ I cufTs - A su P erior Q ualit y. in Beaver and Pastelle 11/6 pair. 1\ MV ! i ° nli ' 12/6 pair. Ladiee' Washable Doeskin Slip-on Gloves, In White. / \ \ \ f y\ \ M.-./M trimmed Helio. and Rose, also Natural, trimmed \_ \_\ Irk Ladies* 1-Dome Silk Gloves, with fancy turned-back Cyclamen. v « \ *X A-A cufTs, embroidered in contrasting colours. Pastelle, 11/O pair. . \ \\ V 1 'i Bea . Ver ' S' r , ey ' B^ Ck ', and WnUe ' A faultleSS mUns - children's French Fabric Gloves, with small fancy cuffs. i \ SXNs \ ' e °° a qUallty - U ■«/« • Ch A splendid v C alue .serviceable quality, In Tan. Drab, J, V ! 8/6 pair. and Pastelle. Sizes 1 to 6. _ * 1 JS } \ Mso. 1-Dome Silk Gloves, In a superior quality, with 3/6 pair. | f\ y >"Xjf_ V SSS,"nd tS Silver 6 ' 1 fMCy Pl6aUn? ' iD Grey ' KaSlla - inT . nta .l-Dom.Ante l opeG l ov r , ! nTan. Sizes 00 to 2. j fj S fw 12/G pair - !__!!: [■ /y\\ Good Value and Selection in CHILDREN'S SOCKS I j LJ \\ Also SUN HATS. Ground Hoor Dept. \ \ Children's Cream Striped Lustre Socks, with Blue. Boys' Grey Three-quarter Socks, with coloured j Pink, or Mauve Stripes. Sizes to nt ages irom turn-down tops; in sizes to fit boys rrom ato - 1 "*\ 1 to 5 years. 12 years. |j; f 1 " ' J Sizes 2 3 4 5 6 Sizes 6 7 8 9 10 F 1/10 2/- 2/2 2/4 2/6 3/10 4/- 4/2 4/4 4/6 [~ ! Children's Plain Cream " IHazol " Socks, unshrink- Boys* Khaki Sun Helmets, with Red or linings; !| **-mml-mm*mmMfe- able and durable; for ag-es from 1 to 5 years. in sizes to fit boys from 5 to 14 years. A J.C.L. . Sizes 2 3 4 5 6 Leader for value - . { 1/4 1/5 16 1/7 1/8 j_ 2/11 each. ; a I ■ _____ Also. White or Grey Helmets, with , W mmn _~~*M. M._~ _W_~. s-4-~.---~-.-~ &._-._-_ f'* ! Children's Three-quarter " Mazol" Jfm Green lining-. / UUCLTtZ LO OS SZTOIISt, TOO I socks - A r,;iiaDip make - in ?iz : s to nt Aw 3/3 each. * "•*•'*•■•■» **■»■ vsigi a. 1 • juveniles from 3to 12 years of age. AW yjk : M Sizes 4 5 6 7 AW «k pu gnk He|met HatSi fnr thP WPe boy _ 2/- 2/2 2-4 2/6 _Wf\TT y from 2to r> year3 ' WeU matle liule Of course she may. ' Mother &± sizes 8 9 10 #IHS Hats ' Uae<l sl, g /6 . knows well the strengthening and |J~ | I 2/8 2//1 ° 3/ " SJll 7 eac body buiiding value of SCOTT'S j§k JjJL&JSZy ========- I _P* f == ' Mother knows, too, how „„.--„ ~__W^ Emulsion prevents colds and < "STAR ATTRACTIONS coughs. She also knows how it ™tfnuT!£i--% ># prevents rickets, wasting and all "311TBsfe f C-S3P r i t- t A special «• = tar - value offer, white, A_W Genuine li j ii ' ,1 s £ : "-JK r-—*mM Lxtra , <(^ w Helio., Sky. Pint, and Primrose. In sizes /?¥ " . 1 blood and bone troubles. ~==jSs I *'W Finp tv iUlt Juvemies rmm 2to 9 years. Aw Uak r.-nr-a»S \ M I >SV Ctar Attraction Price TO-IKIOHROW, /SJT T,=..= The doctor, himself, explained how /■ Selection m tSin., 20m., 22in., 24in.— 8/11 each Atternoon lea the Cod liver Oil in SCOTT'S I/ /M oi Ladies Woven Striped Hemstitched Zephyr JW Waggons tne COU liver OU in OtUUO £i=_-==M| l/y_ffl ai ladies' W\ Handkerchiefs, in various attractive MF mall protects the throat and chest and f /_U__\WW> r- l- li W) colourings. Some plain centre, others all- W er«arlp«s l __ i 11 v 1 'THiSSrft: I Fashionable I? 9 over patterns. Useful size, fast colour, m biiaueb, how the valuable salts make strong I -— Footwear harpam price ime. % with 3-inch teeth and firm bones. ' in B 4?d Ct e o achTe C ToT2 , /3 ,lOW, % Rubber Tyred If you love your little ones, you will favourite AW , •yQ 6^ 3 ' accept none but the genuine —««b shades ff YXQTLX Jj 10 11 21.111. ODIV Ik v to match . ~ • m CaC • wearing B Mail Ortkn not accepted at "Star"' Attraction Outstanding Scott's Emulsion I ,ir,i ""*" .ff___\ Ak_____B_«__ --<*.—_ i We Send Samples of Cotton and Silk Fabrics on Request. Recommended by doctors in cases of i! ~ - COUGHS, COLDS BRONCHITIS WASTING INFLUENZA j - r-r-i ¥ CONSUMPTION PNEUMONIA MEASLES RICKETS If l| I IR I I I^o AS GOOD FOR ADULTS AS FOR CHILDREN, j ** _ „ . 7 j Auckland's Leading Drapers and burnishers j SCO7T 6> BOWNE (Aaslralada) Lid- 491. K:nt St. SYDNEY. NS.W. ' ' = = ~""

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Auckland Star, Volume LVII, Issue 247, 18 October 1926, Page 19

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Page 19 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LVII, Issue 247, 18 October 1926, Page 19

Page 19 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LVII, Issue 247, 18 October 1926, Page 19