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Suusi't : To-day. 4.47 p.m. SMiurisu: To-uiorrow, 7.D0 a.m. iiuoij : New, luiti, lO.iSli a.uj. lIKJII YVATEK. -Aih.-klaud To-day, 4.lGa.ui. 4.3- ».ul. Auckland Thurs., tl.lsa.ui. 5.31 p.m. Thurs.. t<.r>2 a.m. O p.m. Kaiiiar.t lids.. .Thurs.. 5.47 a.m. 0.23 p.m. -Maiiukaii lids. .Thurs., " l>.in. ARRIVALS—YESTERDAY. M;;ram.i. from Sydney. 0.40 p.m. Taeseu-jrl-rs:-- First class: Mrs. L\ 11. Akroyd, Mr. W. Ujiiley, Miss K. Buchanau. Miss O. Hucluiitaii. Mr. T. 11. Condell, Miss A. -I. v ouuor. .Mrs. .1. Crawford, Mr. .1. Crawfori Mr. J. Uavies. Mrs. J. Uavies, Mrs. A. L. Kmikau. Miss U. IClwell. Captain A. Kuiunuel, Mrs. L. Gialiaui. Mrs. E. H. Urejiury. Mrs. E. anil I". 11. Ueauey. Mr. 11. Ilobbs. Miss l>. Hobbs. Mr. J. T. Hill, Miss A. .larvis. Mr. L. A. JaeoTjSell, Mrs. .!. K. Jaeksuu. Mr. F. (.;. Kiddle. Miss E. Kaur. Mr. tl. C. Montague aud child. Mrs. •■ (;. i. , . MuutusiK'. Mr. J. ML'Kenzle. Mr. F. A. Murray and two ebildreu. Mis. K. A. Mm lay. Mr. A. K. McAdam. Miss R. Mumfuril. Rev. F. .1. O'Meara. Mr. U. O. Orr, Mr. li. -I. Paiavinichi. Canon C. F. Uuslif.ntli. Mrs. U. V. Rushwurth. Miss D. lllieail. Mr. r. J. Rovers. Mr. T. Rogers, Mr. W. T. SlncocU. Mr. It. D. Smith, Mrs. IJ. l>. Smith. Mr. I!. A. Vivian. Miss I. M. Walker. Miss A. U. Wilks. Miss M. H. U'iinl. Mrs. 11. M. Wrlffht. Mr. K. Yates. *- - t lid- fljiss: Mi-. W. 11. Aitcliison. Mrs. .1. S. Harlow. Mr. F. Blunquist Mr. A. iMiiiran, In-. aiHl Mrs. 1). Latour and two rhlMri-ii. Miss (). Kxley. Mrs. X. Edwards. Mrs. U. It. Uoy. Mrs." K. J. Hobsnn, Mr. S. 11. Ilumr. Mr*. S. Oldliam. Mr. W. Kiiiinant. Mrs. W. Remnant. Mrs. K. Sinilli. .Mis* N. Taylor. Mr. V\\ Wallace. Mr. 11. Walkrr nn<l child. Mrs. U. Walker. 51 r. s. Vatcs, and 4(5 steerage, ini-ludins 111 Clii.'cse. Uiinsltotn, from Thames. 6.40 p.m. liaplinp. from Corouiandel. n.rui p.m. Kunialpi. from Coast. 10.20 p.m. Ilauili, from Kerepeehi, 5.4."i p.m. THIS DAY. Ncrnpuhi. from "VVlianjrarci. 0.10 a.m. Maliin?!. from T.-iurauga, 7.10 a.m. I iKI'ARTURES—VESTERDAY. T.rptiiito. for Wellington, 2.30 p.m. Claymore, for Whangarei. 5.125 p.m. Waiiiui. for Kfist Coast ports. 5.33 p.m. Taniwlia, fnr l'aeroa. 7.40 p.m. IMnemoa. for Nine Island. 0.43 p.m. Uouakl. for 'Portland. 11 p.m. VESSELS EXPECTED AT AUCKLAND. Canadian Conqueror, South (loads), July 8. r.nvlet. San Francisco. July S. I'cvon. South (loads), July ]J. Caundinu Challenger. Monrreal, July 10. -Norfolk. Liverpool. .Inly 12. riim.iroa. Sydney. .Tnly 13. i Tnfiirt. Suva, July 13. llnvralci, San Francisco. July 14. Mnimna. I nniion, via Suva.'.lnly 14. Mariston. Makatea .luly 10. Tn-.i—iriro. London. July 17. Anrnnjrl, Vancouver. July 10. Srmibern Cross. New Hebrides. July 19. Mil iciin. Sydney. July 20 'ity of Shanghai. New York. July 20. Wlrral. Montreal, July 21. PHtnna. Nnw York. .Tulv Q4. lllncmon. Nine Island. July 23. 11.M.5. huiiedm. Suva. .Inly 23. West C.ilera. I.os Angles. .Tuly 2S. Kia (>ra. Liverpool. July 29 Ciinmllnn Ouispr. Montreal. August 4. 11.H ford. South (loads), Aupiist 4. Trnbiirttan. New York. Auffiist 7. -Ulieuic flonilsl. August 7. Opnwa. Liverpool. August 9. Rotortin. London, yin South. August 14. Kerlong. New York. Ausust 10. fewer. Los Angeles. August IS. Port Diineilln. Liverpool. August 23. '■(irintliic. Southampton. August 23. NViwshTa. New York. August 20. Port Chalmers. Now York. August 27. VESSELS IN I'ORT. 11.M.f.5. Iris, at Devonport (Pacific Cable Boardl. Km- C. Gnss ibarque}. in Stream (J. P.. O'Lttslilrn). VThnncmpp. in st renin 'T'rlon s.s Co.) IViinnkn. in 'trr-am ifnion S.S Co.X I-'iiirn. in c irr:iin f('nl<in Co.i. Pn'iki Western Wharf iW.-itkiu and \\"ali!«). Kekprntlgu. North Wai! (Tnlon S S. Co) Wninori. Khi-'s Wharf It'nlnn S S. Co.').' Kiwilea. Clielsea (I'nion S.S. Co) Knhvarra. North Wall ifnlon S.S. Co.). l'il-an<>. in stream Union S.S. Co.), M.irama. Quern's wharf (Tnion RS Col Kiiton. PrinrpV Wharf ri'nlnn S.S. Co'). King Malcolm, iv dock i N.Z. Shipping Co.). NORTHERN COMPANY'S MOVEMENTS. Expert rd Arrivals. Th liny. Omann. from Waiheko. 0.80 1" ' ■■ T" narrow.--Tnniwli.i. from Parron. 1.30 nil.: t"!i;niori'. front Wliangarri. C.30 a.m. Projocti'il I>cp.irtures. Tn day- Waiotalii. Great Knrricr. i"'iliiiglit : Matnngl. for Tanrnnga, 7 p.m.: T>:iilinr. f..r Knpii nnil Tnnin. !> p.m.: N-iimlii. fur WiinncinTl, 10.30 p.m. To-mnrnnv. Omann. for Mataknnn. M'lMi-t Point and Kawau. 10 a.m. INION CO.'S STEAMERS. M'.vi-monts of vcssfls under the flag ..f tli" Tnion Co. arc nnnotinoi-rl as follow:— The Knwatlrl i- annoinir-ed to sail at S Pin. today for Wellington and New Plymonth. The Kiirmv is now announced to load at r>Mi.odin ..n Friday for Lyttoltnn. Wellington, possibly Picton. and Auckland. The Tofiiii is to leave Suva for Auckland on Friday no\t Tlif Wnlpnlii is e\perterl tn leave Wellington this .-iftTiioon for Napier and Auckland. I Tli.' Wlnentnl is to I<\-ivr Dunedin this ovrnins for Oam.iru. Tiniaru. Lytteltou, Mniiington and Auckland. Tim KntiMi undoeked this morning and iHTlhit] ;it tin- Prini-n's wharf. Sbe is ■innoiinn-d tn sail 10-morrow afternoon for W.-Ilingtnn. Lytt.'lton. Punedin and Timaru. Tlin Wiiiniii WHS dlspal.'lied for East C...M pons Int.- ji-1.i,! ■ •;:.-rmnn.

Tile motorship King Malcolm ivas floated j into the dock vis uioruiug. The nicliardsuu steamer Awakou is expected to arrive at Auckland from East Coast oa Friday, and is to sail again <>n S.-nunlav. Messrs. Watkin and Wall's ii.lvlsp "that cargo will be accepted tomorrow. MESS TABLE GOSSIP. Captain W. K. Norbury has honn appointed master of rhp Northern Company's steamer Njrapuhi. at presoni engaged In the Auek-p laiul-Whangarci service. I the wAiroßi. To load for Dunedin and Auckland, the Union Co.'s steamer Waipori is to sail lienei. , at ." p.m. today for Noumea, Surprise Island, aud Walpole Island. THE PAWLET. To the agency of Messrs. Hendorsou and Mai-fiirlaiiP, the Swayne and Hoyt Line .-teniner l'awlet is expected to arrive :it Auckland from l'acific Coast ports to-mor-row or Friday. She has not yet reported. THE PORT PIRIE. For further loading for London, tlio Commonwealth and Dominion Line steamer I'ort l'irie was to sail from Auckland for | Opua at 4 p.m. to-day. Later she will I proceed South to fill up. I THE GUY C. GOSS. Having unloaded the balance of her lumber cargo, the American barque Guy C. Goss was to shift from the Central wharf to an anchorage in the stream this afternoon. She is to be offered for sale. LEPANTO SAILED. A departure from Auckland yesterday afternoon was the steamer Lepanto for . Wellington. I.ytelton, Tiniaru. Dunedin and Bluff to continue discharge of her general cargo from New York. HINEMOA FOR NILE ISLAND. Bound for Niuc Island, the Government steamer Hinemoa sailed from Auckland last evening. She is expected to rcturu to this port about July 23, wheu she will load for i Norfolk Island. MARISTON BRINGING PHOSPHATE. Laden with a cargo of ohosphate, the chartered 6teamer Mariston left Makatea Island for Auckland on Saturday last. The vessel", which brings 4000 tons for discharge at this port, is due to arrive about July 15. Later she will proceed to Australian ports. THE DEVON. For final loading for London. Antwerp, Avonmouth, Liverpool. Manchester, and Glasgow, the Federal Line steamer Devon I was to leave Napier yesterday for Waikokopu, Gisborne, and Auckland. This vessel is now announced to sail finally from Auckland on July 14. THE BARQUE GCSTAV. It is announced by Frank M. Winstone, Ltd., that the barque Gustav has been fixed to load 4000 tons of guano at Maiden Island for Auckland, at the end of the present mouth. She is due here early in September. WAKATERE LAID UP. To lay up Indefinitely, the Northern Company's paddle steamer Wakatere went to an anchorage i-n the stream yesterday afternoon. The Rangitoto, which has relieved the Wakatere. returned from her first trip last evening. The run from the Thames to Auckland occupied four hours. KURNALPI IX PORT. After an absence from port of over two weeks, the coastal steamer Kurnalpi returned to Auckland last evening. The vessel loaded timber at Kaipara for Thames and Auckland. After unloading the balance of her timber cargo she is to load lor Wellington and Lyttelton, being expected to sail to-morrow evening. She is at the King"s -wharf. THE HAURAKI REPORTS. By radio, the Union Co.'s motorship Hauraki reports that she expects to arrive at Auckland from Pacific Coast ports at 7 a.m. on Wednesday next. She is bringing case oil and general cargo and after part discharge at this port is to proceed to Melbourne, Adelaide, aud Sydney. MARAMA FROM SYDNEY. Arriving from Sydney shortly before 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon, the Union Co.'s intercolonial steamer Marama anchored in the stream for medical inspection. She hertued later at the Queen's wharf. The Marama, which was delayed on her voyage to Auckland by heavy weather for the first two days of the voyage, is to sail on her return trip at 3 p.m. on Friday. THE CANADIAN CONQUEROR. According to her wireless report, the Canadian Government steamer Canadian Conqueror will arrive at Auckland from Gisborne at 7 o'clock to-morrow morning. Sfie will the Central wharf. This vessel is announced to leave Auckland at daybreak on Friday for New York, Boston aud Montreal. H.M.S. DELHI RETURNING HOME. H.M.s. Delhi, which has been on interchange duty with the Australian fleet, was to leave Sydney on July 1 on her return to England. Voyaging by way of Gladstone, Thursday Island, Singapore, Colombo, Aden. Suez, Port Said, and Malta, the Delhi is scheduled to reach Plymouth on August 30. H.M.A.s. Melbourne, which has been doing interchange duty with the Mediterranean fleet, was scheduled to leave Port Said on her return voyage to Australia yesterday. She will arrive at Melbourne on August 14. FUTURE CARGO CARRIERS. Orders have been placed recently in Great Britain and abroad for between 30 and 40 motor vessels, with an aggregate gross tonnage of about 200,000. All except four are for cargo carriers. The most remarkable fact that is brought out by an analysis of the cargo carrying craft Is that, with a single exception, the average loaded speed at sea will not be less than 13 knots. A number of vessels are to maintain 14 knots at sea, as for instance, the two Rotterdam Lloyd ships of 9500 tons each, and the Commonwealth and Dominion Line's refrigerated vessels. A ciyious diversity of view is exemplified iv the new vessels concerning the respective merits of single and twin-screw installation. In all those to be built in England, apart from five of 2500 tons deadweight (in which single-screw propulsion represents the obvious solution), twin-screw machinery is to be installed. Yet In the majority of the recent orders for Coutinental owners a single engine is to be fitted, even in cases where the power required is as large as. or even greater than. that fitted in the twin-screw British vessels. PASSENGERS BY THE TAINUI. Following is a list of the passengers on board the Shaw, Savill and Albion Co.'s steamer Tainui. which is expected to arrive nt Wellington from London and Southampton on Thursday of next week :—For Auckland : Mr. and Mrs. 11. Campion. Mr. and Mrs. 11. Dadley. Miss A. Hay. Miss J. Melville, Miss J. Wright. Mr. J. M. Barnetr, Mrs. D. Corry. the Misses E.. D.. M. and If. Corry, and Masters E. and L. Corry, Miss K. Craig. Mr. 11. Croker. Mr. J. Elliott. Mrs. M. Halsted. Miss 11. Sanigar. Mr. and Mrs. W. Shepherd. Mr. 11., and the Misses K. anil M. Shepherd. Mrs. N. Stevens and Miss N. Stevens. Mr. J. Stubbs, Mr. C. Wood. For Wellington : Bishop Sadlinr, Paymaster-Commander E. Fletcher, R.N., ami Mrs. Fletcher and son, Mr. E. Parry, Mr. If. Ardnn.n-. Mr. and Mrs. G. Young, Miss E. and Master J. Young. Miss R. Bolt, M.nstor J. Bolt. Mr. J. Kroadbent, Mrs. A. i nllinsoi). Miss O. tirahaui. Mr. R. Malcolm, I Miss F. Virkers. Mr. V. Vollaston, Mr. .1. \\,,,,5t.-r. In addition to (l.roo for LytMton and two for Duncdiu there are 4111 immigrants. ARAWA LEFT WELLINGTON. Taking the following passengers, besides g"nr-rnl piiri.., the Shaw. Savill and Albion ( oinpaiiy s steamer Arawa left Wellington fur Southampton and I.ourlon. via Panama i yesterday. First saloon - : Miss M. T Ormo- ! rod. Mesdames E. K. Bell. M i; Carmalt|.l..uos. Staples. Brown. Heaton. Strang. N. j M. Wilson. Lieut-Commander Wyatt, Sur- , geun-Lleutennnt K. V. Francis, Messrs. \ M. Allison. W. A. Bell. W. Heaton. J N Ornierod. J. 11. P. Strang. Second saloon : Misses M. L. N. and S. J. Appletou, A. Briggs. S. Lansley-Smitb. Ji. J. H. Skene : Mesdames I. Allen. Appleton, 11. J. Armstrong, Lewis, M. Mackenzie. Mursilen. C. J. Watson. K. 11. S. Wooldridge, Wadded Bland. Messrs. J. G. Appleton, 11. J. Armstrong. P. It. Lewis. J. Marsden. D. <;. Stewart., Master A. C. Lewis; 57 third class. PORT OF ONEHUKGA. ARRIVALS—THIS DAY. ', Kiirawa. from New Plymouth, 5.30 a.m.

j TELEGRAPHIC SHIPPING. Oisboruc, July 7.—Sailed : Awahou, for Auckland, via coast bays. 2 p.m.; Canadian Conqueror, for Auckland. S p.m. Wellington. July 7.—Sailed : Port Napier, for London, 7 a.m. Wellington. July G.—Sailed: Arawa, for London. lo.:;o a.m. ; Maunganul, for Sydney, 0.10 p.m. ; Kurow, for Lyttelton, 3.3j p.m. Lyttelton. July 6.—Sailed : Canopus, fur : Westport, 0 p.m. I I.ytteltou. July 7.—Arrived: P.reeze. from ■ ! Tiinaru. T.:T> a.m.: Kuruw, from Wellington. | *:21 a.m.; iMaruroa, from Wellington, S.Oo | a.m. Dunodin, July o.—Sailed : Opihi, for New Plymouth, 10.10 p.m. OVERSEAS. Melbourne. .luue 7.—Arrived: Kaiapoi, irom (ireyinouth. Sydney. June 15.—Arrived: Uliinaroa. from Wellington, 11 a.m. Fremantle, July G.—Arrived : Narkunda. London, June 4.—Arrived: Mania, from Lyttelton. WITHIN WIRELESS RANGE. The following vessels are expected to be within range of the Auckland wireless I Station to-night : —H.M.s. Dunedin, H.M.s. I lMouiede, H.M.s. Verouka. H.M.s. Labur- | nuni, Tofua, Karori, Hororata, Niagara, I Kaikorai, Lepauto. Tutauekai. Hiueuioa. I Hauraki, Hona, Makambo, Suva, Njrakuta. Wairuna, Waipori, Port l'irie, Kawatiri, Kaituuu.

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Auckland Star, Volume LVII, Issue 159, 7 July 1926, Page 6

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SHIPPING NEWS. Auckland Star, Volume LVII, Issue 159, 7 July 1926, Page 6

SHIPPING NEWS. Auckland Star, Volume LVII, Issue 159, 7 July 1926, Page 6