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IT PAYS TO BUY BEDDING NOW R apffa : n - \ n R CWVIiIW All our High-class Bedding suffers a worth-while JW OCLTSfCiIIIS 111 Ul/YO \*/lU LlllilH Sale Reduction. fL We quote two of our recommended numbers, in best quality fl ' OU Can *^ c changing seasons for these splendid reductions on warm woollen Smidran- Kapok aruJ durable Stripe Ticking Tlicse are OJv dothirg, only at Sale Time are they possible. These quotations represent a late shiptufted, bordered, and bound in first-class manner. W fWJTM MM f£d^' ** ment oi s °° d <l ualil y clothes for boys, and we mark them at " must go " prices. single Bed Size, 3ft—Usually 39 6. Sale Price, 29 6. &&& MJn zZ& Plenty of Shoulder Room in these Jerseys and Pull-overs And a range of Good Pillows for 211 each. ml m Coys' All Wool Jerseys, with ties to match, in Boys' Jerseys, in fancy rib effects; in Fawn, smart wide ribs. Colours: Fawn, Grey, Navy, Saxe, Grey and Cream. Navy, Saxe. ■ Sizes 22in. 24in. 26in. 28in. 30in. 32in. ! Sizes 22in. 24in. 26in. 28in. . Usually 5/3 5/6 6/3 6/6 6/11 7/6 M 9 Usually 5/9 6/3 6/6 6/9 Sale 4/9 5/3 5/6 5/9 6/3 6/6 d£&W% 4& ' s a!e 4/11 5/6 5/9 5/11 Boys' Jerseys £n 20in. only. Grey, Navy, and ®T ~7 Sjt SB i Ak.Ji.roir»»i«ii ii • i Boys All Wool Jerseys in Marl Effect; Fawn, Cream 5/6 Sale 3/9 /fi. <LJ" Dudget ot Sale Prices like these are worth volumes written about Navy - Brown with fancy contrasting collars. ' IT i , j values. Rendells Sale is yet in its first flight, and thousands of liSal ?! zes ,, 7/l n a/? MEN'S PULL-OVERS and cardigans. fiJnderWear at r»rW t;-!, fl fe 'J «. 1 J r • Usually //O 0/J o/v , Pull-overs and Cardigans; featuring the vimu v»tai cal price tickets will guide you to real end-of-season savings. Sale 6/ 7/6 ' 7/1 . latest designs Usually 18/9, 19/11. fib ,i n i a Coys' Fancy Pull-overs, in smart contrasting SIP" 11 16/11 OUbSiantial KedUCtlOIlS j Complete clearance is essential in 38-inch 11 6 Quality Washing Satins /vW<(\ 28in. 30in. 32in. Men's All Wool Cardigans, strong make, in WU h» * A* » this Department, and here are the and Taffetas for 4/9. Reliable V\ ////// V Usually 9/11 10/11 11/11 12/11 Heather, and Grey. Sale Pnce, 7/11 Drapery bills are better than doctors' , . , < \ / /I / / 1 Sale 8/6 9/6 10/6 11/6 to Clear. ~„ , ... j I prices that will do it. wearing, an extensive range of X v/ \\ 1 / v l\ bills—buy your protective underwear ! i,,cic X \ J I \ ————————— _ , _ . j , , ~ J-β. I popular shades. bky, haxe, \ -/I*tZ I ' at Sale Prices, and bank the difference, i k.a •_l q n n,.-.r» ah \x; i a i <- 11 i. r> I -\ ! '„ v lfJ Tweeds foif 30? Tht "^ Amber ' H^° " R °" e, J Exclusive Model—Ensemble Suit, in newest New Season's Afternoon Frock, in good quality Men's All-wool Cashmere Underwear; J^ 5 **>***• V " Rose ' Gold . T — / \ French Face Cloth. Cocoa shade coat. Crepe de Chine; fancy flared overskirt; mens s.zes only—S.nglets, 9/11. j shade and st^e; ,' &test heather quoise, Apricot. A trimmed collar and cuffs with American j sleeves. Shades: Tan, Black, and Sale, 8/6. Pants, 10/1 1. Sale, 8/11. • mixtures striDes and ««- 1 Opossum r;ur; Frock with long sleeves, con- . c i p- • ! mixtures, stripes and checks. 54 _ Jnch J2/6 Qua]ity popu , ar N> vertible collar, and bodice smartly van- Putty—Usually 6 \ guineas. SalePr.ce, j Men's Heather Ribbed Bush Pants, j 56-inch 12/6 Quality Nap Coatings Velour Coating for 9 ' 11 . Super I "® dyked. Coat beautifully lined throughout 79/6. with fly and hip pockets; for country j for 5/11. Excellent wearing; suede finish. Cinnamon, Cocoa, Crepe de Chine—Usually 18 guineas. Sale i limnAr , wear o/ii Sale 6/11 ideal for children c warm coats. n G p „ r v Price, 14 guineas. Silk Jumper. Useful Knitted Jumpers, — ' oaie, D/ii. . Brown, Saxe, Rust, Grey, Henna. I ' " _- . D i i a \T/k;fLight Brown, Nigger, orey, and J V~—^J» ■■/ Smart Navy Repp Coat Frocks, turned-down in smart stripe effect, in Black and White. i Men's Heavy Ribbed Shetland Under- Rust. 23-inch 3/11 Quality Chiffon Ye!- 1 collar, and trimmings and tie of Scarlet convertible collar, and inset pockets. pants— B/11. Sale, 6/6. 37-inch 17/6 Quality Chiffon Silk veteen fer 2/84 yard. Fast dye I Georgette. A well-fitting and exceptionally Finished tie at waist— Usually 37/6. Sale I Men's Plain Shetland Knitted Singlets Velvets for 10/9. Super Silk and pile twill back. Violet, smart Frock-Usually 5 guinea, Sale - o«J n«J em »«»__7 /A Q 1 C/c Plle - Latest evenm 8 shades. 3 axe , Cinnamon, Mauve, Tur- \ ? ™ ce ' /S/t, - I and Under P ants-7/6. Sale, 5/6. F lame> Cyclamen, Rose quoise Qrey> Emerald> Cardinal \ • — ~ " ' ] Men's Heavy Natural Wool and Cotton UnSet, lan, BroWn baxe ' and Jade, Sky, Coral, Royal, Rust. S—tJt C l T> • Underwear; Singlets, 5/3. Sale, 4/6. 3Vy " . Flame, Tangerine. Sand, V. VjT lTriC©S Pants, 5/9. Sale, 4/11. fr<>m Rose, Ivory. Navy, and Black. Wag \\ / AU . y Favour /^^ Men's Extra Natural Brushed Cotton THE LACE DEPT. XT C ft/C MTV AUIH lOUr raVOUr / Singlets—4/3. Sale, 3/6. INOWOy/b U \I Wj VM a * β-n jm n iri ol< N \ X J k THE NEW SEASONS JUMPER SUITS. Men's Light Weight Natural Wool and ArL SUk and Met T f louncm e s » m W X\>vN Xj\ Dx Left illustrations are tvoical styles from a very ,A ~ _ o. i j /,, „ . " ew seasons designs; shades: {<& «« r /T ' A n>\in illustrations are typical styies, rrom a very n'C'JJft *©■ Kf&^ Cotton Singlets—4/11. Sale, 3/6. Black and Gold, Cyclamen and J Wh Costume (illustrated above) /| fl ITI HV large range, going at Sale Prices. S WiHL Gold, Flame and Silver—lo/6. —Useful Tailored Costume, in I [f\ ''•' \t I ew Reason's Smart Wool Knit Jumper Suits, >'• "' j^^'^i^i AVat-rri £#>*• l-l*** Sale, 7/11 yard. season's smartest tweed effects, [Jf V ? | \| LLJ/J turned-down collar and convertible. .i - N 't%&'/?m!m. Warm tOr the ■BITA-α exactly as illustration, tailored <s\l Jjl 1 It// Shades: Bottle Green. Tan, Fawn, Mole. v^t^^«^^Mll ■ Art. silk L.ace and Insertion, tor ruii 1/ .-?\ ~ J , r . '•< r.A U 1\ /?/ j d t i i n 47 /a 9q/c a-. =-•-"^=*^«*?^^S r .>^ !^%*W« ™ BOYS underwear, children's frocks, etc. X CIA f ° Ur wee v . inset A \L and Rust—Usually 47/6. Sale Price, 29/6 / S^^^Bkf^K In one pattern range. Lace 1-Jin. W'T" W" r "mi\ pockets Newest wrap skirt— ff= I " "f[ Smart Wool Stockinette Jumper Suits, with / C-S^^^^^M/fle T.., ™l- » • t-i ■ wirip fiJ-ci varrl ? l ir> wirlp 1/- fTi •"" "*' f <\ Usually 4- 2 - guineas. In sizes teEMBp JL a newest Eton, and two tiny inset packets, fine \ "**"3^^^^v'' i 'a wlos Two clearing lines at right prices. ylid Insertfon 2Mn 7-yd S.W.. W., 0.5.. and X.O.S. NV6 HW Wfll 'I W, pleated skirt, with art. silk top. Shades: \ f|Wi Natural Wool and Cotton Sing- yard - lnsertlon ,n ' w,de > yd - '-»| jfcj Sale Price, 69;'6. Uff IM'i ' Jan, Beige. Fawn, Bottle, Fuchsia. Wine— [ mM&BM ,ets_2/8 to 3/6. • GUIPURE LACE COLLARS FOR fel WOT <TU If | rllM) Usually 54/6 to 49/6. Sale Price, 39/6. I . /Mjß Sizes 22, 24 26 to 28 30-32 CHILDREN'S VELVET FROCKS, to T^α/''# Cardigan (illustrated on left) TTV \lf\ U / Substantial savings in Furs. It will pay you to \\f fa #iRH 2/3 2/6 2/9 SALE 1/- EACH. IfcPR? //ffiM#-V T -118^", House Cardigans, in _--o£¥ Mll X the savings to be made on the / ' D , „ _~ _. „ Ca D -vi o » »o i* -i- B : "- : "\J J-iT-.'Sot'lf fancy Shetland Kn,t - similar to fSx. whole of our Fur stocks. Many pcunds can I /WS'-Wwm''* Boys Grey Fleecy Singlets; sizes U Strong Reversible Patent Belts, with illustration. Shades: Fawn, be saved by making your selection now. \V >( W/^fBV to 32. Sale, all I/I I each, sliding buckle; Black, Red, Saxe. Helio., Almond, Orange, Tan, Desavea oy making y ecu AV>^»JK^ 1/1 A Green, White, Helio.. etc. Sale,. IBBIBi Black, and White—Usually As illustrated on right—Newest Animal 1/- pach iv rVr'tßl . , ~ ' Q , p . a ii ■ Tf Chokers, in Grey, Kit Fox, Blue box, and f MMttfj 1 " - — 1 O/ti balefrica, 8/11. OQ/ ' , QQ/C Red Fox—Usually priced from 5 i guineas V'fflW ■ ' O/ 1 1 Zy/D and OV/O to 8i guineas. Sale Price, 97/6 to £7/19/6. \-j\Sm A Quality Jersey and Warmth Giving WWW Here is, a clearing line: Boys' Jerseys, All Wool, 1 # M -M M § £% "B 1/ 1 f\ 1 6/9 I>ale —/C enaeliS —Sale — Karangahape Road

6,1 |~<* / // / Yes 5 it's a sZ&Tccl/ The New Beauty And only a Ford provides such supreme value. It costs you only £ 169. Just think—a graceful NewBeauty Touring Model, the most popular on the road—with ample power, latest engine improvements, ample leg-room and seating capacity for five passengers. y i NEW BEAUTY This fine car can be yours on tourer the easiest of terms. Small deposit, w,th a L st o £L Tyres balance in convenient instalments. 0 1 /»Q mBK 4 Price at any Ford Dealer* Garage _ _ ' n New Zealand. A Special Model havine four m/E £ forward «p«edi and trigger I«r change, £16 extra. "T//£ TROUBLE-FREE FORD ,,

HIGH-GRADE IRONMONGERY 4fcs>, wheelbarrow Zγ || „ &Mm%MMmfmk-. WHEELS. f\jf \ IllCf" Mβ ' ififn. complPte \vlt!i W f\ M m. A ■■■ ■■ ■ ///%%%%%%%%/?/, / %%W>' gudfreon plus. Price, «t ff V 97 || || B P ■ '^wffla/ HEDGE SHEARS — Best Quality Hedge 10/6 - r ° sta^2 /"- /J§ ' ''''■■^JWB Shears, made by Whitehouse A Son, Slier- /*fc"Wm / Mz*-' ' Wfo HIP Hold. These shears are extra strong-, and I -Mftvr/J Z&? WzWfr /^& have the patent notch that makes cut- "- ; W tlugr or extra heavy boufrhs easy, and J jlftlWrt''''''-%%"'''' ' ef JACKS—Automobile Jacks SCYTHE BLADES—Tyzacks, make, best Wfr// W VfM? Wi- %Z- 0* I I 4» that combine simplicity tempered steel, riveted back, set ready //////////////W^Zft , // W Wm Wi'tfzfr-, Wi % HIP P %%%> W , /- I I fffk ""d merit, lig-ht and very Tor use. Size 3r>in. Price, 7/6. ' MM^MtvW , ' /P Jw , , % , J L HIGHEST-GRADE ACME WRINGER—MarI" T^jj^. ana will rlamp to Pither tub or table,! • • SS HS orSl£ IH'e, %XT ;?ii. c &V y U5,;,r - Fort y Y ears of hard,every. W^^^M^mS^l rSS r^nd^iec^ oi repr3S y_ day use—washing clothes in -^^fe^fe®P\^M "fecmfac nanme^ror^sponge «. ifllWM— all narts of the world rKaf'e /^STN&^^w'J^V aid Electrode, 1 Pair Silk Conducting pdlTb OI mc WOrla mat S /j^-S// J^SSW t.:ords with tips, and a Book or .*■-. i.ap->j t r^ - .Cv / /^Qgfe:'■•■.''X 'JrMHr $ ( &*=z=== S sßb atest on Sunl,ghthas VN^^v^^^P^ a ,^w%. to po^. ,lt ™. or, - Ult, ' t,, ' , - ensign WR^R_Zr7Zunrt hv met ' !t has P rov ed its the Acme Co. This Wringer Is a hlfrh- ««. J . J N. li >fifl V^ grade machine, and is superior to most a U pt: 11 Oil I y ~~~a UU IO'uEV >». vW. \ JftU \ 1 —— wring-ers on the market. The Acme Co ' >t I |S,»™ 'S,™*'rouS' , KIS; maintains the largest world's N|r\J- „.««. «—-««« .w sale against all competition. -^ »ifisfS«|£rf| SoyouarereaUyusingsound Greatest wm.out rest. Length. GMn. Pr.ce. 4/fa. superior"''"m Vvhen yOU insist On Sunlight y iJj €Mll ' for vvashday-and every ISDOUP'SaVCI^ H 111 i -trr-iifcr.' is otner use—in \our home. oi t« tw -rsyvwm THERMOMETER— Fahrenheit, best quality. M hji nttP<l witil ; C #A/ # ##W # with enamelled race. Very handy in the. regulator #Jr /W # # g ### # home Tor telling- the temperature; also.. Price, ▼ .m. retrister from 30 decrees below freezing: 16/6. _*"• • .4 "W^ to HO degrees. Price, 3/6. Post lree. Postage, I/-. %iJ tA M-* At SHROFF &. SONS made at petone by j At onr\urr ot ouno LEVER BROTHERS (NZ) LIMITED M WHOLESALE AND RETAIL IRONMONGERS, 76 AND 78 VICTORIA STREET, AUCKLAND. 4,7

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Auckland Star, Volume LVII, Issue 159, 7 July 1926, Page 17

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Page 17 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LVII, Issue 159, 7 July 1926, Page 17

Page 17 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LVII, Issue 159, 7 July 1926, Page 17