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AUCKLAND MANAGEMENT. I NORTH V. SOUTH MATCH. i The weekly meeting of the Management j Committee of the A.F.A. was held I- I * l ! evening, Mr. A. iMenzies presiding. i Metropolitan wrote asking lor t'jc second ; prude games to btj post;>oiu.'J Uils week ''-> , enable tho players to s.-l , tilt; iiii'iiry ma: "U. No action was taken. A letter fruui l'onson'uy withdraw !n« t^ ,,ir third Ii teiim from the i-.*npiMi:ioU ■■" Bi-enuut of briu- unable i<> ;.Wiy uwuy from town whs received, aud fixtures reurraugeJ accordingly. The Auckland Hotkey Association RPl'rec.-iuting the action of t'je association in [lostpoui'ns tiie senior i.'.i;ni's last wtt'S on occasion of the Indiau Aruiy ciuiie. ItegraUings wore approved ;is follows:—A. Eaton, l'oiisonhy, third prade Li si-etiou to A sc'tiou: Leimnins. Ponfon'iy, spniors to secmd; A. Imnsinoro ami VV. Buchanan. Thistle, seniors to second aradn. The transfer of ii. c;al>y. Thames A«FOflatlou. to the FntKonby second prude w:is arprovt-d. as also that i>£ A. Whonell, I'ousunby to North Shore. NORTH V. SOUTH. | The N.Z. Council wrote resarJlnj tho ~. posed North Island v. Sou , .:: Is'.iilld miU'!'stating if suitable arranppment< ••mi '"■ made. the. match would In; ]< ayiM in Chrlst-ehun-b in August. TUey di'.-iili-d that Mr. IS. 1.. Salmon bo sole scin-;..r fnr New '/."■>- land teams, nud that for tlacsp intcr-islaii'l :i:atc-|ios carh assoi-iation niMiiinaiP on ,, ni'lPi-lnr rthilt is. one «-u<-ll fi'Mii An-kland. ' I'muerinirj- and iiinuni. tli' , ; team ttiili-li nil! γ-mtcxii! t'leni. In ti" , nveilt of any "U oil" j>:i n i- ■'.- lar player or i".>iti..n. Siich illsaan-oinri:! will bo reft-rreU to tho so.c soli-tur, who- ,, decision on tho point shall h(> rtnal. The committed tnmiilnionsly ■!•■ ld> ' t ,, nppoint Mr. A. 1". Ni-i-.shani :\t tiiu A i-..i:. i l'roviacial selector. DItKSSINU ROOM TIIKKTS. Mr. A. r>tcher lOnehuiigai fumpiaine>i that their fourth frude players had their uionPT takeu from tJieir clothes in the dress- ; ing room during the progress of th« game at j Victoria I'ark last week. It was decided to [ refer this matter to the Superiuu-ndeiH ut I I'olico. A discussion took place over the allo.-a- ! tion of grounds, but iir. J. 11. Miller, of the Grounds Committee, explained it was impossible to alter same on account of the Domain being again occupied by the Hockey Association. j Mr. A. Menzips pntifrrnminted ili•• Auckland team on their splendid win and rondii t j at Wellinstou. He also .'•.inipliinented Hie Auckland reps. up"ii their wiu at 11ikurnn-1 , Tho rbairman stated that the ditti ultii-s ' " hivii had arisen over tljp -round i|iii'.-.ti<>n : in connection with ilio F.A. tropliy liai i been overcome, and he I.Hiked forward ■" i success for this competition. I lr was decided to present a phnfnzrnpn ■ of tho tpntu to ea'ii of thp Auckland n»l>»-. S and also to Messrs. W. K. T ii-l.v and .1. U. mil. Mr. W. Kennedy siijtspmM tli:! , m r ! Aiit-klnnd rep. teams shmii.l :>p «piii ;.. Wlia- I MSiirol to play an PsliiMii-m t • funaer j t'.ie jirogress of t'i" game. !

Complaint of the misconduct of the Newton Club's third grade team was reepivt'il. and it was decided to suspend them on receipt of another ••oruplaint of tbis nature. j A curtain-raiser will :ie played at Hlaua- ; ford Park at 1.30 p.m. ou Saturday, between : I'.olmniit aud Muuin Albert tirauiiiiar Schools. i Tiio footba'.l captain of S.S. Devon i asking for .i game a.cainst a I 2rade team next Monday or Tuesday. Tli" ! Tramways delegate undertook to arrange il ; mat.'li for tbis ship. Mes-srs. 3. J. Wright and K. Parkinson were X'li-.'teil as liuc?:nen for the Cuatliani ! Cup senii-flnal at Bland ford Park .in Sai'irday. SATURDAY'S MATCHES. Tli" following arrangements f°r Siiturday'> panics were approved at last evening's meeting of the Auckland Football Association: ■- Senior <;r:i.le. — Chatham C\ip ?emi-flnnl: North Shore v. Northcntp. Blandfon! Park. -.::<' p.m.. Mr. J. Low. championship Thistle v. V.M.C.A.. Milf'Til. .: p.m.. Mr. 1.. c. h. Haw>oll: Tramways v. Victoria Park. :; p.m.. Mr. A. K. f.ii-ley. Second (irnile—A Spi-tion: Ponsonliy A r. Newton. VlPtflrin Park No. -. " p.m.. Mr. K. I'artttt: Thi<tle v. Onehuir_'.i. Nn. 1. 3 p.m.. Mr. T. Camplwll: (ilen Eden '• Metronolltnn. HufT r>otn->ln No. 1. 3 p.m. Mr. A. E. Pnrkicson; V.M c \. v. Tnmakl. St. Heller , *. -T p.m.. Mr. !•', >'. Welter. P. Setion: I'onsnnby V. v. NortheotP. Northrote. :•, p.m.. Mr. .1. s. McMillan: ChPlsen v. North Shore. Mpvonport No. 1. .1 p.m.. Mr. It. Ilodu-p; I'hilnniel v. Pork around. '■'• p.m., Mr. A. fSvav, Tlilril flr.idp.—A Spi-tlon: Thistlp v. Takanllii. Tflknnllli. "■ P.m.. Mr. A. M.-nnnf: PnnTHihy A v. Oiiplimma. OiiPhunra No. -• : .", p 111 \ir I. M. U'llsM'i: V M.C.A. v. Ulo.kImusp Hay. flriMi Hay. :'. p.m.. Mr. \V. .Ten--1 iiitiers: Mptrntxillt.'in v. Taiimki. Oiid-r I'«• ninin No. '.'. :; p.m.. Mr. T llariUnu: Swnn- = .111 a l.y-e H Se.-iion: Nnrtlcni.. v. Mil r..rd. Miiford. 1 4.". p.lll . Mr. I. C 11. I>iiw•:mi: Ponsonliy with.lrawn: V M.c..\. r. :<i"i. VlPtoriii Park. - i>.m., Mr 11. Hid- ■ lulls: North Shore v. Nnvt. :i. I >•■ v. .n;in tr N.i. •-'. .1 p.m.. Mr. V.. Pntorwp. I.'iirtb (Irade.—A Section: North.-.te r. Tamnkl. Victoria Park No. -'. ";" n.111.. Mr. .f. Diiwnes: Onehunsn v. YMr ,\ \\.-- ---j torla Park No. -J. 2.r,n p.m.. Mr F. >r j Ritchie; Belniont v. Mount Al'.ert C-.immnr ! School. Blanrtford I':n-k. l.:ti ».m. Mr Pec I wick: Norib Shore, n live. V. ss«"f<v.- rtir., ■; J lionse Brfy v. nipbinoiiil 'iV.-st. "1. U:kiii«h ißnv. 2 p.m.. Mr .Tenui"--: W.Y.MT. v. I Comrades. Victoria Park No. 1. •_■ \,.u> >'r C. Pownes: Tlii-tle v. F.den Mnx"v*. Moiint Alliorr. " n.ic Mr. Cuiton. n !.m Fifth Crnilr.. A Seetlr.n: Reimont v. Te.'i-nii-Hl A. Vii-tiirhi Park No 2. 1.."/< n.m . Mr ■ X M. l!it.-lilr: Carlto-i v M.,..i,t AlLnr' ! iJr.unr.i- S.I 1 A. Vi-t<Tin Park Nn ::. 1 n." . ■> r '' Wnlkor: North Sliore \ Nort'i !'■••■ Niirtli'S'mrp No 1. 2 n.n\. Mr \V. M,-- ---!-■" 'MP. Mr. Wood: Orolmnsta "'■'. '''-• -lini--1 ■ -11 ,! . 1 Mieliunira No '1 '1 w.v,-. .Mr Slim,.: I ''■ Ser;i,,n: r;i<-n 11 \- \\,w\ A 1,..—, ..— 1 '••finvnnr School n. Mniiiii Albi-ri - 'M" . i Air. c-.."k.T- Tamn'.l v I!I-1i»ip--' Wr-t =■■'. Il.'lir-'o. 2 p.n:.. Mr Wrlwtp" T. .-:■».*---11 •I , V n V \l I Vi, i;l I'-.-k Nμ -' ■■""■'• '-m .Mr \. ri.|r-- K i»< ■ C id. 1' -. I Knivlni .Tnni..- Ml 'li «.l.eoi V'..f..ria Pnrk I No. 1. 1 p.m.. Mr. c. p,.nn--; Mitn.pnlltan. ! a hyp.

Sixth (Jrade —N'orthcotp v. Comrade? ?•■ j Vicicria Pnrls No. .'!. 11 a.m.. Mr. IVarson: Comrades A v. W.Y.M.1., Victoria I'ark N». i :;. in a.m.. Mr. (i. All.-n: r ; irlt..:i v. Mt. A!- '. I'ort iliamuiar Srliiml. Vi-tnria Tark No. >. 11 Mr. Harding: North Sh >re v. All Saints. Victoria I , ark No U, ll.:s» a.m., Mr. 11...1--C. s.-Y,.-nth<\—Cnrlion v. Nortlicote, Vi -t...n.i I'ark No. 4. I<> a.m.. Mr. Hardinc: licliuniit v. Comrades Li. Vlrti.ria I'ark N". -'. in.::o a.m.. Mr. Hodco: ruiunid.-s A \. W.Y.M.1.. Vl.mriii I'ark No. -. O."-O a.m. .Mr. llcmllt-; Nurtll a !■}■•■. I-IMMAIIV SCHOOL r;.\Mi:S. ; Tiio I'riinary S.-linol-' A«sociatinn's fontlull llxmrvM lor Tuesday lii-.u arc as ful- | ; S. :ilnr Ura.lf.- A Sn.-i-n: Vauxiiall v. ! ! K.'Whal. iisitr-r h-uimhi Nμ. ::. 4 Mr. ; i.m.v N.i;iipr Street v. I»c\ niipnrt. Vli-:ori.i ■ i'.T.k Nil. ::. '..I." | Mr. .it-uHinaK: Ui-n-K- ; I fnnl StP'i-t v. ! -.. -1111 ■ ■ 111. Vi.torla I'ark Nn ". ; 4 ;i.m.. Mr. .1 i-liiilllir-. I*. Sci-ii.iti: St. IT'-'l" 1 «11--t"-» Ay. sr. llidipr , '. Outer liomaiti Nμ. j 11. .".in [ Mr. Hanliiic; l'ariwll v. '•f-7 < ' Oiifr linmnin No. .:. 4 p.m., Mr. M>Karlaiip; Stnnli-y v. St. liPiii-fllcfs tl. OutPi , ] 1 Imu.niii N". :!. ••; 1", . Mr. McFarlane. i J Junior Uiiidf A SiTtli.n: i i Sti-pct \. (iraitnn. Vi<t"H:i I'ark No. -. + | I p.m Mr Adams: Napier Strrrt v. I'pvon- I port. Vlf-tnrla rark No. 'J. :'..1-" l> m. Mr. N. ! ' Milliir: B(>lin«ut v. i;nyfl>dd. Vli-mria I'ark | No. 1. 4 p.m.. Mr. Krnfor. I! Spctinp: St. : Henedift's v. rtrlxtnii limul. Outer limnaln ; i Nn. i;. :i.1.-i p.m.. Mr. iir.iv: Crry l-ynn v. j Npwton w.'-t. riutpr iinmnin No. l. i p.m.. i : Mr. (J. Alloii: Kowlial v. Sinnii-y Ilnv. Outi'.- ; j Domain No. 1. 4 p.m.. Mr. ■}. All. n. I - i

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Auckland Star, Volume LVII, Issue 159, 7 July 1926, Page 13

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ASSOCIATION FOOTBALL. Auckland Star, Volume LVII, Issue 159, 7 July 1926, Page 13

ASSOCIATION FOOTBALL. Auckland Star, Volume LVII, Issue 159, 7 July 1926, Page 13