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DAY OF SURPRISES. MAKISTS BEAT GRAMMAR. GRAFION DOWN RIFLES. PON'SOKBY S■■ APEER UNCHECKED. Despite especially s'.rong counterart rac: ions there u<? a fairly large attendance .- YA---n Park r. n Saturday, uhen ti:-.' ■ -" : ' -' :: - :' ' ■" : " n - ; u 'erc continued ur.-ior a •:..:.: endi; o&s. The lead of ;' ■ - :- 7 ■ the A g^ad>? was improved ;■ v :•-:.:;. r win i-.f l>-:j asain-: ;■:.-! by the defeat of the ru:.::-:- ■■■: . and College Rifles. -'•■-' .a------ w •-•:,■ decisiveFy beaten -■- ; : " r <rn:yr,. w'.ulc Marist Old Boys d. '■ ■-■•; orn:; 'I'M Boya by 12 points '■ ■'• '•■ One ot :'■-•? »"'".-.noon's ittractions was the Bdiv.-i ;i _'a.::e between North Shore and Trairir.j *.' i'.ege. wl.ic'a was even and excl: : -r.g rrrousaout. Training College ied by a :ry in the first spell, but Shore c •:!••: 'in early in the second session, a..d ::i "he la?t co:;ple of minutes o-ot another try. which, them victory by 0 to 3.

TYEES TRIUMPHANT. BACKS THE DECIDING FACTOR IN hard game. Bcramblin? csidfieid play followed Grammars p-:--k-?ff. till Gould reached the twenty-rive a drib He. The Tyke pack mishandled. 1-tting il whites through, but OBr.T ; und touch a: centre with a tine punt. Bn'H tuistled the Grsnimar pack. Imstlin? O'Brien and crossing, oily to have ' ; ie ball kick'-d d-a 1. Lγ Ely but erratic passing by both «kl»s left the white's still attacking, til. Loft went brilliantly through the whole -id- ro the full-back, where his pass was tinned. Ifwerson took his team out of danger, but Casey tn-ought the ball back at m-\ am! splendid line-kickim by O'Brien the situation. riayinjr to their r-orcauised bark division. Mari-ts k' - pt the game open, hut, th.'ush cutting out several of the defence time after time, failed to score. The chanj-e over was sensational. Loft sent to Bradacovirch near th- twenty-five, and iatter. pushing off tackle coolly potted a neat goal. Then the white pack f.ofc charge, and penned Tykes ia the far corner. A penalty here went just outside. Batty led his forwards back again, but passing broke down and the colours reached midrieid. Another rath saw Whelan almost over, and Badeley go just outside the post from another penalty. Batty, however, made amends by running through. Badeley missing at goal. Grammar resumed with i>a 'k work r:at i let Ifwersen find touch close to the colours' I line. Johnston saved the juewutus man i by forcing. Then Bradanovit-'h UolreU. and play went right under Grammar post*. Gonld raised the siege, till two quick penalties to the "bites brought them into tne twenty-rive. Gardner carried them closer, anil after a series of s rums on the linf TV'right force.!. From a free 40yds out Ifwersen kicked a grubber, and O'Brien feend touch at centre, but the whites were so:m np to the line again, to miss from another free. Goodacre next punted over the line, and the colours forced once more. | Fast following cauaht Ifwersen in posseseinn. and Tykes had their turn. Bradanovitch coaling from a mati as the third quarter ended. vTild forward rushes opened the last I spell, and Tykes worked, well into th? | twenty-five. O'Brien marking a clearing kick from Gardner and falling just short in an attempt at goal. A penalty set Grammar on to the attack. Their bncks dashed out in passir.2. but Johnston intercepted, went upfield -syd-s. and sent to Loft, who outpaced the defence and scored. "1 Erieu L'oalin-. Marists 12, Grammar 3. Rroderick rame nest with a dasli tLe Hue. whi'ii Goodacre countered. Following this. Broderick and Johnston both made attempts to ;et through, and then the game swept to Marists' line. They returned to mirtne'.d. were penalised, and in the scramble across the line Batty scored nnder tae posts, but fa led to goal. Marists 12. Grammar 6. Gram.nar put in a desperate three minutes in further forward efforts, but time sounded with the score (mattered. Mr. M. Kronfeldt was referee.

SHORE SNATCH VICTORY. A try In the last two minutes won the jame for Shore against Training College at Eden Park. i The first incident of note was. when Holmes made a dash up the line, but he was unsupported, and did not go far before he iras well tackled. The students were penalised, and M. Reid had an unsuccessful attempt at goal. The blue and white backs optned up the game, and had a couple of zood runs which gained a lot of ground. The forwards soon took a useful hand. Mir a good kick by Palmer sent I them back. Etui midfiefd play lasted only a short tirue. The student forwards, headed by Wells. Cummin:, and Cochrane. rushed m'after?. and Nli-holls relieved. The I ba.:k< had one or two good runs, the I ball travelling along the line to the wing, j Play ut thi~ ?tage was fast and open, b<■ fli sides throwing the leather about in attractive style. At last Shore got withiu striking diitanc". and the backs started a movement which broke down at the centre. Meyer cleared well for the stu 'ents. but Johnston kept Shore on the. attack -vith a clever line kick. Training College opened up a sparkling counter attack that carried Play well down field. The tackling of the Shore team was deadly, and the movement was soon broken up. The second session opened with an interchange of kicks by the backs. The green iod whites swept play v ell down neld. I and soon afterwards Nicbolls had a good | bet unsuccessful attempt at goal from halfway. Shore returned to the attack, and *ere given a penalty for a glaring obstruction by McLean. M. Reid narrowly missed tne posts from far our. Quiet play in neotral territory followed, neither side showing to much advantage. A blue and J'liite forward sortie carried play to ■ he Shore twenty-five, and Mainzay sent his Mcks away, bur Meyer fiiinblw] badly, and Shore cleared. A ]oo<o n> : followed from I the kirk-r.ff. and Mpvit s.t off for the line ""itb three Shore men in hnr pursuit. He [lererly shnrt-puntcj over rhe full-back's Dead. Mathieyon ;p hard, and touched dnn-n a< he tva-j r.i.-kled. McLean aissea the ki'-k. Traiuins College 3. Shore 0. Two sparkling movements by the "!ne and whir--' hacks aroused great enthusiasm nmon. the crow,], nnd the halftime bell sounded immediately. I The stud»-nrs openwl up a zood movement amnnsst th" backs in thp third session, but -Vehnllg brilliantly intercepted. There was Jo one with him. however, and he was forced to find the lin» Play slackened off. and the game became somewhat uninteresting. f HW . x i nut p S |at»r. the position looked for Shore, bat over''agerness spoilt the students chance, and * penalty was given against them, and shore clearo<l Malngay sent his backs away &om the looso. and the bai: travelled along toe line to Minns, who was brilliantly tackled by Johnson wh-n within ten yards °t the line. Shore o'.». n .'-l up a strong JlTensirp. and they " had the student* WianiPd in twenty five for a time. ; o> the defence was sound. The game ' IT *netl up agjiln. and both sets of backs sparklins runs. It was only the deadly tackling of both t.-nms that kept the lines "■tact. A loose rush was started by the jSfeen and white forwards, and Clarke, cutting In cleverly made an opening, from a try looked certain The defence 'MI sound. Poloman M. Reid, and Clarke Waaed anoth-r bright sortie. The backs took a hand, and Holmes, following °P his ki.-k. in posses«on. From the melee which followed •-ampbell shot th-» bail out to Clarke, who waned across v.\-h three men hanging on. it- Reid's kick hit the cross-bar and JSywwi ba-k in-neM. Shore 0, Training. c A t?, e . Pace was now a cracker. First i ■porimg and then Mever had unsuccessful at goal The" Dall travelled twice ; v?. a ?"J down E-1.l at high spe.-.i. and mi?1 Us ju?t m' = -'-' with a" penalty. Jwo ""nntes later !., took a mark far out. but niv *£ hit ,fi " I"- 1 ••>"'< bo,ui.-.fl t..i< k into wei about in tr..if .-tyie ;;: ,,1 .-. -re tii.hi-ky BiM*""' Ml "»- '■■ "" l -"" Hn- across V: Dut in a g0.,.1 run .louu tho line. The •f«fn and whir:- forwards muil<" a det«rSl^ 1 ., r ush for th" line, and in the that followed flarkp dived across Snn 1 ?". th °- ? ainp f"r" Shore. The bell kfcjf ded h "-T M. Reid had missed the Jbore .. ... a Training College ".7.7. .' 3 . ■*• W. J, Mersditli was referee.

I STILL WINNING. I PONSOXBT BEAT 'VARSITY IK HARD GAME. Flay started o5 with a rattle and a rush. and in the very early stages Macliea narrowly failed to score for 'Varsity, but was toppled over within a yard or two of the line. McManus cext flashed into Lhe lime-li-rut with a break-away run. but his kick went too far. and Hamilton cleared. Haif way through the spell Lucas intercepted a pass in a 'Varsity passing rush, and shot straight through to Butler, whom he beat : w;th a pretty swerve, and >'ore<: under the j posts. The scorer added the major points, i'on-sonby u —o. "Vnrsity rallied, and Butler ■'■ id an tins*:- .--pssfu; shot at goal, but a :'•■"-%- minutes : i;.t at his second attempt from a ;•••:-..ilty he landed a beauty. Ponsonby 3—::. Hariliy had tU" second quarter r.penod than the l'onsoiiby forwards ..pened our ia a ho; (iribidliii rush headed by Knoi ami McWi'.li.iins. the latter fretting posses si"n and s.'orinjr under th" posts. I.tioas .12a in jroal.'.i. I'ousnnby 10—::. 'Varsity wt-re playin.' a zreat came against their fi-imii.i'nhlp rivals .it this ?:a*e. and in the I middle portion of 'h? s-.r.;; they were oon I s-.intly a:-a'-ki:iz iv their opponents' ter--rory. a ia-t i;;isj by O'Haliorau was on'.y i "-hefked nt the I'onsnnby line. rlj —» defenders beinz forced to concede n five \ yards' scrum for carryinz the ball behind. i i'.'T.sonby .-leared temporarily. hut thI t";,ipnt?, playlns with srreat .lash, returned •n the atr.i.-i. and Hurler had a i-.vaple of i:as'icoo«sfi;i shot; a: :oa! from penalties. ; liantly on attack. let T.-.a'Hin away, l>,1: I'nr'er stopped him with a tine ra.'kie , Half-time sounded with the score-board ■ reading' Pon-onby 10, fnivprsitv 3. The pace was fast and furious in the third 1 quarter. pnnsonby did the bulk of the nrta.'kinir. but Butler proved a tower ] 'if strength -1 rhp tudents on defence, and shortly r,f-er th- 1 start, he srrassed I'ammick within i few yards nf his own line with a beautiful tackle, which savpd what otherwise would have a certain scorp. Mitlwny throujrh the spell, the Ponsoahy bar-ks .-vizhr opponents out of position ii a passing rush, anil Honk scored a "presentation" try. Lucas missed the k;--k from middle distance angle. Ponfast dash in -he oppn. b> - Potiso"nby lost the opportunity, and Butler started a coun-t-r-attack. passing to Hamilton, to Brooker. ti Miller. This arrack shifted play back to I'ip.socby's side of rhe halfway line, but the nuarti-r ; . nd-d without any further incident The last quarter opened with several brisht hursts of passing, in which Camruick nn I figured prominently. 'Varsity, however, presented a S-lid defence to all •hr.r opponents efforts to score, and twice in quick succession. OUalloran headed two qiii'k counter-attacks, but faulty hanillin? pulled the s-udeurs tip «n ea.-h occasion. Then Miller had a shoe at sonl from a penalty, and must have missed by inch.-s only, as from a position behind ;he kicker the ball nppeared to just inside the "off" post before swerving out However, the official rulin™ from directly under the posts was "no' Righton started a Ponso-jby forward rush, which sustained a temporary check, but Mc Williams carried on and passed to Lincoln, to Lucas, who scored and converted shortly before the bell rang. j Ponsonhv is University 3 Mr. 11. Cllfle was referee.

GRAFTON'S GOOD DAY. COLLEGE RIFLES BEATEN S TO ML. Thp opening stages of the came were marked by evon forward play swincir.; '"'" tween thp twpnty-rivps. and a scoring chance I seemed on for Grafton when Hughes cut in at Riflps" fwenty-Hve. but he held on too long, and the blues cleared. A dash by Farmer and Austin, and a centring kick by the latter had the Rifles again in trout) !►>. I A breakaway by Anderson reversed the I position, and Ilnzi: was lucky to save .1 try by getting the bail to the sideline n?ar his corner. Grafton cleared and a nice dash by Farmer had the blues again defending, till a long kick by Mitchell not only effected a clearance, but fnrced Graf ton. Play was very open and shifty, and som-> fast exchanges saw play again at RinV<' twenty-five. Here Farmer made another dash, to be grounded just short of the !iu<-. ! Getting all the ball in the scrum the GraftoD forwards gave their backs plenty to do but they had not broken through [he Rifles' defence when the teams turned ; round. Farmer was prominent in putting Grafton again on attack when they turned round. ■ and he tried both a drop-shot and a plao.'kick from a mark, but missed both. Mistakes by the Grafton backs let College Rifles clear, but Lynch dribbled back. Teape saving an awkward situation. Austin was breaking away to the attack again when tie ■was obstructed and awarded a free kick. From nearly halfway he landed a goal. After a long spell of defensive play Rlflec got clear by a passing bout, and in footwork they went near to Grafton's line. Fielding mistakes by the Rifles' tnI side backs assisted Grafton to clear, and half time arrived witn Grafton. leading by 3 points to nil. At tlie stare of the second spell College Rifles' forwards pu: more dash into their £n.mG. 3rid wsro soon sctiicliin". Then t tie ; vanguard began to throw the ball about, but a cut-off by Hughes saved the situation for Graftun. Stewart led a rush to I Rifles' quarter, but hard footwork iPt them A kicking duel favoured Rifles and fast play at the colours' quarter j I i.eiug forced, Grafton took a turn on attack. I aad Austin missed a -shot at goal. Riflt-s r maile another foray, and were at Grafton's I line when the quarter ended. I Grafton opened the final session with n I solid dribbling rush, Finiayson getting over the line, but being recalled for a knork-on. I the Rifles cleared. Grafton returned, to Ibe stopped at the line. Persevering, they were back again, and Lynch got over, but was ruled by the referee to be held by Kirk Rifles cleared from the scrnm, bur in a passing bout Grafton came back, and Hushes was downed at the line. Again the RinV? cleared, and Teape made a long run to Grafton's line. Lynch and Beil shifted the srame to CoMese RiHes' line, and here a nice pass from the nick gave Lynch a try. that Austin converted. There was no further score, and the game ended : — Grafton S College Rifles 0 Mr W. Prace was referee.

ELLERSLIE'S SURPRISE WIN. i Playing nn rheir om frminfl. Ellerslie ' pet the ball rolling and even going wag t he order until the Manukau forwards took play into their ipponents' twenty-five. Her" the" ball was taken over Eilerslies line and I only over-eagerness ro score saved the reds, a force down resulting. Th*" , blanks were. back almost immediately and Housham all but scored. Ou th-ir third attack the visitors were not to b<? denied. Fletcher touching down for a rry which Kinsr failed to convert. The blacks continued to press until near the end of the quarter when Ton? cleared with a lon<r kick. Amohan:ra was caught in possession and before the Manukau forwards could get bark Ellerslie were bustling ami Sturmey followed uj, well to pick up and dash over. He failed n-;:b the kick. A strong dash by Irvine and solid work by Ton:: and Thomas s«:it Manuk-iu back, but Wickey. a new recruit to the Manukau ranks, dashed from near halfway to within a f"w yards of the Ellerslie line before passing "to Brimble. who slipped. At thi-i -tag" Perkinson retired hurt. Year taking his'plnce. Poor tackliue by f » home f-.i-n frequently let rhe blacks through, but failed to score a«d nothing sensational uccurrPd before half time. Play was faster Jifr rh» breather, both "doins their 1..--E to throw rhe !>a!l iibout. EHerslie had the better of the early exchanges and looked i:ke >cor.n^r. when a mark by Dickey pulled them up. Albon and Kins th p n had a run. but Ellerslie were coon pegging away again. and Year was thrown out near the blacks' zoal line. Bright passing amongst the Ellerslie backs bad Manukau in j trouble until the latter were awarded a j penalty and later McClusky went well past ! half-way with the ball at the toe. From | a iine-o"ut. Thomas, who was playing a j , fine game, returned his side to the attack. I and before changing oTer for the last quar- ; ter the reds carried the frail over Mann- j kau's line, where Bevan scored. The kick failed A loose rnsh by the visitors haa I \ 100-e ru-h by the visitors soon had ! Ellerslie forced, but the home playrs then t.'.nk- a turn iv attack. Sturmey being pro-' minent A within Eilerslie's ! twenty five gave King l.nt j was well smothered, and soon rhe siese \ "I the" referee wa* compelled to call the i 1 r'lavers together for a word of advice. : Foflowin" an exchanse of kicks, Dunn led ' an Ellerslie rush, which transferred play , to half-way. Just before the final whistle. Fl'er-die were penalised, but King's kick failed to rise. The game ended shortly afterwards with the scores : — Ellerslie {> Manufcao .«««««# <* ;

! NEWTON SCORES OVER SUBURBS, j 1 ■ Newton forwards jumped away with a 1 strong attack, and in the first live minutes . Pickering crossed the opposition line. 1 r.ven play, and then fine work between Forsyth and VuKance saw the ldtter touch 1 down behind the posts. Gmv converted. Suburbs G. Newton iS. From "the kick-out j Newton forwards ran right through the j opposition. The Suburb-; backs were over--1 wheitued, and McG'-e scored. Newton 'i, i Suburbs 5. Another even spell, and then i the Newton van tools control, and a combined rush tr >va more than ualr-.vay enued in llanloa scoring for ilckeriua to convert. Newton 11. Suburbs •". The ' Suburban forwards were painfully slow, but brightened up just as lUe lirst half end>"d. ' After tie interval Suburbs were quickest to get going, but M.Leod threw a war a good chance by potting a: _-oai α-itii his si'le in a. sood position. Sh.itl.s pressed till r'i'.-kerin- brok-' away, ;-:-iiu a= far a= the fullback, and shortly after Lie kick>M a ni-e goal from a penalty. y.vxn replied with a similar* for It 13 sid.-. Newton < 14. Suburbs s. The suburban forwards now livened up considerably, and a sustained 1 ru-h saw UarJniuti ..-ro = a uv e r. New-ton 14, 1 Suburbs 1-1. I VViti •'three point* the diff." play was ! exciting as they started the last ijuarter. However. Newton was the irst to and an j ■-"'P'ruinz. and Joans > ored. The aeit epiI -'Hie was when th<- Suburban fullback fulj lowed up hi* ~wn Kick. and. after finishing up a solo effort I ehir.-i the posts, converted. . Iv th..- last rive minute? the Suburban* ; set up a strong pre-sur>>. but Newton found j a flnai dash, and twi.v forced tbeir oppo- ! nents. Subiirhs came a;:ain. but the N>wj tonian li::e was held, and the final score . : was: Newton IT Suburbs Id i .Mr. I-;. K. Peauerton was referee.

THE COLLEGE GAME. • i Th° fn'>ie jranif Grammar School v. raiser on Xn. l proiinil at E.Lmi Park. Throughout th>< smut- was marked l.v very hvpq play. with rh.; Sacrixl Hpart f.irnnr.l, dominant. and keepin.' Grammar rpcularly ilnivj :.-. defensive. la ■ h<-- tir«t ?pe|i .1 try scored by Keennn, fnr Saorf'l Heart, r'rum a ruck nn ■ Grammar's Hn.\ and they finished the sp*>;i w:;h a .if thn-» points t"> nii. Opening th.> second half. Sacrp.i Heart kept up a . rnntinumis atra.-k. Wright eventually ~<;ir : n- from a pa-.-;n_: bout, and also cm In the ia-t rxvpnry minurp-i itratumar mad.; a (It'.<perate effort to pull :he iim- our ,1f ;h.. :i r ,. au ,] .-, „{,.„ rlln by Keepa care Gi:>rr :1 try. which was not c..nv.Tfp.| Fγ riiat" p.Mnr Sacrnd Hear; were in the a>O"ndant. hut rhere was no further si.-ure. and the fc-auie ended: : Sacred Hoar: s Grammar 3

JUNIOR RESULTS. -SECONDARY SCHOOLS. i Pacrerl Hpart B 11. brat (irammar Old ; Boys 11. B 0. j SECOND GRADE. I ! Nnrfh Shore 13. beat City Council 0. Pon«rnby 18. bpat 'Varsity .-,. i 'Jrafton IS. beat Grey I.ynn '•. : Telegraph 21. beat Marists 11. j i I j THIRD GRADE. I MarUrs -22. boat Ornkel 0. ; T'nlversltj; A IT. beat United in. ! I i/oUege Rifles 10, heat ?t. Stephen's 6. i St. i;«irt.-'s 9. bent Cirnmmnr 0. : i Kinpslati'l Iβ. boat Otahuhu o. I I INTEKM XI MATE. I Grey Lynn 12. beat M.inukau S. I Graf ton 30, beat P. and T 0. I I'arnell IS. beat rollpsre llilies 6. ; V. and T. o, beat (Jraftou :.;. FOURTH GRADE. j Grey Lynn 14. beat Suburbs o. i Mnnukau :i. I'araell 0. j I'onsonbj -9, bear Marathon 0. FIFTH GRADE. KKrslie 2ti, bf>at Graftnn ('. . Marists 41, beat Ponsonby v. \ SIXTH GRADE. ' i Manubau 5, beat Grey Lynn 3. Eilorsiie 3". beat Henderson 0.

I THE POLAND CTTP. PIAKO BEAT NGATEA. i In the Poland Cup competition, fine 1 weather prevailed for the match between Ngatea and Piako There waa a record attendance, and the rround was in fair condition. The referee was Mr. W. Duns tan. >"gatea won the tosa and decided to i play with the sun behind them. Bo:h ; teams took the field in fine fettle Ngatea : commenced with a dribbling rush, but was stopped by Arkle. From the line-out. McQuarters secured and kicked across. Tower, i I following quickly, took play to Ngatea's I twenty-five, where an infringement gave Nzatea relief. Play remained In Xeat-ja's twenty-five. A fine run was made by • N'iehol who was stopped by Thorn. Give- I i and-take play ensued. " • I The same remained in midfield until Thorn relieved by marking. Pi.iko wereI forein? the pace, but were unable to cross I After rh* ch.inzeovpr. Frpneh rpplacpi] ! I ri.irk. wlm ba.l m recim. Plako forwards | I set .1 lively pare. j Play now became lively, when Mole<- ! j worth secured, and running through the ' tield scored between the posts f..r Xgaten. i I Johnson added the minor poinr.--. From I the line V ruing secured, and kicked acros-; j I rhe field. Arkle securing. He passed to j Stiiupe. to Magill. Towers finally scoring ! nt the corner. Magill's kick failed. Ngatea ' i 5. Piako 3. 1 On resuming. Pi.iko were making every j effort to score. Ngatea forcing "several , times. The Ngaten forwards commenced I a rush, but MeQiiarters intercepted. Ark!e. I Stoupe. and Ooldsbnry taking plnv to the Ngatea line. A freo to Piako for lifting i in scrum cave Magiil a shot at goal, which crossed the bar. Piako G. Ngatea 5. WAI'HI. In the Poland Memorial Cup game Waihi 9. beat Paeroa o. In the schools' game. Paeroa 11. beat Waihi S.


I I IVAIi'A RET. TEAM. j j TE AWAMCTC. Patnrdar. ; ! Vo\* Saturday. Waipa -enior rep*, will defend th<> Fiul.iv i.'up nt T» Awnmut'i azain-t Morriusville. The following team . has iteen chosen to represent Waipa- — i Fullback, P. Qulu: three-quarters ;.l Shepherd. >t Wintpr. F. Bppt: five-eighths. ! A. J'unson. H. Dart-: half, E. Bell: for-! ward?. E. Storey froven. K. Smitli V D. Smith, i;. FIIII. G. Walker II ■ f rqubart, and L. Crowley. ' !

i IN THE PROVINCE. ! WHANGAREI. SENIORS. i ! Hlkui-anrri " heat Kntno 0. j At Maunrrnkarnaiea. Old Boy* fi. !.rat ■vr-iM isnt-nrnniPfi ",. a> thfso were the two leading tpam=. the win puts Old Hoys tiiPv [•■■ int.- ahead. JI'XtOKS. I Kanio ... beat Parun Bur .'. ! i r>lll toys :■'.. l.oat Waitoti <t. : ! Portland IT. beat Horahora :;. □ ikurangi defaulted to Whakapara. THIRD GRADE. Horahora 2", beat Parua Bay 0. DARGAVILLE. I Seniors.—Darg-aville 9. beat Southern 3: ' 1 Pukehuia 6. beat Tangowahine 3. I Juulors.—Southern 3. beat Pukehiua B Third Grade. —Central 11, beat Dargavillo 6 ; Ruawai 5, beat Southern 3. The Tangowahine football club held a I social and dance on Saturday night to farewell W. Rika, a member of the club, who leaves with the New Zealand Maori team for England.

I PL'KEKOiIK. ■ The Puk.-koli" KUgby ompetition va< ' adv.-iil'-ed a nirtliT staee in glorio., : ' weather. The senior game. Itamblers r. I Power Board, was the best seen this sta- ' sou, and resulted. Ramblers 9. Power 3oard I ::. For Ramblers Wood scored a try and Cronin kicked two penalty goals. E. Crotty scored the try for Power Board. White Star 6, beat City 0. Tries for White Star were gained by Fell and Brown. Juniors.—Junior High ScHool 35, beat City 0; White Star 14, b#at Ramblers 6; White Star Thirds 12. beat High School A 6; Ramblers 31, beat High School B 0. )

\ HAMILTON. The Rn;by matches t?:» played in beautiful weather. The main match was an annual one between the Mount Albert Grammar and Hamilton Higrh Schools. There was a great crowd present, and :he srround was in fair after the heavy rains. A curtain-raiser played between the ProbaMes and Possibles, the former winning , bj 10 to lfi. Their forwards iretfing the ball "ter. and Paki. Johnston. Scott. Finlayson and Hart scoring. (Joins convertlnc two, while for "19 latter. Mason. Ch:ir:es;nn :;::I <'erritt scored. Mitoheli converting two and ki.-kins a penalry _; , v. Th.-r. was aisn an i'!d Boys v. City Juniors gamp, the former winning by '.) ro .".. ■Then rhe flyweights had a severj- a -si(i". Hamilton East against Hamilton West. causing- ii'i.-h aaiuseiuent. East winning by 1.". to 0. In t'-ie Mount Albert Grammar i- Il.;:r,;:----ton Hinii s.-:io.,i irame the ; . -a; t...y« kicke<] off asralnst the sun with the visitors returning with a jrreat forward rush, b'lt liffemlin;, they lost srouml. Play central, till Mora-nn. on the ivins shot >]i>wn the li v ... From a si'rum Mil's sent nut. Hiia'ilin? S:n -h to s.virt- I'mrr converted, "o resnuiiag the blues lia<l to use the Uμ- to s ,;> j fresh .-.track Then Brown t..ok a flyinz puss, and -ith a lon- kick found the line i:i •h» risirinz twenty-riv Ar :h> end of the first quarter, setting in tnoti..n asuin. t!i-r>-<ls mam the i c,. tin Julia p;cke<l up smarriy. and st -t his backs in motion. Then th" r> , .ls obstructed and Hush, for th° visitors. : lnd.'.l a enod r-oal. This hearren-'d Grammar, bin knocking on by M.'Bride stopped a cprtain s.-.ire. Prat: r.''.iev»<l and [.lay went to -h blues' twenry-tive. Wilson. (JoUiEion and Veir fo!lowe<I with a nc passins rush, thus putting the ~n -lw (l-f.-s;ve. At half time lliyh School w.-re 5 and G.ammar 3. i The second ?[.ei! o;iene<l with a Sehnoi forwanl rush ending ia a try Iby t'atterson after line combined work by I the backs. Pratt converted. The crowd u-as rai-.'d to euthiisiascu afterwards by ! lioth sets nt backs ensneinse in spvprai I passing bouts. 2 ..0 d ri.-klin? stnj.pir.. , ' tuern. Wirii jim-atKl-take play i.i t!).visitors' twenty-rivH. Smith worked in .m tiie line. a try. Pratt fil'.e.l with the kick. The Gramma- p-ick then made matters willing, fop.-in,' the n><is t" their twetiry-tiv... (il.-tr'i, ;;..n uave ;ii-hliif-s a kick, from wbi.-h [t.ish landed a tine _-.) :1 1. Imme.Hatch- th» Scho«. 11l 'I a r-c-n.i i r,v. wiu.-h Pratt zot from the ,1 line, just the bar and ••raramar followed r i/!it on the kid; otT with another attain-.r. the bail striking tinto fl n f r!ip |~sr. Play l-.'-<-.i :n • fasti.'. WII 11.-iin-a b.-irii pr.-nii :,.-:i t uir.i a ilril.l.'.in.dents. Wi.'.son i.t.-ned a irood -trn i'-l:' 1'.0v.-mmr. .-vnntu.iilv t!i> P.-1i...d f.,r<-in_-Tllf 2.un<. <■!:■:.-d riu'ht on S.-ho. i's line in their f,-i\,.i'r by 10 to ''. after ,mc ~f t'iiiesr -'.'uii.-s seen ft; Hamilton Mr \V j P.ryilcn ri-feree. MANTKAT T'Nin.V ! Seniors. — I'npakura S. Drury n- Ii I Mills scored a try and T. Malloy kicked a Juniors.— Prury 21. hear Papnkiira l>;. For Drury P.renmer scored a try ar.l Whyett. the fullback, kicked a enai F..r Papakura tries were gr.irnl by Hammond ; mid R. Hope: poals were kick<'<i by a. ■ Johnston and I. Wilson. MATAMATA. The third and last round of the Mata- ; mata Rusby Union's competitions were j . .immenced. Seniors. — >rat.->.mata ". <Irew with Walton \ '■': I'atftfTo ■>. b«at Walr»Tt» •'!. I Juniors.—Matamata U. beat Walton 5; i Waharoa 3. b«at Hinuera 0 • I'atet. r<? :: i beat Walrere n. ] Waltorf leads seniors an<l Matani.r.i il;e i juniors. I CAMnnmoE. The Cambridge junior reps retain--! the P.oyce CilJ.. v hen hi ld.-al .-..;, <litions. before an attendance of T l "' the/ drew uith ii;.>. oach side three points. Hi-niiie,, a try f.r >!.•:■ I'in-svilk- in ttip first half, and shortly aft. r half-time Mark Bipallsp.l for Cambri.f-e. '\";a> :mp \vj s .luiulnaii-.l by 1,..,5.. forward THIHD GRADE. C-imbriilge -M. boat Matamata WAI PA ! The final round of tae senior <-..:r.;ieti;;-i!i ' was complete<l. this seasons . iia ;n;'i.-:i-" i being Plrongia. The :am» between Pironsia and Rovc-rs. ■ar Pironzia. caused keen interest, .is the <iefeat of Pirongia cueaiit a final between them and Te Awamntu. However. I'irou^ia i were able to win a hard-contested same in the last min-jtH iv 3 points to all. and made i their position safe. On Albert Para the Parawera seniors defeated United by -JO poiats to nil after a razzed exhibition. The came was marred by an unfortunate accident, when Alby Johnson had his jaw badly broken aa the result of a tackie. Johnson went low at an opponent, who dragsed his leg thro'isi Johnson's arms, with t-e result, that his foot»caugat Johnson under the chin. Johnson's injuries were of s-ioh a nature that he was ordered to the Waltato Hospital. At Te a.awa the Te Awaasutu seniors defeated the home teatn iiy 29 points to 6? ! In the junior competition. Pironfia defeated Parawera by points t 1 nil Te K.iwa had an un">.-cpe<-ted rrin mai".«t Ohaupo. anil T/nlted were responsible for the defeat of Puahue br c points to ui'. TAfMARL-XlI. Tnamnruntil 0. Athletic r> Kakahi !>. b.vit onsrarue 4. i J TAtRAXGA. I S-n:..r- .— Puii'ic Won.ks :.. v. Te Puki r, : |Cadr>t <>:d Boys ::-J. v. Power Hoard <~< Juniors. — Mount c. v. Marapeni :: • f\.!-t i Old Boys I, v. .!.,.!. a:: - ,-.'';.-.•.» won i.v I default from Te Puna. HAMILTON" V. TATRANGA. i The followinsr have heo n <selecferl hr \[r Frank Tooman. of the Ilamiltoti l:<i-;by T'nion. to represent Hamilton acrainst Trui rancn on Saturday next at - - Mathieson. Buckingham. Ooinp Paki S.-hultz. Kemp. Mitchell. Pmtr. Hooper riianman. Tarter. Finlayson, M- , -o n r Christie, and Ar<iern. GAMES IN THE SOUTH. TAIHAI'E. 0. beat Hautapu 3: Old Boys won by default from Huias. Juniors. — Pirates 24. b< at Mataroa 6: C'tikii won hv default from Hautaou • Manzaweka a The deciding match for the senior ..-tin w<-nr t<i Pirates. «h.> def.-ar.-d Haiirai'U n\ ■ '.' points to :: Tho panic attractwl .in ; exceptionally largo omwil. It was, hnth fast ; an<l open. For Pirates Darvall scored •«■„ tries, while It. D>Tbri(l«<>s converted a penalty. T Bt-nnett kicked a penalty for Hautapu. I MASTERTOX. ! In the senior championship Ued Star -f.". beat Masterton S: (ireytown 11. heat I Featherston 'J ; Cartertou r..». beat Gla<l- ; stone 3. I PALMERSTO.N* NORTH. Kia T<">a 20. beat Old Boys 6. Western United 7. beat Woo<iville <j I I WA.VGAN'UI. I Pirates f». beat Kaierau f>. Wancanui Uid Coys 11, drew with Marists 11. Ka'aua defaulted to Technical Old Coys. NEW PLYMOTTH. j New Plymouth IIi;h School 20, bea: Wancanui Technical <'..::e-c l:<.<;ton. 'Varsity 22. beat Oriental 0. Poneke 11. beat Berharupore 0. Athletics 13. beat Marists f>. Petone 30. beat Old Boys 9. Selwyn <3, beat Ilutt 0. lIAWKE'S BAY. The Xapier-Hastings team defecated Wairoa representatives by Jβ to S after a fast game, played in bitterly cold weather. Lance Johnston and Greenside were the outstanding backs for the visitors. NELSON. ' In the Nelson senior .-up zame Rivai=s C'efeated Old Boys by I.'i s ,,als to !>. Neison o-3. beat Waimea S. 'iinisTi'Hritrn. M"-:val» 32. beat I.inwood .". Christ.■•ir.ri-h 1!). beat Albion 5. i>;, 1 Uoys. 13, beat 'Varsity Z. DUXEDIN. 'Varaitj- B 15. bent Kaikorai 14. Southern 14. bea"t Union 9. Alhambra Iβ, beat Dunedin 3. 'Varsity A 10. beat Zingara 3. 1 Pirates 41, beat Taierl S.

IN VI-: CCA R GIL 1.. Star 27, beat Pirates 11. ln\er<?argi;i 30. 1.-at S.jiirhsru 3. :, Star n.'W holds a rlvc p.->:Li;s lead from ■ j Pirates. wa>) have piaypil ouo mat.-h less. '! TARAXAKI DEFEAT BUSH UNION. ;■ By T.:i.'jri;i!i.-Pro-s Association) :■ IUWEUi. this day. Ii: fin" weather, before an attendance of : <i4.«i. Tnraiak: <lrf.-arert Bush l"i;-.-.u .- to 0.

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Auckland Star, Volume LVII, Issue 157, 5 July 1926, Page 11

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RUGBY CHAMPIONSHIPS. Auckland Star, Volume LVII, Issue 157, 5 July 1926, Page 11

RUGBY CHAMPIONSHIPS. Auckland Star, Volume LVII, Issue 157, 5 July 1926, Page 11