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li KA&ANOAHAPE ROAD I _„ „ _ , ({NEGLIGE gloves I SILK fi/1 1 I I I SHIRTS 01U 2 LADIES-I.DOMES t UE D E I p-pp Q/ J. 1 | E ■ GLOVES, with new turn- ■ IX ■ fc II Usually 4/11. over Van Dycke cuffs, 1 * m.«—am m. YARD I £ 1 MEN'S COLOURED NEGLIGE SHIRTS reinforced trimmed chenille braid. g Usually 13/11. i £ g necks, showing in a good strong Oxford shirtinsr-whir* ' Range of shades: Pastels, gl SILK REPP. A Rich Quality Silk Repp for frocks, 3 5E m o-rounds wit>i hinnir «trm M %,»»« r< J tt i greys > beavers, browns and H coats, etc., also suitable for smart linings. Navy, black, 3 i■' SlLil c. d. e ° rge C ° UrtS USUaI black - Geor * c Court ' s ■ mole, grey cocoa, cinnamon, mauve; 36-38 inches- I 3 £ | rrice, 4/11. Sale Price, 3/lOj. Usual Price, 3/11 pair. g| George Court's Usual Price, 13/11. Sale Price, 6/11 yd. j 3 fc "" llllllllllllllll J lllillll!l111 Ilimillll H llllll Illllllllllilllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll II 11l I[l!l!!llilll!lllllilllllllllllll|ll!lll!!l|l!li" :i a * ""' ****' llilllllllllllllillilM HJ |E MEN'S COTTONADE WORKING SHIRTS, collar and pocket. This shirt 16-INCH EMBROIDERIES, in longcloth or muslin, with white or coloured 3 fc we can thoroughly recommend for the labouring man—George Court's embroidery—George Court's Usual Prices, 1/11, 2/6 and 2/9 per yard 3 I Usual Price, 7/6. Sale Price, 6/9. * Sale Pricef all Hid per yard. y 3 I R A ? DK , ER T? HI^ FS V-^ en ;f Coloured INDIGO SUITING SERGE, 60 inches wide, ££f e f I Usual 19-20OZ. guaranteed absolutely fast dye A beau- £££ S % Tg l * £ Price IOdS slle Price 5 tiful quality heavy-weight Botany wool. Now is Court>s Usua i p rices , 1./- to 1/6 per 3 g race, lOd each. Sale Price, 3 for 2/-. the time to buy a suit length-George Courts d< Sale Price? all 4|d rd> per g PULL-OVERS. Men's Brushed Wool Usual Price, 26/6 yard. Sale Price, 19/11 yard. q ■, 3 fc Fancy Pull-overs. Very smart colour- .. . _ LADIES'NECKWEAR. Special assort- J fc: mgs. very popular style for the present II " "I !i .. « . v j ■ . =3 E season—George Court's Usual Price ;i ]i A II If f • • Pan Collars in linen and organdie, also 1 12/6. sa.e Pnce. io/5. H n Auckland s Greatest t%£ZS&?T^A g %g%i 1 I SHEETING BARGAINS H I , , and 2/H each. Sale Price, aUI/6i each. | fc 0 . . If II v. ~ BAGS. Just received, Smart Under- 3 in our Standard Quality Sheetings. 11 fete m arm Bags in black patent leather. 3 g 54in. BLEACHED TWILL SHEETING. |( m MM Remarkable value — George Court's £ Sale Prices, U 3/3 yarcL {SSfi 9 1/8, 2/6, 2,00, 3/3, 3/11, 4/11 fe |4iQ; BLEACHED HERRINGBONE !( ag II ||f » OSTRICH FEATHER FANS, in apricot, 3 SHEETING— «lfl ffl m\ mmmr* k jade, lemon, mauve, cyclamen, saxe or 3 f Sale Prices. T 111 26 yard! 3i w JBJhBI H # 4/11 and 5/11 each. Sale Price, all £ S Pric?r2/lli, yard j M^M W\ \\\mt mWmmW> LAMBSWOOL TRIMMING, in a good | g Sale Price, 2/8 " yard. I Ifti&w * \\\m\mW 1 of evening shades — George p 80in. BLEACHED TWILL SHEETING | j ! Sakf Price, S l/sua 2/9 nceß 'g /11 3/3 3/6 - 1 COLOURED DUCHESSE SATIN. jfc Sale Prices, - I 1 1 ","\, . . f Exceptional value offering in this all 2/61 2/91 2/111 yard Jmows no equal in Bargain-Giving. silk dress sat i n for day and evening fc Usual Prices, > I || Every Pnce Reduction Genuine. j wear. A wonderful range of shades, 3 *g- 3/11 4/3 4/9 4/11 yard * n """ " '„ " n including fawn, mastic, mole, beaver, Z2 fc Sale Prices, :' --~ ' CIT v AxrT . xvrkC , x DPI)I) T> . . .„ - . . , light grey, mid grey, sea green, French 3/6 3/11 4/3 4/6 yard SILK AND WOOL REPP. Rich silk finish, good blue, saxe, nattier, apricot, pink, flame, 3 £ Absolute Genuine Sale Bargains TS *i W- QU V " r^f/°° d r f nge maize, jade, sky, cardinal, dark brown; enume oaie Bargains. of shades , mduding champagne, light fawn, stone, 3g inches wi de —George Court's Usual 3 corn, enamel, Sahara cinnamon, bracken, autumn, Price, 10/6. Sale Price, 7/11 yard. fc VA/Iwlli 10. saxe, delph. blue, cloud, mid grey, dark grey, ' fc MnniTT QPmyrc 1 i<n.„ , bright navy and navy; 38 inches wide—George NAVY JAP. SILK, showing in light and =S £ JrwiSiv * l m Corsets - Court's Usual Prices, 13/6 and 14/6 yard. Sale mid navy. A strong quality for under6 dancW M*Hp IJL iT** d Price, 8/11 yard. ' wear, linings, etc.; 36 inches wide- 3 i roufT g Vprv iL V ?- d QU * h # Whlt l ASTRACHAN 54 inches George Court's Usual Price, 5/6. Sale £ eoutil. Very low elastic waistline and A . a L lK^. n l^ JN ' _f 4 . ™ c . n ® B Prir* 2/11 yard 3 f long skirt. Spiral steels. Finished with We wide. Bright mohair finish, __. rnce, yarn. 3 jE hook at end of busk and four suspen- p atr close curl. For short coats, We BLACK CHIFFON VELVET. Two very 3 £ ders. Sizes. :20in,. to 30in.—George ra y children 3 wear, trimmings, P«„ nice qualities offering. Best French 3 5~ Court's Usual' Price, 8/6. Sale Price, P ft «tjiap etc " In stone, dawn, blue dyes; 36-38 inches wide—George Court's =8 r 6/9. * ÜBW 6 C grey, slate, light fawn P n «|. a Usual Prices, 14/11,17/11. Sale Prices, 3 - «--. r "' beaver, bracken, mid ' * w»i.«»gc 12/11 in/ft yard 3 p it brown, dark brown, cream, iz/n, 15/b yard. | lit «r a*M- ■■ «««-»•• 3 light navy, scarlet, red, J ""]] 3 g g fcye-Opener s Bargains 3 saxe and black - George I A 3 /" '*•. fs *« 3 Court's Usual Price, 13/6' 1 11111 RADP AINQ 3 gp TOr I O-mOrrOW 9tO 12. yard. Sale Price, 8/11 yard. || IUU D/VI\VJI/-% fc fc 42 inches wide. Silk and Wool Broehe Repp.—A flne-weave Repp of VELVETEEN, Paisley and ■ T Ifk 3 Sat: 2tr beautiful silk finish, with »mnrt designs In self colour; suitable for Dviont-al /-Indiana Twill V>Qr.L- t- ■ ■ 111 Im/B M fc |t either day or evening wear, smart frocks, etc. Showing in heliotrope, 3 Uliental designs. 1 Will DaCK, p ■ ■ B-Tl I 1. fc fc almond, light blue, champagne, fawn, beaver, stone, cinnamon, mid fast pile and best dyes W : Mk sVf aßaUall«y Z2 fc- brown, and sienna. George: Court's Usual Price. 12/6 per yard—Eye- :3 vr__:_j i_ • • , r= fc fc opener Price, 6/11 per yard, To-morrow. 3 Varied haimoniSing Colour- W. lnn TATUIr c» rn«T¥TMI?C mnn l »««« «f« . 3 fc fc Woo. Trimming, (3 and 4 inches wide)_ln white, grey, fawn, light ingS On gl'OUnds of cinna- I 10 ° LADIES COSTUMES. Tweed, WOOI repp, etc, »»>«« «*■'••« brown and chmapagne. George Court's Usual Prices, 4/11, -50 mrm hoavoi- V,v«wn rrrair = newest Styles, Well tailored and finiSned: all SIZeS =3 6/11 and 6/11 y.rd-*y.-op.n.r Price. ~, 1/10 per yard, To-morrow. j| W bey _ to £1/19/6 m Sale fc Mail Orders not accepted at Eye-opener Prices! wide George' Court's S Prices, 49/6 aWd 59/6. 3 I yard ■„ .., - 3 rftOC p TC oaie race, o/o yarn. P MODEL 88—A "Twilfit" Corset ■ WOM E N 's *•* Ribbed all-wool | i!! -i. rtt • j. on,- <-> J_ n i->* E-E E- t? CaTh"aVTC T<aT»TV .i|l and dark coating, mole, champagne, -• fc Sizes 21m. to 30m.—George Court S f| | - I|| f«wn, also cream —George Court's 25 fc Usual Price, 13/6. Sale Price, 11/6. If '111 ftSt 1 P . rice ' 3/1 ' pair - Sale Price, 3 * AucfcUrtd (J i^ a :n iiiiiiiiliJJijnjjni 1 i ii ~~~ lMltZ y r[ „, Commencing SL [i|^ yM, , Wednesday cardigans WS i'HP 111 Boils Water \] m '^^^^~^~ m^^^^m -,w i — (Ld^*^^TOa^tV s *N■U H Quickest, ( *• "■ /sC* W%te*2&^ Fjfl| 11 Yet Costs the ( 111 / ****. >ffll A /WSIPi ■ fJ- I *-»*V-» «/V/J_# BEST ENGUSH M i#l f j'/'rfi' Auckland Gas Co., 0 W V V-»av _<->„ wmm A - MAKE; 4 |!i|i»l:. I \«i/ /f ,-'•' .V or Wholesale « |J ¥ THaO I I A £* IT* PITRF /' \t\V\WU!.llW» W ill {.* Plumbers. I ff I—l /% WloJ PURE WOOL. /^^»fiiW//^ *"* *■ II Hi These Woollen Vests are _ Tv £^.ilf^*Wm\WiW^iW i '! S> I THISTLE HOTEL I Just landed from i^^Si^^SP^i) ■ lIIW ■ ataaai ■■«# I aWasa * T * otherwise, or worn over W 'ifjilfelfflaW; \¥ /M If —'-ISBsar—• ENGLISH MANUFACTURERS HS-S£Ss I BK/W The Weal House for Vlsltort rrom "nurry—pure wool and "X* ' -£J*W . County. ■ wis. are ln four conservative v' : E« M Rlg-nt Opposite tne Msgmlflcent Ws)w ■ Including shades; Fawn. Naw »< m\% V Jzff*&/ /M ••Majestic" Theatre. ■ ~ Brown, and Grey 'they 1 V' 1/* / W TIRMB: I±/- PRR DAY. ■ I R>T • nr i are , a ? warm 'as toast iVlpqi 7*W/ f ■iv. i Ladies Wear, mens Wear : and a™»*y. 1 Iwmmt if Spelgnt'i Prize Dunedln Ale Only on ■ * »-*»•»»« iT4V " ° Tf c «»> II tit | i&Jf f W S Tne Thistle Carrtertne Largest As- il General DfaDerV *\Tmt\ HnilCta 1 I °/ e ,8 * «WARKABUE LOW price \\\l w\'F fl sortment of Wines and Spirits of any I y ailit JTIUU9C- I —THEY'RE WORTH It/6 VII I «*if /' 1 M Doct«7oid ! hold Goods. poSwL —- HUNTER & SONS Ltd B o«ie, 5/6 TO BE CLEARED AT -w** * mum.* %*. UVl^U.ljlUe THISTLE WHISKY, rare llllirilAF PIPP.III.«ii A s DA "Mtkar. of High-erada Clothaa for Men," S™n7° j IMMENSE REDUCTIONS II ;,„„ ]ITI , Case containing 6 Bottles i *""" M " — "^—i.—.—.—.» of Port Wine and 6 Bottles ~ I "" ~ ' of Whisky for £8/2/-, «e----llvered to steamer or raU V V a% at Auckland. aW " ■ ■ aTB Terms: Cash wim Order. ■ ■ I I ssj -inrai , Bay i ~.~sii i vsOiiinson cfc !(j ■—pn William sI rA F MDOn ~~* w TO I Brisa reliable old English W ~ IiUC4IIIV I fl_S_la I ffeel/ eell «t with every dish-- f W Bl Home remedy for-_-__ «-"■.» I Meat or Cheese or Fowl or Fish" \_ r I 1 88$m£m$ SYMONDS STREET S**S* W/

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Auckland Star, Volume LVII, Issue 152, 29 June 1926, Page 16

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Page 16 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LVII, Issue 152, 29 June 1926, Page 16

Page 16 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LVII, Issue 152, 29 June 1926, Page 16