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Suase;: To-day. 4.42 p.m. Sunrise: To-morrow. 7.00 a.m. M-.'v3: Full. 26th. 5.43 HIGH WATER. Au I'.znii To-day. 2.2S a.m. S.Ol p.m. Tufs.. :{.lβ a.m. p.m. Tups.. 0.53 a.m. 7..'1S p.m. Kaiparn Hds. ..Toes., G.4t. a.m. Manuka a lids. .Tues... 5.53 a.m. 0.33 p.m. ABKIVALS—SATURDAY. Crossbill, from Makatea Island. 0.40 p.m. YESTERDAY. Uimn. from Whangarei. a.m. Ngapubl. from Tauranga. 6.43 a.m. Wainui. frcm Gisborne. 2.11.' p.m. THIS DAY. Ngaknta. from Rarotonsra. fin.m. R.M.*. Niagara, from Vancouver, 11 a.m. Anamba. from Wellington. 12..~> p.m. Isabella de Frame. from Hokianga, noon. DEPARTURES—SATURDAY. Mesopotamia, for Westport, S p.m. YESTERDAY. Claymore, for Whanirarei. 4.20 p.m. Taniwna. for I'aeroa. 6.10 ji.m, Awa-hou. for Ton land, fi.lo p.m. Rouaki. for Portland. 10.10 p.m. NORTHERN COMPANY'S MOVEMENTS. Expected Arrivals. To-day.—Oman.n. from Surfdale. Ostend i and Omibo. 3.30 p.m. : Taniwha. from Pseroa. 11.SO p.m. To-morrow. —Claymore, from Whangarei. 3.20 a.m. : Waiotahi. from Hokianga. 7 ] n.m. j Projected Departures. i To-day.—Hauiti. for Kerepeehi, 7.30 p.m. : Clansman, for Kussell. Opna. Whanguroa and Mnngonui. 5 p.m. ; Ncapuhi. Tinrauga. 7 p.m. : Itimu. for Whangarei. S p.nj.: Motu. for Whakatane and Mercury Kay. 4 p.m. ■ Kawau, for Kawau, Leigh and Mangawai. 5 p.m. To-morrow.—Gael, for Coromandel, 9 a.m. : Omana, for Orewa. Waiwera, Mahuraugi and Warkworth. 9.30 a.m. VESSELS EXPECTED AT AUCKLAND. Hi-solution (an- sen.). Norfolk Island, early Maunjranui. Sydney, June 22. Ilineinoa. Nine Island, June 23. Ilurorata, South flods), June 2G. i.'iuiuui. New York. June 27. "■"-T foroih. Los Anceles. June 27. Citr of Winchester. South (loads), June 27. Kuahiue. South (loads). June 2S. Devon. South (loads), July S. t'aiiiiiliaii Cb«neuir*T. Halifax. July 10. I'-wlpt. Snn Francisco. .Inly 10. Maimoa. London, via Suva, July 12. Norfolk Liverpool. July 12. Tongariro. London, July 17. <"lty rf Ww York. July 17. Wlrrall. Montreal Jnly ID. Mautno, Sydney. July 20 S n;t,prn <'n>ss. New Hebndes, July 21. Sittang. New York, Jnly 22. li. M.s. Dußedin. Suva. July 23. •>' ; .i lira. Liverpool, -luly 27. West Calera. Los Angeles, Jnly 2S. Trebartha N«w York. Joly 31. Karon Kelvin. Montreal. August 1.

'n-i <>ii'wr, M»titmnL August 3. A then lc. London, via Wellington. Aug. 7 liewey. Los Angeles. August IS. I'ort Dunedin. Liverpool. August 23. Corinthic. Southampton. August 2S. Port Chalmers. New York. Animsr 30. Canadian Constructor. Montreal. August 31. Montague. Los Angeles, September S.

VESSELS IS PORT. 11.M.c.5. Iris, at Devonport (Pacific Cable i Bo.irdi Guy C. Goss (barque). Central Wharf (J. B. O'Loghlenl. Whancape, in stream fCnlon S.S. Co.). kanaka, in stream iDnion S.S. Co.). Flora, in stream (Union S.S. Co.l. Waikawa Prince's Wharf (TniOß S.S. Co.). Waitomo, in dock (Union S.S. Co.). Kaikorai. King's Wharf rCnion S.S. Co.). Haia. Western Wharf (Campbell Bros.). c Kekeranjru, Nortli Wall (Union S.S. Co.). Ksiw.irra. Nnrth Wall 'Union S.S Co.). Willesden. Chelsea (Henderson and Macfarlane). Kauri. Queen* Wharf (Tnion S.S. Co.). Cnnopus, King's Wharf fWestport Coal Co.). Crnsshill. Kind's Wharf (Henderson and Mncfarlane). Niagara. Prince's Wharf (Union S.S. Co.). j Wainni. Prince's Wharf (Union «.S. Co.). Ngaknta, Prince's Wharf (Union S.S. Co.). The Will Watch arrived from Gisborne last evening. The Westport Coal Companj-'s steamer Cnnopns ■was to shift from the Western wharf to the King's wharf this afternoon. The Richardson steamer Awahou was dispatched for Portland last evening. She is to return to port this evening, -when she ■nil] berth at the Central wharf. THE R.M.S. TAHITI. En rout» from Sydney to San FranHsro. the Union Co.'s* R.M.S. Tahiti arrived at Wellington this morning. She is to b«r voyage across the Pacific at o p.m. to-morrow. THE CITY OF WINCHESTER. I-oadicg nnder charter to the Shaw. Snvill ana Albion Co.. the steamer City of Winrhpster is expected to leave Wellington on Friday for Auckland. She is to fill tip nt this port, t.f-ing scheduled to sail finally on Juno 30 for London, via Cape Horn. KAURIS ITINERARY. I A projec-.pd departure from Auckland tomorrow afternoon is the Union Company's steamer Kauri, for Newcastle. From the coal port she is to proceed to Gcelong to load for New Zealand. HIXE-MOA REPORTS. According to her wireless report, the Government steamer Hinemoa will arrive at Auckland from Nine Island on Wodnesdav morning. Speeding. Ltd.. advise that she will be dispatched for Norfolk Island on Friday. KAWATIRI COMING. It is announced by the Union Company that their steamer Kawatiri, with a cargo of \nstralian produce, was to leave Adelaide to-day for Anckland direct. She is due to arrive at this port about Monday of next week. MESOPOTAMIA SAILF.D. Tor Westport, where she will replenish her bunkers, the steamer Mesopotamia was dispatched from Auckland on Saturday erenIbr. Thence the Mesopotamia is to proceed to Mp.katca Island* to load phosphate for Honolulu.

Till. CITY OF SHANGHAI. fabled :nfhrni.ili"ij ifDoris the departure Newport New;, on June IS of the steamer Ciiy vf Shanghai, en route from New York to Auckland and o:h'. r New Zeuiauil l'ort.-. CANADIAN MILLEi: HEPOKTED. ■'ii her way Auckland io New Ynrk, Boston anil Montreal, the Canadian pvcninifn! Canadian Mill<r arrived at rauania ou June I*. Slit lift A,:.1i..:..l < ii May I<".. THE KAIHANGA. Now at ib, Vnion Company s freighter Kairanga will la:- r proceed u> Adelaide to complete her csrsv fcir New Plymouth, Aucklautl. LfUi'ltou and I'um-dii:. THE HOKOKATA. At present loading at Wellington the Sew Zealand Shipping Co.'s steamer Hnrnrata is tn leave that port for Aufklnnd nil Thursday next. She is conUr.c i» this port to complete her cargo for London. MOTOESHII , UAVIIAKI. Carryinp case oil and central c-arso. tbe fnjon Company"* niotor-ship HauraM was to ]ea\.-> San Kran<*isco to-day ff>r Auckland. Melbourne. Adelaide and Sydney Slu- is •Jvc at this ;nrt shi<ot July V THE SITTANG. Wiih general carpo f»r discliarce at Auckland. Napier. Wtlilnirton. I.yllellon. and Pant-din, tbe steamer Sittang sailed from New York "n Tbnrsday evmine la-t. This vessel i.- under eharur !•■ lh>- Comirifawealih n;id I>oininiou Line. THE KENT. To continue loading for Gcnnn, Havre, and West of England ports, the Federal Line stoami-r Kent ms i" leave Auckland this afternoon for Ui.-l.orne. Wa|koko;iii. Napirr. New riymonth and WcllinpfU. is to sail from Wellincrtcm on July 13. MAVNGANVI TO-MORfiOW. An exported arrival at Auckland at 7 o'clock ti-morrt'W is the 1 nion Company's iiitcreoloniaj steamer Maunganui with passeniers. mail, and rargo from Sydney. she will berth at tbt Uueen S wharf. THE SCHOOXKK KEPOLrTION. Captain Kennedy, master of the auxiliary schooner Isabella de Frame. reports that he the se-hooner Resolution off Rodnt-y a' 7 o'clock this njornincr. The Resolution, which is on her way from Norfolk Island to Auckland, was under sail only, havina developed ensrine trouble. The wind ;.wla> was lipht. and it is not ex;»ett-.-l thai the schooner will make port before to-mcht or to-morrow morning. ANAMBA WITH CASE OIL. Owned by tlie Anglo-Saxon Petroleum Co.. the steamer Anamlia arrived at Auckland from Wellington this afternoon. Pbe is unloadins her came of case oil at ibe Western Vharf. The Anamba. which is now employed on the New Zealand c-oa-.-t, is a steel sincle-screw steamer of ISSS tons ltoss. She was laniiched at HeUertip in T.nrj. and is of the following dimensions: Length, tiCiift : breadth. 41ft.

NIAGARA /ROM VANCOUVEU. Arriving from Vancouver shortly after 11 o'clock this morning, the Union Company's Royal Mail stearer Ni.-igara authored in tb*stfeam for medical inspection, and bf-rthed later at the Princes wharf. On her recent voy.ige the steamer sailed from Vancouver un" June 2. and. coming ncross the Pacific, made the usual calls at Honolulu and Sura. Shi* is announced to resume hor voyage to Sydney at 11 o'clock this evening. A. AND A. LINK ?Ai:.lN<;S. Running unuer the auspice? of the A. and A. Line, the steamer Keel ing is to sail from New York on July 7 wit> general cargo for discharge nt Auckland. Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin, Hobart and Burrie. The Nowshera will r-ail from New York on July 24 for Auckland. Wellington, Lyttelton, Timaru, Dunedin and Bluff. The Kazembe is to leave New York on Angnst 11 for Auckland, Wellington. 1-yt-telton and Dunedin. NGAKUTA BRINGS FRUIT. Carrying a cargo of fruit, mostly oranges, the Union Company's steamer Ng;;kuia arrived at Auckland from Cook Islands this morning. After inspection in the stream she berthi-d at the Prince's wharf. Un her recent trip, which was made under fineweather conditions, the Ngaknta called at : liarotonga. Aitutaki. Mauke. and Atiu, and returned to Rarotonga to nil up. This steamer is to sail for Portland at o p.m. to-day, and. after discharging a cargo t>l cement at Wellington, will return to Auckland, being scheduled to sail hence for Cook Islands about June 29. TKANS-rACIFIC CARGO SERVICES. Following are the latest movements of steamers engaged in the Union Company's trans-Pacific cargo services:— The Enton. en route from San 'Francisco to Napier. Wellington. Lyttelton, Dnnedin and Sydney, i< Jne to arrive at Napier on July 14 The Wairuns is to load at Vancouver and San Friscisco during July fur Auckland, Melbourne and Sydney. The Waiotapu wij. load at Vancouver and San Francisco late in July and early in August for Wellington, Melbourne and Sydney. CROSSHILL ARRIVED. To the agency of Messrs. IleiuVrson and Macfarlane. the steamer Crossbill arrived nt Auckland from Makatea Island on Saturday evening. She berthed yesttrday morning at the King's wharf. The Crossbill, which was at Auckland about eight months ago. left Makatea for this port on June 7. and experienced fair weather until arrival, I nothing of an eventful nature occurring. I The Crosshill's cargo consists of 7700 tons of I phosphate.

The Crosshill i= commanded by Captain K. W. Stewart, who has with him the following officers:—Chief officer, Mr. .1. S. Fleti ; second, Mr. A. McCallum: third. Mr. J. Chalmers; chief engineer, Mr. l>. Jenkins: second, Mr. R. E. Johnson: third. Mr. 11. Itoss; fourth, Mr. J. J. Stewart: wireless operator. Mr. W. Middletcn ; chief steward. Mr. I). Grindley. PASSENGERS BY THE NIAGARA. The following passengers arrived at Auckland by the K.M.s. Niagara from Vancouver this morning :—First saloon : Misses M. Jones, N. Macklow. E. and K. Morion G. Pitman. D. W. Reid. Mesdames Brown, Chamberlain. Fletcher. Giuhrie. Hudson. Macklow, Nichol. Peters, Reid, Srudholm, Thomas. Young, McLeod Messrs. R. Booth .1. Bnyd. P. A. Bruford, L. C. Brierly, .7. Brown, R. Chamberlain. J. Fletcher.' H. Guthrie. T. Hamp, E. Holland. R. Hudson, P. N. Jeffreys, J. D. Jones, E. Joseph, W. Macklow. R. Nichol, A Faterson. §. Speedr. F. Studholm, F. Thomas, D. Young, J. Graham, A. Lloyd, W. MeLeod. Second saloon: Misses K. Booth, N. Barker, G. Green, K. Grant, M. Gustafsson. M. and E. Hanson, M. Hart, A. E. Judd, M. Lawrence. A. G. ililles. A. Newton. G. Ritchie G. A. Smith, Mesdames H. Davies, A. Green, Jones. A. Jarratr, C. Ritehie, Smith, H. Taylor. Wylie, Messrs. A. Briggs, T. Byard, H. Evetts, S. Jones. G. McGeady. A. Smith. M, Sheedy, R. Whyte. R. Wylie. W. R. Park-in-son, Dr. Alcock, and '22 third-class, including one Chinese. t"NION COMPANY'S STEAMERS. Movements of vessels under the flag of the Union Company are announced as follow :— The Kaimanawa left Portland on Saturday evening for New riymomh and Westport. The Wainui, which arrived at Auckland from East Coast ports yesterday afternoon, is to sail for Tokomaru Bay, Gisborne, and Napier nt 5 p.m. to-morrow. " The Wingatui is announced to sail at o p.m. to-morrow for Wellington. Lyttelton, Dunedin, Bluff, Oamaru, and Timaru. The Kurow is expected to leave Lyttelton at noon to-morrow for Wellington* and Auckland. The Waikawa will not sail for Newcastle before to-morrow. The Katoa was to leave for Dnnefiin at 1 p.m. to-day. she is to load at Dunedin on Weanesday for Auckland. via Timaru, Lyttelton. Wellington, and possibly Oamaru. The Waitomo is expected to undock to-momrw morning. She has been allotted a herth at the Prince's wharf MESS TABLE GOSSIP. Captain W. G. Higgs, formerly of the C ami L>. Line steamor Port Pirie, has taken rommand of the Port Sydney, relieving Captain W. H. Lea, who has been appointed master of the motor ship Port Dunedin. < npiain t. g. Hutchmson.- of the latter vessel, has gone ashore to superintend the building of the new motor vessel* for the C. and T>. Iteo. Captain T. Kippens. late of the Port Augusta, is now in command of the Port Tirie.

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Auckland Star, Volume LVII, Issue 145, 21 June 1926, Page 6

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SHIPPING NEWS. Auckland Star, Volume LVII, Issue 145, 21 June 1926, Page 6

SHIPPING NEWS. Auckland Star, Volume LVII, Issue 145, 21 June 1926, Page 6