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AUCTIONS. ■UXDBR CONDUCT OF THE REGISTRAR OF THE SUI'KEME 'COURT AT AUCKLAND. AT THK REQUEST OF TUB SECOND MORTGAGISE.- in exercise oi »he power of sale contained in Memorandum of Mortgage Number Uu4tM. TjMUUAY, THK 90KD DAY OF TULA, i:>;'U. AT 9 r.M. OAMUKL T7"AIIjE AXO QONS, TTP<. Mare been instructed to Sell l>.v Public Auction at their Land Salerooms. Sti. Uueen Street, Auckland, an the above (Into, ALL THAT 'PIECE OK LANP in tue Provincial District of Auckland, containing Sixteen dec. seven perches, more of less, being Lot Xmnher -MS on a plan deposited iv tin- Land Registry Oqii-e at Auckland under Number '2351, which saut piece of laud is portion of allotment one ot Section i>s of tlie Suburbs of Auckland, a n <> is tUe whole of the luuil comprised awl described in Certificate of Title Volume 380, Kolio 17.S at the Register Book in the office aforesaid, subject to agreement respecting fencing contained in Transfer Number lTUSitt, subject also to Memorandum ot Mortgage Number 1H5056 securing the sum of Four thousand pounds. The freehold property submitted for saio is Winshlp's I'ictnre Palace, situated in MariuUau Road, l'arnell, near the I'arnell Post O'fice. The picture theatre is a modern brick structure erected in 1924. It is capable ot seating between five and six hundred people. There nre two lock-up shops iv front of the theatre at preseul let to con* fectioners. The Mortgagee's application containing bis estimate of the value of the land van be seen at tue. vflico of the Registrar at nit reasonable times prior to the sale, and i» the Auction ICoom at the tiinc of this sale without payment of any fee. For particulars and condition* of sale apply at the offices of (Messieurs Nicholson, Gribbin. Hogerson and Nicholson. Imperial BuiUUugs, Queen Street, Auckland, Solicitors for the Mortgagee, or to the Auctioneer. '& UNDER CONDUCT OF THE REGISTRAR OF TUX SLPKM-MK COUHT AT AUCKLAND AT THE «EQUEBT OF THE MORTGAGEE, lv Exercise of the Power of Safe contained in Deed of 'Mortgag* registered under Number 203305. JpiRIDAV, THE 9QRD PAY OF JULY, 1026, AT 9 P.M. CJAMUEL AND C,ONS, T TD., Have been instructed to Sell "by Public Auction at their Land Sale Booms. S3, Queen Street, Auckland, on tfce above date, A LL THAT PrECE O>F LAND containing -**- one liiindred and one acres one'rood and eleven perches more or less Wing all the land on a plan deposited in the La ml Registry Office at Auckland under Xumber SO3JI which said pieco of land is portion of Allotment 48 of 'Parish of Opaheke and the whole of the land comprised and described iv Certificate of Title Volume 310 HTpHo 82 of the Kegister Book in the Land Registry Office- at Auckland. T|ie Freehold Farm Property submitted for sale is at 'Rama 'Rama and is distant half a mile from the 'Post Office and Creamery and about three and one-quarter miles from the railway station. The Farm has all been ploughed except about three acres swamp which has been drained. The property is fenced tout the fences and gates need repair. The whole of the farm is in grass unci there are the nsnai farm buildings. Tlie Mortgagee's Application containing his "estimate of the value of the land can be seen at the office of the 'Registrar at all reasonable times prior to, th,e Sa/le and in the Auction Ttoom at the time of the Sale without payment of any fee. For particulars aud conditions of sale apply at the offices of Messieurs Nicholson, 'Gribbin and Rogerson end Nicholson, Imperial Bui'dings. Queen Street. Auckland. Solicitors for tfie Mortgagee, or fo tlie Auctioneer. 80 ELECTORAL ZEALAND MEAT PRODUCERS' BOARD. i ■ . ELECTION" OF PRODUCERS - REPRESENTATIVES. It is hereby notified tj»at under the provisions of the Regulations contained In the "New Zealand Gazette" of the 7th June 1923, an ELECTION WILL BE HELD for the purpose of eleoting TWO PRODUCERS' REPRESENTATIVES on the NEW ZEALAND MEAT PRODUCERS' . BOARD in accordance with the following procedure :— (a) An Electoral Committee of twentyfive delegates shall elect the two Producers' Repr esen tn fives.' (t>) For the purpose of the election of the said twenty-live delegates the Board has divided New Zealand into 'Electoral Districts as under, and the number of Delegates to be elected for each Electoral District is as shown herein :^- Electoral District. Delegates. Auckland Sheep District 2 Gisborne Sheep District 'i Hawke's Bay ,Sb»ep District (includes Wairoa County) ........ 4 West Coast Sheep District, excluding Counties of Horowhenua, Hutt and Malsani ~., ~,. 3 Wairarapa Sheep District, tpgether with the Counties of Horowbenuu, Hutt and Makara 2 Marlborougb-Nelson-Westland Sheen District, together with the County of Kaikoura ~: 2 North and Mid-Canterbury (being that portion of Canterbury bounded on the north by the Counties of Aumri .and Cheviot, ai>3 t%» the

south by A-shburton-County) .... 3 South Canterbury (being Counties of Uex'aldjne, Mackenzie. Levels and Waimate) 2 Otagp Sheep District, excluding the Counties of Clutha, Southland, Wallace and _St<*wart Island, 3 Southland (being the Counties of Clutlia. Southland, Wallace and Stewart Island) 2 25 (c) NOMINATION OF DELEGATES TO THE ELECTORAL. COMMITTEE: ~ No person shall be eligible for Election as a Delegate unless ho hag beep Humiliated by a sheep farmer owning not Jess than one hundred sheep, and his nomination has been seconded by another sheep farmer, ami he lias accepted nomination in writing, Xo person may accept nomination as a delegate for more than uno Electoral District. The form of nomination is obtainable upon application to the undersigned, by whom nominations will be received at the Board's Office up to noon, on the loth JULT, IU2C. (.d) The list of persons entitled to vote for delegates to the Electoral Committee (in such Electoral Districts where an election may be necessary) has been prepared by the BoarU, and is based on the Official Return of Sheepowners as at the 30th April, ISJ2S, after deleting persons, companies, or other corporations owning jess than one hundred sheep. Ballot papers will be posted to electors in due course. (i>) NOMINATION OF PRODUCERS' REPRESENTATIVES ON THE BOARD — Xo person shall lw eligible for election as a Producers' Representative unless he has been nominated by a sheep farmer as aforesaid, and hi* nomination has been seconded b,y another such sheep farmer, and he has accepted, nomination i« writlpg, Tho form at nomination U obteipablo upon application to tUu undersigned, by whom nominations will he received at the Board's Office up to noup en the lath AUGUST* 193«. Dated this 18th day of June, 1086. G, C. SMITH, Returning Officer, Office of the New Zealand Meat Producers' Board, Dominion Farmers' Institute. Wellington. 32

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Auckland Star, Volume LVII, Issue 145, 21 June 1926, Page 5

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Page 5 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LVII, Issue 145, 21 June 1926, Page 5

Page 5 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LVII, Issue 145, 21 June 1926, Page 5