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Smith & Caughey Ltd. Striking Value From Various Departments Children's Wear Big Special Purchase of Wonderful Value in Furnishing Fabrics Seamless Axminster Carpets Popular Brushed Wool Sets, consisting of coat, 1500 Mfttsd Raff- f_ri-_-%C« l____t_»rial « Kexvy Quality Shadow Tissues, in light and dark Wehhea _ c j__ t rece i ve _ aWe shipment of these iecdnettes and cap. Suitable for little boys of WW HOUU WHfi 9 TT UVUCII -* l «3 ITiaiCl UUS colourings, suitable for cushions, hangings, loose Beantifcl Carpets direct from a leading English 13 months to 4 years. Sa_e and fawn. " These Bags were purchased from an eminent manu- «~ -_ covers, etc; 31in. wide. manufacturer. The colourings are new and 14 16 18 facturer at a heavy discount for prompt cash, i3m - x 54m - --"-"Col Gabardine, in shades of 3/11 yard - exclusive. Included in this shipment is an 22/6 23/6 2-5/- , and aC -» extraordinarily low price quoted they «««. * mid S[ c . v " faWn > P^ I*-*1*-* mid ShadOwltte Cretonne, ia fawn and grey ground, attractive Carpet with a chaxming foliage design _„...-__,., are " crown, ametnyst., and mole. » , _rf-__. xj;„ wide on a a_ver grey ground, and a black trellis design Attractive AU-Wool Jumper Suits, for girls; collar, \ Outßlß_td___ Value. 4/11 P« J* l *- mth blna ""* P^,aK_f ' on the border: also, a special two-tone Fawn cuffi, ana patch pockets; skirt with popular *""■ i T, _ . „ ' 64-Inch All-Wool Bepps, in shades of brown, mole, ■ /•*! 7 Carpet with floral border. The new Seamless Inverted pleat. & a „c, almond, cedar. latest purse envelope shape, with short handle iigh-t erev mid erev fawn ni-_er Bordered Casement Cloth, cream and patty Ax-minsters are obtainable in the following 24 26 23 30 on top and attractive stencil design on front; c •' c /finer yard " grounds, with small floral borders; 56in. wide. sizes:— 1 1 ./fi Ifi/fi *._/ft 10/ C Wlde selection of colours. O/O*"* J---- o _/«ji -_t«_ 10/ D 10/O I_/b 19/e, j fl/ll each. «W__- All-Wool H.Z. Tweeds, in the newest l/ll 13K.8Invx1flft.ein._g21/10/- "-" "£l9/10/Girls' Smart Two-piece Suits, in silk and wool; f coloorings. 4/3 per yard. r _J j ,„.-«.. . j.*-/*.*./- and __I_/I'* l /. jumper hmshed with collar: cuffs and two patch ' ■■■ ' ---»--' M-I_C_, All-Wool Velour, in shades of violet, fawn, ' *■•#/ ■ _»/ __-!_./ v/ pockets; skirt made on sateen top. inverted _-_-___ I brown, cinnamon, kingfisher, mole, Persian 9ft. x 19ft. «n. - jgl3/13/- * mti £10/15/----pleat in front. Sa_e, almond, cedar._ j *S*S-__________S________________~| green, scarlet, rlattier. nigger, goblin. ' " Sft.x 7ft.tin. - - __t/17/R and XJT/t.:/. 19/6 22/6 25/- 27/6 S. & C.'s Famous Three-guinea Suit "-j-** ott °=« vlo£^ s _ad_- C f mat, shrimp. Special Purchase of m.i.n.x4tt.«r,..£5/5/_ «* __3/i7/6 ! " cinnamoD, copper beech, terracotta. f l« J Ol_ i 1 This suit is made ot* Pure Wool Tweed of good 14/6 P er 7* ld - I kMIOeS '' . , quahty. in twelve designs. Thirteen sizes, ensuring __cep_olUi Value! K-fcch Speckled VelouiJ, iv I a P eriect fit for aQ y man o£ notmat fi fT"«- shadesTf copper, bottle. brown. Having secured these Smart Willow CaU One-Bar | I Wonderful value. 10/6 P* r yar( * Shoes at a low price, we are passing on the subSpecial Purchase of ' '■ I 1 I fS!XiS_?S_i _^ c, Navy Serge Suite for Men | _5 - «—i m m a*%m ' ——————________________-___-_-.___________________ ' caps, and are obtainable in light and dark tan _SUe_le _*__■__-_._ C_lr__rf-Q I I g I ______ ■■ ' I Splendid wearing, all sizes. Outstanding value Xo material or colour is more serviceable, or looks WUWC * aUla UfUVW C JP r C •| w- — | || i - • at 15 /g pair. smarter when weE cut, than Navy Serge. -A This Huge Special Purchase of Suede Fabric *L 4X C dpeCial FOT Telt Hat S____.__dii_! Value 111 - I for*______ S- B ___^s_U" B -_S* shorf_ U __"ve Gloves was made at an e_cep_on__y low price, British make, bound edge, Prince shape; grey steel w_*-iv*l"«m T --.avttw 111 ' ■ one in his wardrobe. The material used in our which enables us to offer our customers really ash, fawn, with self and black bands* also cut- flf\rmAci ___________________________________________________ Kavy Serge Suits is of seasonable weight, and Stinking value. The latest novelty styles are edge st yle. Remarkable value— * -*«****-*H UUUUS r o{ p roved wear ing quahty,- the dye is pare IS th_t P _Sft lS n__*_ ££ ra-_J___f 8 * 16/6. Smart Jumper SUitS, ;,, All-Wool Stockinette; T_*r_____ T--„«_».. and thqrougMy tested to our safefaction ■ ITiist/raTiTi/lt/iTFii 1 II /rrdSv 6 Mens Tweed TroUßm ~'.','.:' T-UlOred Tweed Coats," double-breasted style; long Dark Grey Tweed Tro-seis. Sizes 3to 7. or write for patterns. There are thirteen sizes. Also a Quantity of Knldren's Suede Pabric Gloves, , roll -»* pockets. 59 1Q 13/11 including half and quarter sizes, thus ensuring a | cuffs in various styles and colour- l~ W^' Blanket V«o_r Coats; new double-breasted All-Wool Tweed TtOuseM, with cuff bottoms. Sizes perfect fit for any man of normal figure. | 2/11 to -4/11. B__VJi , SnoH-S Suil_K style; hip pockets. 29/6 3to 7. 15 /H Strikin. value. £5/15/-. : * DOys OpOnS OUI_S ___i"e_- Shot Amiacial Silk Mackintoshes,- Raglan 0/ '' 1 1 ' —■ _, __. ...—.._ . _ _ c shape; belted j leadinj} shades. ■ — m^aa_>aHaM___a__ 1 Boys' All-Wool Tweed Sports. Suits, well made and *_„/ ' -_-_-—-__-_-__-_-_-__— ___- i ' fmished. tO/- r_____ ■ ■■ ~ ■ ■ , . *___________________g______S!_______!i P - ii | a. 4,29 /8 . *_,!,.,__.__ *_C S _________ attalM '*' ; a,kl,tab " Smart Overalls . -. Velveteens » II «/. _mart i_rver_us Large Quantity of a* i _ _.._ _.. _r . .. , l-adies' Black Bubber Coats, with storm collar; Haevaless Overalls, in linen; floral designs; in tan, _-j . ? e«Tia _-. tj • m "" I n helt&L 29/6 ros"~avy. black, biscuit, nattier; l_e' pocket Sampfe Silk StOCldllgS eluding black- g/11 yard. AU-Wool CattUfU Coati ; two-toue effect; patch ft_l ___- 2/11. uiwwuilgß 36-Icch Chiffon-ftnish Velveteen, in all colours, in- l_l/_"___ll____ Q_*a«-<-___• pockets. .11/6 j I We purchased a very large quantity of the Tamous eluding black--- TTUUUen -A-OrVCS Warm -fool Sport* Coata; tie belt, patch ' ' " -farvel •* Brand __re Silk Sto'ckinga from the 8/11,10/6*-™' C-rly Wool S__vea, 7__. lone 18in wide -in rose pockets. All leading colours. manu_i<*t_ter at a > heavy discount, and ate l_acy Velveteea— , brown, tan, nattier, jade, grey, fawn: stripes to 35/- I '- 1 ing on the big savmg to our customers in accord--8/1-:--* teQ - 7/6. «-— 8«-rt Cea* I<J* f_ fine Navy Serge. BoYS' NaVY ShoilS "1 '""" X£^^•we-.^aal 4 -^,^ 38-i__h Chifion-flnish. Velveteen, in all colours, for I . . - - I *•**/ O rf J m " •*' all the newest colours. Wc_derful value at the evening wear— """ _■__-*• All-Wooi flaanal "frocks,, in navy, brown, Boys' Fox's Wavy Serge Shortl, splendid wearing ' fcllo-tng t_t_ck-dwri_g prices :— 17/6 18/6 y* l,l - and saie. 29/8 quality. 1 14/6, 16/6, 19/6, 25/6 y« d - [ Vm 9 •_-, ■ ?T^ h ?T* ; to Si " eS 7 t toi 6 2 " "' " " S(2 5/fl, 6/6, 7/11, S/6, 8/11, 9/11. v * Mens Bromie Shoes at fKmt; m pmk ■_?._ itatß ' 7to u * * •■ - -7/8 I ' *¥»•__*_> -_r«»_-«« 13 to 16 g/9 ' B I I ■ ■ .- . . Wonderful value in Ken's Black Bos Calf and __a 1 . - ' I I 1 Willow CaU Brogue Shoes, welted, all leather— " : = "Backbone" Sheeting - 29/6patt - - | || ; || i All-Wool Dress Fabrics I a n«%t she-ting Sp_d_ji y Reinforce, « — Good Value in Knitting Uvercoats I in Wearing Part*. . \, i ■, i i i -,i <_t-.J Q;iLr_. Smart and Warm I «i_.*_.i» !___. ,-. ,„„ «-_ rf ™. ♦_» _. «-. • « -. _ a • WOOIS aJIQ OIIKS . ....... - _. Shipments of the three foflowing JJI-Waci Dress I __ Backbone" __eetaig is ■ new- Sheeting that has F-«.***-A»_*_______l V_tlllA lfl We have a splendid selectxon of smart Oretcoatt __hr__" have just been received?' These fashionM been woven to make sheets wear more evenly; it Z_XCepUOn_U V _UUe Ul __ the newest shades and designs and in afl __es. I ____ materials-have been in short-anppl- for <o_ r is made with a double texture in the centre, rein- P^_,___«_--___•_. IHe. __•__-.- SUperlW D J WWe ■*? t ? f T" 01 ' The mafcerlals are ° f Sn s enor *_?%- _. ,_. «"»» *-<* «■ » 8«-t *-«ai«L All the latest | forcing about a third ot the whole width., just VjOVeCTinient rlannei m » selection ot colours, including cham- cg/g fiX/.. TK/.. 84/-. 90/- tO £6/6/- coio_r_igs represented:— I where extra strength is required. pagne, helto., violet, deep rose, rust, jade, car- y/ w J ***-/ J ,w i J -"/ I ww / """l"' _l/_lr-___h. Trench Botany Woo! "Pabric mftri tf We have just received a heavy shipment of Special Go-ernHUtttt I_UU___, all pure wool; special dinal, dove grey, shrimp. I iUw- ™ vfr'r * • : "Backbone" « «ft^«» = ZA-ttf wide,- khaH- | /9 yard. ' t B fU *«"*• ' ' 2____?_4-?^ " & Stro^^i_rT^^ r^ G _n e e a n fi_3T * er -W. 3/6 J"*- Baldwin* 4-pI, landom Kngettng Wool, in 14 | I ««. *-, -vy . 54-In(-t: Tor Single Beds— _ ' beanttfra atuted 9_a_es; soft finish. f 1_ • > 5/11 yara - 2/6 y«-* s® lw - • teia - 5/6 - cad rf * " keIM - Mens Weather-prooi Kaincoats 3»/40-____ __» _____ _ot_a y wool Fabric 63-inch: For I I , ff Men', C4ood Quality Belted Gabardine B___coay, !___*• r« ' StrikiM Value m La_ics , Fdts 68 ?' d __ »^-^*Ri7Bs •l/fi yard. -»»A_i_ai_s iuhv au übhim a m.O black, creme, paeon, mastic " Phoenix " Brand Bamcoata, m fawn and navy blue 7/11 x 3l *' 80-_i<_i- Tor Douhle Beds— Jnat r 6 ? 6^ in response to a cable, a shipment of 3/11 *°*' bali ' 15/6 hox oi 4. gabardine— 90 /-J Witn Belt ' 95/-. a/H-Ittch rashlonable SttJckinette, merino finish.- -- -4/i ."»____•• _^^£^___^^oS m9StPOpo!ar - ' lt^^*^-4_-a_ t ____r r the «Heptonette" Baincoats, in fawn corn, cedar, ____non, When ordering, *-»£t. whether twffl or AE one price- 9/H, , shades. »*"• £6/10/- | 11/6 -««- Smith LtdT For Nearly 50 Years Famous For Good Value

■ ■ g 1 TIIIOTI P imTFI i"Sr________s^ UuALI IKUuDLtw W^^^^^^*^^—*^^^^^*************** 1 * It's a safe motto: "Always carry a Pyramid "—there's none so good! THISTLE HDTCL " ENDED QmCKLY, SURELY Alfr| www« F «_r_- _-_m-w _r ______ h~-«__a__?-*-~- AiSjSSI permanently. ONF WFFIf ONI V R The Ideal Bouse for Visitors ftom Dandroff indicates a diseased scalp, V/lll_l WW ■ al aim llllli I l_/_4v\. .1 Country- 1-7__r__l___i__r__liej@ and to neglect a scalp that is diseased, *mw m mmmm WW «-__■___.__._» *%_-a w 4_--i * £ / -IT -»V X | High, opposite tte Ma~Mcent Raw means that the hair -will die and fair !-_-__________________________________________-_ V X. _*. . .-__«•_'. *_ _ / pir oar /Z-rM ____________ JVilf • out. And in a very short while "____\__| I TBUia. p«h d*t. V*Tfl_________Wr__rW hideous bald spots win appear, which v . __.-_. r. r- •-. /_■ Z___T_ . ._. __■ -/ _«. ii. n.i. -i F • fiaßawy I i_riw 1.4..- —_.«-,- __* Th_ Mere is an opportunity to secure Down Quilts Jr J*m9 mmmmmws X . SDe(»_t'e Pri2e ___e<_n Ale Only ea f l _!]■ __f __I_d fa> later oecome irntati ng sores, ine t_- _ i-Lf i _.-. _-l j _r -*-Baß~a-B w-aiyy •» | PW? Draug_t. _A___lr_?l-_llWß___# "KLEXE-A" TREATMENT has of highquality at no less than one-fifth reduc- _/______________^_j_^>_»aV I Tne T___e Carries tee Lanrest As- M im\l&WWwW ntrrer failed to clear the seal- of Uon - There »• » fine ".election to choose from. r i ■ ■!*<_■% g soranen. of Wines and Spirits of any /f_ WfjJ (fll KgEEfr HmlhX rf allowing ample scope for every taste. . X4__-----__--______-___ k ! ___-----.X I Hotel in tne City. V_9ffr____ '_*___ f?K.*__rt_ disease. Mu_-recs ol eases— *" > A TOOT At, /___________________L^_____L\ I ■—. T..-~+--.c> riM _l_Kl ____vlk_mCt obstinate eases—overcome by the _ T _ ___________________________ V_____.\ I a Doctors Ola ** kxexema »method prove that it UDI TIC LI Wli A r_l7 GLA f:^I TEEI> _/______i_____________________.^_________X I j__ Invalid --ds hair troubles Quickly, Surely, JL>l\l 1 1011 lYl_f\i_l--_i LINE /_-___--_.« ____tX I _r_ T> + Xir"»i4_ _i Permanently. Exclusive designs Jt -*. - —»-- Tl O W" M .u''___-__i RVRAIVFTr) _ ______■ THISTLE WHISKY, rare «_?<?• * Country Sufferers are Specially Invtt-t to mmmmsW ' W W JL m 1 //i **"/r7fl -""• JLX-_L _____ ▼ J_L JL ____£_, ■ss 9 " 1 dfotumwm ndim Wrtte for Particulars or Trcia?<nL --__-_ _«. •-* ////I handkerchiefs Il ««• Bortle H/6 KLEXEMA ROOMS I 111 TC At ading Retailers _K»~U y i 1 ■ ■ Ca«e cent-run-"- 6 Bottles < H| < V|H|V«| 1 I I J I I . I _" ~| OTHESTOOTAL GUARAN- _f X \ ' ■IfIM or Port Wine and 6 Bottles H ■ ' Hours •to 5. Friday evenings 7to «.30, mm mmwmtm dm, l^_.a T TEED K.ASDKERCHIEFS -. _r _T X V Uif ■-1 _r-l j piione 46 - 3 "- ?-» for L x / V^. at Auc_l_u_ jfM WHRIIUU. BUILOIH-, AT for womea - 1 * 1 _X _T . . Terms: Casn wltn Order. ■ H Bt-f Tmb#rnae | #i I __ on every __id_er_u_f. _f •Ptone ITO. 45-437 «____.__■■» ~*_"' ■ TO- or QUWXH s-ttxr, AUCKUMO. _#*W fl / All British— C 1 ■ -" -V X G. v. JONES, Proprietor | SOAP m\ ■" 1 I accept E ° sab3timte! X___> \ X - JHmfitfji mW&fkfm Indigestion yields /U tootal broadhurst le« _______________________-__------.--Sst_W * . _■ __■_-• _ru. -j - *... mn -. _ ----- CO. LTD.. MANCHESTER. ENGLAND. 1 **>_ f _..,„.,-,«»..««-. \ ■£gsßßmsis& to Magnesia. off usual rates *-,_____ r_ •_■#// S£:r_-_,-E_ -—» I l_t_^__- &s -.o_i_-_«-__-t___ i , _o___.o_.-__.--. Always carry a Pyramid L*y Official On_erta_ers to tne Hospital I 'rSo'vam, rich latier ot ULX. Base Adults or grren to Infants. liberal a reduction in price can only be made for a ' J w and fti—rmary. I . «■_M_s it to te mmolmni tmr _• Solid ot powder—d magnesia has Been very limited period. The 20 per cent concession _^_____!_ "™__^ "^ __"""^ ■"■■■ — ■■■"■■^_______________M^Ma^^^^^____Funerals Completaly Furnlaned. I toflrt «« -_n ss for _nisfar__ad proved "by En_n_it Chemists to cause therefore will last for One Week ONLY, and so — .... ■■ _._ ■ ,____. U Crematlor- Conducted. __* o f*3_ *»-«• *>? forming hard insoluble _unj- ._. _* t7__.TVf __»__»______--» ___l ■§%? _______——=- X PoUsSed C3i_e:3 a Speciality. 'T' or oa th , ___._^. aa 7 ia CALL ON MONDAY EARLY ! ■ H » . -__-_r , _4»-J DIHHEFORD'S A * 0«»*K I pSl^^ *____■_ ■=====■ ssHMKMikAflMms&lMrK _s€ «*- I: •s^^l^: _SI 1 i - - ■ - - - ;13--3___fl___ JtMSyJKy > wii\imr m* StJCfifltYtc- ft' _*^v^^€•# - i B■■ GOITRE ls_-i, M > fuixnis>hino specialists Jl *_W-___j I : t i iT.J.Mclvor&Sons — - -.._,-. il dotted Meats Wl *'?*}%&&s& _™pAx Mwcjoaa __fM£H_T _________'at__r v-___^ igu«nSt dudd.nd il ft: V^^r^*;-^ . I^l9Bl_an-_a«_epo R*L- JGtWTOHW w»~, vaaautM- -w, ■ . _________________ • <--___L *^=-»— ___•____» l^M____-------_------Bas.a-_--__.>-i

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Auckland Star, Volume LVII, Issue 144, 19 June 1926, Page 41

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Page 41 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LVII, Issue 144, 19 June 1926, Page 41

Page 41 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LVII, Issue 144, 19 June 1926, Page 41