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!| # « 9 I Desirable Gift Ihmgs m Great Variety il I /TWi /mmfk I FLOORS AT. THE J.C.L. | Mβ J . Mi I i 1 i> 1 Tlj f{ J $1\ \ ( bBSbWIaX I Selecting Gifts to please the largest number of people is easier where the choice is as wide as the quality of $ | I I * /.in Iγ 1/ / jflnUf Ji I the Gifts is superior, and the prices asked reasonable. Every floor holds displays of desirable Gift things— | | 1 ! 1 //« M i >| // HiHf // I thousands of useful and practical things that will bring instant pleasure to the recipients. To avoid the § .. I I I I I/ I. a. Pt/ MBBl! I J I crowds, which often prevent one from making the most desirable choice, you are urged to shop during the | C m %\\ \ 1 Jβ —--JM, /JB Way/ I morning hours. Shopping is also more pleasant and better service is assured. ■ ' 1 x~ ' 1 1 I ! 1 (/ / \ / \1 I I First Floor Department. g \*> it' I 3 5 /I «■ ) -5- 1 \ 1 $ 1I I ' H 36-inoh Beautiful Velvet Embossed Silk Georgette, in Grey, Red, Canary, and X |J - j I HH /-V U\l I -=T- ■ Apr,cot-usuauy 39/6. sj|k wmk pr|ce>>> | _ _ -,| I g W lA 1 , ' — ' j se-lneh Velvet Embossed Ninon, in Navy. Grey, and Ni&ser— Usually 19/0. $ fIOStS OF Jl OVS %' } - '\ I V * - ae-lnch Tlneel Cloth, in Royal, Hello., Emerald, end Amber —usually 34/6. S *2__ « ! I -W 79/e "v.m.,-79/6 «v w .,"79/ 6 | _ * S " >t,kWw>Pflc> " S 1 in the 1 1 \ § I l '.d* I If I D a - aai( ■IJ 1 I **7 Floir Rn/iii/*tinnc * — 15/6 "*"* w * ek Prlc " , " 10/a, 12/e, and 13/e - I •!• Lj. DoZclclr I I J I #-liay IVcUULUUIId I \ WsS=fai:*«e I v Ground Floor j|| B§ ft S \ "■* " ■ ' "Silk Week Prloe," 9/11. g . ' X a 1 I ' An 1 \J^=^ 27-lnoh Blaok Japanese Bilk_A heavy weight, superior quality-Usually 4/11. | Be Sure to bring the children to see the i.CU | | g § UII I ' ~B ||fc WMk pr|ott> . 3/e I seiectio,,, BeautifuUy Dressed Dolls, Teddy Bears, | | I ft Wo 1• . J TT» 1 IA Sliperb Gift for the Home »-inch Attractively Figured Japanese silks—Good paisley ana novelty designs | Softanlite Furry Animals in great variety, wonderful |i P I La.UI6S STOCKS I in a Jeneen.MoorP Piano A Wy4/U ".81.>W,,>^,,"3/ g| .3/n. | Mechanical Toys, Block,, Books, Tricycles, B^ s , || I I —^•^•• - g. in d UenWn mOOre fiailO ga-mch Natural Fuji «m-ln various qnaimw. All reduced for 7 days. | Scooter., and Playthings of all kinds. Everybody f I i I A..«:iek! e .,«i:lF«J aw Q» m ««1« I You can arrange to secure one of these distincUve # X " S " k We ' k Pr ' C "'" 2/9 ' * /i1 ' 3/3 ' tO 4/g ' 2 welcome to inspect. | 3 I § Available until Friday, 9 p.m. only | inßtrumenU . m time for Yulelide Festiviließ . A #nr=V j |■ I PI v s ¥«. «j- i_-e«j«_ I** """I "Bllk Week Frloe," 3/11. . 3t ■ • O 8 ra 9 ■ S . fine range or designs now showing. Priced from m 3111 . —— S r« ■ ? 1 I 8" ~ t . . ~ 79 to 115 guineas. E«y terms arranged. M C=JU X w- •»*■" •» i r«* U SUk, in Tan, Fawn ' Cocott - | FreilCh . 11 I I Unusual interest surrounds this important "Seven-Day ,, | Mmf% * X Na^'and B,ack w y e.k Friee," e/ii. _ | __ . | I 1 M offering of Ladise' Frocks, because of the wonderful 5 J I I ju.t opened. ~ f MarOCaill kJjHHHHHV g | I I selection of styles in beautiful fabrics and the savings | Mosley's Cutleiy O%\fMA% clipped | ROBES I 1 I I offering of udie.'Frock., because of the wonderful § and TaMe'Silver X "STAR ATTRACTIONS. ,, M I 3o inch 1 I I Model Frock, for race, j>arty, or evening wear many | Guar « nteed 2 0 year,. '»&^fr£&r& M '££. ao« d 5/6 , d . F.ret I T iLj. Wk Itf llf 1 1 i X only recently opened. Abo, a fine range, priced from g An admirable Gift sue^^rice^'as"^"^"' 1 v*a b i 1 ue O v " ve ' F,oor - 1 l-engin, yaras. * W I | I |- I P S 5/11 to 6 guineas. Third Floor Departments. S Suggestion. prute P girt suggestion. First Floor dc- .. —j § Specially Priced, ' I)I j V'■) I P § — 5 Fifth Floor Department. star Attraction Prioe, to-morrow, nil . fi 15/6 each. \)M I[[ /.. ■) S ■ Eg g MOSLEY'B RUST NOR BTAIN TABLI 1/9 MCh ' 111 g E" I 171 ' T3jffi*m) S ' E S "VeiU"—*n AttraotWe Frock in Beaded 811k Georeette, deslgnea g CUTLERY. ■ Novelty Tap* »*««uree, in m*ny quaint T J* » r , m. X 'UTSt flOOr / 5 \ P S round neck, cut open to tie down rront. with Magyar sleeve, 5 ALSO, A 1 QUALITY TABLE SILVER. snipes and objects, attractively painted, LsdiOieS $ Dmarhnmt /H^m^l i H&?£mM( ? ' i g belt to tie, and easins at sides. Shades are in Tan, Saxe, £ Guaranteed B«it Sheffield stainless M including nowers birds faces ana animal W . , 3 a-rcjiexLUicm. S • g g Hello., Kavy, BlacK, and Grey, all witn effective beading on g eteel. Handle* also guaranteed f*«t, of m in thr iiahf.rdis>'rv X" W DriCed for ¥ Practical, economical, and fmSmSmsS iWftlSaS 5 i E X skirt snrt on side L>ualv RO/6 8 Xylonite, round or equare. able as a girt, in the Hat^rass^ . fjritCU lur S stylish, in wide stripes, hoop WpvS3SKfl\ X • I 5 skirt and on awe—Leuaiy so/6. Q TABLE cutlery. Jf «Ur Attraction Price, TO-MORROW, m _ . 5 etrect. White around with / § I I "7-Day Price," 79/6 | T4b|e KnWtt _ eß/ . doien; B/11 MOh . 1/3 **eh. m GLEAN-UP, I Wnfte T| | ! P 5 " 5 DeeeertKnlve*-«e/--doien; 4/111 *Mh. • £ $ Black* .Itrlpes, ""grounS . (■ f If U) X■ i H 5- 5 Afternoon Tea Knives, curved blaile— lTiW\m QTA II 2DI aVIIV irOlTl * V with Pumpkin and BMck /■ f I F ■( 5 ; P S "Verna"—A French Beaded Silk Qeorg«tte Frock, that is ideal 5 48/-dozen; 3/11 aach. £ rllllll 9UI II a«llle UIIIJ* A stripes l'limpkln ground with $ ' E x for summer wear. This Is styled round neck, Magyar sleeve, § Stainless Bread Knife—l2/e. ' X %., ■■» j *„ __» • .1 "Qt.. An..,,;—* , pj t .» 1/11 fVkA nair X wlne and mack stripes, /■BR]hsl»3Heft3B( 5 i 1 § is beaded down side, and round skirt, as illustrated design. | Carvers (Stainl...), round or square M Mill Odet BOt AttnCtW fOCCm 1/11 lne P Wr - X I : S $ An inverted pleat features on either side from nips. Colours | handies-Be/S a.t. Best quality pro- M % FoUrthFloor ■ | "SunT^ta^Tpon™ ,1 "iS§ ' I ! "5 in Saxe, Hello., Navy, Tan, Fawn, and Black—Usually 89/6. $' _.«, - -„ „__ W VUrill I IVOT g Blac)c stripes; also bordered . 5 I -" °"™* I -WfS»» D Department. I ° ' I % : 5 „W1 Quaranteed. JtLWCLUS titlSU $ Peacock and Almond grounds; \B aeff ff ffl T Sfl 1 al, t ■ a * - - X Table Spoons and Forks—B6/- dozen; m~r%***f S also all-over efTects. in mixed /■ F.I H I I ■( 2 i 3 S "Vera" —A charming new Frock style, In Navy and White SUk X 4/11 each. ■> —.—^——^^—_^_— colourings, in Grey. Cara- {\M ' IB* I If § i ! $ Foulard, featuring a deep ruche or Taffeta Silk at hem, as § Soup Spoone—S9/6 doien; S/e each. . . 3t •? a n!»rfnf U ? n rf?wS?; Peacock, - - r-?y_BJ ? Jfß -J-? I • * : § § illustrated. Smart tie at neck, also belt to tie at s.des, com- g and Fork*-42/- doxon; WkM II DT I -' -"■ § Tangerine, and White grounds. |(B ; jk\B 1 I | B 5 plete this simple, but appealing rrock—Usually P.riced at 90/-. S Tea Bpoons SB/ doisn; 2/3 eaoh. HH aVm I ■ I ■ S " WELDON" paper * 1 Auckland's Leading Drapers and Furnishers. The J.C.L. Queen Street |U*»^^

J§jsß[ Genuine IHnH {i Xmas Gifts !, Avery M [ [ :'" ■ * Indispensable to the packing depart- ■ | c VjpMiJgßftaH SHSSSS.?S s Genuine Xmas Gifts ■ packing of any product. Stamped by JS 1 , = \T**T7very. i*l \ 1 With music your greetings con»s!rs!& c sari« = i! ve^a wealth of thought, AuckLX'ND. |, i) and for years retain . tKe senti .»»,.... w »Mn........... I mentof thegiver. I If c friendship bond is ever potent. S s J k I / ii Only £42/10/- ! A iMMInn 1/ 'I ™ESE GENUINE XMAS GIFTS *ggjp=m I // ii MAKE IT EASY FOR YOU fg* [ !I TO PR ESENT ONE: TO YOUR S|H I JPIRL "" Only £37/10/- J ■ ■■ (I GIFT No - 3 ' valued £3/3/-. I JA mt II lhls tilft to Bmyers on the I lilZll' i| Terms ./ifo/ra? liw I g| — / Only ] Sunny Bow \\ PON a * call for particulars to \ *° . |i I Cml *'• Coupon oat; port immediately for full particular* of; jf DUSy HOUSCWIVCS tf | ow 3 EREE GIFTS before 31/12/25. | j J Jf j Name in Full .'J , :- : jj H«'*e «ach •■ popular little chap. Let him be jlf i A ~._,.' . ! If.' YOCB UKfal Wend. He Is equally efficient |= : Aadre»» in Full ». . . •j.-ij for honietwld pnrpoae* or tire toilet. Be wfll || | _, . _ - ... I take the flirt oqt of safely. 1 ) * nl * ia without obligation to you whatsoever. ] 1 ecoßomlcallr—and he Iβ wonderfully ea«y on |s i .... „ __ ...~^ — ,-. IETUPn 1 llPlf 9 Oil 12, Victoria St. , Superbus Packing Co. Ltd. f it I IUIU LUIIK & UUii West Auckland. 1 4 F CKEieiOKTOOa . J I ==SS=!=^

Do your Christmas shopping early at Smith and Caughey's. Every department.replete with gift suggestions.—Ad. luearYourSkinl Of Diafitfarini Blemishes Use Cuticura Ig^LHEENZOI "A» * ct«k and cold remedy. Mth- . tar eaosla HEENZO. Spectatly t*l- . ■able for eroop and whooplnr con*h. ; I would not be without lit" «/• '■ --- h*Ml* nafcea pint — MtT«s yon iMBtyl A4 Constipation and Sluggish liver > Uon't tike chances. Get immediately CARTER'S Little Liver TUH. The/ never fail 16 make the _. liver do its duty. They relieve constipancsSy stop . .^^^^^^^ dizziness, clear the complexion, put a healthy glow on the cheek and "ff * m - ' ■ |l,e ***- c sure and get the genuine. • teaj »-Smji >■■■ gaay rriea

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Auckland Star, Issue 291, 9 December 1925, Page 20

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Page 20 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Issue 291, 9 December 1925, Page 20

Page 20 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Issue 291, 9 December 1925, Page 20