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Symonds Streefli Prominent Business Houses ________^__g__^__^_g____; | j ShOW Week \ 1 & f Coat Frocks & Ensemble Suits «!__.£ I J Big PurcKdSe I $ J_ _»_=''' at f \ f an cy shapes, jgj «3 ? I —-Specials—- ll Ltd. ,( #/\)rH.ill English Shoes ' it t 5 _== //l \ A/l\_A . ■ '• c_ ■ -jr."" __•__ _. V jffl/ JLi-r* X J Black and Nigger. = % we | H VISITORS TO THE SHOW should not faU fe § /f \\ /7 ltt monds Street 14/11 1 2 a- (O _r7¥7__7 DC? fe ki to avail themselves of the opportunity to visit S ■// «'s/ " Where Prices are the Keenest " \. ImSW . ■' J. V/JT JT J-_-Jl\_o L tf I TIITTQ fl/I CO _"* __• ¥"_ \r £ IH hj I*l , "* , "--Js]BHllr (As illustration.) m ™ V & 3 IWI ID MILK VERY f |j j__l--i-»i. This Attractive XMAS MILLINERY S . Let Us Post You a Pair. Postage Paid. f 1? l\ at_rl PI IYTHfI-lif* CTADr fe ■• W& '•'_ ENSEMBLE SUIT at Dorothy Shape Moire Silk Bags, with fancy ; *) - — — ** k a anu V*l_iVS 1 XUlMjl OiUKIL fe HI I is in Cinnamon and SNEDDENS LTD frame, in Navy. Fawn. Nig- IC/11 l| _ kW _• j. _ . ______ i- Hi I Fawn, and Fawn and flnci/i/«w _.»_*., J. O/ 11 I; . _i_a_flf i I . WIPTQ CAD MPM fe B * I Saxe " The Frock por- in - ger, and Urey . . Hi $ tfStf__o_l 111 ■_ fe • 4 ____________________! JHIKIS TUR MEN fe ___ I I tion is cut on long. SYMONDS STREET, r ~..,.«. .M. N A m 3 W_K_S _____J_ 19/ £ 5 2 —-TT — _ H - V~T straight lines, with long a"™™/" • Corded Silk Bags, in Nigger, Navy, and g 9 fVSjiffi __^__■■B^P , \ % I Sm.rt, with col- £ I / sleeve, adjustable col- ",n Black, with special fastening 1Q /1 1 H 3 i___fl ____ _ . fe T% _> Ia " to m-tch— i ___ V. T l j_■ t. i nrl FULL DISPLAY r If./ Ms \ _F_3__l __K_ *°- 6 T J * *» 1 A/_2 fe 'HI \l/ ' a Tk e ruLL uiarLAi. frame; mirror A\Jt &A g <g i9_____H_____Pl- fe _ MWfTT 1 *" "'« L I AA [ Coat is cut tailored — If 3 _Pfi_l __UH »■*<«'--' Patent Leather Bar F 13™ A 111 L ■ GL effect, with long rever AN Bag, in Black Watered Silk, envelope H _ _l__*_fl Bfl °' f % I Wfo I 07 Heavy Poplin Shiru. i„ fe g _ SS_t ELARLY SEUECTION shape, fancy tucked front, fitted 01/ ■ 1 Offer-. Pr.e.. 16/11 i 5 . 111 111 UIW new rainbow "tripes. L pi Qft 1 ,. breasted front. IS ADVISABLE. . L lr _ 9i l/M witll "liars to match _== v ✓» «*•"„:«__- with mirror and purse _a_ a # a __ * -■'■ S _v\ nc__ fl ' 1111111 .t<_ _[ <_ //* Li = vsuineas. —— === ' /^__—-_____Wi 1 >'; nj Ver y Dre "y shin, in . l ■ display shape > well fitted—At .. .. •--1 /D |j _ No _ i'_. M . n .. Box Derby Boo t.. f 4- -' II I 1 ITT lIV 1/ Hlfllr fine k_ir._r_ _,_k ™ .-, . , -~ ~ . _, , n c __= *} sewn seam, gooa ntter and fZ. iy _ _Bh/IJ iii\ Jiy / SHr __i!«r. to ™„. _ _. We are now showing a Stylish French Rose of • • . ■.__!,• wearer.- as mustratea. f | 1 __MP -liar, to match- J; g Crepe deXhine Frock, beauti- QQ/fi MODEL MILLINERY Broad Tail Leather Bags, silk finish, wai- p ° ff9l -« P|, ' c —l9/U L . d ,es' p.t.nt L s.nd., fe 1 3 1 A l^/b t 11 fully beaded- At VV IO for let shape; mirror and purse- IQ/ fi | J> N<> . 2 SKSnSS. "aiTo. s_* eiac,? fe > SJB / \ L m A Very Striking French Model Frock is in CHRISTMAS WEAR 127/ D g J?^~ —\> A »"•«««>- £ fr * mm \ H V_____ Something quite new in ? H White Marocain, handsomely embroidered will be p Jf* / \ orrc*'. Price, na/H £ 6 1 SB" V// /___■ Haircord Shirt., with fe Bin Black down sleeves and sides, front fin- AN ATTRACTION , _.- |g » / J fe J» ? iB »ilk .front, and col- £ ished with tiny jet ornaments on tab front; THIS WEEK J- \ >« No-» t 1. 1 _Hl I'k/t 7". >__■■_ Jars to match. Noth- 5 _ l •_•■•_...-_•« it i • 1 i ar _———__ - _ i ■I_r _■ t__h___________H & J5 » MgH. I rl I A y _______ ; n _ lju. f L-_ ;_ f __,_ . _== to complete is a beautifully embroidered at s= 1 ■_ * I 3 W^^iijM 8 I_yg f ■ Bfeck and White Scarf- '1 fl Guine«. SNEDDENS LTD.. __TK ■ «___»__?__«_ ft % I 3 77 _ .-■ ~ _'■■" " SYMOND. STREET. . ■ 1 m """ ,C fe"-. — 10/6 -. I ; \ F "ii^r Mto '""j|';gt-«»«}. 1:; "wh_*PHc~ ir . _. I 2 r 553 ""•" * I 2 fe i Thi. i .a»uiu. tt . t ionoy Ke __f- Am & M J@k __f 1 | Up . p O ?I.".. B "!ETtSSS £ 5 « O/O 3/11 4/f_ 4/Q _ ' a heavy-weight Black Hundreds of dfH9r\ "S 3 heel.. Also with leather _* _* 3 yl/11 __/__ _:,?_ ? II _T_lL ' Corded Silk Coat, with Untrimmed MtiP Jflil,*. ■ . Cuban heels. A. - {* fe I 4/11 5/6 5/1.1 fe M fim satin bands down cen- STRAW . flF* l Sr ■ Now 1 9 /H . S -Jj : — — ; : fe' W ' JH_B_H__ tre around- SHAPES, Hhsl BrR?HIHSF/' il B S " Uustrat offb. pnc. 16/11 >A. t TUTTS V\ . fe'. . B H ■___■___ rnerv "Ik; and an J Sizes. // / tnr SII _.dle.' White Cany... Court or \ t 8 have a Wonderful - -fe "> : tt-. '• ■_B fastens with one button. L/M I \\ \ TTT H g • _S» t ?»'7-™ worth >7 fe I I 'I."I Mfl £9/19/6 •at 6/11 Xt~ _^ c:r ~W^^-1 3 ™JP*n!- \ \\ lifj*'*-"* 6 JmwM ■■'■ .' Jr Hi., - Sl - rt - F - | -*"' th Bi»ck ; o«on_, s._ 6/11 4. u«_ _._| I - -„™; J-SSJSES E. w J '~ _ \ mWmaui l i. iAn_____WlsT Cost, is cut on long, straight lines; plain Digger v»iris. ___*.. neat _ No- 5> as mustrate ___ ?_ ce . wortu 2 t/o 5* ? 1 forsummer— m "' //mVWWMI *' +*WWll\/ rever collar and fitting sleeve, finished with W«rn«.rh«„f ■ . off.r'..Price, 16/11 <n OlTe ?/ rl !tT. 2/11 fe If J ror summer—-. /AAWw/IIJ'iPUW, t V\ L\ ffiw.* < _ . _...--...' . . Wear L/epartment. =s ________.__._________«_-___»i----- As illustrated. All sizes. _» * 1 10/6 13/6 IS/6 /TAmWWmJrU fe' HI ' '_!<,>_ fA liA. ■* 3 buttons; Black Jap. Silk lining through- D«,.rt™_nr . children. White cTnvT. D.rby fe *■;. j 17/6 21/- 22/6 //mUr'l% P £■.■■■ '1 i) out Department. J cund-M .wh.u^ c« ___ _._ , q| c f. . 27/6 •'•. /■ _W/)i \/1 fe === UilCJurTrui out * •-•.-' _= * tn to 1 nat Heels. Sizes 2to 4. A X, I j 7 'Mi// 1 J I m - X C 7 11*7 I£Z We Can Please You in Every Way— S 2 Off.r'. Price, 4 /H snip. Worth 0/u- £ » 3 — : ''' ''■' ' T * XfAl#/.0 Style, Assortment and Price. 1 800 Lidis.' Laoc Shoe., Offer. 4 / n .j. 5" Jj .. _ ••'.•, ._- *.-.«, i.i r• -. h 5=5 •' *;..''■.'. ■• ■ ? == - • latest shapes, Louis and tull ' . s, '•X . Men's Sport. Suits and Sport. Coat*. Splendid lor country wear. %. ■___ =_-_ ml Louis heels. Colours: Black. mm ~^ mmm E? r « Snort. Coat. .•O _. /__ and o__ /__ L ;/: . US'. ■■'. .«_.„.. :. v - - ' Greys, Fawns. Eng-llsb best Udie.'l-B.r Gl.oe Kid Shoe., low, h: S oporo v. •■ ./7/h ana ___f/t_ ._ ' _=i . . « - r- • §_= 2 brands, " chic" and c. ana j. Nat heels, round toes. Sizes 2 |„ i ! --'*■_, ____*.- _f__'" v f ■__..-' • >■■__'•___ ; _>'■■- ,_ _■ ■ ■__ "__—~a-___. -_- _r--*« "__r » ■ ■ ■-_. _si . Clark's. Worth 32/0— to 7— S if -""• -mmmm* sneddens ltd. i w *g"offer TTlTTrnrc IiJI Mercer » . I ■ _ "•VJ.v/rri_j\ I 1 IU l'l3. ; 'MV'S. tt _7'' *'•■■-■:: in Symonds Street ■ 3 3 good stores: | ? 4 ,"* m m ' m *\j llnthipr V 1 "'•■.' lp 1 186, Symonds Street; 44, Karangahape Road, and f 1 -, - •• •,-•"*. VIU.IUICre |,» ||| • g Corner Store, 20 and .22, Karangahape Road. • g -I ; _: ■■ - - : ' .. ; ;

It is a cream of purest white which sinks WB3 T A-.4- IX7l** _•__.-__._. _*_. _L • -•••_. __f below the surface of the leather and gives a %s_# VV ItlCClYniS DUlld yOU brilliant polish. It does not rub off, neither # >--/ does it pick up dust. It is the finest dressing ,-■ , Ulj __f<T/_f_'__. *° r "P atents »" tinted glace, plaited leather, *!£/ and all polished leathers. Use it for your 's Js 1 s 1 -•'•■•- stockings'sake. —it won t let you down! A After ul the '? u ' or oth « when you feel AAPI lOHI Aft thoroughly weak and run down, let Wincarnis build I up your health again, r ~ J for Good Shoes. ** It is the tonic wine for that purpose, recommended and The "Dumyy" jar M-ito__ n cr ean ,;» made in white, The Handy Tub* prescribed by over 10,000 Doctors, the tried and trusted {or the home ' to6JA d N.KS ftlr_-& b vftfS Outfit (-travel, favourite of the public for 40 years and more Price 1/3 ' "" LEATHER GOODS " hng ' Pnce 1/6 * Try it and see how delicious and it is TW ' f "** ™* '*"** *" ollclI S«-«ening It IS. G109 3/3 N _, Digtribut _ra-WARD & DAVIDSON LTD.. Auckland. "\ Put new vitality into your system, feed your nerves, L; ■ kJ repair wasted tissue and enrich your blood by taking a ~ _ MWlgTm^ How much better you will feel after a short course of MM ,*_____ l_r \\wJm\JL JL JL I _!%ll .ll Made '" nine deep beautiful sh ? d es> whj'ch V/incarnis is obtainable from all Wine Merchants, licensed Chemist* on to " m '- ut i t>s dry to-morrow. m SMALL LARGE /double VO/ v Ask about Clark's other Home Products. M SIZE O/O SIZE V/" Robt. Ingham Clark & Co. (Asia) Ltd. \^L\ tt *_ ______ ___!__________/ t_*- X "\. Sydney and LondonD2TiSS_. FASSETT & JOHNSON* LTD., WELLINGTON, NX I,l'*' N.r., Box 819, P.O^MJCKLMitX^J^^M

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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 285, 2 December 1925, Page 21

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Page 21 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 285, 2 December 1925, Page 21

Page 21 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 285, 2 December 1925, Page 21