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'" • - " : . . - . ' ' .... «. -i. ' : ( .">• '.. *' • * -; .;.k_. -.-. - r '.''. - " r ;' "' * - ""!-i ".".'■.'■ -^ *' *"' ." ~ " ■". s "'. '■ - _-- ~ 7 o -d . R.AWHITI GREET _V ,':'"'" 32 7' W.Y.n. ...nr_.V -,- YYYY - , Y h,ifl " : ' 1 -* a ' 1 ir ' )a ™ r £?SGM GREEN. *»-"'_?''"*'7 YYY7 T Han "'*°n- Par- ~ ! -" ; ■"•"•■- -" Y%-'a .'. IVY ■•--;'••' ' -*-.--...-. 20. ~ EriMui; G.-,r„! 0 " v - ( ';a".;-in 21: .-.---n-< Do-mia?. Reid, rIYY J " "Y 1 " 3 - W.uMini.nam. K»» Wr_ght 24 7 ■" •";'."_'""' - ■'"'<"'. B.aiey 2!) :w. ._ Harri_~>n. ..ij-.-r,-- Via»on. F-, iibisfer 13 7 p...- ---£?!". sa,:-_ __V bY : ,; ''..j.-,. Jackson 223. 7, t, w,_;:ace Par*.n»nn. I»"k. E. Richmond 23: Eto-x-'e? ? a a-K »-,-,-.. La U d. F Richmond 1.. -.-".; JW*vi ? a::. Hal;, a. r, r.- iar '_. Ha-ani 24- ---...-'.:.. . r Morton. ._ Jones 11. 7 r"-'_ Am.Tiry. V»a>. w Smith 2.3: Grange ?p«""iy B.i-:.i.-id. m ? ::» 20. 7 w. h. Lama, IVY A - T '■'"'■■'- *'. T.y.or IS: Kad.o*n Jan-ea. Hays. Boyne 1.1. 7 McCaffrey. S..i:*r. !.<■•-*-.; .. r, r\ A _ 1.3: Bryce, Stewi/y• Ra.-n.-wy. Kendall is. 7 Freeman, 3purr, Wa..jc», Jeai._ 22. EDENDALE GREEN. Final Labour Day Tournament.—Black. Bradfhaw. Goldsmith, sea., 2.". 7. Mcl»od Canton. Monro 12. Ordinary Dra-w.—Oassidy. . Smith F.-»»man 2?.. r. j. p.rvara, a.H.wen. Horspool 14 S'nrzess. Roam. East, Brownert 2-3. 7 Caipan, Baiter, R. Smith. Goldsmith 1-3: Haywood. r;?r,ain. Hwaies 14 7 Lain-' Tonagmaa. N«ii<on 21 : Mason. .fonk-lnsorT Izod. James ~ 7. E. Buyer, Martin, R D A-rery. Omenta .34; Ha.-r. R. Kr»r~7 MeLoo*!. r; >» 21. 7. Gnnnia*. Rttch'e Edwa.-dJ. P.---r.,n 1.3: Findlay Add.son Bleakly 7, -,-. Haitey, Ash-more, J. Butler DOMI?nON ROAD GREET-.. mopd". Gladstone 19, 7. Day, Hawk** Jes- ;•-.-. Benson 20: 0. C. Fisher. Ba.ttershy, -'•opt. C>ti) 20. -.-. Winks. Yeoman, w. Kl.-hardson. iv;;<on l_ : ?teiihen3on, Ramsay. W. H. Clarke. 7Yir.?Seid 24, 7. Batn-:a-o, Ailsopp, .7:inos, Cartwrtjjht 21: r 2--ir!e. Hirnoriand, Cannon, =-one 20, 7. Joiiaston<». Ror,o-t.n. gharkfjy, Robertson'2K: W. S. Fisher. Kelly. Virtne. Glfford .32. 7. ?i!nk>y, leyland. 3 E. Bosh 12: Fordsr. W»»r. Wlnthrop, Semadeni l'«. 7' r.p rferon. Verco**. Mason, Gentles 16; Balderion. Goodall. R. F. Fishir J>. r Barton. Hollows, a. Chappeil, H. Taj.o7 19: T-ic-er, Conpland ::. 7 Short Ashby 24. WAITEMATA. GEEEN. Clnb Fonr'.—T. 3. Canlfleld, A Rentier D. E'i«on. J. . R MfPhat! ir f . v C Row' J. T. Aspden. .1. BlackWgi»- a. Camr>beli if Handicap Pa:ri>.—T. T. Flood. G H Lyon 24. v. H. Crtrwley. 3. E. McGill 14- E G Ron;;<=7. W. McKinstrle 227 7. W. Haioe J Ha? IS: W. D R/>bb. FT TV Wilson 23 r A. Fisher, E. B. W. rv,;* o-j. j A 3. s>m|r;. .33. v. F. H'ibhlo .1 Porro- 14----.r. W. r.ofhhr-yigo. C. <; Flodgson 17, -,-. w.' ./. Fullbrook. D. P. O'Lear? 12.

_A~CKLA2rD GSSEN. \ "- : ;^ ; _".y !i •'■ • . Y2". '".i ..- -i."L;-V; socst :-7ccs gsee:?. CASLTON C-SZZX 2" 7 .; '".;,.-■.:-. _. r.-, ■ - f R-i... T.-i---.-: -' - :-■'—:*,: .irr.i-2 -i-r n, _<*E.-,b:e n - '. .".' 3 - ?nrr;--• .-■-:. ■ ■■■. — .vty-.i.i. -"■_ -'.fy. :r, .i.a. H-»7» ns , Brook. 2 = . jfl W2i.--:x.'- .. lamsftfl." G "2r-,w'd. Bird -''• " _ 1 y,r ,-irra.--i ?"a- C:.i7--.n 20: Ji. i'.sp. s?"*ln| 20, - Ala :rh»tm. n-. -.i..-. 7 ■ 1 ; . Firr-.-v rjindon. 2< 3 "r R.-,r,».— -«'-,n 22. 7 A:ida'.2ah 3-mr_i>. >!-</.0-» ■ 1 1 «• 21 w;-,..- t;i:;» K.r.3. P-r-T 2" - M-an-y R.-.-H :. H"V.ii Fdo„« 23. 7 Kd.tioD<l« P-iliar-i tvijion I-aironson 1.3: r ».-i7 Ciur-A r:i,ira..on. Ijirzn 2-3. 7 .J '■ --- K'.Trr:- T 1" ■ -.— ii *>a 22 R-. — o Kah- ;-;",-■-:.-2. Saodden 2 4 F2etrh<»r, L,oar», Li....c.-i.- r,'i_ln .30 7, ilitcheli, Gra7, GREY LYNN &KEE3T. Lar.O'ir Tnraaan»_; Fi.-.a:. —if-E'.ray, .}!..- -.;i3i L.7»riii-ge. .2, 7. Dies, A :-:<:.-i-.l 7 ,:»; Lynn Gr»y r.7na names Srati.—S.isKer. Lejlan. B-i.ldoa, C. Lltti*. 27. 7. Elalop, Gray, C_n;>i«il, dcanUemory The a .-i- of -he ;»::»« r,; >nmmer tonrna»r.ra w'.ll begin :n <V»daesria7, .N'o7^aiaer MOIHTT ALBERT GREE3T. F l'- r3 r C p7- - M *YY p *'* r * otu Brim>y J._! V: F.-117;.7"—',-,--'1 " '{Y„ \ kin 19, -, Jf.'A.'ibon. Gr'..r. Bennett, S. 4 "nom.« 2P. : .HiiAphard. H liii--. Aaioor»! iJiTjr.a 2.. 7 K.::i. Rod?-»r'. r-i-f.-.r-h. w.i.iar 10 : Dyson, Service. Richardu ifn.r 18. 7. t/i.-nory B'i72h. V-,r_ri7?. Rook 24---.J:*a--on. - McCalltun, Gu.-h.-.e. E. Car** 13 7. Wi;..-;. Bodle?. B;_:r. ilarray 20 • iter, Pa#_ 2.3, 7. 25. EOwTCK GREEJJ". The open-la? at the season for the Howiek Bowling din and the Croquet Clnb -or,|_ p acs; oa Saturday in beautiful The p" oa idfr:T. \fr. a. .r. Gerrtn?. w»;rr,med m»mh«>rs, f.-londs ar.d visitors from aisrer <*liib" Mr. .Soihy. 3A-reta.-7. i_ cot about a.-< well kaown as a howler as he ha.i been for man 7 7°ars as a huntsman. The rtgitors ir.ciadod ifr .lamn aiprr.hcr of the A:ick:and Cenrr» Eiern-J7o, ar.d Mr. ■I. W. Kard)i»7. vice-president of the Dominion 80-*::..? The presidcar commented upon the process made 07 tho clnb, that additional land had been purchased to enable two croquet ro b» laid down. A number of n?-v members had been added to both Clubs. Mr. Pas-no congratulate, the -liib npon the very promising condition of lta affairs. and wished the members a sii-ceaßf;ii Reason. He mentioned that if.-. George GladIng had boor, appointed se-retary? for the Centre owins- to .Mr. Bryden baring unfortunately resijTied that office. Mr. .1: W. Hardl»7 also *aid a word., of congratulation to the members. Alias Motion, president of the Crooner Clnb, threw the Jack, and the president then de<-i._red the greens open. A match was played, president 7. vice-president. The former team* names are given Srst Mueller, Afeacham, Bryant, Gerrtng 19, I; 3e 'P 7 ' Richardson, W. Jenkin, Paa-Y 21 ; Newton, Waters, Granger, Gladding 21. v. Pn2l:ip. Jaasen. Prime. Goilan 1-3- 3 Coldleutt. Blakey, Wilson. Lansaford 2.3 7 Page, Trewin. Waldron, Ea'gieron 11----tiomerrilie. Boofcetr, New ton. 12 7 E. Robert,. Wookey, SieTwrlght, Mclvor 21 '• Roberts, Phelan, s=po--hle 7l h. P. 2.1. v. Bishop, Spier. Robertson, .7 W Flardley 15 : Dunn, E. Page. Brown Tonkin 14, 7. Wilson, Paron. ilillenman, Patterson 2<5. Total: President 114 " 7lrepresidenc 107. WAITJirU GREEN. Following are the results of the Waiuku C;t_i-,'3 percentage fours, p:._7ed on Saturday 2—Jackson. Codlin. Hoskiag _ if Barrtball 2.3. 7. AC::.-. Waters. H. King r R. Barrihall. 11: Fraser, Bonnar. L 'AI Barrtball. K. 3 Barriball 2r ; . 7. MlUington' Sedgwick, .fones. .[. a. Wright 19: Smith. E William*. Christiansen 2Y>, 7. Chalmers' W. West. Elmsley 27: aum-merrille. Greenhead, Jack 23, 7. Honey. James, Pleyde'' 225

WEST E2CD GREEN. '«=..'r'iV: 3_<_-3-o a Yl?iil-. v_ 7." z" ';'. Corawa.l. -Laos. 1 W. __._.-I.ev '±j _f--rin. Aa*>r Y7Y..iYY7. B.iY- W jYwi'.Ye. Y-YY ' :'}"**-' • i -•=■. R.,i.r.-s. :,Tt>- ;* .-. ;r.r. = --.n. ?r.Hf>' Bnx»s>»:,l. Biaach.. ~i. 32 - rthaaaoa. '-übos. ilellors. 22 ■v ..wo. Lnskor V.ckermaa V :.'>.-. .4. - r*o-»mor». ■ itrleid. Bur-her. H.tb-iay P-i-«aicr». s i-»rv,_. laa oi,. 24 - 1 ::. -. Wa::a..e;-. r rii.iaa-s-i7 I/insw i.i. 2-2 - if. Re-.-i iiacfir'ar.o. £. X. V". "• 7»r Wright. Fi.-aer. 'To _ns.' V' Keary. ~--vaa. Gavey. \'e-v--r.. 2".. - s*eet, 3oar->. _, H. ifcßobie. - "- s ymos. Tantred. Harp,;-.-. 3. k.*3Lsi 20 - ' Smith. W-a;r. Gar-a-l" '" ?C-;-.:-. Fisho-. T-ise. .7 .;. Hi;i. 24 "7' Purthaa. W .;. CaarpbeU, ~.ti7-_s, Rade;.--- --". 7. Brow-a, WUilaasi .7. p. Cainpoe:!. saa,:ersoa 13. OTAHTTEIT CLUB r'or-enta_r= Finn.—Xltou. Bntr>»rw-irt. r ar=on. 02i',7;0 2S. 7 H:cv,r.n. Wo,r." uoonerty. Taylor 20: Moss. M,*T_amou. ~.'.r- .»r. Di-ie, 2." T-=vena. if.'Sweeney P-ar c ;;. t r. - Tacnason. ' raxfori 2fi: M.?Gehaa. I>owr,ey. 7 ri . 3 . ; 20 - , ;r_ot 2. Harper. ri :a tr>-.: 17. :.-, —es. Ferguson. May is, 7. Farreiiy. r. Jeffries. Cook 24: C. Wai'aiora. ,* Gardiner. Cona.or li, -. CoUjm, Hiaioer 1.7.

PONSON3Y G-2EE3T. 3nce. Mclaaes 22. Roife. Black, Ha.~=_s 2riy '_YL. 7 ?:-":.-::. Gibson. Pariinc _■. 222e- _ 7. 2.-aarlso_ 7. Conway 2S GHEES". v,..;- y ■•- - -,_._-; ? : -y_-*&._J}'.,.ry, .-- v-. :.(...'.'-. Sooer.s-in 27. - >_---.--••;- - i 2-o;-.:22. 3-haacaenberz, - 3....1 o 2 - W Ross. H._imaa. :-•'" ~p> '.'1 ' Thomas. HCirk. A. '"jeorgo X-nnv 1-;. iia:iJ.iaer. -ioyd. .'iCa.-i-i .-.. -. Zi. Bray. na7-ien. :":•,--. 21. y. 3rav HU2. Ma-kiow. 22. .-''i AT. - M:lATen, '-r. .' .r.KS.. A. Bnwa 17. TAX APT? A. ' 21. 7 w»nbo. S«,«iaz. Cntler. 'sp:::..i_is p :::..i_i 17 somer_o:d. ?r»a-: ■<>. Din.op. Riwhot--.m 211 -. ArrowjinirSj. _...-_:. " ■,-._. bra.: a. sponger ia Madden. 3a-oa_ Bur-kley. w,-i H 7 .7 - a:. =- --n». R.iv 8.--vhm.ia. Ogilrie 22. Ed-wards. Vea.e, Ewp*r I:>. 7 1" wii-har I. M lr-10-a. Ajd.oy 17 £.::■'--. 3-nne-:. 8.-ii--- 21. 7 H.-.wo. Eckorsie-. Bili. Hayden 13: ?ao-v---ie3. - r; .---y Divis. >.I-,rr-.-',a 2ft. 7 Gv..e. Rish-.a. W;a-er, E.iaa-i 22 So--,aer Price, Perfect. M-±,-_ 31, ~. Obcm. Baxter, s:awart,

AVO2IDALE. victors i_;d __i2_ouao?s tile e_r.i3ie_ir. rr_ 1-j zew Br.ei adiir=-ses -.a. rep.y -ere z~-~=>z. z~ Mr. W 7. __ -. :_-v --r~a. presi- --- Bryden. ail the 2.:c_._a_ -ieutre. The irees ~as iecla—i oS_c_a..7 open aufiter 11:; _ i_e__a... '-'iLaaer,. \---a X3oiey 24. _ aagses. Cieaot. E-y.oa. i-lely 2. 3r-jokes. ..oxerr-u.. Porri::. Docre -3. v. Patter, McKenzie. Lainj. Mj-Maioa 2 2 . ..o.e. 3-ssaa. Ji:;:ri. Kirkpa.-ck 13 : .fovea. Gtnsoa. ■;.-!.._■ 14, v Mii-snui, Tom-iason. diirt-l _. r.anscoa. Darrasa _. ■ j_'i_e ■ 13 - Thomas, L-aig, Ej'*'.. _.a__a ii,__: A.^er". iiri present*- tie trophy i,,r -he •via;:-'--? .2 :_-.- tc-raey :o tae __voi_c_i_e teaoi. PAPATOSTOE C-P-EEN. aad aoa.--saic.iers ii Pipa:oe-j._ Clao 2ooi_ ;ia:e ia Saturiay la--. tae. James '.he scores, 4a_.:ie:- aaaaes 2:0222 irst. — Tiomas. Foster, Glilarh. _. '■ M Master. Hoilier. "-aisley. smy_aeaian 14. R:;a-laiaa. >'W_:::. McCiHinaai Tidaars.! 2.5: Hoskia?. 3on_i_ Malvor. Coles 23. v. 'laao. Bryant. iV_t3oi_. Gal'o-way 14: Hindtaaa. .v aite. HorreU. Hal". 24. -. TVii.s. 3ac_rtoa. L-v-jiastane _-: Gladciia.?. Pry'ier. hri-.-.r .. 2v_ra-e 22: Tiorae. ST. EELEES'S. '"lib ?''ir-.—F-ir-,o«. 3lotn3e!d. Tark'in. r ah:ll 14. r Brid-iiia-r. n. Saii-i. Craw'p V Barry. lYY=aco. H-7-ia7"i 30. 3i_s. 5 ~bia_o~nd! ! Pr.ce 11 : Lo-xe. naves !•_, 7. _

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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 259, 2 November 1925, Page 10

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SATURDAY'S MATCHES. Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 259, 2 November 1925, Page 10

SATURDAY'S MATCHES. Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 259, 2 November 1925, Page 10