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I «Qk _____ Shopping Suggestions _ I I Crepe He Chine Princess Slips, Coloured Embroidered Napery 3 I | in 22 delightful Colourings, at 29/6 _ J_\f 21/ m CLfIU 29/6 A Very *«*active showing of novelties just received should appeal to j I Ui Made from a splendid quality crepe de chine, fashioned with round neck, those who appreciate something entirely new and different in the way Jill I and hemstitched at neck, armholes, and waistline, and beautifully jj * /» 7 • 7 7 .1 •// 7 JJ £ of fancy linen goods. Especially worthy of note is a range of scalloped 11 I 1 finished in every respect, these are Princess Slips that will appeal because tldtS Of the Smart, Serviceable type that Will De needed JOT and blue embroidered novelties, embracing tea cloths, tray cloths, ||| w of their daintiness and-the splendid value they represent. Then again, vJllttYlPS Qild StbOftS tr €(IT runners, pillow shams, and D'Oyleys. Jjj I k. such a wide range of colourings, embracing 22 selected shades, permits c I * of a most satisfactory choice. Second Floor. - ga Then there is a delightful range with coloured borders with appliqued | pane* anc * embroidered design to tone, worked in mauve or gold. Equally Jul g m V\ attractive are the Florentine embroidered examples on ecru linen. These I "Bear" Brand Hose Lisle Gauntlet GloveS S \v are hemstitched and embroidered in mauve, blue, and yellow. Then "_ , AI _ _ ' >- Al l 1 ---.'.-. riw_W~ WP~\ S lk\ asain there are hand cross-stitched tea cloths, worked in linen, and 3P I at 4/11 per pair at 4/11 per pair jffisr W : .J\ ( r l\ J&r* ".,. .. . ~ Aft . . ■ c ,r- f ~ a. *. x~ f tt/ _. xit t- ______^^_. . __t-__ml — obtainable in sizes from 36 to 60 inches square. Second Floor. |c | This is a pure and art. silk hose Though so reasonably priced, "~ " ' ffl £ Eft '_ ___\___\ 1 ' I which for value would be difficult these are gloves that will give ___W==^~==^M i "'. k I ito surpass. It is a non-ladder hose every satisfaction. They are J ~y wP\ Vi | with reinforced sole, mock seam, one-dome fastening, with wide q ZOX ¥\ A \ Outstanding Value in A Smart Trimming for fj | and wide suspender tops. Obtain- cu g in pr i nt ed and perforated \ 7 ®^S_lW) ] \ Ij} Unbleached Turkish p p i | able in nude, peach. French nude, designs. Obtainable in tan, grey, ___\____\_\ t I / Towels V_OttOn T TOCKS | Airedale, log cabin, French tan, brown, mole, black, or white. \ ' / £ \ or ,< / Q Barton's Bias Binding | s grey, black, or white. „ _._--. \ /I \ L r""i£ * or 4/0 * r ,F1 Ground Floor. 7%L_ \ 1 C f Ir> /C cotton wash frocks these I Ground Floor - f £ W_W % J 6 tor 13/6 bindings may be employed with || SL ' _Ww \ Ready hemmed, strong, close in extremely smart effect, and come M\\ it i \ £_Ww_ I ■■ ill weave, and absorbent, this is a in plain colours, neat stripes, Jij I . _, , .. - c G2o—ln Brazilian Straw, » X G26 — With slightly up- towel that will give the fullest checks, and fancy designs—6d, J s A bplendld bummer this little Ready-to-Wear fea- I turned brim and the fashion- measure of service Size 21 x 42 lOd, and 1/4* per card of three g\\ I Corset at 91 /Q tur« a v«y smart cented t able T^?ed this "' 7 Ground Floor. | V. Shnwincr of Smart crown, the band and binding fv iS 'jV-T 1 I A„ Mn \T made m blue OnOVVing Ol Oilldri NN. «. V i Straw, rhe band and binding |An M.O.M. Corset made to blue • being of two-colour Faille J _fj%C%__ | being of self colour Faille i I and white brocade, laced at back, Jumpers at Ribbon. Showing in blonde, £JI Ribbon—Price, 21-. In AD 111 D" ' fA/T L' D .lfl/11 I | and buttoned at side. Low elas- cinnamon, tan, tobac, red. \\ J g red, fawn, mole, tobac, tan, A Kemarkable rriCing OF Mohair KUgS at 1)3 1 1 1 1 tic top and moderate hip. An AWO Very aiSUnCUVe n ig ger —Price, 21 /-. G23 1 W and cinnamon. I E ideal number for sports wear. Styles ' X s fc^e °f an unusually favourable purchase, the above price has #11 W Obtainable in sizes 21 to 28. T j M \ \ been made possible for rugs, size 4ft. 6in. x 2ft. Beautifully fine in %\\ r. - One is a tunic jumper in Jersey . , P S<*rnnd Floor .„ r. i i -._ v j r--ji r t v r v- vi n i, l q* »k- d ,j,- M/»o, quality, they are obtainable m cream, fawn, rose, green, black, red» m\ Ir oecona rioor. i g jjj c g nls J ie( J with slip tie and con- L»23 In the fashionable Bangkok btraw, this Keady-to-wear j< jo - o S I tras'tinz colours. Quite deferent features the new quarter crown, and underbrim cf Tagel. The golden brown, blue, grey, nigger, or pink. Early selection advlfced. jj I; r ,_p _. _. ' , L f .;„,Li. :„ band and binding are of self colour Faille Ribbon. May be had in Fourth Floor- 'M $■ and distinctive, and obtainable in . s . T»-X-_ 9Q R p bmv» »* -, putty, cinnamon, cyclamen, new blue, red, mustard rrice, _\\S o. *; I Pure Linen ~»- maize ' fawn * nayy * or * | if a 4 black. ■ IF i ___*--__. -____-, "Still Ft 10d h ' The other is an extremely smart "\ I_\ »\ f) f T f Coloured Pearl Buttons Boys* School HoSC | iviilne &v r-^^t^s £ good range of self colours, these The panel front and collar are m 1 ▼ 1111 IV 1 1 V -■ ✓ C that make such an effective trim- Hose, with red, white blue, or J,, p handkerchiefs are not only fas- • Paisley design in contrasting CCn\nPC ming for summer frock styles, and green bar tops, bizes »tol Oi 3 I hionable, but extremely service- : shades. Obtainable in cream, rUR OLIK V lLc may be had in pink, grey, gold,. inch. Very keenly priced 8, Bi, | I able in wash and wear. navy, black, fawn, amber, cinna- TT-r-x 7 OT- A TTPI/T A amethyst, cherry, brown, or white. and 9-inch, 3/3; 9*, 10, and 10*- j I Ground Floor. ' mon, or nigger. QUEEN ST. .... . -. AUCKLAND Ground Boor. inch, 3/9. First Floor. | If ' ml

Ij 1 2 3 4 5 @ I Outstanding Values in I si s I Crepe-de-Chine Frocks I =3 These delightful Frocks are in very superior quality Crepe de E|| =| Chine, and interpret the very latest modes for the coming summer. e| B All styles are available in navy, black, saxe, flame, tan, cinnamon __\ __ lti__h\ and biscuit. __\ __\ y° u w ' l° n g sleeves can be inserted for a small extra charge. \\ gj ||| j= I — ?r "art style, featuring- tuck=. 4—Very smart style, Saving- a li_H E B / /SV "ft" t:and or contrasting- colon.- band ln contrasting- colour <—_W \_ == _= \jJ\ iM around h.em, also forms rrom neck to Hem. tne rucn- s\ f\ m || /vcV-d«\ novelty cuff; tie sasU at low ing- effects a strikingly new rf) / ff\ ___ l= ( waist-line co Ir mode *_£/ p j—/ I- \ || pg g%; X IA B—The tunic effect is here intro- \f ifv/' if A H Wa / • H\ duced. whilst colourful »m- V 8? R/'' l7\ II pi / J& I • rs\ 2 Interpretine- t&e cross-"ver brolderv is the sole trimming; ij// / fi/ \ _=\ S / / • I '-V .nvct Ornament at side gathered sides. A truly at- _ W '<<» \\ \ __ M \ \ I • hl> giv-s pleising- flnish: trim- tractive style *_*_/. I j&a. 1 I \ \ M m \ \ \ • \\ \ mcd bands or contrasting ****/ l_M\) 'ill m ___ \ \ , ; II colours or in plain effects. 6—Truly ciic is this model, fea- /vlp* .11 M 3 \ \ ' '. W _Vm\l firing pin tucks and trimmed / .'fl ;' / / HI ill \U i ; it , to/- w -ith lace collar and lace r) 111 p=-, // E pi [fif-IB * t!\ • cuffs or the rashionahle Ecru /'/ V ! JI _=■ ■ ffIMJ-f ; I\\ 3—Pleattng-. M mum in vogue. SZ/b Rwst±==JY P B ' ,1 n J \ ji [jppe cl«*veriv incorporated. 7—ln this charmin? style the I j m — H ' -pTJ 'ii 1 \ Buttons down "each side of front panel is pleatPd: roll j \ \_3 E| / / .| 9 ip f-ont give a smart flnish: collar in contrasting materials- li I I lIS m Vj " '' : n collar in contrasting colours. inset vest. narrow belt, ' \m g U/ifi > i, , J re/ finished with buckle cc/ Ml 1 \_M I /i; \ '" j ' ! 1 W ye c nou; mar k °H Goods in Plain Figures I I I The House /V\ I I 1/1 ti I 1 r e KARANGAHAPE ROAD. 7 i _^_^___^_^____^^^^^^^_^__^__^__^_______^M

I — : fl j , v. £A -v CROSFIELDS" S v- x y|g "carbolic j j %y^ i ."^'-'Z s contains less moisture than I : Wk__^ / i^Si^ V c est a ' e or e^ow Soaps. I i r Kj \lt is a Household Soap of super- j | «k N purity (far above the recognized | t JBBp- f\ trade standard) and of such i CpX^-'' J ' " extraordinary and last- , ing properties that its extra Tni' /'/iu comparative value is very soon i MJ. ' Lj&=- ipparent to the user. I ! CRbsFIELDS',, "GUARDIAN CARBOLIC Soap JOSEPH CROSRELD & SONS US 50APWAKERS. WARRINSTON. ENGLAND. Obtainable from Leading Retailers and Merchants. New Zealand Agents : OSWALD M. SMITH & CO., LTD., Auckland, Dunedin. London. I __—.——^^_^.-^___- _fAm_m_m_________________________m-± I* FURTHER SUPPLY NOW AVAILABLE J "ST. GEORGE" COOKERY BOOKS I Contains over 150 Special Recipes not puhlished tn piß%|B|B fl ■nj other Cookery Book—all the prlze-winnsre from b Dk b IB the tt, George Cookery Competitions—nsw Pudalng«, I ■% Hi Cake*, Fruit Dishee, etc Bl Send jour name end addresa, with 2d in stampa fto cover wrapping and U posuge), for FREE copy, to IRVINE AND STEVENSON'S BT. GEORG* ■ JAM CO., LTD., Dunedin. « 5,000 COPIES FOR DISTRIBUTION 9 mW______________m_______________-W , I

; 1 The Million-step-Test Varnish! iHi \A """" no exaggeration claim for Liquid **\\.\{(Jjjnf Granite that it will resist the wear of a million IVy _Wr\. feet!" For your floor*—if you appreciate |llHnmilllimillll /^,A ISkT/X '" ~,,m beautiful durability-apply I i \\/P J LIQUID GRANITE. I / i A\<T- i'owr Floors Need 1 I ts l reatmen t — I ! - *H\ Your one sure method of pre- = = IfisxSil lay serving the original beauty of = z •" floors or creating new attractive- = = --Igsg ~ nes * ' n ones ** *° *pply Liquid = ~ -TfyTtjMmftnl II I Tlltl-llfpT ttt iBI PlilL. *■ ——there* inspiration in the beauty ef — S I™ il 111. f W-* *™J|+-»TT' floors where Liquid Granite has E S been applied. Soft colourings and 3 = artistic patterns are enhanced ten- = I What Makes the Home "J 1 = LJ fl, ? —Because | § OOHICIIKC there's years of wear in floors = ~ where Liquid Granite has been — § Floors that always look fresh and beautiful hold the , applied. Permanent and durable, = = secret of the Homelike Home — finished with Liquid tke U(^d Granite surface cannot = — . 1 j • warp or wrinkle even a hammer- — 5 Granite their original beauty is not only preserved, it blow cannot chip it! = 5 is enhanced by the gloss of this wonderful finish. = 5 —Because = g —there's less work in keeping clean S • = "El-.-.-.- ~_C D A «iitnt the floors where Liquid Granite has = = riOOrS Of Deailty: been applied. The surface U kept = 5 more sanitary with less effort. _\ 1 Floors that Charm! —Because 1 = Liquid Granite is applied like varnish and dries a lovely —Liquid Granite is moderate in = = . n .-AA..- a, "=■«= j price to start with, and economical — = transparent gloss, and it is tough, elastic, and everlasting. to m »i n tain. It's use means less = 5 * - Tried and tested for over 50 years. expense in home maintenance. r | i FLOOD VARNISH I 1 "THE MILLION-STEP-TEST VARNISH." | S "A" Grade for Wood Surfaces-. . "B" Grade for Linoleums. ~" 5 1-gallon, 31/-; postage 1/10. i-gallon, 16/9; postage 1/4. 1-quart, 9/-; postage 1/-. = 5 1-pint, 5/-; postage Bd. a-pint, 2/9; postage 6d. = = At all Stores or Direct from RICHARD ARTHUR, LTD., N.Z. DISTRIBUTORS, 5 = 390, QUEEN STREET, AUCKLAND. = iiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiininmiiimiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin

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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 232, 1 October 1925, Page 19

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Page 19 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 232, 1 October 1925, Page 19

Page 19 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 232, 1 October 1925, Page 19