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I ar ONE DAY -m 1 279 LOVELY IMPORTED HATS. High-grade I 36-INCH STRIPFn pi anot, en, Q , ~. ~_ '„,,.. ■■■^«■^—■—■ | Misery of many kind. A job purchase V S.s. LADIES'' ~- l/----1 «* Psce. J /-yard. q * 32S^S«"SS/J tch"'^ I HANKOW SHOPPING KlTS_s> Ll f A ♦ UNRIVALLED WRITING PADS, Cream Vove Bank ■ L™ ZEN S C " ILD « EN>S ™™««!P HATS. Pedal 2^2^"?^° ' ' 600 *"—1 /1 1 . I s »art, strong goods. Various shapes and for CD. each. ' | Shades—AH One Price, «J /J J D CHAMPION SCHOOL PADS, 100 page,— 1 12 DOZEN LADIES' UNTRIMMED HATS. A greatly £2s!ffT*!r. ° r sfc#,5 fc #,* fc ~* 3 F ° r 1 /-. | assorted lot. AH of the very latest shapes. See them— tv » all sizes—Fr,day s Price, 4/1 1 SUPERFINE ENVELOPES wII _ • t~mJ__. 1 All at 7/11 T/**» MANILA FNTOonS k gummed. CREAM 1 7/11- MEN'S TWEED TROUSERS-Brown, best finish, good MANILA ENVELOPES, business or postcard sizeI IO DOZEN LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR HATS. Al. ££* *" ™' A S ~ at ,i — F Q/11 5 PackeU F ° r 1 / fsood styles. Trimmed gold or silver tinsel ribbon bands. ' ' SPECIAL PURCHASE ENGLISH-MADE FOUNTAIN Here is indeed a very cheaply priced lot—All at [ " i PENS, lever .elf-fiUing, each fitted 14ct. G.P. nib and _- 7/11 E * cl *' 20 ° FLOOR RUGS — All ll >at remain, of that P ateßt «*fety clasp—At O/C each. II */*■*■ tremendous purchase of a few days ago will be -+ j \J ■ i\ TABLE OF PULL-ON RAFFIA STRAW HATS. = ,e * re< ! ° n *_**-*; The y «" e best s «>t<:k goods. CASES OF 1 DOZEN BEST QUALITY EP N S B Mixed shadings, Jazz des.gns— not too pronounced. Reversible. Lovely designs and shadings, to tone AFTERNOON TEASPOONS, in Silk-lined Leather I Very becoming— Oft 1 Each. with any colour scheme. The size, 27 x 54—The Covered Cases—Usually 25/-. To be cleared at S ' rr:ce, | J /C each. 1 O 1 1 1 A WHOLE LOT OF STRAW PLAIT. Many shades. 1 1/U IZ/11 S styles and widths—All to Clear on Friday at 1 /fi ———_—_ ____——J NIAGARA 3-CELL TORCHES, complete with Batteries ■ P-* b ™<"<= -t *° y-d.. I/O MEN'S PALMER KNAP TROUSERS-Dark .hades, To be Sold on Friday at C/ _ 1 each. Batte ""- ---■ TRAILS OF SPRAYS (Millinery). All of the very S" *" *""*** "' *) /I 1 1 latest ideas. A mixed lot—All to go at 1/1 1 eTcST Tweed—Friday s Price, g/ 1 1 pair. WADDINGTON'S WESTMINSTER. PLAYING CARDS, 1 1/11 ' b «* '"T finish—Usually Sold at 3/6.. Cleared on 1 4., I AniFc;. , [lM p r „o ~,, .„, 1N ' WEN'S TWEED SUITS—AH sizes, best make, full com- Friday at _/Q packet. m 41 LADIES JUMPERS (Silk and Wool). The smartest plement of pockets. Everything of the latest. Really l/*7 | of goods.. Large fancy broken checks and stripes, Smart Good Business or Best Suits—Friday's QQ /__ WOODEN COAT HiNrFß<l_/. v _ i m cross-over styles, 2 sleeves, perfect fitting. A charming Price OV O WOODEN COAT HANGERS C For 1 / ~•■ 3 lot—All to Clear on Friday at 10/ £% Each. TARPFNTFRS- a , ' ' " I D CARPENTERS APRONS—Strong American Duck, eye- mnnnn whitp papfp sppvirrrrc v » ig *—/ vr , ette(J d fa tip-top wear—Friday's Price 100,000 WHITE PAPER SERVIETTES, best quality— I SIX DOZEN LADIES' HOUSE FROCKS. 1/11 100 for 10 d M Really smart goods, of Camel ine Print, all new designs. 1/11- —\J\J _\J 1T These. c garments are thoroughly made, piped with con- GENT.'S RUBBER-LINED MACKINTOSHES All sizes CANVAS HOUSEMAIDS' GLOVES, good fit, finished | trasting shades—Friday s Sale Price, Q/ 1 *| Absolutely perfect condition, Trench style, Fawn shade;' e, »« tic «*bt bands—l /- pair. = *'/**• sure waterproof 35/- Goods for 1 O I _ *| *• / | TWEED SKIRTS. Only about 4 dozen of this marvel- 10/ 11 . /» Packets For _ f j lous lot remains. They are of grey check, with belt and MEN'S WORKING SHIRTS—The well-known Harvard " */" I *» J P at J in front—Will all Clear on Shirting. Strong, well made. A perfect garment for ROSE DE CHIRAY FACE POWDER, in Cream, Pink j rriday "_\J \\ t* c »». he .vy wear . An Price, _j_ /g 1 a„d White, Wolffs'—To be Cleared at 1 / 1 !?*?;~ The PrkeS mentioned are for £*% 4L W ■ 1 Tussore Shantung Silk, 33in. wide. We have | Friday Only. It will be an enormous /% ■ U decided to release our remaining 10 pieces of | day. In many instances the lots are J M • ■ the above sllk weJght 18 m / m __ ReaUy worth | limited quantities. Don't Delay! mM__ ____h _____________\\ -m\V_-_t___\\ 7/6 per yard. Friday's Specikl Price, 2/ 1 1 = uj. lt° 9», Repp, Serge, etc., almost all attached, all .ize.—Friday'. Price is AI _ 1 each. 10? = shades Ah will be sold on Friday for ACk/C *J /| | " | That price is not the cost of the material. 'TD/ O, MEN'S ALL-WOOL SOCKS—New Zealand-made goods, PALMOLTVE TOILET SOAP—O Cakes For 1 1 Id: 1 MORNING GLORYS. Very nice home frocks. New bed .' Grc X. best finish, thoroughly pure—On Friday, « ** 2 1 sef5 e fi Kn ', Cam^ ic ' Print . Zephyr, Gingham, etc.— 2 Pa,r * 2/6. UFEBUOY SOAP—Friday's Price, 3 Cakes, 1 1 Id. = Friday's Price, C /I 1 .. / *** ll* I Oil. MEN'S PYJAMA SUITS—AII sizes, good quality, nice Z | p. wmmmmmmm____ _______________________ ____ mmmmmmmm , fading.. A great variety of .tripes—Friday. Price, WOLFF'S KALODERMA SHAVING STICKS—I / | LADIES' SAMPLE NIGHTDRESSES, com- 9/11 */"* g prising some of the very best made. They BOY'S TWEED KNICKERS—Dark, strong, best make, r""^ M "''* MMW ' M "'^"'*^**^^^| | are indeed superb goods of the very highest *" * ize * u p to 16 ~ At ° ne price on C /ll LADIES' CHAMOISETTE GLOVES—^The | order. This charming lot will all be showing N.B.—This is the Usual Price for Size 4. U/ IX, world-renowned Kayser brand, 12-button 1 on one table. They are of Wool Delaine. PRESENTATION GILLETTE RAZORS—Usually 6/6. length. In all the prevailing shade modes: 1 Crepe Flannel, Super Lawn, etc.—To be i. r L f*. r*i iV , sxl!d _ 3/ JT" EquaU 9^~ The Grey, stone, oak, putty, etc. A most astonish- | Cleared on Friday at Exactly HALF THE Complete on Friday for 4/g lot These charming goods are usually j MARKED PRICE. 'VICTOR" BRIAR PIPES—AII shapes, best root goods. sold » l at least . 8/11—Hart's Price on Friday | ' f Silver-mounted, 1/I 1 each. Unmounted, \ / IS 2/ 1 1 P * W ' | ABOUT 3000 YARDS OF ART. SILK MAROCAIN— 1/11 1/ - I «V I I 38 inches wide. A splendid range of shades, such as 5? EN ' S TOBRALCO sizes, collar to match. m _ _____ , _,_ „„.„.„.„ 1 Mole, Saxe, Ivory, Reseda, Tan, Fawns, Mustard, Pale The ye beßt of S°ods — Very Greatly Reduced for PRO-PH*-LAC-TIC TOOTH BRUSHES, English make, 1 Blue, Lt. Grey, Salmon, Ping, etc.—Usually Priced 7/6. Friday. Just imagine, O /I 1 (each. highest grade—| /Qi- each - I To Clear on Friday, Q/11 yard. °/' * X *' Z | O/ 1 1 I —————« KRUSCHEN SALTS—| /I 1 jar. | 30-INCH STRIPED FUJI SlLK—Dyed ground, highest TOYS FNOV FRUIT sai TIS_« / K«I I grade, about 1000 yards (only), all of good effect., IVJI O. ENOS FRUIT SALTIS— 2 / bottle. M mo.Uy wide stripes Usual Price, 6/11 Friday's Ho Yoiir Phl-iefmae Qknnnmn ' i.. Price, O/I 1 yard. X 0 lOW V.liriStmaß Shopping EPSOM SALTS, MORTONSI / * 1 NOW 7ft Packets For 1 / | 27-INCH JAP. SILK—A useful weight, all shades, or _, * *>W 1/". j nearly so. This i. an extraordinary offer—All to Clear The Stocks are IJOW complete. For LANE'S EMULSION, large size bottles—Q /1 Al 1 °»™**T*a 1/11 yrd. smaU j j h bottle. lUf I * / * * J • 1.1 • LJ DE WITTS PILLS large size bottles C / 1 so-inch crepe—a fine lot Every known .hade. S°ods you require until such time as D/-. I Full weight, best finish, fast dye—See this Most Wonder- yOU wish to Collect them. Weekly CUTICURA OINTMENT—I /Q | fui Lot on Friday at j j id. yard. payments accepted. l/^' I * * ? _--jmmm-ui» «^p lC u. ENGLISH CHINA WHITE AND GOLD CUPS AND | 40-INCH GINGHAM—Pure good.. About 2000 yard. ' fl SAUCERS—On Friday, A If* Half Dozen. I of thu ever popular fabric, in a fine range of shades GENT.'S SUMMER SINGLETS—Short sleeves, finished **/ U I and Whole to be Cleared on Friday a* throughout. Here is indeed a Marvellous Line— TEA SETS, 21-Piece China Tea Sets, with choice Rose | 1/" P T Fridays Price, 9/11 design, modern shape cups—On Friday, In/I 1 I W W A 73 Ladies' Silk I covers, strong frames, stylish ■""■ # I a Wool Coats handles. A little job lot All JI _______ Lovely goods. Wrap-over style, trimmed | to go on Friday at 8/11 each. cU PP ed wool—9o/- goods, for 49/g I DOOR MATS, heavy Door Mats, made for service On I —* „,„„._ Nm ,- 0 -,-„,„„„ 1 Friday, O/ll each. FRENCH ORIENTAL SATIN S i WHITE DINNER SERVICE, in best Staffordshire 1 £* 1 1 FRENCH ORIENTAL SATlN—Something unusual. Pottery, new round Vegetable Dishes and Coupee., 10, 1 ' . H * r * " a Never Before Bargain. A 12, 14-Jnch Meat Dishes.. 32-PIECE SERVICE—On = ROSI YN TRAVFIIIISir Dure p \i/ ic. - . lovely Pan ge of shades and designs. It is 36 inches Friday, QA //» I V-I J j TRA/ELLING RUGS—Pure Wool, Striped or wide. A grand fabric at a ridiculous price— o*l/0 | Checked designs. Splendid goods, suitable either for Usually at least 10/6. Friday's Price, O/1 1 *' | travel, camp or home-Friday. Price, \§ j\\ yard. Aj 1 1 TRIMMINGS, LACES, ETC. I FANCY MAROCAIN—Another sensational lot. It FRIDAY'S BIG BARGAIN | LADIES' STOCKINGS—BIack Mercerised Lisle, fully is 36 inches wide. A fine showing in all of the I O »IV* DARUAIiY | fashioned and finished; perfect dye; full length; superior latest shades. Over 35 different designs. A won- Net Collar, trimmed with four rows dainty Val. Lace— | goods 3/11, Reduced to 1/I 1 for Friday. derful lot—All to Clear on Friday at 1/"\ *1 X I^9 -- cil - | 1/11 yard. ■*■/'* * 2 Net Collar and Cuff Sets, trimmed with four rows VaJ. 1 SO-INCH WHITE TWILL SHEETING-Here is some- Choker., Silk, in a variety of colouring—3,6 = thing to wonder at. Pure goods of superior quality. . Ar »lF<i» STYVK-Ivr*: ah i -ll j cl j each. 1 Full double bed width-To be Sold on Friday for OI % !£ . STOCKINGS-All.wool, ribbed Shades: WU|- HeßJJt;tched H 6 dozen. = yard. __*/%_* Nigger and Tan. First-class goods. The shades being so ___.. _,_,.., , , , , - t . - E = ' l;—.ix_A ;. »u_ ca_ _~.-,, White Handkerchiefs, coloured borders 6 for 1/6. i = limited is the cause or the price 4/11 Goods for . J. I | 30-INCH ART CRETONNE Smart new designs, in 111 Lingerie Ribbon, in all good colours 3d. yard. | | great variety. Very superior cloth, being particularly 1/11 palr * Coloured Satin and Silk Ribbon, 3in. and sin. wide— | = heavy and strong wearing Friday's Clearing Price, ' Usual Price, 2/11. Special, Bid. yard. I = 1 / yard. Embroidered Flouncings, 27in. wide, dainty patterns— 1 | 1/" LADIES' STOCKINGS AU-wool, Black, ribbed, fast 1/81. Usual Price, 4/11 yard. | 1 ___n~~ >——,_-.__. --..,,*., o . . d y e ' «Pecial finish, full length, elastic *op—4/11 Goods White Cotton Lace and Insertions, new goods, Jin. to I s WHIIL IUKKJbH TOWELS—Much in demand by r €_ l _ _ ■__;- x'\_. wide 1/11 dozen. i | DentisU, Hairdressers, etc. Excellent quality. Sire, __\ /1 1 SOME OF THE SMALL WARES AT SMALL PRICES I | 16 x 30. As these are alway. bought in large quantities ' FOR FRIDAY. | = we will sell them at O/ C per dozen. Large Assortment Bag Handles, Tortoiseshell and White i I O/ O LADIES' STOCKINGS—Art Silk, mock seam, splendidly —Usually 5/6. For 1 3 each. j | finished. Shades: Grey, Putty, Desert, Brown, Onion, Suspenders, good quality elastic, Pink, Sky. White—l / 6 I | 40-INCH MADAPOLAM—This most useful superfine Nude, also Black or White—4/11 Goods for O/1 1 pair - „„,„,, , I | White fabric has been Greatly Cut in Price for Friday, £t X 1 Reversible Patent Belts, all colours, large selection to I | when it will be sold at 1 /O yard. """ choose from—9id each. 1 | 1/ «5 . Suede Belts, Fawns and Greys, |in. wide—l ,11 each. 1 Shetland Floss, all newest shades, loz. skein 9Jd Eg | THE FAMOUS DOCTOR FLANNEL—A big lot of this ' , Am**' a __■ _ tt i • • x . Black and White Tape, all widths—l/ 6 dozen. ~ I 1 famous All-wool fabric, in Dark Grey. Much used by q-ll PJ * j ¥T • JJ v- Tln J Kingfisher Wool, in all latest shades, loz. ball— 1 /4J. I | schoolboy., etc. _It will be Clewed on Frid.?atSSoj oo k lILZ fJlt JFV*^ S ?J*' Silk Fringes, 6in. wide, all the newest colours, Tan, I I O /AX yard. T Mock .earn fnll length, perfect fittang. S.xe, Sim. -J w B , ack T om __ to _ 2 , _ _ j ' | I fc/'ii to 10in.. Full range of shades: Nude, Putty, Sun- _ .-_/_•_ D :_ n _ _ ,- -- - I **/ burn> Champagne, Greys, Fawn, Resh, etc l, etc., J™<_ ed h,te R««n ers . ™ l h scalloped edge, 12 x 36— j I 54-INCH LINEN TABLE DAMASK —A strong, pure also in White or Black—Reduced from 6/11 to Cosies, ready-made and hemstitched, with I cloth, useful wwith; all good woven designs—Friday. 3/11 *"***- frilled edge 2/11 each. 1 Price U 9/fi yard ' ' Traced Cra.h Table Centres, 16 x 24in. A large assort- | / ' ment of pretty designs to choose from 1,11 each. = I IT 1 ¥*% T A | Silk Chokers lOftf llngths, be sold Tn q Frid7 y W\\ I __W _W ■ Oriental designs, plain ends. [j | (on,7> "gd per Roll. JL JL %JL JL A JL ■ A grand lot-6/11. For 3/g I

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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 232, 1 October 1925, Page 17

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Page 17 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 232, 1 October 1925, Page 17

Page 17 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 232, 1 October 1925, Page 17