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GRATIFYING IMPROVEMENT IN TRADE. SOCKEYE SALMON ADVANCED. REVISED PRICES ON O , CEDAR MQPS. " Auckland Star " omee, Wednesday. August 12. 1026. Merchants are llnding business very plentiful just now, raciors contributingto this being-: (1) Much better volume i from country towns, brought about to a certain extent by the opening or trie new dairy season inducing- heavier buying, made all the better by the partial interruption during; the floods, and also Influenced by the pood prices ruling for butter and cheese in the Home markets. (2) The arrival or the Island steamer tilts week With a good quantity ol" orders ror execution by return. Retailers will also reel Hie efTcct of the many country visitors who are rapidly lining all available accommodation In the city. A great impetus has been given tn trade during the past week or so by the anticipated arrival ol' tho American Fleet, drapery houses, in particular, reporting business as being: very brisk lor this period or the year. I'roviston houses have endeavoured to lay in what they consider will be ample supplies or local produce— bacon, eggs, butter, potatoes, etc., but in view ol' the tremendous number of overseas visitors coming for their short stay In our country, it is problematical whether stocks will be able to keep pace with the Inroads which will undoubtedly be made in them. The port presents an exceptionally busy appearance. In addition to the eight warships and three relier ships or the American squadron, many merchantmen are in the stream, berthed and arriving daily, in fact, the wharves will be hard put to It to cope with the amount of cargo to be handled. Glucose. The latest alteration notified to this market is a decline in indent rates or sixpence per cwt. O'Cedar Mops. Revised lists Issued at the beginning of the month showed that considerable declines had taken place, when compared with the previous list recently issued. Small triangle are down in/ per dozen, with a reduction of ninepencc each to the I consumer. Large battleship and large iriangie are also reduced 20/6 per dozen, and to the consumer 1/3 each, other lines remain unaltered. Tea. The quantity offered ror auction at the Colombo sales on the Oth inst. totalled 1.550.0001b, which was slig-htly loss than the usual quantity offered. With the exception of L'va.s, which showed a better Icar, qualities remained unchanged. Prices remained much the same as the previous week, with the exception of a lew or the medium grades, which showed a slight weakness. Demand was good. London buyers operating very rreely. The same strength in buying- was experienced at the previous week's sale, only in this instance Australian buyers did not operate. The monthly mail report for June shows that a total of 10* million pounds was brought to auction, which was about two millions In excess or the average lor the time or year. Shipments to Great Britain were in millions, making a total lor the year or 100 i millions, as compared with 08 millions for the corresponding period or last year. Although the quantity brought under the hammer averaged over 24 millions per sale, the whole of it was disposed or at prices which on the whole may be considered as quite satlsractory. All grades were in demand, particularly those teas which showed improved quality. During the month some nice invoices from the Uva Province and Nuwara Eliya district were oirered. Tho feature or the month was the keen demand for all wen made Orange Pekoes—common sorts in particular— which advanced up to 10 cents per lb. It will be noted that the average during the month advanced from Si to 89 cents, but the last average is considerably under that ror the same date last year. All markets were more or less Interested, there being a noticeable improvement in Ihe inquiry Trom South Africa. Persian Gulf buyers have apparently lined their requirements for the time being, at the last two sales or the month the buying being very limited. Quality generally was perhaps rather above the average for the time or the year, but, owing to the late setting in of the monsoon, line teas may be rather later this year than usual In coming on the market. The statistical position shows but little change, but in spite or the comparatively large stocks held in London, there appears to be no dllliculty in disposing or all tea oirered on the primary markets. So lar as Ceylon is concerned, crop prospects are good, and latest reports from India indicate that more attention is now being paid to manufacturing; a smaller quantity or better quality than larger quantities or interior teas which are not wanted. Desiccated Coconut. During the past week desiccated coconut has shown a weaker tendency, fresh prices received being at a further reduction of Gd per cwt. The reductions made during the previous week were not iinirorin. but reductions mad/; this week by the different shippers bring them nearly all into line with other houses. Sockeye Salmon. Recent cables received by agents ror one, or the chler packers advised a hardening market ror new season's British Columbia salmon. Sockeyes are commanding on tho English market approximately 4/ per case above the present NewZealand price, and the market is firm with advances expected in present indent prices at any time. Cohoes are also on the move, indications up to the present pointing to a smaller pack than usual. Asparagus. opening prices at the beginning of the season were quoted more than 20 per cent lower than the opening rates of the previous year. This resulted in a tremendous demand on stocks held by tanners who in some cases have had to advise their agents of their withdrawal from the market. One packer who withdrew prices estimated his shortag-e on 24 square cans as 17,092 cases, and on No. "I square tips 1 6,784 cases. The total shortage up to May 5 of this year as compared with the same period or last year on the above sizes is 33,870 cases. This does not include ail the comparative shortages, but only those that are Interesting tn this market Taking- the above figures into consideration, the pack this year cannot possibly equal the 1024 pack. Some dllliculty Is also expected to he experienced In taking care or future assortments of those buyers who have not yet covered 011 their 1025 requirements. Business has been conllrmed. at better prices than were obtainable a short time ago, 'and a much llrrner market is predicted in tho Immediate future. Cables received during the last few weeks advised increases on all new season's stocks, of from 7d to 9d per dozen. Chinese Peanuts. rtovised offers on new season's Chinese peanuts for .shipment during OctoberNovember show a decline or 15/ per ton rrom one shipper. Smyrna Figs. Cables received about a fortnight ago indicated that an advance on Smyrna figs was almost a certainty. Up to the present there has not been the amount of rorward nusincss transacted by retailers that was ai 1 rst anticipated, and the above infor,l ! n Cl ? r,y Indicates that those who rßmLimJ.?"* "] uool <i"e their Christmas p!-?c"s WIU lmve t,J l™y Hig-lier eulties and delays which were U LS' ft Cascara Sagrada. The indent market ror caseara sasrr-uin has shown a considerable decline |nY J the past r..w we«k«, tn,- laics n" Uulng a reduction or a 1 i p.-r ton Californian Prunes. Oversea markets ror Santa Clara pmnes arc Drilling up. Oiin ..r n,,-. larger corporation paeknra has noun..v ttl , advance !,r 3/C per cwt in present lml .MH rates while another l'Cllabl« shipper has withdrawn prices. Chicory, It is reported that the present chicory crop in Australia is much smaller man that or 102<- In consequence growers are likely to receive a price which is a t least double the rate current last year, when values were, much lower than usual. This crop always presents a dinicultv, inasmuch as there Iβ only a limited demand n Australia, and it is Impossible to export r racfi or the low values ruling in oih.. r countries. I- f J'' al Prices last year were unprofitable u> growers, but this year the crop should be a remunerative, one tv the

primary producer. It is reported that the total Australian crop will not exceed 300 tons or kiln dried chicory root. Californian Raisins. Cables to hand last week advised an advance or 1/ per cwt on oil bleached raisins, and a rurther advance or 2/0 per cwt on new soda bleached. Crystallised Cherries. Firmer markets aro now apparent oil French crystallised cherries, recent increases in prices amounting 10 Id per 11). Drained Cherries. The advance on crystallised i? al~<> reflected In the new Indent rates ror drained, which have advanced lid per lb. Dates. The market seems to have nrmed considerably on dates, as forward shipment is now higher for the next direct steamer. Khedrawi qualltv an , now quoted for forward shipment on the same basis as old season's. Sicily Almonde. A revision of indent rates on Sicilies to a slightly lower level was advised a fpw days ago, but up tv tlie present coullrmation hns not been received on the prices issued. Hand picked remain unaltered meantime. Cocoa Butter. Increases of I/C per cwt are noted in indent rates of cocoa butter. Hardware. The steady intlux of visitors to the city toward the end of lasi week, fur the opening of the Motor Olympia and also to see the arrival of the American Kleet, has been a great incentive to trade, the retail shops having already benefit tod substantially, and are expected to do more business as the number of arrivals increase. The result or the increase in retail trade and the anticipated further business lias already had the effect or increasing merchants' returns to a marked degree. During the last few days there has been a steady increase in the number of oversea arrivals of merchant vessels, so that wholesalers have been able in record further lists of consignments that are In good everyday demand. A few of the most important are: Lamp chimneys, hammers. aluminium ware. carpet sweepers, Skelton spades, Skelton forks, trowels, hoes, garden shears, mirrors, wooden spoons, bread boards, upright and inverted gas mantles, and put cleaners. Wholesale Current Prices. Dairy Produce. — Butler: Superfine ciualitv. bonked I/0 , , per lb: prompt cash. Opotlki 1/8} per lb, Anchor 1/8* per lb; first grade factory, 1/8 J per lb booked. l/S per lb for prompt cash; second grade factory, i/T* per lb booked, 1/7 per Hi prompt cash;" farmers' separator. 1/3 per lb. Cheese: First grade factory, medium size, lid to 1/ per lb: loaf. I/I to I/-J per lb. Bacon: Hams. 1/ 10 I/-. , per lb; rolled hams, 1/3; boned hams. l/;u per lb; baron, sides, lOid to lid per lb; rolled sides, 1/1 per lb; lard, bulk lid per lb, pats 1/ per lb. Breakfast Foods.—-Creamoata, small 15/ per dozen, large 23/ per dozen. -JO'S 120/ per dozen; gerstena, 22/ per dozen; gruelmeal, s's 35/ per 100; germtna. 4}'s 15/ per dozen; milk oatles, 20/ per dozen: oatina. 4's 22/ per dozen; Thistle rolled oats, 21b packets 12/ C per dozen, ilb bags 22/ per dozen, 20's 104/ per dozen: standard, 5Jd per lb; wheatmoal. s's 15/ per dozen; oatmeal, local and Southern, s's 35/ per 100, 25's 33/ per iOOlb. Flour.—.Local and Southern, 2001b sacks, £19 15/ per ton; lOOs, £20 10/ per ton; 50's, £21 per ton; 25's, £21 15/ per ton, less 2i per cent discount. Teas (in packets).—Amber Tips, 2/10; Bell, 2/10: Lion, 2/8; Stag. 2/7; Roma, 2/8; Choysa. 2/7; Mazawattee, 2/8. Sharps and Bran.—Australian Pollard, £11 per ton; bran, £10 10/ per ton; local sharps, £10 10/ per ton; bran, £9 10/ per ton. O'Cedar Goods.—Oil and dry mops: Small triangle, 56/ dozen; large battleship. Sl/0 dozen; Interchangeable, 102/ per dozen. Handles: 9/ per dozei. Hand dusters: 38/ per dozen. Oil: -ioz, 14/ dozen; 12oz, 28/6 dozen; quart, 58/fi; hair gallon, 100/; one gallon, lis/ dozen.

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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 189, 12 August 1925, Page 4

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THE MARKETS AT A GLANCE. Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 189, 12 August 1925, Page 4

THE MARKETS AT A GLANCE. Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 189, 12 August 1925, Page 4