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August 13, id—Canterbury Jockey Club. August 15—Pakuiang-a Hunt Club. August 2U anu s>2 —Wellington H.C. lucetlng , ;, August 29—."North Taranaki Hunt Club, september -J, a—Marton jockey Club. September s—Otago Hunt Club. September s—Mauawatu Hunt Club. September 10, 12—Wanganul Jockey Club. September IC—Dannenrke Racing Club. September IT —Dannevirke Hunt Club. September 18, l'J —Ashburtoii County Racing- Club. September 19, 2 I—Otaki Maori Racing Club. September 2 1, 25—Geraldine Racing: Club. September 26 —>apier Park Racing Club. September io, -.'8 —Avoiidalo Jockey Club. October I—Kurow Jockey Club. Octouer 3—Hawke's liay Jockey Club. October 8, 10—Dunedm Jockey Club. October S, lu—Whangarel Racing- Club. October 9, 10—Masterton Racing Club. October 16, 17—Oamaru Jockey Club. October 17 —Carterton Racing- Club. October 21, i>:. , —-Rlverton Racing Club. Ui-tuber -' i —Egmont-Wang-anui Hunt Club. October -J., -JO—Wellington Racing Club. Oetuber 20—Waikato Hunt Club. Q(tober 26 —."North Canterbury Racing- Club October sifl —Waipawa County Racing , Club. October i.'O —Waverley Racing: Club, o October 26, 28 —Core Racing: Club. October 29. 31—Poverty Day Turf CluD. November i—Btrchwood Hunt ciub. >ovember 7, 9 —Auckland Racing Club. ."November 7, 9, 11, 14—Canterbury Jockey Club. November 14. IC—Waikato Racing Club. November 18 —Asnnursi-l'ohang-ma Racing Club. November 18, 10 —Wintnn Jockey Club. November 22—Levin Racing Club. November 26. is—South Canterbury Jockey Club. November 28. 3U—Takapuna Jockey CluD. November iS, 30 — Felliiingr Jockey Club. December s—Metliven Racing Club. December s—Tauniarunui5 —Tauniarunui Racing- Club. December 9, 10—Woodviile District Jockey Club. lipccinber 12—Walpa Racing Club. December 17. 19—Dargaville Racing Club. December 19—Banks Peninsula Racing Club. I December 26—Waipukurau Jockey Club. December 35, 28—Westland Racing- Club. December 26, 2S —Taranaki Racing- Club. December 2(5. 28 —Dunedin Jockey Club. December 20, 28, 29 —Manawatu Racing: ciub. December 26, 29, January l, 2—Auckland Racing: Club. December 3 1, January 1, 4 —Greymouth Jockey Club. Oration is among- those nominated for the stratl'orcl Handicap at the ."North Taranaki Hunt meeting , . Ciaillard is reported to be well forward at Wanganui, and pleased last week by tin. , way he ran over hair a mile. Marie has been pleasing: In his work at ■\Yang-aniii, and he will be one of those faii'-ind for important events early in the spring , . kauri Park continues to please by the way he schools at Ellerslie, but he should be difficult to beat In near future engagemeiUs. Kiosk, a Tea Tray colt, which has had to have a spell in consequence of contracting a cold, is again in work at Wanganui. King- Amans and Pancmto are Auckland horses engaged at the North Taranaki Hunt meeting, to be held at the end or the month. The Thorn, one or Mr. G. Currle's tlirce-year-olds, Is going along the right way at Wanaanui, and jylves promise of being useful this season. n road wood is being kepi up to his work nt Ell'Tslie, but owing- to recent soreness, which lias not yet completely disappeared, he may not be quite at his best on Saturday. Joy Rifle continues 10 ?o along nlcely in his work at Eiierslie. and maybe Hie son or Merry Moment will show to better advantage this season than he did duringthe season just closed. J. Coyle is now training- at Awapuni> having- taken the stable occupied formerly by T. George. One or his charges at present is Cntcpil, leased by .Mr. V. Rlddirord to Mr. <",. E. Turner. King Amans is a fine fencer, and he has Imprp-i.eod with his displays over hurdles al Kllcvslle. lie jumps boldly and has I ;i'-e. !>iki the Hunters , Hurdles on Saturday may lint be beyond him. Pei'M- \mgns is nominated for the Ludl>iw )Mi.- f i|,. n-"-e fin the iirst day of the W.'iiiiivron Fleet meeting and the Admiral's Stc-ples on tin- concluding day. He T\-niii well over hurdles at Ellerslie yesterday. RalTor!" i= working well at Ellerslie, snd wwit nicely over the hie Onres on ;'ii'S(!'.v. \ roiinli , of s«"i-on« ntro he won !•(■ W'.iikaln Hunt Club Steeplechase, p'irr wlnnnsr tin: Maiden Sieeplechase on tin , same clay. Peiliam is a really troocl horse when, pi-inprly right, hut he may not be quite ready to do himself justice at Ellerslle on Saturday next. He, however, should be ■••en to advantage before the spring flxttircs are concluded. Most satisfactory nominations have r>«cn received for the fleet meeting at Ticntham, and amon»f the Auckland horses , en.nag-eft are Peter Amans, Passionate, Po'mpev. Rallymoy, Klllute, Joy Ride, Pretland, Broadwo<jd and Greetings. I.iR-htwood, which is entered for the second division of the Auckland Handicap, hails from the Wbanffarci district. He has done most or his rarlne , in the North, and is endowed with a fair amount or speed. Perhaps a mile might be a trine beyond him. I.arty Ridicule looks brifrht and well imrt moves" nicely in her work st Ellerslie. She has a good deal of pace, and may be hard to dispose of in future engagements. Tliis mare is wclg-hted at 10.12 in the Dunedin Handicap at PaKurans-a on Saturday next, and by the way she is going , at present will have some friends. They are not. a \<Vy brilliant lot in the first division of the Auckland Handicap. On performances on the flat last season Cohesion and Adi Vunlvola will probably find mo«l ,rrlend«. The latter ran very well at the last Wellington meeting, while Cohesion showed to advantage over a mile and a rurlong at the last Avondale meeting. N-.mi!terr» pus been petting , through good york at Ellerslle recently, and If he Is in Hie mood mn v be in the picture in the Dnnedin Hnndican. H is a long- time since he won a nice; in fact, one ha« In ' go back to the A.H.C summer meeting of ' 1923-2 1 in find him snliitlng the iudpe. However, his track work has been all light recently. Hoarlri is a smart sprinter, ami he showed that he wus possessed or more than average pace when !)■■ won the Visitors' Handicap at Ellerslie last June, beaiina-. among others. Rare, Master noon y< , , Killocra. He 1s one or those a'-eepte-l Tor In the Dunedin Handicap at Ellor«lle on Saturday, and ir he has retnined his form In the meantime he «hniilrl have soniethincto say In the (lei-|<lori of the event, lie has not arrived from the North yet. Adrienne. which Is next to Llewellyn In the Hunt Cup at the Pakurann-a mwriri? won the steeplechase at the Waikato Hunt Club's meeting last October, beatlnu-Cil«-ntiii, Llewellyn and others. She also Mulshed third in tile June Steeplechase at the recem Ilawkes nay mcetinii-. In tlv previous season she was only siarteti once, and won the Hunt Cun Steeplechase al the Etrmont -Wanganui Hunt meeting, Adrienne is an aged mare by Advance. doleful fitly has not put in nn appearance yet at headcpia;iers, Inn the "on nf KiUiiiy Is one or |he rnucli-dlsciissed enndldnli-> riii- Hi'- li'Uleoi- Handicap. The season lieloi-e lasl lie won one ( ,r (!■,. divis.-ii'is ill' Hie Jj'fvols IliLUdicap ill Elli'l-sllc. lie ran thii-.l in Mm- Ciinivvall llandiciip al !*}•• i"<-eiii A.H.c. winier TiiceMiiir after helnjc pr .iiiiiieni all Hie way. ail-1 IT he |H ill ;is μ-mri fellle ne\l S-Ui'i--rl:iv l!.- sliniilil t •!;<• s«.iui' ln'.itlllß, for Hull -1.1 is not a very Mrt'lig one. I'll.-' i-tjiss tracks ;\- Ellerslle have not Iμ en open reeentlv owing in ihe rain, and tiiose iiainers who wish to si-ii'l ihcir rif.irfri- * ;i'oiif have bi-i-n uslns . Hie sa.'ifl. Sit- Archly, which has been sprlnterl ttv. tills track, has plcas-d by the way he Ins c:i-rie<l r.iit h!< tasj-rs if he- fflrns f •• i':n-i(.|- ;n i|,,. i),':ic.-i ; !i (lanrikan nn\"l .~-iqr;i-.v in i-p pnkiivin-a "un: -t...|.i „- Xv It' i'-'''i ''i.. '',"' ; i " r, " , ' 1 ■ ;,:,,1 i;; ■«>'<■[<■ and HI wnn'n' 1 m l -. \" ac 4' "«w"So l ßele lie ■ 0 / ois ilaaaicap at

Mi i Hi'!!a i< still <• ij-iyi.iar a spell ir tiie pauuuck, ma win b«' uilcr-n in r.atic ajraiii shortly. I.aily rynir has nut developed ;is well expected and will iic..t in- railed upoi iv rai• 'j until late 111 the, season. The ['Inland—TnbiMle mare; Fllielli. iworking well at Tv Awamutu ami is ir nice condition to commence racing. A two-year-old brown filly by rarci Money—Grey Linnet, in 1". E. I.oomb'i stable, has developed into a promisinglookiny- g-alloper. Since entering- F. E. Loomb's stables tlic Ml Black srelcllnt', Black Cruiser, lias bum up a lot ana on present appearances should more than pay his way this season. Nukumal won the Jumpers' Flat Race at Riccarton yesterday in g-ood style, and this will bring him Into favour for the Grand National Hurdles on Thursday. He scored in this event last year, but railed to gain a place in the big event. During- the season just closol the Te Awamulu trainer. Mr. V. V. l.oomb, Won £670:! in stake money with his team, the chief contributors being-: Illumination £27 12, Tinclll £1125, Mia Bella £1100, and Desert Glow £6SO. He turned out lv* winners during the season. Since being- taken South Kaikahu has raced well over hurdles. He recently won a hurdle race at the Waimate meetIng-, also at the South Canterbury meeting, and yesterday ran second to Te Kawa In the Trial Hurdles at Riccarton. Kaikahu Is more than useful over the sticks. Te Kawa won the Open Hurdles at the Christchurch Hunt Club's meeting- very easily, and rollowed up that success by scoring: in the Trial Hurdles at Riccarton yestPrday. Last season Pantiago won the event and finished second in the big hurdles, while Vagabond put up a similar performance the year before. Te Kawa will be one of the popular selections for the Grand National Hurdle Hace to-morrow. Captain Parto i> a pretty fair sort of a hurdler, fur at the Wellington meeting- tie showed by his second to Penury Rose in tUe Trentham Hurdle Hacr that he had pace and could jump well, lie was third in the Jumpers' Klat Hace at Hfcrarton yesterday, and will be among , the lig-hter-weig-hted division to command respect In the Grand Natiqnal Hurdle Hace to-morrow. After his running , at the Christchurch Hunt Club's meeting- at Hiccarton Chickwheat was stated to be a certainty to win at the Grand National meeting , , and he duly annexed the Cashmere Plate, beating, among others, Sir Georg-e Clifford's Serotina. The latter began quickly at the Hunt meeting-, and to this was attributed her success. Anyhow, on recent performances, she seems to be a useful sort. Kuhio was a pretty smart sprinter last season, but the best distance he won over was seven furlongs. He showed up in short distance events at the recent Wellington meeting: and went out favourite for the Parliamentary Handicap, one mile and a-ciuarter, but ran last all the way. His success in the Winter Cup was not anticipated despite the fact that I\. Reed was on him. but it Is stated it was larg-ely due to Reed's horsemanship that Kuhio was enabled to beat sun i_p. According- to P. Hazleman, who trains Tor Mr. C. Elgar, Llcinius has wintered satisfactorily, and has developed into a commanding , throe-yoar-old. He has dono a fair amount of solid, steady work, and is in just the right condition for the time of year. He will not be raced until the Hawke's Bay spring meeting , , where he Is engaged In the Hawke's Bay Guineas. The four two-year-olds in the stable have all come, on well, and especially the three Australian-bred ones. They were sprinted recently in the presence of their owner, Mr. C. E. Elgar. The Comedy King— Camilla colt is not to be hurried, and It is not intended to race him until the autumn. The Rossendale—Naarilla (Illy shows more promise of coming to hand earlier than the Rossendale—Pansy colt. All three, however, have shown that they can gallop.

I r;. Spinks arrived from rarroa yesterday j with llic ttin.x-ycar-olrt Blllikens, which is ! '■nfagecl at liic Pakurangra Hunt meeting , . The Absurd mare I.auy Cintra, which/ miii a disappointment last season, Is , expected to run proiuiucntly over elg"lu furlongs this season. i Arch Arrow. Subdivision and tlie Surivcyor—Miss Hazel liily were grlven barrier ; practice at Ellerslie yesterday and ar(iuittccl themselves well. j Illumination lias just been taken in hand • again after a good spell. The Australiani bred horse looks bright and burly and 1 should again pay his way Ihis season. The hurdler Chirrup is striding: along boldly In liis work at Te Awamutu. All Talk Is making , a good recovery from the injuries he sustained at the Trentham meeting , . i Norma Talmadg-e, a four-year-old filly by The Sybarite, is expected to reach Auck- I land by the L'limaroa from Sydney to-day and will go Into J. Williamson's stable. She won a couple of races as a iwo-vear-old. Though piared on several occasions last season, the Flying: King-—Vanga filly, Air •jueen, has still to win a race. if she makes the improvement expected she j should not be long- in breaking ncr maiden status this season. The Hawke's Bay owned mare. Merry Sara, by Merry Moment, Is now quartere'l in F. E. Loomb's stable at To Awamutu. Merry Sara his displayed g-allopiny ability and should take a prominent part during , thr ; country circuit. G. A. Held intends leaving: on Friday with the Marble Arch gelding , , Archeen, for Trentham. If Archeen runs prominently at the fleet meeting , it is tJie intention to remain south lor the Martou and Wonganui meeting-s. Pir Rospbery seems to have run a very disappointing race in the Grand National Steeplechase. The Great Northern doublewinner was going wen when he left hero, but since his arrival In the south tines not scorn to have taken at all kindly tv the Riccarton country. One of the best developed two-year-olds In the Waikato is a chestnut Oily by Catmint —Hades. She is a regular attendant at the tracks at To Awamutu and gives promise of being more than useful, though she may not bo asked to do any serious racing until late in the season. The Limelight—Hobble Skirt gelding, for which F. E. Loomb paid a high price last January and which sustained severe injuries when being- detrained at Te Awamutu, has made what appears to bo a complete recovery. A patient policy is being pursued with the Australian-bred gelding- to give him every chance. Sun Up, which won the Brabazon Welter at the Chrlstchurch Hunt Club's meeting, appeared to have a great chance In the Winter Cup Tor ho did not have nearly so much weight to carry, and in the llrstinentioned event led from end to end. However, Kuhlo just managed to beat him. Sun Up should win good races In the near future. The Brabazon Welter is apparently a g-uide to second place In the Winter Cup. In -lOi'3 Boadicea won It and ran second to Sunny Lech in the Winter Cup, Broadwooft did the same last August and now we have Sun Up repeating- the performance. I Tukl, which won the Grand National Steeplechase, commenced the season by running second in a hurdle race at the Taranaki Hunt meeting-. Mc was later third In the Thames Valley Steeplechase and subsequently won the Egmont SteepleChase. He was third in the Wanganul Steeplechase and occupied a similar position In the Great Northern and Winter Steeplechases at Ellerslie last June. At the Wellington meeting he was second to Peter Amans In the July steeplechase, but last Saturday week, when started in the Homeby Steeplechase at Riccarton, ran a very poor race.

The English-bred filly by Santair from Bachelor Girl is again In work at Tβ Awamutu. The filly was foaled in May, IOSI, and is yet untried owing to a slight fetlock injury last season. renury Rose won the Trentham Hurdle Race and tlipn got a knock when contesting the Winter Hurdle Race, in which he led for a long way. He also -went sore apain recently, but after running second, in the Jumpers' Flat Race yesterday he will be in demand for the big hurdle event to-morrow. THE PAKURANGA MEETING. The Pakuranga Hunt Club's race meeting will be held at Ellerslie nest Saturday, and given line weather there should be some most interesting racing. Excellent fields are engaged and the nrst event is timed to start at about 11.30 a.m.


Kauri Park, Irish Jig- and Golden Sovereign galloped six furlongs on the outside of the course proper at Ellerslie this morning. Kauri Park Jumped away in front and got a slight break on the others, but Irish Jig was in front or him at the finish. The time was i.21 4-5.


J. T. Jamieson has arrived at Ellerslie with Le Choucas, Ring the Bell, Spoony, Ktntr's Speech, Bold Front and the Tea Tray—Hula Girl colt.


That valuable publication the "New Zealand Surf Register" for last season is now to riand from the publishers, the Christchurch Tress Company, and as usual It Is replete with information concerning all totalizator meetings. In addition there are entries for forthcoming classics, blood stock sales, racing statistics, rules or racius. etc. To students of form, besides owners and trainers, this is a most handy book and no one interested in racing should be without it. The price Is 10/ cash or 10/b posted. The "New Zealand Trotting: Register" is Issued as v separate volume, and it covers all trotiing meetings during the season Just closed, besiues giving a great amount or other valuable Information. The price is 7/6 or 7/10 posted. Early application lis necessary, as only a limited number of '• Registers " is printed.


(By Telegraph.—Own Correspondent.) CHRISTCIIURCH, Tuesday. Boomerday has resumed light exercise, and, ir not started in the Grand National Hurdle Race, may be started on the last day or the meeting. niccarton representation at the American Fleet Meeting at Trentham includes: Hed Krlss, Cashman, Bonomel, En Route, Te Kawa, The Cheat, Forgery, Tlgerland, and Lava. Warhaven was not started In the Winter Cup. The Kilbroncy gelding is Inclined to be thick winded, and the weather conditions during the past week have been altogether against him getting a strong , enough preparation for a race over a mile. I Prize Rose, which is nominated for the Hunters' Steeplechase Handicap at the Otago Hunt Meeting, has not raced since winning the Maiden Steeplechase at the same fixture two years ago, as the race was then named. He carried the colours or Mr. L. C. Hazlett. Wlndermere, which was entered for cross-country events at the Canterbury Jockey Club's Grand National Meeting, was not brought north with F. Shaw's team. The Sunny Lake gelding is suirering rrom some minor trouble in one of his shoulders, and has been put by until nextwinter. Owners and trainers have made a very good response to the Wellington RacingClub's American Fleet Meeting. A large

number of horses that will be racing , at Riccarton this week are booked to take part, and the names of several horses that will be getting an early run in public in view of spring , engagements are also in the lists. The meeting- should be entirely successful. Hig-hway, which is now at Riccarton, looks wen, and Is expected to be a particularly prominent runner in the Grand National Hurdle Race. The annual match between ?>'orth and South Island jockeys resulted in a win for North By 15 points to 0. Tries were scored by N. Rowe (2), L. G. Morris, W. Rennie, and P. Mcßrearty. On account of the unfavourable weather the attendance was not so large as usual. A collection was taken up on behalf of Mrs. W. Sharp, widow of the Ellerslie trainer who died recently leaving a large family.

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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 189, 12 August 1925, Page 14

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RACING NEWS. Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 189, 12 August 1925, Page 14

RACING NEWS. Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 189, 12 August 1925, Page 14