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Sunset : To-dnv. 4.41. Sunrise : To-morrow, 0.50. Moon: Last Quarter. 14th. 12.11 a.m. HIGH WATER. Auckland To-day, 5.31 a.m. 0.6 p.m. Auckland Wed., 0.28 a.m. 0.56 p.m. Onehunga Wed., 0.43 a.m. 1.0 p.m. Kaipara Hds. . .Wed., 0.88 α-m. 12.,'ij p.m. Mnnukau Hds..Wed., 11.43 a.m. 12.0 p.m. ARRIVALS—YESTERDAY. Kamona, from Westport, ". p.m. THIS DAY. West Calera, from San Francisco, 4 a.m. Taniwha, from Pneroii, 4 a.m. Clnymore, from Whaugnrel, 5 a.m. Hnnanui, from Russell, O.O'i a.m. DEPARTURES—YESTERDAY. Motu, for Opotiki, I! p.m. Matangl, for Tauranga, 7.10 p.m. Hlkurangi, for Wliangarei, 7.H0 p.m. Mannia, for Wliangarei, 10.10 p.m. Tins DAY. Otimai, for Whakntane, O.j.i n.m Elsie Mary, for Gisborne. noon. Niagara, for Vancouver, 1 p.m. VESSELS IN POUT. In Stream —Kewa (barque), Nortlieru Chief (Bchooner). North Wall —Whnngnpe. Prluce's Wharf—Tofua. Canadian Skirmisher, West Calera, Wainui. King's Wharf —Waihora, Waiwera. Central Wharf—Kurow. Queen's Wharf—.Southern Cross. Western Wharf —Kamouu. NORTHERN COMPANY'S MOVEMENTS. Expected Arrivals. To-day. — Kawau. from Kumni, Leigh and Mangawai, r> p.m. To-morrow.— Hauitl. from Kerepeehi, 3a.m.; Manilla, from Wliangarei, (> a.m.; IMatuiigi. from 'i'aurungii, 7 n.m.; Apanul, from Awuniil and Waipapukauri, !l a.m.; Itarawa, from New Plymouth, i> .in.; Rlniu, from Raglan and Kawhla, (i a.m. Projected Departures. To-day.—Tauiwhu., for Puerua, midnight; Clansman, lor ltus.sell, Opua, Wliaugaroa uud Maugonui, li p.m.; Clnymore, for Whangarei, iI.M p.m.; Uiuana, tor Brown's Bay, Arkle's Bay, Deep Creek and Sllverdale, 4 D.ra. To-inorrow.—Mauitl, for Waiheke, 10 a.m.; Knwau. for Kawau. Leigh, Ti Point, Tukatu unit Big Oimiha, 10 a.m. TUGELA FROM ANTWERP. Direct lor New Plymouth, Wellington, Lyttelton, Napier and Auckland, the Norwegian-Australian steamer Tugeln left Antwerp on May 211. She has loaded at Baltic ports, and is due at New Plymouth next month. SWEDISH SHIPBriLDIN-U. In Sweden hist year, among the large vessels launched were motor ships of U6,04u tons and steamers of unly iTIS tons. At Ihe beginning of the year steamers of ,"5510 tons were being built and motor ships of 37,400 tons. MAUNGANUI AT WELLINGTON. At daybreak, this morning the Union Co.'s at Wellington from Sydney, "she is to sail on her return trip on Friday next, and is to leave Sydney for Auckland on Friday of next week. ITALIAN SHIPPING LAID UP. According to information received hy the Department of Overseas Trade the amount of Italian tonnnge laid up for want of freights on February 1 was bTi.44S tons, compared with r)0,4-Jt! tons on January 1. The greater part of the idle tonnage consists of small or medium-sized vessels, the passenger and passenger cargo ships being almost all employed. PIAKO LEAVES GISBORNE. For Auckland, where she is expected to arrive late to-night, the N.Z. Shipping Co.'s steamer Piako left (Jlsboruc at half-past ten last evening. On arrival at Auckland she will anchor In the stream until to-mor-row, when she will berth at the Central wharf. On Saturday she will lin dispatched for New York, Boston, Glasgow, Liverpool, •Manchester and Avoninonth. AVERAGE RATES FOP. TONNAGE. Lloyd's List lias published an interesting rhart showing the fluctuations in the average rates paid for steam tonnage on time charter since liino. From tills chart it appears that the average rnto at the end or last year was ii/. whirl, Ih the lowest figure touched glnep 1014. The average rate paid last year was 88.02 per cent of the rate in lnon. which comperes with f>0.41 per cent in Ift. , :?. 10S.G8 per cent in I!rJ2 C,2 sv per cent in 1014, and SO.S.'J per it in Wia. TTJNGSHA WITH PHOSPHATES. Now discharging at Sydney, the Nor-wegian-Australian motor ship Tnngsba is to romp on to Auckland to unload 1.100 tons of Red Sea phosphates. Messrs. W. R Laurie nnd Co. have been advised that the vessel will reach here on Monday. Hence she proceeds to Lyttelton to complete discharge. Captain Christensen. on arrival at Brisbane, reported an uneventful trip, the vessel maintaining good time, averaging 12 knots. About SOO tons of cargo were unloaded at Brisbane. UNION CO.'S STEAMERS. Following are the latest movements of ■vessels under the flag of the Tnion Co. :— Kauri bns been delayed by rain at Lyttelton, and cannot leave there before Kurow is timed to sail nt ." i>.m. to-day for Newcastle. From Newcastle she is to proceed to Sydney to complete her cargo for Fiji and Auckland. Kamona arrived j-esterdn.v afternoon from Westport, nnd berthed at tile Western Fo h r ar \Ve s t h Cw""""" C "" '" N '' [ " lm0 "^ Wainui Iβ to sail from ihe Prince's port? ° I,m - l "" la - v ' f " r Ni 'l> i,,r ' Til wulS h0 S 1, t nOW ? isch!u ' l:in ' r nt the King , , caetle.' on Th ursdny for New-

The ftishorne Slipepfarmprs' stpampr Tlrou loft (ilsborne Inst evening for Aucklanil, where she Is dn.- to-morrow. The Klrhnrdson steamers, Mnkn and Awnhou. arc t.> snil this evening fur Kimt Const hays. The I'utlki i.s due in port tomorrow from I'ortlnml to complete her The Norwegian whale chasers. Star IV. nml Star V., hnvlng undergone overhaul mill repairs, left Port Chalmers yesterday fur (lie wiutvr base at Stewart Island, where Stnrs 11. ami 111., recently repaired, nre also wintering. When her repairs itro completed Star 1. will also proc-'d from fort Chalmers In Stewart Island x> await Ihe opening of I hi' whaling season in the Antarctic. Thp Anglo-Dutch Meal Company's new lug-boat Nepos wan recently hoisteu aboard Aires, 'i he new vessel, which is over !>utt iii length, wiih i< displacement uf .■'.;> tons, was hoisted iihoard by meaiiK of :t huge lli>rrli-K with eigln -Jjln hawsers, anil placed In position on ihe RiHllnnd'H su-rn KKEI.UNi; NOT REPORTED. Coming from New York with general cargo, mi! Kllcrman Buckuall steamer Keening is due in arrive in Auckland at mi can.v date. Inn has nol yet reported by wlri-icm*. 1 lie New Zealand Shipping Uimpany arc I Mc local ageuis. MAKTRA CONTIXVES VuYAtiK. Carrying paseengers mails and cargo, the Union Cols liner -Makiini whs timed Iα leave Wellington lor Sydney in continuation of her voyage lrom San Francisco at 3 p.m. to-day. Mic is due in .Sydney on Saturday. WAIOTAIT DIE TO-MORROW. Hrlnglug cargo from the Pacific Coast, the Union Co. - * irans-Pncitie sicanipi- Waiolapu is due to arrive at Auckland tomorrow, having cleared San I'rancisco on May 111. She will put mil t'.ie local portion of her cargo at the Prince's wharf hefore proceeding lo Wellington Melbourne and Sydney. AORANIiI KIIOM VANCOUVER. Having left Vnurunver on Wednesday last, the Union L'u.'s motor liner Aorangi is due at Honolulu to-morrow. She is announced hy the local office of ihe company to arrive at this port on Sunday, June l>l. and in resume her voyage to Sydney at 8 p.m. on Monday. June 22. WARXINU TO MARINERS. The Superintendent of Mercantile Marine warns masters of vessels that , the scow Orlni. which was destroyed hy lire on Friday afternoon last, between Stephens Island and Tort Hardy, was sighted afloat at 3.30 a.m. oil .Saturday, six miles N.W. of Stephens Island lighthouse, and is likely 10 he a danger lo navigation. ULIMAROA FROM SYDNEY. From Sydney with passengers nnd cargo, Ihu Huddart Parker steamer Uliniaroa is due to arrive at Auckland at midnight. Tomorrow mornini: she will undergo inspeclion before, .berthing at the eastern side of the Queens wharf. She is timed to sail on her return trip to Sydney at 11 a.m. on Friday. TIIK CANADIAN SKIlf MISHKK. For further discharge of her cargo from Montreal, the Canadian (Jovernnient steamer Canadian Skirmisher is timed to leave Auckland at ,"i o'clock this afternoon for Wellington. The vessel, which is berthed at the Prince's wharf, will complete her discharge at Southern ports and will then load for New York. Boston, and Montreal, being scheduled lo return lo Auckland for linal loading. PORT MELBOURNE TO-MORROW, An expected arrival at Auckland tovla Suva. The vessel, which' comes to the agency of Ihe Farmers Co-operative Auctioneering Company, has wirelessed that she will arrive in harbour at !( a.m. After discharging the local portion of her cargo at the Queen's wharf, she is to proceed to Lyttelton and New Plymouth to put out the balance. MATANIiI FOR OVERHAUL. When she arrives at Auckland from Tnurnnga to-morrow, the Northern Company's steamer Matimgi will he withdrawn for her annual overhaul and survey. The Manaia will make a trip in the Matangl's running to-morrow evening, but on Friday will revert to her usual run. the Friday I rip lo Taurangri being taken by the Ngapuhi. The time-table for next week has not yet been arranged. TRANS-PACIFIC CARGO SERVICES. Movements of Ihe Union Co.'s vessels engaged in the trans-Pacillc cargo services are announced as follows : The llaitraki. en route from Sydney to Vancouver, via Fanning Island, was due at Fanning Island yesterday, and is due at Vancouver on June 22. She will load nt Vancouver and San Francisco during late June and early July for Auckland. Wellington, Melbourne. Adelaide, nnd Sydney. The Waihemo left Napier on Saturday for Lyttelton.. lJunedln. and New Plymouth to complete discbarge. The Wlllnston is due at Vancouver on .Tune IS. and will load there and at San Francisco during .Tune for Napier. New Plymouth. Lyttelton. Timarii, Uunedin, and Bliiff. The forward loading dates at Pacific Coast ports are approximately as follows: Wairuna. late July, early August: the Waiotapu, late August, early September; the Waihemo, September; the Willastou, October : the Ilniiraki, late October, early November; the Wairuna, November; the Waiotapu, early December. NEW LINER COMORIN. Now on her maiden voyage. Hie new P. nnd O. liner Comorln. v sister ship to the Cathay, is due at Freniuntle from London on June 20. Built by Messrs. Barclay, Curie, and Co.. Ltd., she completed successful trials in the Firth of Clyde, the mean speed attained being l~i knots. She has a length of 545 ft. breadth of 70ft. and depth of 40ft. with a gross tonnage of 13,000. and will carry 11,000 tons deadweight. Of the total capacity for cargo of 000.000 cubic reet, 300,000 cubic reet is iUHillnted for the carriage of refrigerated cargo preserved at any desiied machinery supplied by Messrs. J. "and E. Hull. LLd., ..•urtford. The propelling machinery consists of twin screw quadruple expansion balanced engines and seven large boilprs of 2201b pressure, burning oil fuel under forced draught. A Ramsay patent marine governor is fitted. Everything that contributes to safety, comfort, and convenience has been installed, noteworthy among which are the moot modern synteni of handling the extensive number of lifeboats, the mechanical appliances for workIng the watertight doors, the live large electric generating engines and dynamos, nnd the mechanical ventilation throughout. NIAGARAS PASSENGERS. Round for Suva, Honolulu and Vancouver, the Union Company's R.M.s. Niagara left Auckland this afternoon, taking the followin" pnssengers embarked at this port : — First saloon : Misses K. Anderson, P. C. Kallin, A. C. Blackler, A. Hums, U. D. Busby. M. E. Cameron. Canning. M. Cooper, .1 Klllnghnm, h. Findlay. l>. Fuller, O. M. Just. H. 1). Kersley, (i. Kuhnel. D. L. Mncaulcy. A. F. M. B. Taylor-Brooke, M. C. Thompson, M. S. Martin. R. G. Smith. N. Tonge, Wnlter. L. E. Williamson, Wyllie: Sister Spiggins : Mesdames ,T. A. Blaekler, Warren Blyth, Brewis, Burns (2), Bushy, Cory-Wright. A. Ellinghnm, W. Elliott, Hamilton. M. I. Higglns, Holmes. C. Kersley. 1). Kydd. M. Macaiiley, Makower, E. Mulr. MeKelvlo. oldficld. Orr, M. 11. Penrson. Price. Rpeee. Reynolds, Srudamnre, Sewell, 11. O, Smith. G. Sllvpii A. A. Touge. Tjler. Barney. Walter. J. W. Williamson, Woodhouse; Messrs. .T. H. Boyd. J. Brewis, Professor Macmillan Brown. R. Burns. (J. A. Bushy, W. S. Ca'.ieron. .1. I). Canning. A. c. Caughey, J. Clayton. F. B. fondCllffe. S. Cnr\-Wright. .1. H. Couper. Dr. G. H. Cowles. A. 11. Donald. J. S Son«las W. Elliott <:>). (i. J. Gilbert. W. D m' Glaister, Hon. J. B. Oow, T. Hamilton. E. Hayman. H. N. Holmes. H. W. Kersley, C M. Luke, A. J. Makower, W. G Martin l>. Mclntosh. V. F. Nagel. O. 11. Olimer. Lieut.-Col. T. A. F. K. Oldfield. 11. J. Pratt. 11. A. Price. C. S. Reeee. W S Russell, Brig.-Gen. C. I. Seudnmore. A. W. Sewell, A. F. Smith. E. .1. Spencer, S. V. Tvler. A. Varney. A. O. Wilson. R. G. Woodhouse: Mnsters Kelman. Holmes. Second saloon : Misses Altken. A. M. Bendall, C. Cooper, K. Downing, C. Dyson, R. Fraser. D. Gndner. V. Kirkup, A. Mnthleson, R. MeDermott. Nlkolaison (2). E. Nutsford. 11 Nutsford. Turner, K. Warren; Rev. Mother St. Claudia. Rev. Mother M. St. Hugh. Rev. Mother M. St. Stephens: Mesdamps Anderson and child, T. H. Barber, Carlson I- Chapman. W. P. Cotter, Dewing, Gardner, M. S. Laurie and 2 children. M. Mathiesou. Morris. Nash. Nikolnison. Nutsford M P. H. Petersen. Roffpy. Russell. \ G Sneers. Watson, WhitPhouse; Messrs. Anderson. A. Carlson. E. B. Dewins. D. Fraser D (Jardner. Gordon, Higgs. C. H. Holloway. F. Horn. A. M. Kelly. T. Kirkup, .1. A. Morris. W. N. Murray. N. A. Murray. A. McGlashan. C. MeLeod. N. Nikolaison. Major H. C. Nuteford. W. E. Russell, S. J. Watson, G. A. Whitehousp, .T. p. Wittenberg, J. Woods: Masters D. Gardner, C. •Warren and G. M. Whitehouse, and 31

OIL FUEL STATION AT .ST. VINCENT. A fuel oil Installation has just hppn established at the above port by Messrs. Millers and L'orys, Cape Verde leliind. Ltd.. or for.v Buildings, Cardiff. This Is an addition to their coal depot, and is capable of being brought alongside the hunkering ship In lighters nt ted with pumps, each lighter having Its online anil holler for This purpose. Ruth fuel ami Diesel o n w m be available. The St. Vln.-ent coal depot established by the same firm was opene" so fur Lack as isms. SWAVNK AND HOYT UNITS. Messrs. Henderson and Maefanane advise the following movements of vessels of the Swayne and lloyt Line :— The West Cahokla Is to clear San FranCisco on June 17 with cargo to discharge at Auckland, Lyttelton. Melbourne and Sydney. She is due here about July 13 The West lsltn ie to clear 'Frisco on .Inly S for Auckland. Wellington, Melbourne and .Sydney. The West Nivaria is to sail on July 81 for Auckland. Lyttelton. Melbourne ' and Sydney. The West Nivaria will be followed h T the «est Nllus. West Calera, and West Cahokia on August "JC. September I!) and October 14 respectively. WEST c.\li;k.\ ARBIVKD. Laden with I'.-1.W.00n f PC t of limber, Including SDO.miO feet for <li»ehar R e at Auckland. -)5.140 eases of benzine. G33 bags of American letter and parcel mail, nnd a quantity of general cargo, the freighter West Calera, belonging lo the Swnyne and Hoyt Line, arrived at Auckland late last night and anchored in the stream until this morning when she wns taken to II berth nt the eastern side of the Prince's wharf. The vessel, which is under the agency of Messrs. Henderson and Macfarlane, is to [proceed hence to Wellington. Dunedin. and Sydney to complete discharge. (In her recent trip the West Calera commenced loading at Gray's Harbour nnd lpft there on April 23 for Seattle, where she arrived the following day. Thence she went on to Vancouver and San Francisco lo complete her cargo and took her final departure from the last-named port on May 1.1. An uneventful, fair weather trip was experienced crossing the Pacific, the steamer averaging 0.82 knots. Her best day's run was registered on May 20 when she logged 2-t'J miies. The rates of exchange on the cargo are Canada 4.84 do]., U.S.A. 4.Sr, dol to the £ sterling. The West Calera is under the command of (.'apt. J. 11. Hansen, who lias with him the following oflicers : Ist. Mr. O. Roosa: 2nd, Mr. Skjellerup, 3rd. Mr, 11. Wyers: chief engineer, Mr. H. Ilottendorf; 2nd. Mr. P. Bllnn : 3rd. Mr. A. P. Hartman : chief steward. Mr. J. Santos; wireless operator. Mr. V. Costlier.

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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 134, 9 June 1925, Page 6

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SHIPPING NEWS. Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 134, 9 June 1925, Page 6

SHIPPING NEWS. Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 134, 9 June 1925, Page 6