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o ggggggg COnQTT wnwwwwnm^^ : These Bargain Thursday Prices hold sood only fc _= ___ 3 n . ~.i i 1 i «✓* -! ■ r q «•, *;ll 3 3ft Tn mon-rvur R • TL ' t: AIPS* HSfIfiIAHHI =5 Bargain Thursday is a monthly event at George -. : from 9 a.m. till b.oU 10-morrow. Uargain Thurs- £: ' ftC\ £& lire: if*L BHiI.SkJ3LKII Jm*. m .!?« J&SL«I3U*JL r- *» >• l d j r\ } l ..or : day. And remember, too, that no matter how low I J£* Court ~• K»rangahape Road Only about 2of | : Safe Prices are on Remnants, to-morrow those Safe | fTPI ©11 1 3 these events happen durmg a George Court Sale | " „ • li v It ■ - • _^— - _ - _-_ _„ « «_«_ H H EL. ■» and no matter how drastically Sale prices are cut, z = FnCeS WIH be IS €% W W $T%%&T IEATI 1 I 3 on those 2 days price cutting is more drastic still. | = R* <#» UT 1£ 9 £: Jl A A W JLAJI 3 One of these 2 wonder days is to-morrow —when r. " 1L Hii ITh £& ig * it J3 "George Court's" are setting themselves out for a \As for the bargains throughout the Store, well, || fl C£ _) VA \ W it will be "sornS Bargain Thursday and no | = (Fuller particulars elsewhere on thi« page.) it ]| # " \ B f* W \ «j « I%k Read down this margin for an idea of the bar- =\ I Did ever you hear of Exceptional Bargains || ma » L TIZLa TZI ~— —' | i- Hitherto Unheard of =S| Pongee; also Black. Wonderful ffc Om «ilEfl $&&&£& l ong s fc irts> four suspenders. g£ 4 / fi J ' : „ . . 3 value—Usually 2/11 "Georee -r-ir-*. =38 fcJizea, 21 to 28.—Usually 12/6, ™ y = ;: Bargains, in Court's" Bargain' Thursday StT A Txliß 10 / 6 - and 86 - "George Ihe 300 yds. will go ~ jl ENGLISH INDIGO | l ' m »*• | i\TNU | | i ike rel | I Sp^^t'^L , I li Jfi£\ i J.BH I FSoSSiM I I mm shades of Beavers, Pastels, Dark nTT nf p ink and White Contil; low at George Court's!" " ci7oe Ttn,'a l tit ' , &— e» eWiiMW mediuni bust, extm long skirt j J * — J One stand of S iSSR p??£ _ AT — I I SUMMER FROCKS, | Take Elevator to Firet Floor I - « • « Q 1 Astounding Bargains o JD ' £ I = usuaUy 18/11 to 3 Men's 10/6 Shirts for 3/101, for 42-inch AU-Wool Crepe |: fk 11 1/ in Boys , Wear. Record-Breakmg BARGAINS '= : 59/6. Going to- 3 and other Bargains. Marocain. §E IS 11 iT ISi§i fl Q I nw. in .'o»o.» *.p. ; Bi ,e, 8. Bargains in Ladies g alone are worth com- § I morrow from 9/11. g2O om y , Men; a CeUuiar Siae i ete , | iaUVliWtllU tJ | %£,' fl J^ Underwear. ing miles to secure. | : f'; Jld wear Grey, Dark Grey, Molef light F.wn, £ _ «— =« Usnally 7/6 etc " Gkwrw Ooart'e» Bar- Sample Veste, in great variety and splen- g " £ E CREAM PLEATED 1 S^. SSTjuSSSEB, Sff 4=S | H TTOT I C L^r<. pu, £Hsi£lSf£? S I M.ny »ines toougtou. f : SKIRTS 3 oootv Frtjj fc I.KH/|lb4\| 3 wb7t,^ s "ihP~ in % te .ki' B V»2 r™m i/G to »,u. g the Store at Half Price t fc uiwiviu, 30 Dozen OnIy( Mea>B stuped Kegligea, •. y fc ■ lift ■ H.■ H S 3! White Crepe—Usually 6/11, etc. "George _~ _ , . , „„, „, , fc and less! To-moiTOW. *= USUaIIV 35/- to 55/- El fas colours "eat stripes, soft cuffs . £ \J| A ULillL A SJtXj M> 5 Court'B" Bargain Thursday Price, Special Value m Jap Silk Bloomers of n ; 'T| lll • I USUaiiy J-»/ LU JJI , and b ands __ Usnally 10/6. -Goorge ' " — ■■■• a■■ lIHMWir e» 6 3/5 each. excellent quality; , full shape, elastic at }fc UaTgam 1 ;^at. ■. - t r.nmcr to-morrow for Oonrt's ,, Bargain Thnrsday Prioe, 3/10*. Talrp Elevator to First Floor ' ~ 3 waist apd knee—Usually 12/11. " George fc "Georffe Court , * 'Hi*'- ■ i fc Uomg ro-morrow ror & / . 1 lace uevaior TO rirai rioor , Hii tiH iaj 27 only Boys' Sample Soits in erey»Flan- Court's '• Bargain Thursday Price, 6/11. fc v>curge V.OUIT S. «-......,,, t 19/11 100 Dozen Men's "Dermo" Collars pood *O r 55-mch Wool Gabardine ! - nel, fit . boys from 6 years l 0 10 years- • '" ' ■ ■'■■ '" 2 ;: * quality linen, four-fold—Usually' 1/3 ' "- 3j Good lir e for sch ° ol wear—Usually 19/6, Cambric Camisoles, trimmed good laces 97/ ft QII : "George Court's" BaMain -"li'irsday Snedena fiimsh. A lovely quality, for , r Bf 3 etc - " Oeorge Oourt'S " Bargain Thursday and embroidery; various shapes and de- SfT *'/O OILVtrAL/UWiX 22| : q? Price, 6 for 1/-. ' smart antnmn frocks. In a fall range of Hi k. r; ! Price, 9/10 each. signs—Usually "from 7/11 to 3/11. "George 2p OUILTS -I : One rail „, Irlce^rT*" iE JU| fl ■ 40 only and Samples ot Boys' Court's - Bargain Thursday Price, 2/ 6. | go >g for 15/11 || I COAT FROCKS -ted sWpes and it M H 3j Jg? to White ground with To-morrowl || fc etc. "George Court's" Bargain Thurs- <# ■ MH 5! Pi pmg ana Draia. *it ooys ve 3rs 10 floral designs; also in plain Crimp of pale : Half Price =3 day P-ics, 5/-. Talr#» FUvntnr to Fimt Floor " "W fflH 3 14 years—Usually 18/6 etc " George shad finished hemstitching — Usually Sr and 31 = Hair rnce. MTI - X " , lake Elevator tO riret riOOr .- T» #B H W 2 Court's» Bargain Thursday Price 6/11. » George Court's" Bargaia Thurs- -| fi/fi WHITF " _. for an Assorted Lot of B M ff M ■ B| X 3 7/lOeach toy Pric, 4/si. fc inNFVrnMR : ic/eu l /-k -ix Summer Materials. : - M H H ■■ B HUNtYCOiVUS 31 E To-morrow's 16 6 Honeycomb Quilts OTnmw it 3 VLB I E 3 Man' a 4Q/fi TmnUl - QUILTS, =f RBBON BARGAMS I for 11/6, Etc. SSsHSSa AVPfI l Vil 1 3 - incfode 2/3 and 2/6 3 cwne. rtc., et*..-u«Siiiy.3/u r -4/iiv-MHi fc M H H - : nrlipr Bar«rain«s' maids ana umiaren s — ■- . " -, -3 White Honeycomb QuUte. full double bed: 5 /11. "Oeorge Oourt'i B»rg»ln ThuiwLiy fc JML M H OUier DargamS. fc 17/11 ■■ •=* : Glace Ribbon for 3 M^ ;| /3k, 1 «. only suits, apartment. JAP. SILK 3 j llHyd. 3 Bargain Price, 11,6 each. | | SrXSr BLOOMERS, 3 i : = 45-Inch Scalloped Edge Ecru Muslin, Take Elevator to First Floor £ 3 i Price, 16/10, Zephyrs—Ail are going at Sfc offered to-morrow for 15 BOYS' CANOE 1 StE* «A for 54-md. AB-Wool Cre«n | g; μ-j-**;- =»«»"— "-• | 6/11. | !: " shirts 3 M«,i/sp.ry»d. Gj»dm.. <"«»■• • *«™ —*»? ?i? ilo p . lr w ,^r d ,Sd,°Sl | E - ■ ' Ready-made Ticking Mattress Oases, Suede finish. Our best qnahty—Usually . r 23in. to 29in.—Usually 9/6 and 6/6. •£; To-morrow YOU can", -^i !: Usually 7/6. Gome to- El double bed size, 4ft. 6in. wide; well 19/6. "George Court's" Bargain Thais- CUAU7DAAIWI DADPATMC 25 Ken's Blue Blaxers, with contrasting "George Court's" Bargain Thursday £ *v**ww J, 3! ; .. ... =3 made—Usually 14/9. "George Court'B" day Price, 12 8 yard- OIIU W IXVFV/IVI £>/\IVVI/\IINO bindings; in sizes 3 and 4 only—Usually Price, 1/11 pair. g= get 6/11. , =J j : morrow for 2/10. Bargain Thursday Price, 10/11 each. 16/11. " George Court's" Bargain Thuis- GRIMP :?!' 2! il'Read through this with heavy fancy sateen, well filled- Bargains. !?"'/?«£ ».„ . v , • „• , 49/6 - " »eorge Court's» Bargain Thurs- ThurWay Price, 3/fl to Clear. fc **^> 4 ; 11, . * -Bd l e^-, :3 : ■ ■ r „ . =<5 Worth Z7/6 each. "George Court's" _. •»». ah« m*« Rin 70 Natural Fuji Fr()<±s styles to smt all, mcludmg matrons; all day Price, 39/10. fc don't miSS them! 3 ,: pageipr fuller partlCU- Bargain Thursday Price, 16/fl each. VetiS \JSt * Oourt's Bargain Thursday Children's Navy Plannel Blaxers, piped g - 1 UTS Of these Bargains. bSS."^£sk°K: Or-ni Skirts, .leated and plain ; all sizes. Worth double-U.ual Bargains 111 RugS, & iTs, 10^lS/H, THII Ij : Tm~— r »x*' e SSS oSSS k4 Sls Mote, Violet Pricee, 35/- to Efe/-. "George Court's" Bargain Tharadmy Price, all I mnlAiime U/6. " George Court's »' Bargain Thurs- £: CHILDREN S i GeOT «« Courts Bk Bargains in Silks. SS. , . ST^SS-SSii^2/3 »d 2/6 »/u. . Linoleums ttc. day pnee, 6/11 to oiear. FROCKS, 3 : Karansrahane Rd =3 yard. "Georre Court's" Bargain Thun- One Rail Coat Frocks; no two styles alike; all shades and sises— Unolemn 6ft wide Enirlish manQfacture fc r •• j- "11 . jyarangahape Kd. 975 Yards Dress Pailette day Price, 1$ per yard. Usual Prices 59/6 to £5/19/6. "George CourtV Bargain Thursday "d in mitM ,. n . £ Fuji, Organdie, etc., all 3' ; ■ "' ""- and Chiffon Taffeta; in Fawn, Mole, Mid. Splendid Value Snowing la Bibbon As- ynoe, au j±an-pnce. Usually 9/9 yard. "George Court's" millinery Bargains* going tO-moiTOW at rZJ ! «■ o i • Brown, Nigger, Beaver, Mastic, Saxe, gortmenta, including Plain Glaces, Tin- Model Trocks and Costumes, comprising the newest in materials, Bargain Thursday Price, 6/11 yard. S: ...._ i>T»t*-»r« 5 j.;i Damples in Apricot, Sky, Keseda, Shell Pink, Cham- Be i s various fancy designs, tinsel edging, styles and shades—Usual Prices, £4/4/- to £10/10/-. "George .„ «,„ „* .„, ii,t,i--,«i at-.-,, fc riALt" "KlCt. . 3 ' RftVQ , L A7PDC 3 pagne. An opportunity to purchase a « d 'frilled Ribbons in all wanted shades Oourt'l" Bargain Thursday Price, All Half-Price. Wool Bevendble Ploor Bugs, heary make, h !n^ 6 ?7/6 "ISrTe -"3 I BOYS BLAZERS, 3 | r Lk Length of. Silk at an «trernely _ Usna u y 8d and lid per gUk Undereklrtlf trimme d hemstitohin- elastic waists- } n U^ n n Court's" BwJaA fc ■■•*■■■- 2 ffnJncr T/in \Y/ 4-k 3 low price; 36-38 in. wide—Usually 9/11, Court's" Bargain Thawday Price, 4d Usual Price 12/11. "George Court's" Bargain Thursday Price, all Usually 18/11 each " George Court's» courts eargam muisaay *-« cc , x/ : going tor 7/10. Worth 8/11,7/ll yard. "Georse OourTs" Bar- per yard. BwZprlce. Bargain Thursday Price, 13/11 each. . fc Maids White and Grey q : every of 18/6. 3 gain rhvXS^7 PriCe ' 3/U yar ' *Hnch Moire raille Wbbon., of ««»P- striped Fuji Silk Blouses, newest style; all sires—Usual Price, 18/11 Tapertry Hall Carpet, Fawn striped centre 2/11. " George COUTiL CORSETS, 3 : m<. v.™ hmvt White Jμ Silk— A tionally good value.i neßea 'f *££* and 21/- "George Court's" Bargain Thursday Price, all Half-price. with coloured border; 27in. wide—Usually day Price, 9d each. fc usually 9/6 and 6/6 i;^ s <PERMO ,, I —•• —wst K irw&wst«a I c^~ = - mm* ÜbKMU wear; JKin. wide. V™\£*** IS *?#£, "George Court's" Bargain Thursday Axminster Hearth Bugs, fringed ends, m Court's» Bargain Thursday Price, 3/11. £ 1/11 pT. 3 - COLI ARS 3 -Usually 6/11 yar£ . G 2°^ e Wee. L'« P«* T» rt - M & a wide range of attractive designs; 27in. fe : WLLAKi, Bargain Thursday Price, 4/6 yard. Wond ert*l Value in *ancy BibboM in I 11 111 H ■/% 1 ■ * 54in._Ue«ally 18/11 each. " Oeoxge Girls' Niece Hate, with Red underlining P ==———==— - -£E-11 ISei EYE CMWNER I>, ~ I i, i MEN'S FUR FELT S| Th« sda y Price ' 6/6J P " yald - " " "IPIBMLIC— - Cambrio.-All Whit, grounds, with neat patterns, almost given away ~ " ~ 7~ Z t iii-rn >i =S 1 on Bargain Thursday; 26in. wide—Usually lOfd yard "Georpe ! t Hats trom Yd. give : HATS 7s, _ S&ik. Court's" Bargain Thursday Price, 3|d yar d. SOme idea of tO j «.-aii y 25/-. Going for | Outstanding Bargains in Manchester. /WSSlkUttflßk I morrow's" | j ___ 5/- 1 r f Towe ,, ta * —,---Bsr&« .a « " b . 1 = i - 38 Bargain Thursday Price, 1/2 2/3 2/11 3/3 3/6 smart line in all shades; 38in. wide-Usually 4/11 yard BARGAINS! =l j M«, You know you 3 &„«*-«..* W . _ UI § All the balance of u,c i = pay ,0/6 for 1 " Wf -~. . . | SeaWs un^med I fast colour | ?-?"*-* "**• 8 1 ExcepbonJ Barg.uns ,n Exceptional B a rgaim in E usually up to 1 SnU S,S^f JGE I o.eodii^^^^J^SSSll'^. 0 *- 0, ™" "» '"» ™- »— -* -. K-itting Wook. | Goin ß to-morrow for 3 ; aillKli! yard. v,™, DimuA Ololln. odd n» lobeOleued; iK 1" r ? ," t/ 'fi/ lot of In>«rtio ra only in sm.rt d«igns, 1 4 yora-ply English Piijering Wool soo d E " m ~'■ I ■ "Corge U rfs." I SS SJKft"***^ , *>"«" sk*«. To-morroVs " Eye-Opener." ' *» >*»- *-,-- "-*■ —• M„, | 8 ' | : •"=■— 3 =========== Ladles' Navy Woveh Cotton Bloomers, elastic at waist and Exceptional Bargains in 1/U head °* 8 akems - LINOLEUMS, 3 : 7~~~~ """ knee. Usually 2/11—George Court's Eye-opener Price, in Npdcwpar ** , £ n o/o J r '«« : TROPICAL 3 ,o • in Exceptional Bargains in /9 ' m iNecKwear. Exceptional Bargains in usually 9/9 yd. Going ■ qniTC Exceptional Bargains vi Patterns and Journals. vai., Torchon and Fiiet insertions.—Assortment of ineer- SJ?*rt3 Ge ? ?etto rf OoU^ a ? d * roa ? c ' Bead Necklets. for 6/11 yd 3: . SUITSj -* Knitting Silks. rauerra urn journeis. tlone only In these popular makes. Usually to e?d yard ' iw? TJ. v; » -or. fc ============== 3 ; qualltv „ j j „„. Hflf Ex cella and Faehioiu for All Patterns. —George Court's Eye-opener Price, all 1/11 per doz. yds. "?". Net , Fr th , %*]■ collars Big Lot of Pretty Bead Necklets, good 3E ===== Crt'lr 3 .».*omrvmwr«. HM " Jffi a4t.fetSift i 7/ii Aii-Wooi crepe I I «Biart. Usually 49/6. odd shades , (Oeorge ™d aJJenj F«h™j, >( c t.I L 1 2 GEOBGE COURT "* Aoce,rt^l fpili " ThU "" p rge Court's"' Bargain ' Thursday MAROCAIN. 3\ for 15/10. Costs J^^^f 4 hanto- Bargain TJ»«d»y. IW AuctUiul AU 1/IIJ each. ' All I/- each, g Going for 4/6 yd. to- qi ;■ 5 ~~~ =jj 1 ' *" ' § :E morrow up on Ist ;3 j : COLOURED r tional Bargains in Embroideries. - R Floor. 3!

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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 53, 4 March 1925, Page 19

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Page 19 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 53, 4 March 1925, Page 19

Page 19 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 53, 4 March 1925, Page 19