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FIXTURES FOR THE 1925 SEASON. March s.—Dannevirke R.C. March 5, 7—Marlborousri R C. March 7—Banks Peninsula n.C. 1 March 13, 14—Napier Park R.C March 14, 17—Ohinemurl J.C. March 17—Opunake R.C. March 19—Walmate R.C. March 20, 21—Rangitikel R.C. March 21—Bay of Plenty J.C. March 21, 23—Oamaru J.C. March 25— Otautau R.C. March 26, 28—Weliinsrton R.C. March 28—Matamata R.C. March 28—Amberley R.C. April 1, 2—Manawatu r..C. April 4—Hororata R.C. April 1, 2—Southland R.C. April 4, 6—Westport J.C. April il. 13—Auckland R.C. April 11—Tuapeka County J.C.


JUBILEE.—GoId Acre started ln the Taranakl Stake-, the race immediately preceding- the Paul Memorial. Town Bank won the latter event and according to the Instructions given you were on Gold Acre wbleb. ran unplaced and not on Town Bank which won.

Manlahera showed enough on the first flay of the Te Aroha meeting- to suggest that he will be most troublesome over the sticks before long.

R. Mason Is to leave to-morrow with Gloaming , , Mncompoop and Chignon Tor Sydney to compete at the AJ.C. autumn meeting-. G. Young- will accompany tne team.

; H. Oray, who had the mount on PasI sionate at Te Aroha on Saturday, was Instructed by the stipendiary steward to ; remove his spurs. It was later explained . that the horse would not stand them.

! The Winkles are usually pretty good, : and In Appreciation Mr. Wenzl Scholium i appears to have the making of a fair sort. He finished well in third place in the i second division or the Trial Handicap at i Te Aroha on Saturday and may do better. I West Abbey may win a race orer the I hurdles when he is a little more accus- ; tomed to the game. He Jumps ralrly i well,, and on the second Say at Te Aroha I finished a good rourth. As his name sug- . gestg\ he is one - or the Quin Abbey breed > and in consequence has some pace.

Prince RuTus fs coming Into form and his second at Te Aroha shows that it will ■ not be long- berorn he is again on the , winning list. Prince Hurus wa3 good , over the battens last season, his win* i Including the Century Hurdle Race at ■ Wanganul.

J. O'Shea is still in hospital In Auck- ■ land as the result of getting caught in , the tapes when riding Miss Ford at the ! Te Kulti meeting. The glands on one side or his neck subsequently became very ' much swollen and he had to gt> under ah operation. He- is progressing- very sati3- ---; factorlly at present..

; Starland was produced on a couple of , occasions at Te Aroha, but ran nowhere on the first day and was broug-ht down ■ on the second. through; Miss Melva going across him too quickly. The old fellow looks all right, moving- freely enough, and may. be troublesome over the big- country i in the winter. .......

Treslllian was last going- out of the : straight In the Herries , Memorial Cup at • Te Aroba on Saturday but be put in a . great run along the back, being up with ■ the leaders at the top of the straight eventually finishing- fifth. C. Coleman has the son or Tressady very well Just now i and he should show up more prominently before long-.

I King Lv, who showed good form at the ! Hamilton Spring- meeting- and subsequently . seemed to lose it, is apparently all right He was made favourite Tor the Juvenile Handicap at Te Aroha on the llrst day, and duly landed the stake. In the bad ; ground on Monday he failed to act, but . nevertheless King- Lv when-the g-oing- i 3 I good' la more than useful. ' ■-.

. Arch Amie Is now at the top or her rorm 1 and she is a good nily when at her best. i She won the Pialco Hack Handicap nicely • on the first day at Te Aroha and only ror Interference on Monday would have prevailed again. Arch Amle and Far North were fighting- It out when the latter ran ■ right across her and McCormac. the Jockey had to ease Arch Amle. An inquiry was held and Arch Amle was awarded the staKe.

Young- Thurnham has been off the scene for quite a long- time, but he was iwo- ■ duced at Te Arpha and ran really well for . the time that he has been in training- He showed the way ror a while on the first . day,, despite the Tact that he ran about 1 a lot at Uis fences. On the second day , he nplshed third* which shows that he Is improving:. If properly sound, the son or Thurnham would take a lot or beatingI over-fences.

; Irish Jig- was made ravourite on both . days at the Te Aroha meeting, but the i lest he coura do was to ilnish third on , the Hrst day. He showed out for a while • on the second day but eventually Unlshert I well back. Irish Jig is a good sort, • despite the way he performed at Te Aroha. : and the writer is of opinion that lie will 1 win good hack races berore the winter ' season is over, ror he has both pace and i jumping ability.

Rarangt had hard luck In tfce first division ,or the Trial Handicap at Te \roha last Saturday. - \H. milieu, the rider owing- to having- to weig-u in Tor two events, ■ as. the race was split into two divisions, forgot his lead waistcoat, equal to 6ib, and- nr consequence he was that amount short,- RarangT losing- the race. It was unfortunate for the owner, but or course the stewards had no option but to award the race to .Ng-arara.

Harrow Neejc has been a fairly useful perrormer over hurdles this season, winning . the Trial Hurdles at the Auckland spring- meeting- and the Tiri Handicap Hurdles at the TaKapuna meeting- in November last. At Te Aroha on Saturday he again scored in the Ruakaka Hurdles arter a most exciting- ilnish with Daddy's Girl. Narrow ISeek is good over the battens at a mile and a-lialf. for he jumps well and seems as though he will stay out a long-er distance.

One mile and a-hair Is apparently too short for Miss Melva. for she was started in the Ruakaka Hurdles at Te \roha on the nrst day. finishing- well back. On Monday she was started in tlie Manawaru Hurdles and won. She was alwave well up and got home by hair a leng-th rrom Prince Rufus. She was very lucky, for the rider or Prince RuTus, E. Warner, met ■with injuries during- the race which prevented him doing- hi 3 be*t for the horse. At one of the hurdles the horse overreached himseir with the result that one or Warner's arms was quickly dislocated at the shoulder socket, and. in the circumstances, he rode a great race under most painful conditions. Warner has had more than his share or bad luck this season throug-h falls, etc . and it-Is hoped that this g-ood cross-coun-try horseman will make a speedy recovery.

j The' totallsator accommodation at Te ' Aroha - needs much attention berore the ■ next meeting eventuates. It was not nearly l sufficient to cope with the attendance on Saturday, while it is stated that the paying out facilities are very bad, windows which should have Seen open being closed before the public had . received ■ their Jdividends. In consequence, both fore and aft the club must have lost a ■ great deal of money owing to people in the front not being- able to get their tickets quickly, and at the back not beingable to -get their dividends as soon as was lmmanly possible for reinvestment. The ■writer received several personal complaints while - at the meeting , , and, now the club has another year in which to make improvements, he hopes that this ■will be one of the flrst matters attended to. Tor Te Aroha is a popular meeting- even ■with a lot of Auckland sportsmen. 1 Mr. Gerald Stead raced' in turquoise blue and black cap at Te Aroha, his previous colours being- yellow and red cap. "When Mr. 0. G. Stead raced his nrst colours were venow, Black cap, and his second, yellow and red cap. After Ills death. Mr. .\V. C. Stead registered the yellow and black cap and Mr. G. L. Stead the yellow and red cap. Mr. G. L. Stead explained to the writer that before bis rather's death he used to race in blue and" black, and recently decided to go back £ v 1° tne or «Sinal livery. it i≤ to Et h°Je ed , X 3?H he wlu have m ° re lu< * tban he has had for a; Tew seasons past, for he is a good sportsman and a turn or forlast year when he won both ™ee££

i Whizbro showed up at Te Aroha Tor a |^me e airr^l DrSt - day ' and &c may

. Dayg-uard, which 'finished third in the Farewell Handicap at Te Aroha, Is stayingon better "With racing-, and it should not tie long- before c« runs out a successful

h« Y^ k is a rairI >' X" 01 * sprinter and ne displayed enoug-ft form at Te \rolia to say that he will be a very hard proposition in some or his near nnure engagements.

rrnthf % J s a m ojSymprovinir sort, and might do better th;»'he did at Te Aroha wi^uP 6 co , unt n*ircuit Iβ concluded. When beaten by Ca#ipore Archeen did not fhe ea?lf staled 6 *" ° f the rUnninff ln

Royal Present finished rtst in rourth Place in the Hemes' Memorial Cup at"" r ftatu ,, raa *\ and it should not Be long- berore he races more prominently

Regent -won the Hot Springs Handicap. SSriiJ" I*,1* , r at J e AT l ha on Saturday in most decisive fashion, but on Monday in the SH.M >f ? a , Some of ~le others, and was Sfi, ,, . , "*.' n r ? e earl >" sta ß- p s. However, he was g-oing- alogg- wen at the finish

mJ?* 7 c h omet !s the malting' of a g-ood sort. £™ t H c has some s Peed and appears to be Pretty game. On the first day at Te Curragrimore, and on Saturday won the r«r ln E?m f Han , dica P *" bad ground nice\y horse should develop Into a good

M«nni=i ap^ftt slloWCfl U P in tßc Herries , ?I ? „ V l,, at To Aroha on Saturday ™,-ii 2 1Ie . rt t0 s,ls,al » his effort. He was well back in the President , s Handicap on ! '™ d 'y though he had made up a lot of fnrt n . b h r T e « the stra 'B- bt w a3 reached, f n n,,H nished in sixm Position. Hi 3 turn should come soon. •••

iP»rt i ti er ' , which was racln ? in tho cad in the Mitchelson Cup at Ellerslie =n« , :Sovembp r "ntil he collided with a spectaror who got on to the course at r5 m c turn> a PPears returning- to form. He was Just beaten a head at Tβ Arona on Monday after running- a great race and win do better.

Cawnpore was produced at Te Aroha ?m« aU f day and on the nrst da s' was iLf-L, be r a:e , n a neck b 5" Arch .\mle over nn M r " rlo "ff- s ln th o ffood time or 1.28. Uanrti On ay b w was st -irted in the Walrakau Handicap and arter being- prominent for p°™un n & r nSn? ut - T,ie eoi » s was

stu T d e enl ar o a r 'form 3 SSS withl 0.0. had little doubt about the result rr« ara ,V w elt handled by H oraj.put-m a pood run-4n. the concludinglu time to beat Town Bank by a neck.

Master O'Rorke did not gret too good a passage on the ilrst day at Te \roha ?hP ,° n , Mon , day after "en back in In (arl -7 stag™- Put in a great run n the straight, and got up in time to take

™T £, Banlc !s a gooa tnree-year-old. He was a bit unlucky in striking such * wellPMTorniea one as Te Kara in the ° Herries' h,ft m °i fh C -r Up PTe Arona on Saturday, m™h ith J? Kara out or the way on Tn£n aj p'"l? ae: W»lng! on the soft side dican ¥H> Mc ? We President's Handicap, a. j. Julian has the son of Archiestown pretty well now ArcDlea

Joy Hide showed to better advantage ?L T L Aroh . a - on Monday, than he has done ror some time. He was always well up in the President's Handicap, one mile, and S'«n l .- JU3 nn b^ len n by UaJf a len^b Town th? Hot £n l ? c flr S : day lle was carted in ?«" °*_ Handicap, of similar disHirt» ' t « and ralJed t0 * aln a situation. Joy Ride is apparently a good mud Horse

Lady Ridicule was started In the Herries' Memorial Cap at Te Aroha on Saturday and was made firth ravourite in a field of lourteen, carrying about a third orthe 2S.°n?ht. mVe 5 led on Te Kara, which was the public choice. Sbe railed, to show up and on m the President's Handicap; °atur n dav' «h?° furlon ?; s shorter than on iKi» made second Tavourlte * m if n V ailHl t0 get ilito * c money. L l ?* and a. q , lartep v WpeJ . entl im } r>ej ond her at present, and this mnv account ror Jior display on the nrst Sfv On Monday she did not Wout or the burner at all well and lost her chance

WAIMARINO RACING CLUB. Althoug-h the Walmarino Racing- Club nothmTh 11 " utenc e for about foul y" ar s nothing has been done in resnert tn I race meeting- pending the of a totalizator permit. This has been granted by the 51 " 0,, Of rU .hi f,; ai S, rs : Tu e guarantors had "footed =n? r SE? & aih%^ course. Ohakune had promised to do what they could in the matter 2nd Intended 5 ,neettn S r or that purpose. Mich discussion ensued and it was rinaJlv resolv.-d to adjourn the meeting- until sucn time as it was known what further assistance was likely to be forthcomingThe secretary was instructed lv writem the Minister and" thank nim for Uks permit

TURF TALK FROM THE SOUTH. (By TelegTapli.—Own Correspondent.) CHRISTCHDRCH, Tuesday. The Banks Peninsula Racing- Club la looking- forward to a record meeting- on Saturday. With the exception or the horsy th Flying- Handicap, mc fields are (rood ci a s*° 0(1 aVera?e dLmensio ? aad of

Haze may be a runner.ln ttie Trial Plate the Peninsula Gu>.- The weight in the former race win permit or a strong norseman being put up. However, should he start in the big- mile and quarter event few will take into consideration the Tact that he Is not a, boy's horse, and he is certain to be well backed Carnot is also -in the Trtal Plate, and may be Mr. 0. D. Greenwood's elect He was third in the Trial at the rocent meeting at Rlccarton, and is meeting a Held on about a par with that at headquarters. Hl.s most dangerous opponents at Motukarara appear to be Waterloo and Bern to.

The Hack Steeplechaser Charlatan may be a runner in the Terewera Handicap but on a light preparation can havn littlp chance or winning-, but the outing- should do him a lot or g-ood. in view or some or the early season cross-country event* Deucalion has been moving- very attractively lately, and, thoug-h asked to concede wetg-ht ranging- rrom 1 lib to -101b to his opponents in the Peninsula Cup he will have a majority or speculators willing to say that he is (rood enousrh Tarleton may go wen Tor once, but Gay Juliet and Haze may be the toughest, propositions the top weig-ht has to contend with Belie is down to a handy wele-hr in the Anuriri HacK Handicap, and, with Flaminir Way. will carry the bulk or tOe inonev investPd on that race. B.irmai.l ha* ntit suffered much at The hanilicappcr's hanrJs arter her eood Torm at Wimratui and In the Kinloch Welter she Is nicely treated with 5.5. .Brown Lady and OasteHan m.iv trouble her most. In this rare the \ete ran Royal Star is bnok*d to riaxn his reappearance. The Marxian jrelclin:,* lia? hoen working- on his owner's station in the Xorth, and he might be more rorwar-l than rumour at present credits him with being-. . . .

Many Kittle stands by himself compared TTltn those hp has to meet in the Forsyth Firing- Handicap, but Barn Owl with the advantage or recent racinsr msv hept him. Many Kittle has been working well, spri H.e o j aPS may pi , n Wm throl , rt thoiiß-h he has not raced since last Jannarv twelve months.

R. J. Mason leaves fnr Sydney to morrow with nioninlnir, Wncomnoop. and G. Young- i* g-o'ng- oyer at the same time. a nrt. besides Mr. Greenwood ,l ; Team, will pilot" Kin*- Carnival. Black drifter. Bulbils, and Spearfelt in their Sydney enn-a<rements. AbOTit thirty mares from Mr. T a Tuuican's Waikanae stud, went Soma last Tvpeir to t»ifp un their new home at the Elderslie stnd, Iforth Otago. AUSTRALIAN RACING. - V.R.C. AUTUMN MEETING. "■ ■ ANSWER TVIXS THE CUP, i ' "MELBOURNE, March 3. > Tbe TElctorla Racing Clnb's Autumn Meeting was continued at Flemington to-day. Light rain fell «t Jntervajs. There was a. fair attendance. "•--■■■ -J .f -. '. . Redshank led 'all - the way in the Hopeful Stakes, and xron nicely from the Xem.Zea-land-bred Horoscope. : Redshank, which " 19 owned "by Mr. E. "M , ."Melrbsey cost 525 gulneM" H ft yearllne;- - - =# - -.. - _• -1; . ,■, ' '" ■■!■'■-' " : v '"" r :" ' '' v . r ;i

FaHadeen had a big lead In the early stages of the Elons'Handicap, but Chickling, which was last at the turn, for home, made a sreat run on the oufsfSe, and won brilliantly. She is trained by the New Zealander. G. Delaney. The time was a record for the race. Chickling ia engaged in the Leonard Stakes.

Accidents wore numerous in the Steeplechase : seven of the fourteen runners failed <o complete the course. Someworth was nlways prominent, and scored handsomely from the veteran Monrose.

Answer won the Australian Cap by a nawow margin from Accarak. which put up n good tisht" Answer, which is owned by Mr. R. F. England, had previously shown poor form. The Xew Zsaiand-bred Estuary led all the way in the Nursery, and won easily. Estuary is owned by Mr. VV\ G. Stead. Qulntns. ridden by J. Munro, had the Bourke Handicap always in hand. i The following are the details of the racing :— I HOPEFUL STAKES, of 400bovs. Fire furlongs. Rndshnnk. 7.9 1 Horoscope, T.B " I Biigadieraßob, T.T t St. AthleflJ'7.7 * Twenty-six started. Redshank won by three-quarters of a length. Brigadier Bob and St. Athien run a dead-heat for third place. Time, I™ j ELMS HANDICAP, of 400govs. One mile. I Chickling, T.T 1 Our.ignn. 7.0 2 Demndes, 3 1 Six started. Chickling won by halfalength. Time, 1.38|. MARCH STEEPLECHASE, of .'OOsovs. Two j miles and a half and hnlf a furlong. • Someworth, 10.9 i ■ Monrose. 10.i: i; Tarmoola, 11.9 3 ! Fourteen started. Someworth won hy two and a-half lei!grbs>. live lengths between second and third. Time, 4.5. AUSTRALIAN CUP, of 3000W.TS. Two i miles and a quarter. I Answer, blk h. i>y Kenllwortb—Connnj drum. syrs (Mr. It. F. Enplnnu). 6.8— I r. cVMeUy l Accarak, b g. 6yrs (Mr. P.. Cbaffey.i. .v!)— J. Toohey 2 Suomi. bh. 4yrs (Mrs. C. Russell.), 7.1:.' — j A. Heed ?, Seventeen started. Llanthoay had a big lend in the first part of the journey from ; Answer, Amalli, and Accnrnk, «nd ho wag still leading a mile from home from Answer, Lough Allbe, Jnckstaff, and Prince Woorak. ■ Answer jolaed Llanthony at the half-mile post, and fed into the straight, where Accn- ; rak challenged, and a ding-dung tussle folI lowed. Answer winning by a neck. Suoml ! was three lengths away, third, and then folj lowed Lough Allbe. i'rince Woorak. The ! Hover, King Pan, Hoyai Tip, and Backwood. 1 Tim?. 3.r.:«. j The first six took 1.16, the next I four 50J.s, succeeding four 538, and the last i four 53}s. The concluding sis. furlongs were ! compassed in 1.20 J. MARCH MTRSKRY HANDICAP, of oOOsovs. Six furlongs. Estuary, 7.5 1 i Laveuse, 9.2 2 I Bonnie Wynne, 7.2 3 I Ten started. Estuary won by two ! lengths. Time, 1.144. BOURKE HANDICAP, of Tsosovs. Seven furlongs. Quinfas, 9.7 1 Mercian King, «.l 2 Polytheist, 8.13 a Nineteen started. Quintus won by half a length.— (A. and X.Z. Cable.)

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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 53, 4 March 1925, Page 12

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RACING WORLD. Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 53, 4 March 1925, Page 12

RACING WORLD. Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 53, 4 March 1925, Page 12