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Sunset! To-night, 7.0. Sunrise: To-morrow, r>.lL Moonj. iß*nll, 9Lh, 'J.ltl a.m. " HIGH WATER. AuoklaniL. Today, -l.l.'ia.m. 4.36 p.m. Auckland l-'ri., r,._ a.m. Si.UO p.m. Onehnnga..... Fri., s.-l.', a.m. 0.7 p.m. Kaipa. ra Hds. .l''ri., sc.-lo a.m. 0.2 p.m. Jlanr_;aaHds..l'ri., 7.10 a.m. JS.7 p.m. . ARRIVALS—YKSTKKDAX. Wainku, from Waiheke, 0 p.m. Oneroa, from Wtirkworth, li p.m. Hikurangi, from Whangarei. p.m. Kaiapoi, from Newcastle, 11.15 p.m. ! THIS DAY.

Taniwhn, from I'aeroa, 0.43 a.m. Claymore, from Whangarei, 2.T n.m. Mahurniigi. from Portland. _.13 a.m. Ling Nam, from Sydney, :i.:tu a.m. Porolo, from Whangarei, 1.1.1 a.m.

DEPARTURES—YESTERDAY. Tipirlki. for Wellington, 4.30 p.m. Cornwall, tor Wellington, 5.-0 p.m. Ngnpuhi. f,,r Kussell, -1.-IO ]~m. Gael, fur Kopn. fi.-U p.m. Matangi, for Tanrnngn, S:l.". p.m. -Manaiu. f„r Whiingm-ei, 10.10 p.m. l'onu, for W'alpu, 11.-U p.m. THIS DAY. Ngnljnwn. for lireat Harrier, 0.10 a.m. Kimtitiikii, lor -New Yccrk, 7 a.m. NORTHERN OO.'S MOVEMENTS. Espeeteil Arrivals. To-day.—Wniukii. from Surl'dnle, Ostend nml Ouiihn, li p.m. : Wakatere, from Thames, 7.-IU p.m.: IL'iiiili, from Orewa, Waiwern. Miiliiirangi, anil Warkwortb. 3 p.m.; Omana, from Brown's Buy, Arklc's Bay. Deep Creek ami Silyerclale, 7 p.m. To-morrow.—Maiiiiia, from Whangarei, 6 a.m.; Matangi, from Xuuraiigii, 7. u.w. Projected Departures. To-day.—Wnipn. for Kercpeehi. fi p.m.: Tnuiwha, for Paeroa, S (cm. ; Claymore, for Whangarei, o p.m. To-morrow.—Hawaii, for Kavvau, Leigh -&nd Mangawai, tl a.m. TUE INTER-COLONIAL SERVICE. The L'nion Company announce that on account of April HI being Good Friday, the Aloheno will lie- .lispalclie.l from Auckland for Sydney on Thursday April il. The Muxam.-i in scheduled to leave Sydney fur Wellington on Thursday, April U instead of Ifriday, April 10. SUNKEN ROCK AT TOLAOA RAY. The Marine Department has nnnoitnred that a sunken rock has been reporled to *xist to the north-eastward of the northerly ■ 'extremity of Sporiuga Islunil at the southtern side of the entrance to Tolnca May. The following bearings are given : liable Knd Foreland S. 3deg. K. magnetic: and Big Store Shed just open on the face of ihe cliff of mainland ne-r Cook's Cove, s. 74deg. W. .Mariners are. advised to give the southern side of the entrance to Toluga ,Bny a wide berth until the locality has ibeen examined. THE lIURUNUI TO LOAD. The New Zealand Shipping Company have .received cable news thai the Itiirun'iii lefi Sydney on Saturday for Melbourne and Adelaide to unload the remainder of her New York cargo. The vessel then proceeds to New Plymouth, where she is due on Icobruary :l(i (o commence loading for London. The Htininui will afterwards visit Waagnnui roadstead, Lvttciton, Tokoinaru .Bay, Hawke's Hay, and Wellington. She is ;*o sail from Wellington on -March _3 for (London, via Panama.

UNION COMPANY'S STEAMERS. Tho following movements, of steamers fere announced by the Cnlnn Company:— Kurow left Newcastle yesterday with a -cargo of enul fur Auckland. Wingu'tui niuvcd from Chelsea tn the ,3vlng'B wharf this afternoon. She is ■ainnounced to sail for Southern ports ■to-night. Ngnkuln :s due early on Saturday with a cargo of coal from Grcymouth. Kama left Wellington night for Auckland. Kuinpoi arrived from Newcastle yesterday nnd berthed this tin,ruing at the Wcstcru ■Wharf. DANEKONGE AT WELLINGTON. The Danish four-masted auxiliary Schooner Danekonjrc (Danish King) arrived at Wellington on Tuesday from Safngii, Red Sea. The Dnnekonge 'went from Legliorn (Iruly) to Safnga, where lier cargo was loaded. The vessel s-tiilecl on November 7. and experien 1 trouble wilh one or her engines, the oilier being used ns calms were experienced. The ship arrived at Aden «>n November IS, and loaded 4 4 A tons of Dulk refined oil fuel. Afi.-r a few hours' stay the voyage was resumed. Calms continued and boll, engines now being iv -working order they were used, s„ that" Ihe vessel made II knots. Later ,„i she ran into »•> ilegrees ~„s t lonu'iin.l... lain,-. -,— un necessitated the us,. ~£ il ~,-i, . , - in decrees smith latin,,!,.. 5,,,',",!,'.",. ~.,,! • ■winds sel in. line cnitiiie -c-ih, ~,.,,.,■ and could ~„i b „ ~,7, ri ._;, '"? ,'" " k " ".'""• Calms followed unill the li-,„,t- "".vs. tcoiilh of Tasmanlu, twelve ■lav* i' c- ''* reaching Wellington. Fresh north.'ri,. - f '"," R ,,. 1 tl,,- ship on i,,.r J) '', r,y winds and then strong souU,,m-Tv- " •"", ' I ar^:l. s 'si,,,^i,,K^;i:r^FH layed proiiress in Cook Strait ii„ y "L,*/ ■24. in latitude its scull,, a strong wind suddenly elmim.ii ln (j_"•" northerly broke two of the sel, ~'« b „ l ™foni'lS 11,,, sailors was hit un Ihe hack «v? ot block, which laid bin, „p for tlin'e week" and he is still suir.-rln. , ,-,„„ „„. effect of Ihe injury. Anollier man Cell t,. n _• ~„, ' to il pipe and injured ~„,. ~,- i, ls f | The Dnnekonge is a steel vessel ot 1688 tons gross. Will l.y Uolhyhaven. nenmark , n 10-0. Ihe owners ~,-..■ suenson and jespersen, <"I»'nliai-'eii. be Dnnekonge , ':u^:l'^r,o,: l o,^ n bml o , w rsssr Tbe crew " f ninP I ( , ,\_ : ,u Austrian (,„ excepting one » i f|| ( tnn A i „ , ; r _.;ind h « D 'com k plete discharge o £ h -« «_t_«.e£vif iiES «- __> I _k __\

The I ninn Company's Kanri was floated inio the clock this morning to continue her overhaul. The Kedei-nl steamer Cornwall left port yesterday nflernoon for Wellington to complete ilisohnrKc ol' her Liverpool care,, ; " ;| l to curry uul a Uuuiewnrd luuctiu" programme The N. w Zealand Shipping Company., Pipiriki 50i1,.,1 from Aucklnnd yesterday to complete ilNeharge of her cargo from New Vorii .-,! Wellington. Lvtteltou. Dunedin. II"l..-irl, 1.„0i,e.-i,„, ;,„,! Adelaiile. The i.i.i.t ni stennier Tiniinekal was l"M"'ie,l 1,, reiurti lo port this afternoon I utter iNliii,. i 1,,. beacons nnd light, [houses In ihe llmirnkl dull', and was to ll'i-rih ni ihe Prince's wharf. 1 Tl.e Li. hi,r.Won Line steamer Awahou '-.-nil" mi., I'.-i-E this morning after landing •ii loud of sh.-ep „i cirnkei. On arrival she 11.-nh.-.l a, i 1,,. King's wharf to load for ;,.i-l,orne. Tokoinnrii Kay. aud Tologa Bay. -ii- Is iinnoiineeil l,y Messrs Wntkin aud Wallace io sad „, ,„,„„ on Saturday. lie- Mnko arrivcl at Orakei this mornIng. ~,1,1 nfte.- landing.' sheep, came on to Auckland i., bcrih al ihe Princes' wharf. -le- i- io -nil to,- Portland to-night to load , ,|Uiintity ~r cement nnd is to return to Auckland io morrow, cm Saturday eveninc. -he v, ,|| sail lor her usual East Coast ItIMUTAKA SAILED. Taking passengers and cargo, the New Zealand Shipping Company's steamer Rlmu'•'ti, lei', il,,- i.,„ceii-> wharf Ibis morning "n,l Io.U 1,,,- departure lor New York. Iloslon .-in,| Wesl I'nasi pons of ihe United K »"f" ■ Till: CANADIAN CRITSER. li i" hope,l io dispuieh ihe Canadian '...v. ruin,-in sienmer Ctllinilinn Cruiser! io iiigin for New York. Boston, and Halifax. I'll,- u'»"l is completing her cargo at the' ■•astern side „f Hie Kings wharf. MAKA.MA FOR SYDNEY. In lor re; urn irip to Sydney, the Union I" "ail in II ..'.lock i..-morrow morning.! Hiking passengers, mails, and cargo. The vessel is loading „, ,_,. eastern side of the THE PORT AUCKLAND. N.ov loading ai the Queen's wharf. Hie Coiiimontvenliii and Dominion Line stennier ; Port Auckland is iiniiouiiceil by Ihe Knrmers' ' «'" op.-raiive Auctioneering Com puny io , sail ai daybreak iouiorrow for Oishorne. Napier. Welllngion. anil l.vllellon. to , I- , plclc h"r cargo for Home. She is io sail: finally from ihe last named port during tl,e l„si week in 1-ehrnary. SHAW SAVILI. UNITS. Cable news has been received by Hie Shaw. Suvlll, and Albion Company that Hi- Malnkaiia sailed from Liverpool on .laiiuai-.v ::i for Auckland, Wellington, L.vllellon and Dimeclln. The vessel is due in Aiu-klaiid on March lv. The Mn mil ri sailed from Liverpool on .In unary :sl. cargo-laden for Australian polls only. After discharge Ihe vessel will coiiie p. New Zealand to load, and is t., leave- ihe Dominion about April 0 for London. News hy cablegram reports the arrival | "I Ihe Ma Im mi at London on Monday i evening from Auckland. via Montevideo nii.l TenerllTe. The vessel left Auckland on D inbi-r 21. I

The I'akehn is now completing iier cargo in Wellington and is to sail from there at daybreak on Sunday for Loudon, via Monte. video an,! TenerllTe.

Tiie I'orlnthle is to lenve Wellington on Sal unlay for Southampton and London. LINO NAM AKRIVED. 'I'o the agency of Huddart Parker and Co.. ihe Chinese steamer Ling Nam, Owned hy ihe Cliiingwha Navigation Co., arrived in the stream shortly after 9 a.m. to-day and herlhed at noon at the western side of the Queen's wharf, on her recent trip the vessel left Hongkong on January 7 and pro.-.-. .1 lo Sydney via Tarakan and Unban I. She left the X.S.W. port on Sal unlay last for Auckland and arrived as above alter an uneventful run. After dls-c-barging alio,it 500 tons of enrgo nnd loading a slightly smaller amount, the vessel is announced to resume her voyage to bliiiciue. via Pnpeete, Balboa and Cujlno, at in,on in-in,trrow. She will also take a number of passengers. The vessel hits on board about 4»0 Chinese who are on their way lo South America. The Ling Nam is si ill in command of Capt. c. w. Weston, win. has with him the following office** :— lliief. Mr. .1. Hales; second. Mr. N. D. Fletcher: third. Mr. E. McPherson : chief engineer. .Mr. 1». Cameron: second, Mr. T. llai-le: third. Mr. t;. Speedily: fourth. Mr. .1. Mcpherson : liftli. Mr. It. McKay: sixth. Mr. W. Power: chief wireless operator, Mr. C. C. I,au ; chief purser, Mr. T. 11. lung.

TELEGRAPHIC SHIPPING. Kussell. February 5. —Arrived : Ngapuhi, from Auckland, 3.30 n.m. Taiirniiga. I'-ehruary fi.—Arrived : Matangi. from Auckland, 7.30 a.m. I'.isliiirne, February 3. —Arrived : Mahia. from Napier. 4 p.m. ; Tirou, from the Coast and Auckland. 7 p.m. : Arahnra. from Auckland. 11 p.m.: Wiinakn, from Auckland, .-|.l."i Sailed: Huaniii, for Auckland. 4.110 p.m.; Pukeha, for Wellington, S p.m. Wellington. February -I.—Arrived : Nnvua from Lyttleloii. 11.SQ a.m. S.-iied: Kaiton, lor (liic-liiingii. 'j.:jo p.m.; Nnvuii, for Auckland. S p.m. I'uiiediii. February 4. —Sailed : Tekoa, I'm- .New Plymouth, noon. OVERSEAS. Newcastle. February 4.—Sailed: Kurow, for Auckland. London. February 3.—Arrived: GlentWnrtb. from I'.ovvcll. San I-'riincisc-o. Fehruarv 3.—Arrived: Wii it emu tn. from Lvtlelton. l'orl Said. Kebruary 3.—Sailed : Cily of iMiiieilin (en runic from Australia to Dunkirk). l'orl Nnlnl. Kebruary 3.—Snlled : Skngeru (en route fr,,m Fremantle lo Durban) I', rim. February ::.—Passed : Ayrshire lAiislrnlhi >~ Manclicsler), Omnia (Australia in London). WITHIN WIRELESS RANGE. The following vessels are expected to he wilhin range ~|" Ihe undermentioned wireless station io night :—

Auckland. lI.Ms. Dunedin. 11.M.5. Laburnum. Kawatlri. Tofun. Niagara Premeadow. Wairillia, Riiiiiituka. Tutanekal. Knllll, Canadian Explorer. Kurow. Tairoa, WiiiKiiliii. Ling Nam, Pipiriki, Cornwall.

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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 30, 5 February 1925, Page 4

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SHIPPING NEWS. Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 30, 5 February 1925, Page 4

SHIPPING NEWS. Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 30, 5 February 1925, Page 4