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Trustworthy Qualities 1 Sllirinnintf Sill Shopping in Comfort Genuine Reductions from Genuine Prices—Variety that places no Limitation kj L LKJ 1. ± 1. k-J 14- LlUllO In comparing the old-time store with a modern establishment such as M. and on Choice , ~. , different the shopping conditions are—the spaciousness and airiness These are the factors that make Milne and Choyce s Sale the supreme buying __• "-~ s - now oinereniuicui H h s «- event of the season. fVI C± T CS nf in the Store of to-day being a greatly appreciated feature. An Important Sale Offering of Silks l\/f m ] Qg * O / Cheap Voile Fr ° cks ' 45/6 ' f ° r 29/6 , /-V D' A/I 1 I \VB liWE P I \ i P All smartly fashioned in long waist styles, trimmed with plain at One Trice, 4/11 ± VJL V §/J t/%_S V-V/*'l_/^ / O colour Organdi and Lace. Showing in a variety of colours. '.ST In Qualities Usually 6 6 to 8/11. /J /-^_& s Six different makes all at the one price! Open Until 9 o'clock Fridays o-ii-rn- i- . r o .=■ ,__■ i^6j3?\ Silk Taffeta Frocks, 69/6, for 35/6 No. I.—Dropstitch Jersey Silk, three different T*_j*-*3if^ weave-- and in 14 of the most fashionable corour- ]QH RJ ar L "f- a{W _" Hats P Parinrr af 2Q/fi A very smart style, effectively hemsUtched on bodiire and skirt hfkjWWl Extremely smart for frocks. « g HatS UCanilg at -fi»/D with o * yd ised thread and finished with large bow of self at ffXM , /y Half Usual Price side. In colourings of Maize, Amethyst, Ureen, L-ream, and. [\_\nV / No. 2.—Jersey Milanese, now so popular tor // ~ . , , , Brown. IZMrrfi I underwear, in Pale Pink, Coral, Helio., and Lemon. if _s4_\ Quite the latest and smartest shapes of the season, featuring hT VI Hi/ A _. ~ . . . , _ (■ ; \/y I / V that exc.lusivene.--3 that is inseparable from all "Gage" itk /~%<V. J No. 3.—Black Japanese Silk, a good heavy-weight Wpjr<~__ 1/ Millinery. H_)4=Mrit ■ suited for dresses, underskirts, etc. 2 1 inches Wide. U,' Oil W ' Iff /IT WYT Pi No . 4-White Japanese Silk. 36-inch width, in dealing at 15/11 ]kU U splendid even weave, and of a weight suitable for "J ?flO Wri.FP 'Tlaap" Hate SpllmtT Sir This is a truly remarkable sale offeririg. for they a« all (DCI Q underwear, linings, etc. • ' [ ■j/W'fjV c ) U3 & e rISIS veiling at quality Jumpers, in good styles and colouring-- Jamperx that jT )e=K No s—Natural Shantung, and excellent quality **>& *U«r-<& 17/fi anfl 21 /- range in the USUaI W ? 7 fr ° l m 29 6*? 5 ° "-, f° mc ? w4~\- -4 for'frocks, dust coats, or any of the many uses to . / 7 ' colours, some in marie, others in stripes and tancy designs. TVY*? •# 1 which Shantung may be put. Width, 33 inches. V Worth 35,6. Early selection advised. IR \\ \\ \ No. 6. Printed Shantung, a good heavy quality ' \t_X?> AYT _ A Twelve different shapes to choose from. Splendid quality Ui-d__L I_L \ manufactured in China, and printed in France. 7S * " Hats, suitably trimmed with ribbon band, and specially (\\ Very smart for frocks. 33 inches wide. ■/ SP ° rtS WhitC BI ° USeS 3/11 S/ A very neat little style, in nice quality Voile, round neck.. \*J WJ embroidered and trimmed with Val. Lace. In the usual wry special lable Ot lenniS rtatS, they are more than double the above price. Special Sale Pricing of Dress Fabrics 21/-, for 9/11 —/1 _ _\ All good, serviceable, adaptable shapes, in such at 7/11 yard. 50 I mporte d Model Hats, 63/- colour,ngs as Mauve - Putty - Lemon - and Blue " "NetheraDs" at 18/6 Womea T S Write Cottoa Chemise Qualities Usually 8 1 1 and 1 2 6. Usually 6 and 7 Guineas. Clearing at 63/-. Tr TT ,„ ,, _.-..; ~t TAT T ~-,JL Exclusive French and American models, in Black. Tl/r-J) JO II UsuaUy 29 6 and 35/-. V CStS at 1/ 11 each. In all there are about 750 yards, including French Nigger, Navy, and Black and White. THnt TrOCKS tor MaiClS and Omall Combining brassiere, vest and hip f _ _. ikr vn _ XJ __ i __ sc IW an a it is no all-wool Jacquard in a neat mosaic, in ten delight- Women flparina af belt - 8 b ° ne ° f mOSt P ° Pular exaggeration to sny that theyare worth double ful Coating Velour good quality in shades VV Omen, Ueanng 3t types of corsetry for present wear. price- EscaJlertt. qualiry- garments, of Saxe, Grey Mole, and Beaver. Multi-coloured Good smart styles, in varied stripes, such as Red The above price w for small sizes with rcrand arii stoxt. sleeves. suiting, a medium-weight striped fabric with over All-WOol Bathing LOStUmeS for DOVS and White, and Brown and Lemon. At the same only—3o and 32-inch bust. In d m pattern effect. French printed Wool Marocam. in rtU WWI uaillUlg tUI W. price is a range of printed Cotton Marocain Frocks White or Pink. Second floor. __, Fh^or.. smart designs in contrast Striped Wool Q J Qcanilff at 5/11 in a number of different styles and a good range Suitings of the k.nd now so much m demand for Ul UIU9, WCdlUlg U/** of colourings. First Floor. one-piece garments. Here is a splendid opportunity to purchase splendid tj - t»- tqt tquality all-wool garments at a price that is no more DUSC DISC SUP DflOrt JLaCe than is paid for cotton goods in the usual way. _. . Linene Unmade Frocks ' Clearin g at 36in Bor<iere<l Casements Wmdow Screens, Usually 1/11 „. £m -k- , R " ,FI '""- 6/11 at 1/3 yard. and 2/6. Now 1/6 yard. Clearance Ol LOttOn UreSS rabriCS at Traced ready for embroidering, and obtainable in Kr - _ -__ T _ -_~ A Bplendi_r asHOTtaterrt of lacy designs, in _ ten different designs and various colourings, these Nice heavy-weight cloths, m Cream rihfaom e_Eet___. hx White.and. Ivory.. One Price, 1/6 Yard. __~,,-.,» - ~ /, unmade frocks suggest a means of obtaining smart, and Biscuit groani """ij— 24 and 26-inch_ une rnce, i/o y _ Maids ' Shantung Frocks, 39/6, b, s a very mog « figured «_£«* F-mtEW. ~. Seven Different Weaves. Widths 32 to 42-inch. ° 7 Suitable embroidery cottons are now offering at the 1-111 -wit lOr 32/6 same counter at Sale Prices. Coral, Buff, Mauve, Usual Prices, 1/ 114 to 2/ M. ' Cinnamon, Saxe, Havanna. Ground Floor. - One-piece Frocks, smartly fashioned from splendid The collection embraces coloured Organdies in 30 quality Shantung, in a variety of styles, neatly rVJT<- \T*—v P«-T,,™J of the most delightful shades. Printed Cotton trimmed with tucks. Sizes, 36, 39, 42, and 45-inch. - . U OUS V&J LVIUCTI KeflUCed. Fuji in smart floral and conventional designs. RlbbonS Hosiery. To lessen a -rery heavy slock: of Dolls, Cloque striped Zephyr a new weave with fancy • drastic price reducrians are tiut. rule. 10----crimp stripe in contrast shade. Woven stripe Maro- " Heavy quality Sarin Ribbon, suitable for children's Ladies' superior quality mercerised inch. Sleeping Dolls, nicely dressed, are cain in a splendid range of colourings. Kimona NuTSes' Cloth wear, bag linings, millinery swathings, etc.. in lisle Ho>=e, with smart shadow priced at 2/11. Undressed Sleeping Crimps in floral and striped effects. English Crepe, Black and 21 colours; 5£ inches wide, and usually stripe, full fashioned, with wide Dolls, jointed. 17-inch. 3/6 each; others best quality, in 24 colours. Unsurpassed for garments that must stand hard 2 9. Specially Priced at 2 3 per yard. double garter tops and reinforced at 3/11. Sleeping DoHs. prettily dressed wear; suitable for Uniforms, Boys' Blouses, Chil- NI , c _- „ . „., . . , heels and toes. In Grey, Putty, : n Rl ue or _>'>___■ 15-inch. 6 9 i . o _ i' ki j \_r_.-. J Novelty bpot fancy Satin Ribbon, suitable for bae eJ _. , o i r- J _ Dtu - c _ or rw *< iJ-iacQ, o _>. dren s Rompers, etc. In Navy and White, and __.__.-_Ji n j "• a .* ±lU[ - t " c tor ° a S Shoe Suede, Smoke Grey, and Other Toys are also clearins- at exceoT onnfVic ,1 I«c TVian Half 38in. wide—Usually I /11. yard. Now 1/6 yard, Heavy quality fancy striped Ribbon, in five differ- Superior quality ArL Silk Hose, in ryjama l_enginS ai l_esb indll lICUI 17/. dozen. ent colour combinations; 2-inch width usually 9d wide or narrow nb. heavily rem- . . 1 r~» • Second Eloor. Sale Price, 4id. per yard. forced feet, and wide lisle tops. In . . n TT* r 1 I the On_nnal Pnce. " Putty. Moie. silver. Grey. Nigger, Antique Lopper rire Lurbs. 6 Light Brown, Navy, and Black . , ~, •______.- j - _.?(. ■ II 1] 10/6 and splendid variety, m uncommon designs, Silk and Wool Mixture. The ideal fabric for Ladies -m M~ ••« _T > _ % -_\ / per pair. sua y priced to show a worth-while saving, and Mens Pyjamas. \/■ 1 V-. i I|_ 7 U | " Usually .. 25/6 29,6 426 49/6 Ladies' Pyjama Lengths—4. yards for 15/6. VII ITI C~* IW I iMI IVrP C C\ IP Pure and Art. Silk Hose, with Sale Price . . 21/- 23/6 37 6 43/6 Men's Pyjama Lengths—s. yards for 19/6. if XllllV' V-XllV/ J W'W' k3 k___/ K\ IW' double lisle feet and wide suspender Companion Sets, comprising Stand, Shovel, Worth more than double. » tops I n Banana, Nude, Beige, Log Brush, Poker, and Tongs—ls/6, for 12/6. Ouoow *Zt.-00+ •• •• •• A*.„Ll„--J Cabin. Mole, Fawn, and White— Copper Screen to match—s 7/6, for 49. 6. ueen oireer .. .. .. auc/eland p riC c 4/6. Fourth Floor.

Symingtons Wm ®®!7inSß E©SBM(2B Symington's is the original coffee essence— j *he genuine, fragrant, highly-concentrated essence from a spoonful of which you can make a cup of real coffee in a second or two. j *^ sk £ ° r * S y mm ß tons ~V° ur grocer sells 1 it. Thos. Symlng-ton * Co., Ed.-wbursh * London. J — , , _

Andrews, by its blood-cooling and blood-purifying effect, helps Nature to keep you fit and well. Andrews, specially prepared and sold in bottles for use Overseas, has a pleasant taste and a merry sparkle. It refreshes cheers and brightens by assisting Natura in theelimination of those elements which, if retained in the System, impair th# general tone and vigour. 80Z. (appreO size . . 010 Wholesale Distributors: NORDEN AND CO., LTD., Feet Street, Auckland. Obtainable from all Chemists and Stores. P—ggaj *T Srott ana Tarwr Ltd. N«— c_,t,e-on-TrT>a- Ens.

Yh__ J n spite of SLUMPS or BUMPS, j we ' re MORE THAN BUSY ALL THE j ___P^LjfwCl TIME selling nothing but GUARANTEED FOOTWEAR, many , shillings CHEAPER THAN ANY i Laws c Outlaws other house , but you must '' serve yourself ".. law »s

TO CHECK INFANTILE PARALYSIS Dally drop into the child's nostrils halt a teaspoonrul of Fluenzol diluted with warm water. Also rub Otol into the nape of the neck. , This checks growth of the malignant organism.— CAtf.)

afecAa "CornwWm £3jow~S_\__. I* h* 9 * deficit t g Bright and clear. Delicate in fluvoui Fully Matured, v If/ V PUftEMALT VAraie&ur

Illustrations /_., Arrest attention by amplifying your letterpreaa SQ I &TJ matter with pictures. We supply fine screen *&, ■ 52S half-tones also line blocks of the highest quality fg) j cSj for use in all work. We have a staff of ScJ C<?j experts, and can execute any class of process f^S jZ-i work for monotone or colour printing in the £3) EX\ shortest poaaibe time. yv~) £jJ, Samples are available together with prices, \s~* C?g and a ring to No. 2424 will bring fullest tes\ particulars. We. shall be pleased to advise. H>< J| ullu? Irrtt printing anil publishing j§ 1 g (Tn., iGtb. Shortland St., Auckland 8

Corn Flour Cake ' ii out to nuke tod few caket bole more attractive or win greater larailr appreciation. Broun* Poison's Corn Flour ensure! that fineneu of culture I *>-hich denote!) aucceasful baking. . *» 5B

pOZERINEn CURES FITS Prepared from-- the Prescript on of a ' !*t_ Eniincn. London Pftysicun erf Europe-jr. reputation, cures in almost every case —the very worst cava of FITS and all forms of EPILEPSY permanently when everything else hi* faJeJ. Prom the first dose Fits usually ctiK entirely.- Thousands of 1 estimomaU. 40 year,' invariable sir_res? m all par:* of -he worid. Of all Chemists. Scores. r:_ Aj.-nts Shirand cr Co., Ltd.. Auckland c< Wellington. PREPARED BY I. W. NICHOLL Ltd., r*~-e_--85. HI6H »TRKT, HIMT, lOTUHO.

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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 30, 5 February 1925, Page 14

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Page 14 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 30, 5 February 1925, Page 14

Page 14 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 30, 5 February 1925, Page 14