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-omMHt em\-T m !mm,,m,mmmm,mtw,wm?,.y.irmw^ | ' K&EAN&MIArE KQAD. | 1 A few o. the thousands of "George WALKING SKIRTS Job Purchase 200 JUMPERS j Thousand* of Bargains like them | | Courts'" Bargains! ~ fo Newest Tweeds, style, .« ««». ah One All Going at One Price | at Auckland's GREATEST Sale! I E Ff d ' n' Nainso< * . and Longcloth Combinations— Q/1 1 IQ/11 ! Boys' Black Italian Cloth Shirts, tennis style— 3 S- Usually 16/6. Going for 6/11. VI I 1 1 17/ 1 1 j v J^ y g/ g Going fo _ 31Q si __ s 23 4 _} fc 200 Sample Jumpers—Usually 32/6 up to 39/6. WONDERFUL BARGAIN. EASILY WORTH 25/-. WORTH EASILY 32/6 to 39/6; ALL STYLISH 1 ...,.„__, . -___ v „ r : r ,, Sfr : n . H r_.h--.« 3 g Going for 19 11. A job purchase! ' All Sizes. VALUE! SEE TABLE! AI J V*? F^ Cy n"__\T. r' f _T/ii 3 fc Maid's Grey Jean Corset Bodices—Usually 66. ! Hose, good shades—Usually 6 11. Gomg for 4/11 -_. g= Going for 3/11. ! P 3 1 —— Auckland's | I wonderful bargains in BUY THIS FOR THE WINTER' rOrATCCT Boys' Silk Peter Pan Hats every one of these 3 I LadiCS ' Underwear 10/6 Tweed Coating for' UKLA ILO I 2/ll£ ™tead of 3/11 IS J* 1 £ Cambric Camisoles, trimmed fine Swiss em- _-./■_-_ * v «_*_-****4*_f_ J _ r»c„ » B el ... -. v, r Tricolette. An ideal fabric for smart frocks £ broidery, Vor square neck, good shape— 6/11 Vs ft?._ Sdfe f eter 5" Sha P c H * 1 *' «"-*«• for and jumpers, showing in a range of rich light _Z Usual Price, 3 11. George Courts' Sale _«4 W Children from 12 months to 4 years, strongly and dark shades, two qualities offering, 36in £ Price, 26. TAKE ELEVATOR Ist FLOOR FOR ■__ _■ «wn and weUlmed—Usual Price, 3/11 each. wide—Usual Prices 10/11, 12/11 yard. _% £ THESE BARGAINS! «| ■ M George Courts Sale Price, 2/11. each. George Courts' Sale Prices, 9/6, 9/11 yard. J Ladies' Cambric and Longcloth Camisoles, fIH HI \\\\VW' B ° yS ' Black Itali * n Cloth Shirts in lermis st y le > White Crepe-de-Chine, offering in two special Ej 3£ : trimmed Chinese lace, or imitation Fillet lace, 54 m All Wool Tweed Coating, a hardwearing -=3* ______ _W____\ _H W_Z VCry service *ble line for Holiday wear. Sizes heavy qualities, 40in wide Usual Prices 11 /9, __\ Sr Vor square neck—B 11 to 6/11. George reliable material. In mixed shades of Grey, '*# BWk ffi ______ t 2,3,4 —Usual Price 5/6, etc.. George Courts' 136. George Courts' Sale Prices, 8/11, 3 Courts' Sale Price 3/11 Brown, and Blue— Usually 106. George 3 ■-H WM ■ W Sale Price, 3 10. Sizes 5, 6, 7—Usual Price 10 11 yard. 1? Courts' Sale Price, 611 yard. 3 BH _W X 5/11 ' * tc - Geor 8:e Courts' Sale Price, 4/5. ,_ _ . ._. .. c ... , ... ~ _2 £"" *■=■ I -BH _f fir 36 Coloured Fuji Silk, Ist grade quality, all _J |- Combinations in Nainsook and Longcloth, 4 oj n All Wool Marocain, with self stripe ;* _\_Wm\\\Wm\\\ 1 \\\\\\\\\\__\ mW B °y s ' and Youths' Athletic Singlets, in plain Silk Fuji, extra wide, in Fawn, Saxe, Apricot, E~ ■E trimmed embroidery or lace. "Bargain"— effects, finely woven, soft texture, in Grey, I _ik White and White with coloured neck and arn-i Nut Brown, Lemon, Maize Usual Price 6/6. S: Usual Price, from 16 6. George Courts' Sale Fawn, Putty, Mole, Light Brown, Nigger, Slate, _fIB I \\\\\\\Wr __\% bands. Royal, Sky, Navy and Scarlet— George Courts' Sale Price, 5/6 yard. 1-5 Price fi 11 anc - Beaver—Usually 6/11. —George Courts' M_\_ m _■ \\\\\\\\\\mm W\r __\_W*' Usual Price 2/6, etc. George Courts' Sale c ..- » «. i. -•_ 1 •_r _. • c z_ IH: P " Ce ' 6"■ Sale Price, 5/11 yard. <f _____ I P >__1% Price, 1/9 e-ch. Sahn Armure A beautiful rich fabric for •" r~?______. A-\_\vkk. " ay or evcnlr> g frocks, snowing in a delightful -~9 Longcloth Knickers, trimmed good strong 40 in All Wool Shadow Check Santoy, self J%mfa___. range of rich shades, 40in —Usual Price 12/11. fc embroidery, open shape, Women's size— coloured, for smart frocks, in Fawn, Grey, George Courts' Sale Price, 11/9 yard. _\\ fc Usual Price, 6/11. George Courts' Sale Putty, Drab, Silver, Light Brown, Nigger and ~ W^rW*pf\^loWV l S ™ BIG BARGAINS IN _S I P '- 311 ' °—<=—'■"• ■'" Still " Leads in Bargain giving. College Girls' Hose Ol 1D "HMIV 1 p Longcloth Nightdresses, in all styles, Magyar, 54in All Wool Garbardine, Suedena finish, Thousands of New Bargains every Bought before the rise in price of 4m\mtW M\ ■ 3 with lace insertion, short sleeves, also open ""e Twill, in Grey, Fawn, Putty, Beaver, Mole, ( J ay | Wool ! They are exceptional V%• WW* 3 | or closed fronts trimmed embroidery long S er B ' KJf SHOP IN THE MORNINGS ! Cll I,' tllC ULKeN XX fc sleeves—Usual Pr.ce, from 9/11. George Sand, Cinnamon, and Black—Usually 12/6. =£_==_ ' nJ* ? A rl 1°! fr Mmtt M M-mf A A-# V%. Courts' Sale Price, 7/6. George Courts' Sale Price, 9/11 yard. = ' ' Black C«hmere Hose fuU athle- J - 3 • . tic length, pure Botany Wool, ££_- __\ IS White Stockinette Combinations, with strap I = fashioned leg End foot, double ....MST | E shoulder, s.w., w. and 0.5., sizes, splendid Advance Millinery Display SW _| ,alue—Usual Price, 4/6. George Courts' Sale Riff Bargains for Children ! oi 7/3, and 7/11 per pair. WII 3 I Price, 1/11. With short sleeves, 26. tor Children . AUTUMN All Woo. Fancy Ribbed C~h- W 1| g E Children's White Jap. Silk Bloomers, elastic f-* i, _ -_« r mere Hose « »° ft Wool. UV _^_ V at waist and knee. Sizes 4 5/11, 5 6/6, KPAfIV tO WpftrS good w «rmg perfect m Greys, H _»—- - *= «fi ii <;_i_ ah IXvCIU V IV/ VV CCIIO Moles, Pearl Greys, and Silver— _M --». _ss V g MORE OF THE EXCITING BARGAINS IN l^/U? 6 ' AT OUR FAMOUS £rt . S/1 lv« Ge C ° UrtS ' 1 1 I Showroom ' Courts' Sale Price, 5 /ll to Clear. LOWER THAN ELSEWHERE PRICE! Sale Price, 4/5 per pair. B Iv 3 * Maids' Ribbed Cotton Vests, short sleeve., The first Shipment now showing includes the AH Wool Fancy Vertical Striped 3 Silk Fuii Frocks in newest styles all good closed fronts—Usually 1 /11. George Courts' smart L.tUe Nellie Kelly Straws speciaUy Cashmere Hose, smart neat stripe, l\ n\ A Silk huji 1 rocks, in newest styles, an gooa /CA designed for the shingled heads! Our Price, good reliable make, in Greys, 11 I ______V__ AL 1 ill g shades, S.W., W., O.S.—Usually 49 6to ba,e Fr,cc ' J b *' from 29 6t035 -. Niggers, Fawns, Puttys, VNL Z-\T L%_\\ §& Ml 596 George Courts' Sale Price, all 39/6. Maids' Grey Jean Corset Bodices, strong nA //» • OP*/ -J SO Navy— Usually 6/11. _S fc Silk Fuji Washing Frocks (natural), dainty quality Size 29m, 30in._Usual Price, 6/6. Zlf/ O l ° OD/" George Courts' Sale Price, 4/T1 TO-MORROWS "EYE-OPENER" 3 £ design with pockets and pearl buttons, S.W., Geor * c Court « Sale Pnce ' 3/11 ' WHEN WLL YOU CALL ) P« P«r. * I«VIMW m- *t. „, >. c it id- ie/ *-„«-«-«-™,rf«» - M-n's Police Braces, good elastic webbing and strong leather' _J £ W..O.S.—Usual Price, 35/-. George Courts ____C~SR j^k— end. (only SO dozen). Usually 2/6-Qeorga Court's Eye ___ Sale Price, 27 6. ■ •" ""~~ " ■ — BARGANS Opener Prloe, 1/8. pair. St -r -— >_3S_\ r~l~n rrnr~-—~- IN FVPPV Ladle*' Molrette Underskirts, all colours and Black; pleated frill. _3 Matron's Voile Frocks, smart styles, f sleeves, W p p o< ,taaP If' IEWII I *I# ONE OF THE U " Ua " y 3/11 - Q6or9 ° Court Ey9 ° pener Prloe ' 1/11 " 3 all newest shades, W., 0.5., very useful and WerayrOSiage IU- IffiPJ I «! I Mll IHf 1 I- 1 I 26DEPTS a rrAnr r _-_MTIVr » IL cool frocks-Usual Price 29 6. George |,- I - %&%]_¥% J JiLJIL U COME AND , IKY GEORGE COUKT Courts' Sale Price, all 19/11. I. 11. VcAMC TTI\ 4 1| SEE ™ EM ! ' U Au-U-i-i' I 5= I r -iir r 4 r> .= 11 3 r Koad ♦ Aucfclan--I -ii =3

Nine-tenths of the work =^_l^^__^^s S done for you "^""^S^iPSP^^ Soaping, rolling, soaking, and rinsing—'how easy the , Sunlight washday is ! There is no hard, grinding work about it. The pure, yellow tablet takes nine-tenths of the work out of your hands. That tablet has a history. It has been watched and tested at every step of its making by the Sunlight * chemists. If there had been the slightest impurity in it, they would have said, " No, not good enough." So no wonder your washing is easy with Sunlight! Everything has been done to make things easy for you; when you buy Sunlight Soap you buy the help of all at the Sunlight works who make the production of fl good soap their life's work. Could there be a finer H-. guarantee for anything in the world ? 355 I i £1,000 Guarantee of Purify on Every Bar. (\ SUNLIGHT M LEVER BROTHERS -_a M ' | // \ \ y&T (Nl« IUUNOI U.ITIO M \\ /% •■■■,---' I//I ''1 "_5 S *'

Sale-Time BARGAINS in Men's Wear Our Summer Sale Prices are the lowest in town at present. A speedy clearance is our aim and reason for such tremendous reductions. Glance through these items and you'll be convinced. Men's Suits, in good strong, ser- Men's Shirts. All our better quality viceable tweeds, well made and Shirts, Neglige style, collar to finished; in Greys, Browns, etc. match, in very smart stripes— Usually 59/6. Were 12/6. 13/6. etc. To Clear, 39/6 ° ne Price to C,e * r ' 9/6 Also better qualities-— l 9/6 to 99/6 M ._. g sh -. to> Whit _ Twi]li .],„ Men's Blazers, in good quality Navy stripes. Tennis and Neglige Flannel, with piping of Gold, Shirts; good wearing Were 7/6 Blue. Red, or White Were Now t_/R 18/6. Sale Price, 13/6 ' Men's Skirts, good quality Black Men's Trousers, in strong Union Sateen Shirts. f°J la " attachedSaddle Tweed. A real hard Usual Price, 6/1 1. wearing cloth—Usually !5/6. To Clear, 5/g Now Only 19/6 - • . -, • i. . -*"/ " Bathing Costumes, men s all-wool _. . -. Bathing Costumes, one-piece Denim Trousers, extra strong styJe> superior qua * ity . These Denims, in Grey stripes or Blue, are usually 13/6. Boz weight—Were 7/11. End of Sealon p r j cc -,/g Sale Price, 6/6 ' Felt Hats, Woo! Felt Hats, with Men's Ties. A choice variety of bound edge, smart shapes and knitted, also wide-end Ties, good colourings Were 10/6. quality—Were 3/6. Now g/6 Now 1/11 ' Felt Hats, in superior quality Eng- ». , n ■ i , ~.- lish Pure Fur Felt Hat 9, with Mens Pyjamas, our best qualities , , , , _. Ll L j , ■ j ... bound edge, fashionable shades only, mercerised poplin, in smart rr- c ~ m -t / v ii . ■ , j.j ol Grey, rawn, etc. —Were _>/-, bold stripes; splendid wearing— 97 7A Usually 22/6. To dear, 1 5/6 27 / 6 0 _. Price ~ c|ea . Men's Shirts, Neglige style. In Men's Sports Coats, in good quality smart Black and White stripes, light Grey tweeds, also flannel; also coloured—Were 6/11. smartly cut—Were 32/6. Summer Sale Price, 4/11 Bargain Price, 21/WE PAY POSTAGE. H. CROPLEY Men's and Boys' Outfitter, 118, KARANGAHAPE ROAD, AUCKLAND Phone 549

THE ESSENTIAL FACTS Your Investment on a deposit of £1/5/0 and small payments until the balance is paid (£25). Your Return (on a conservative estimate) £500! Your Security. .1 —The Land (one acre freehold for each Bond bought), and all improvements thereon. 2—A Reserve Fund amounting to one-third of moneys subscribed, invested with Trustees. 3—The Capital of the Company, to ensure that they shall carry out their j contract to transfer one acre of properly afforested 20 year old trees, , at the end of 20 years for each Bond sold in any one Group. I Your Investment To-day of £5 followed by similar Investments, at quarterly periods for five years, should, on a conservative estimate, return not less than £2000!! ' NOTE. A First Mortgage Debenture Bond ranks before all creditors | or shareholders. All that is necessary for you to do, to secure particulars of this remarkable opportunity, is to post the Coupon, or call, write or ■wire the Brokers. A descriptive booklet will be forwarded you, entirely free of obligation, by first mail. Secure a Booklet and See for Yourself I MESSRS. SMITH. WYLIE AND CO., LTD., ! P.O. Box 672. Auckland. j Gentlemen, : Please forward mc, without obligation, full partciulara of the j N.Z- Perpetual Forests Ltd. Bond Issue. Name , ». ,„ ._.-.--».«-,. . ._-;.,_„.»-*._,-* j Address ..., ~.,. ~._-...,.,.. j f

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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 30, 5 February 1925, Page 13

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Page 13 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 30, 5 February 1925, Page 13

Page 13 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 30, 5 February 1925, Page 13