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CHRISTMAS TOURNAMENT. \ SECOND DAY'S PLAY. POSITION OF TEAMS. There was a decided improvement in ■weather conditions when the second day's play opened this morning in the Auckland Christmas bowling tournament. The six greens on which section games were continued were in good condition, although a shade heavy. Fourth round contests were the first order of | the day, the second and third rounds having been concluded yesterday afternoon, the first round being held over on account of time lost owing to the rain. The following are the latest results received from the umpires, Section A playing on Epsom green, Section B on Carlton, Section C on West End, Section D on Dominion Koad, Section E on Grey Lynn and Section F on Ponsonby: — SECTION A. Second Round.—Collins, Peters, Boulton, Audley (Takapunal, XI, v. Johnson, Badeley. Vugler, l'roctor (Kpinuera), IS; Bromwkh, ,1. Houlstou, 1). Iloulston, Armstrong (I'iikekohe), II), v. Uptherington, A. Bruce, Hazard. Foiinlstcr (Epsom), 21; Horspool, Stillwell. (Joldsmitb, Korshaw (Edemialp), 22. V. Sldler. Milner, Kendell, Wakerley (Rocky Nook), 10; Scbnackenberg, K. Oreen, F. -Livingstiine, W. HUls (Oneliunsa). l.">. v. Bpusnn, Clifford. Uamsay, AlJsop ('Dominion Koad). '20; Layzell, GoodInp. Snoad, Elvy (Dpvonportl. 2S, v. Doilo, Wilsnu, Mantell. Duffln lOarlton), 27; McMastpr. Lauibie. Johnson. K. McMastpr (Sianley), 20, v. Simpson. Carbine, Kainsey, Mcl.eod (Ponsonliyi. 10. Tbirrt Ronnil.— Allsop. Iβ, v. Foubister, 22: Armstrong. 20, v. Mcl-p.od. IB; i'roctnr, 21. v. McMaslpr. 17; \V. Mills. 23, v. Korsbuw. lo; Wnkerley. 20, v. Klvy, 24; AiHllp.v. 14. v. tiuffln. 22. Foiirtli Bound. —Dutlin v. MrMtister f>; Fouhistpr 21. v. Mr Lend 13; Armstronp; 2S. v. l'roctor 15; Wakerlcy 21 v. Audley 1«; Klvy IS, v. Hills 13; Allsop IS, v. Forahaw 17. POSITION OF TEAMS. Wins. Losaes.

SECTION B. I Second Hound.—Cottrell, lilrd, liilgour, BUuicljaid iCaiiiuu), —, v. Mitchell, Uilli- I lUc'hardsou/.Neil, B'luir, Vlircent (Dominion ; Uoudj, a 4, v. Kennedy, llicuardson, Cook, : Lomad (Unehunya), 0; Mason, Thomas, Bromley, G. Clark (Mount Albert), IS, V. Rulings, Newton, Marey, Garrard iKemu- . era), 17; Mullius. GluUUiug, Keatley, U. C. ; Clarke (Koi-ky Nook), -S, v. Mc- I Jxfod, Davidson, Cleuieuta i'E<leudale), 11; Bliucoe, Campbell, AUuutt, Uarry (Ponsonby). 1">, v. Stpvpnson, Lncena, Valentine, Xorrance d'ousonby). 111; Bacb, ' s isBon, T. Mills, Morgan (Uevonport), won from ' Watson, Walker, Knight, L. Kussell (St. . Uelier'.'*) by default. 1 Third Round.—Blanchard 20, v. (i. Clark 17; Lonias 10, v. Clements 16; UaGrrard IS; H. C. Clarke 27, v. Morgan 10. G. It. Hoßklng won from Russell by default. Fourth Round. —G. Clark won by default against L. Kussell; Torrance 31, v. C. W. Garrard 11; blanchard 17, t. H. Garry 14 ; Clements aB, v. Vincent a ; Hosklng 20, v. 11. C. Clarke 19 ; Morgan 23, v. Lomas 14. POSITION OF TEAMS.

SECTION C. Second Round.—Clarkson, Ooutts, Ball, Truscott (Carltou), 21, v. Brndshaw, Bleakley Edwards James (Edendale), 12; Hutland Stotter, Borne. Whittle (Grey Lynn), 23. v. Farrow, Harklna Dick, A. Parsons (Ponsonb.v). 14; Macklow, Grorire, Kenny, Wright (Onehunga). 21. v. Hunt. Adeane, Rain Pearce (Rocky Nook). 14; Stansfleld, Wight, MeFartane, Sanderson (Reuiuera), "2 v Blackman, Beaton, Dyson, G. F. Hosking (Avondalol. 12; Chappcl, Cartwright Denison. Brydon CDominion Koad). 20. v. Chambors, S. White, Brookfleld, P. White (St. IS. Third Rnnral. —Whittle 2H. v. Wight 10; -rnscott 26, v O. F. Hosking in: White 2S v. .Tames 17: Pearce 24. t. Brydon 18; Pnrsonß 21. t. Sanderson T. P.i.rth Round.—Truscott 24, t. White 13; Parsons 23. v. Wrisht 8: Whittle 29. r. James IS; Hosking 23, v. Bryden 12; Sanderson 24, v. Pearee 23.

SECTION D. J Second Round. — Scantlebury, Macky, Craic Osmond (Auckland), 30, v. Buscombo Randall, Roylance, Bousklll (Rocky Nooki' 14; Leiicb, Godon, Wightson, Warren (Carlton), 10, v. ,T. Pick, Jones. A. Smith T I'ick (Mount Eden*. 14; Mincham, McLean Dawson, Moran (Grey Lynn). 18, v Gibson Patterson, Crowe, Davidson (PonBonhyK 15; Grant Elston, • Lyon, Totter (Waiteraatal, 'Si, v. Tuke, Pegler Loug Hobday (Kemueru), 20. Andrews, Uardley. Clarke J. Uoßkini! (West End) won by default from Crawshaw, Holdsworth, Norris. WrlKht (St. lltiler's). ■third Round.—Osmond 21. v. Moran IS; Davidson IS, v. Hobday 15; Hocking 2«, v Roiisklll 14: Warren 24, v. Potter IT; Dick won from "sVricht by default. Fourth Hound. —Davidson IS. v. Oamond 1G; Hobday 17, v. P.ouskill 14; Potter 17 v ' Ilosking 1-i; Dick 26. v. Moran o; Warren a win by default from Wright. POSITION OF TEAMS. Wins. Losses. Warren (C'arHon) •" ° Osmond i Auckland) - 1 Dick (Mt. Eden) 2 1 Davidson (Ponsonhy) 2 1 l'ottcr (WHltomata) " 1 Hosking (West End) -' 1 Morau (Grey Lynn) 1 Hobday (Remuerai 1 Itnusklil (Itocky Nook) <l :! Wright (Sc. Heller's) 0 3 SECTION E. Second Round.—Kent, Lyall. McMalion, Dailey (Auckland). 25. v. Lamb, Btonc, Walker Finch (Rocky Nook), 12; Joll, Blgelow, Baker. Findlay (Mount Eden), 20, v Bates, Gould. Snedden. Lamb (Carlton), S: Good. Millward. Taylor, Noonan (RaMeKobie (Remuera). IS; Couthard, Keeling, Brown Hooper (Takapuna). IT, v. Conway, riiapuiiin, Rnwland, E. -Tury (Ponsonliyi, lti: Prce, KKnagfrs, Scott, Brookes (West Kinn won from Campbell, fnhtll, Porter, 1 Lowe (St. llelier'si by default. I Third Round. —Hooper 21, v. Bailey 11; X Jury -ft. v. Mcßohie 14; Noonan 21. v. I Lamb 17: Brookes IT. v. Finch 14; Findlay won from 1-owe by default. Fourth Round. —Noonan 23, v. Brookes I.V Jury 23. v. Bailey 15: Finch 24. v. McI Robe 8: Hooper 24, v. Findlay 13; Lamb \ by default from Lowe. I Fifth Hound.— Findlay 21, v. Newman n: P.r'o.kes 'M, v. Jury 21; Bailey 22, v. 51.- ---]:■))!'• l-">; Lamb 22, v. Finch 16; Hooper won by default from Rowe. POSITION OF TEAMS. Wins. Losses. Noonan ißawhiti) 3 0 iluoper (Takapuna) 3 0 Findlay iMt. Eden) 2 1 Lamb .Carltoni 2 1 Jury iPonsnnhy) 2 1 Bro'okea (West End) 2 1 I'.ailey (Auckland! 1 i Finch (Rocky Nook) 1 2 Wcßobie (R"'nn.-ra. 0 3 [Lowe (St. Helier'aj »»-. —«; 0 3

SECTION F. Second Round.— Sliort, Wyatt, Klsslinp, Young (Reruuers), -1. v. Cooke, Aiuen. Davies, Uppi-att (Otahwtiul, IS: Lewis. Burton, Taylor, InslU lEpsom), 22, v. rolham. Otto, McGregor. (l'ousonby), 19; Cross. T. Mountain. 'Williamson, C. Mountain (Carltoul, 28. v. Slierriff. Trayes, Kraser, Gill (Mount 14; Campbell, Mutton. Parker, Maxwell. Walker (Auek. Jand) 25 v McMaster. Bassett, A. Oatlann, E. J. Gatliiucl lOncbupsa). 11; t re, Hall. Langsford, Bremnrr (West End), wen from Warniesley, Samway. .Uackson, 1 luakutt (St. Heller's), by default. Third Round. — C. Mountuiu IP, t. uppiatt 15; Young 20. v. Bui'bau 16; (iatlaud 30. v. Bromner 17; Maxwell Walker 21, v. Inglis 14; Gill won from Tlunkctt by default. " Fourtn Round. —Maxwell Walker 31, v. Buchan 16: Gill 23, v. Inglis 17; Young 18. v. GaUand 17; Lirrialt 22, v. Bremner 21; Mountain won by default against I'lunkett. POSITION OF TEAMS. Wins. lessee. Toung (Rcmucra) •* [J (\ Mountain (Carlton) 3 0 St. Walker (Auckland) •" " Gill (Mount Eden) - \ Lippiatt (Otahuhu) 1 - Inclis (Epsom) } - Ga'tland (Onehunca) 1 - Bremner (West End) 1 - Buchan (Ponsonby) n J Plunkett (St. Helier's) ... 0 3

Elvy (Devonport) FuiHiister iKi'SOUl, Duiiin tCarlionj U'Hliekohe) Ailsop tliuiniuiou KoaJ) .... Hi.Is (Uueliuujjai Mc.Uaster tMauley) i'rootor ilteniucra) Wakcrley Uiocky Nook) .... Audley (Taiiiipuna) Forsliaw (hdeudule) ii'oiisuubyj -• 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 o 0 1 1 1 2 3.

Wins. : Blanchcrd (Carlton) 3 Torrenee (Ponsonny) 3 H. C. Clarke (Kocky Nook) - Clark (Mount Albert) - Hosking (Carlton) 12 Morgan (Devonport) 2 Clements (Edendale) 1 Garrard (Kemuera) 1 Lonms (Onehunga) 1 Vincent (Dominion Road).. 1 Garry (I'ousonby) 0 Russell (St- Helier'a) 0 Losses. 0 0 1 1 1 1 7. 3

POSITION Off XEAA1S. I Wius. Losses. Truscolt (Carlton) 0 ; Whittle (Gny Lynn) '■> «» I'arsuiis (l'onsoal)y) - 1 Sanderson (Rouiuera) - l Wriillt (OneUunRa) 1 - 1'ourue iKocky Nook) 1 2 White (St. llelier's) 1 \ \ James (Edeuilale) 0 3 ■

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Auckland Star, Volume LV, Issue 307, 27 December 1924, Page 5

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BOWLING. Auckland Star, Volume LV, Issue 307, 27 December 1924, Page 5

BOWLING. Auckland Star, Volume LV, Issue 307, 27 December 1924, Page 5