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——i—■ Abridged Prospectus of ———n MUIR'S GOLD REEFS Ltd. TE PUKE. (Incorporated under the Companies Act, 1908.) Capital - - - £125,000. (Divided into 125,009 Shares of £1 each) 77,479 Shares, fully paid up to 20/-, have already been issued. 47,521 Shares are now offered for public subscription on the following terms: — 125,000 5/- per share on application, SI- per share on allotment, 2/6 per share on the Ist day of each month immediately following the month in which allotment is made. Subscribers- may, however, pay up the full plcted, leaving 404 feet to be negotiated, which How to Apply for Shares. amount of 20/- per share on application. Shares will take two or three months longer than the so bvstX B w s t:r±^ti, e PUb .ie, Mu ff«s?sw «** 1S *»«. ,-■., !■ -« 10 *« m**. ™ ?r - ---the Directors reserve the right to withdraw the know if they have struck it rich, and up will tmiity of getting into this wonderful speculation, balance after 25,000 shares have been applied go , these shares like a sky rocket. The directors we have appended an application form, below for. . may then withdraw all shares not sold of the wn j ch wi n ena ble you to reserve your shares Obiect, of the New Issue of-Shares Sβ *" tV'S&tSL*™ **™ " without COramiUl " g - 7 ° anH>U MT.~ »* KJOJCCtS OF toe new ISSUe OX onares. * & J full prospectus. You can then send an your The present issue of Shares is being made to This is one of the most promising mining formal application, together with cheque for the provide the necessary capital for the farther propositions that has ever been placed ap p lication moneT . s imp i y cross out the word development of the property known as MTJIRS U_fc,__ »U. n ~» n l ~* 7a.rA-*r.A = " ,j it GOLD REEFS, LTD, at the deep levels. This be "» r « ™« P«*l»e t ™_. New , Zeaiand — a "allot," write your name .and address clearly, property consists of 580 acres, held under lease possible EI Dorado. an d pest. You will receive a prospectus by and mining rights, situated about seven miles Mr. Noble says: "The Company has over- return mail, to the west of Te Puke township, in the Bay of come a u the attendant difficulties of the pioneerPlenty district. ing work of developing a mine on a new gold- All Applications, whether through brokers or Mr. Noble's report will show that the mine is field. They have carried out mining operations . . . 0ai1 _... a4 , tn . + v- rnmnanw'n splendidly equipped, and that up to the end of on a sca ,*. of more than ordinary magnitude, oth e™se, must be addressed to the Company S 1923—three and a half years—the present com- aiK j are now within measurable distance of com- Auckland Office, Exchange' Lane, Auckland. All pany crushed and treated 66,703 tons of ore, pleting the work which they undertook in order brokers of the Associated Stock Exchanges of which yielded gold and silver to the value of to prove the existence of ore in large quantities New Zea i an a w jh be allowed a brokerage Of 2J £104,770 17/11. of payable value in their reefs at the deeper fw app i icatioMr forwarded by them. Brilliant Prospects. Can myonc point to a mining prodo^^^tl^bTweT^of t t^r^S^ a l"l d ?he position in A ° history of New Zealand? No Shares Available Under Par. to g so e m " Mr. H. Stansfield's Report. "• P«~* holder, or the share, thine good. Every mining expert who has in- .«. • , ~ . x - , , already allotted in Hair's Gold Keels, LVL, spected the mine is impressed with the possi- ThcTc . ,s "» ™an m New Zealand under taken not to disposeof them for three ,'.,..- , . -, • i i. whose opinion of a quartz mininj; venture is more , ~ bilities of striking it rich. valued in mmm" circles throughout the whole months unless at a premium. Applicants for the thin present issue can tL see the regard- that th* a national undertaking that it has, on the advice fW* confidence of a wide ctrcle of mves- eiisting proprietary have for their property, of its experts, eubeidLi the deep level develop- tors, £ I whatever as they are Some ,_ paid me T? '7 n r -L U Sr n »o,itto«h as been offered to the Mr - SUnafield is now Advisory Engineer for miums for their shares, which have changed N ew° Z m eS P pS or the laT 2°5 Mnir's Keefs, and his report fuU pros- hands at up to £3/10/-. "™ . ■„. ? *.*„„* +wio r™ pectus of this Company indicates that the future the bnUiant prospects of success of this Com- Reef 3tobe a ywy profitable The Director 3 have ieeeTVed tie right t0 pany - one for the shareholders. ■ draw aH share 3 f rom the pubUc after 25.000 have _ As the work progresses favourable signs are . _ , The Drive for the Reels Well continually met with, and quartz stringers cut ° eea applied tor. Under Way. SPSSAE All applications will be regain the order \ shaft has been sunk 515 feet down, which the Company's prospects. ' receded, but paid application will take preis ij feet below sea level, directly between the . . _. ~ cedence over reserves until the latter are corntwo reefs—the "Jluir" and the "ilassey." At Christmas IS Here: Buy lOUrselt p i e ted and paid for. . , v■- ,/ 500 feet dov.n two crosscuts were commenced a Christmas Box That May !^r .--~- « some mon . ago—one' to intersect Muir's reef , __. , _ and the other to cut the Massey reef. "The be Worttl a fortune. . V«iii- Pharos ' object in sinking bo far before commencing cross- T j, is ig a wonderful chance of making a big MaKe OUre OT I our ODwes. cutting," says Mr. Noble in his report, was to win without much risk of loging your money> Don't delay in applying. You might miss the make certain of tapping the reefs well below ■h asLa , B ; t i« , racticallv a certainty that navable ' "' 6 . * , the oxidised zone. knSwl to exist in the upper be YoZd "hen Ire i? K«t«t opportnnitjr ever presented to the New levels, and thus increase the certainty of dis- -. g pasßi ble—inajed, highly probable from the Zealand public! This may prove to be the closing payable ore in the primary or unaltered indications met with—that this may turn out to richest mine ever discovered!.. Everything points ore which exists under the oxidised zone. be th(j ricllest mine ever discovered in New Zea- to a b ; g SU ccess. land, and with the longest life. At any rate, Mr. Only a Matter of Weeks Now and Stansfieia says in his report that the country •%r twll V WL' *L - . 1M«» met Tith ia tne l° wer working is "uaeiidised You VVUI Know Wnetner or I>OI country favourable in appearance, being similar j —' | Wβ have Struck a Bonanza. to that found encasing the veins at Waihi and | The Directors; Karangahake. . . The cross-cuts now being j, Muir's Gold Reefs, Ltd., The present position is that these two cross- p U t ou t a t t ne 500 feet level should intersect AW Blk h d cuts, which are being driven rapidly and simul- tne veins in unaltered country." c/° •*• w e e > taneously, have each advanced a considerable _ > ( Exchange Lane, AUCKlantt. distance, in. both cases more than half the Economical Working Conditions. Please allot - (reserve) mc distance to the reefs. According to the latest "* ° shares in the above Company upon tne^ terms Massey crossent -oM feet frdm the shaft. ings averaging even 50/- per ton would show a enclose pounds . - shilling: Tlip total distance to the Muir's reef is' 585 profit of over £45,000 on an annual output of an d. pence, being: 5/- per share on fa< nYw thprt. only »■>■>■ feet further to go, ;>r>,ooo tons of ore. which is well within the application. ,S£ cecity of the mill. What if oonsiderably The Massev crosscut will be approximately richer ore than that » found? And it is highly Name *«,«« 1000 feet long,"and of this 530 feet has been com- pmuable! Tne mine will be worth millions! Fill in Form NOW and write plainly Z7eTl.7.:yS~y/.Z^Z\Z'.'. S "Auckland" 's'tJi'r,'"' ',

f> ' MffRSON BROS LTD ■ take pltwure In announcing the- aniT«l of the first e "fP- || • - -i-ii: t yearn , et **£°^ d g : '^ i BOt bnyiDe *° Mpetim * nfc I till ' ' ''t Hall) wh«l a w e O, 4 T ill G bHBliSt e eTto ..heo c 4Mb littfe wonder. KS C»t»lognes on request. I HhH^^^H^ Symond* Street, Anckluid—Worth Island Distributor!.

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Auckland Star, Volume LV, Issue 307, 27 December 1924, Page 15

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Page 15 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume LV, Issue 307, 27 December 1924, Page 15

Page 15 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume LV, Issue 307, 27 December 1924, Page 15