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THE AUCKLAND MEETING. TE KARA WINS CUP. I M\-TKI! l>Oo.N' TIIK KAILWAY. li. w,,iMiii«T meeting of tlm Auckland I i.;,,.],,._. ( |~n ..("-nml at Kliorslic yester- , ;,i ~i .IniwiTV weather. Heavy miii fell I ~■,,'.i,ii-lii, mill il cintinUPd during Uip j , „.„„,... H..WCVIT. mutters improved as , (<i. i|,iv Hurr on, mid there wks a very j, ~,.| ii'iicmlaiH'P, rnnnidering the conThe Public Starts Well. I'n.ccedinjjs opened with the Queen's IMhim. Passionate Daddy"* <Jirl. Turn, I'lmihi'iii. liuuMili't ;ind Diamond Moon , ,-,|iii" 1,, keep thi'ir engagements. 11, ..,",. rt l,itli Imil the wrvii-i-s of H. j ii '• »»s mndi' about £WN) better j I'iix.'.'iiriti- 'lliiiii Kins 'flic Hell, with 'I'iiMiiili-iM :<m<L (Juiescent next most ~,-il'lii lifter. .After the field had irnwr.-pi! il furlong Son o' .Mine, fureal.irin Tiictician ;tn?l J'clham wen- racing i>, j,' lin,.. IVlhiim drew to the from in ihe my I'urlniifr [lost, and was folImvi'd l>y Sun ii' Mine. Cureaforru, Tae- ! .I.m a'ml J'elhani led across Hi, lop, with King Tin- Bell, ( ureaform, Tactician and Dpgage next. Pelham wa» first into tho straight from King The' liell, with Tactician. Degage, Tanadees ami SiaiiM all handy. King The Bell «.i- in front at the distance, but Degnge uas siimi alongside him, and in a good iHii-h the latter won by a neck, -with IVlliain a length away third. Siaosi, ( in i-ii lor nt, Tanailocs, Knijrlithood, Arch \in if. Dorimla and Phoenix Park were nil well up. K. W. JlcTavish, rider of IVlliHin, was suspended for three months fur liorinji. The Foal Stakes. (■iilil Acre. Star Stranger, Bank Draft and Oreiim were the. defections from the (licit Northern Foal Stakes. King'j >|.cccli was tlio public fancy, carrying iilpunt, £S2O more than Runnymede, with JJvilo JL'ark and Mimetic also well eupiHi.tcd. King Lv ran to the front before I In- top was reached, with Shirley, .Mimetic and Kunnymede next, while Kind's Speech was well back. Shirley, Kiiiji Lv and Runnymede were on terms as they rounded into the straight, where the last named ran wide. The trio were followed by Mimetic, King's Speech and Anklet. At the distance Mimetic and King's Speech came through, Mimetic winning by threequarters of a length, with .Mandanc, which finished fast, half v length away third. Ripon Abbey was | fcinrth, with King Lv, Runnymede, Hyde Park ami Shirley next. Another Favourite. Mtiscari was the papular fancy for the Kobinsun Handicap, being entrusted with about Clou more than JDesert Glow Villi Cherry Ripe and Urallabest backed of the others. Quinsilia was first out with Archibald, Whitumii, Finote, iDe.sert Clow, and Drolatiqne next. Crossing tihe top Finnote was in command from Quinsilia, Are.hibaJd, Kilris, ftluscari and Fiery lad. iPinote was first to turn for home with Archibald, Fiery Lad, Whitunui, Muscari, and Desert Glow next. Muscari was in front at I lie distance and stalling off a challenge by Whetunui, won by a neck, with. ■Desert Glow a length away third. Then came Uralla, Kilris, Archibald, Cherry Jlipe. and Drolatiquc. The Big Event. All with the exception of Royal Present, went to the post for the Auckland Cup and all the candidates looked well. Miisketoon was the popular fancy, but only carried about £100 more than J'nnonett, with Te Kara, Royal Divorce, and Stork, were most sought after of the others. Polonett and Illumination were the early leaders from Royal Divorce, Kalaka,na and Far North with Stork and Limelight last, Duo had taken charge by the time the straight was reached, from Royal Divorce, Gold Jacket and Polonett, while passing the stand the order was Gold Jacket, Royal Divorce, Duo, Musketoon, Gold Light, I'olonett, Illumination, and Right and Left, Kalakaua, Stork, and Limelight being the last three. Gold Jacket held his position along the back with Royal Divorce, Duo, Polonett, Musketoon, Te Kara, Right and Left, and Gold Light following as named, while Limelight was still last. Gold Jacket piloted the field across the top into the staigh-t where Aluniahi, Gold Light, Musketoon, Illumination and Te Kara were most prominent of the others. In the run home Illumination looked the winner at the distance but Te Kara stayed on better than him and beat him by three-quarters of a length. Limelight, who was a longway back for three-quarters of the dis1a nee put in a great run in the straight and got third, two lengths behind Illumination. Gold Light, Far North, Musketoon, Muraahi, Stork and Rio-ht and Left, with Polonett and Kalakana, last. The Favourite Falls. The Grafton Hurdle Race saw Santiago, Miss Melva, Narrow Neck, and Advent fail to keep their engagements. Jlullford was first choice with Glenotus and Maunga carrying most money of | the others. The favourite failed to negotiate the hurdle when they entered the straight. King Abbey was the pilot past the stands from Cool Stimulants, Mia Bella. Guianform, Starland,, Crown <'oin and Glenotus. Mia Bela ran up to King Abbey along the back with Cool Stimulants and Crown Coin next, the last named coming to grief a little later. Across, the top Mia Bella was in front and led around the turn from Kiiig -\bbev, Glenotus and Maunga. In the run home Mia Bella held her own to win ny two and a half lengths from Glenotus, which heat Maunga by ten lengths. Then <•»me King Abbey. Sea De'il, Starland an.l fool Stimulants. The Outsider Wins. Narmjut and Ttialiine were the only s.-raU-hmgs for the Railway Handicap, or winch the bracket P avo and BallyOuin C ™ r^i ed * bol,t £43n niore than Dan d>M ~n , i to ,1,0," ,s,i; l>wn. however, eld his own aa *"

The Juveniles. ! The public went for Mr. T. H. Lowry'p : Oreum, a daughter of Desert (iold. in : the rsursery Handicap, though good ! .support was forthcoming for Xastori j and (■'olden Autumn. Master Mind was liint out from Ijg Choueas. with Merry • Damon and (iolrten Autumn next. The , order was the same into the straight, ■ and at the distance Golden Autumn ap- ] poured as though she would win. but i Merry Dnmon stayed on the better, to beat ftolden Autumn iiy three-quarter:, <>i' a length, with J.a ("houeaa a neck. | away third. Master Mind was fourth, ;, with Abberseldy. Queen Arch, Nastori, j iind Oreuiu ainonj; the next to finish. A Good Betting Race. j 'Die soratchinff pen whs h«pil pretty j freely in the Christmas Handicap, with i which the day's i-port concluded. it! was ii great, betting race, with Sand-: star, Footfall, and Lady Kidieule carry- > in;r most money. Kilocflll was the j tirst out. but almost immediately ' Dazzling J.ight took charge from J-ady : Ridicule. Raeeful. liala Day. .Malatour, [ Survey,>r. footfall. Quest, and Sandstar. ' < rousing the top. Lady Ridicule was in j front, with Cain. Day. Dazzling Light, I llnhuour. and Quest next. Lady Kidi-j ciile waß first into the straight from ! (Jain Day. Surveyor. Sandstar, Mala-' lour. Bright Hay." and Footfall, and in j a gn-at race Saiidstar drew out, to win j by" three-quarters of a length from Bright Day, which bent Kaecful by a| bead. ftala Day was fourth, with j Kidieule, Quest," Footfall, and Surveyor! The Totalisator. The sum of £11.-».:!:in was put through J the totalisator. compared with £137.85(5 10' for the corresponding day last year | —a decrease of £2*2,317 10/. Later results are: — CRAFTOX mltni.E KATE, of GOOsovs. Two miles. 4—MIA BELLA, lilk m. aged, by Kins Soult—Sphinx (Messrs. Kusso Bros.), it.Xf —M.Rae 1 2—GLENOTUS, br K. aged (Mrs- B - „! McLood). il.O—Rae ........... -; :;—MAUNGA. br g, (iyrs (Miss M. J. Douglas), 10.10—Bagby 3 Also ctarted: (9) Stnrlund 11.3, (1) Bullfora 11.2. Iβ) Spa Do it 10.2, (5) Crown Coin 10.1. (7) King Abbey 8.1.1, iSi Cool Stimulants "9.0, (10> Giiianfonu j 9 '°Wnn by two lengths and a-half. ten lengths between second and third. 'J line, 3..-)T 3-5. RAILWAY HANDICAP. oC 1400 sots. .six furlongs. 13—MASTER DOON. br g. .".yrs. by Locillun- Lnssie Do.m (Mr. 1). P Moraghan), CO—Joues 1 3—HIPO. blk g, Gyrs (Mr. E. George), 7.12 —11. Grny 2 I—PAVI). blk g. aged I Mr. H. Friedlander), —11. Goldflnch 3 Also started: (S) Koyal Blood 9.!), (ft) Tllkia B.IK, (12) Alfort 5.6 nnd Prince Abhoy e.U (coupled), (!>) Lucius 8..*, (18) Killocra 5.2, (2) Dan Quin S.O, (7) Grand Knight 7.13 and Fool's Paradise 77 (eoupl£n. Ill) Kinelli 7.12. (11) Deluce 7.8 and Motley 7.5 (coupled), (10) Civility 7.4, (14) Broadwood 7.:!, (6) Quinette 0.10, (1) Ballymoy 11. 6.7 (coupled with Pavo). Won by half a length, two lengths between second and third. Time, 1.15 3-5. NUKSBRY HANDICAP, ol 550 soys (for two-year-olds). Five furlongs. S—MERRY DAMON, br g, by Polydamon—Merry Roe (Mrs. E. Hall), 7.S—B. Rosen 1 3—GOLDEN AUTUMN, eh g (Mr. \V. Scholium). 7.6 —E. Keesiug .... 2 S—LE CHOUCAS, b g (Mr. C. G. Macindoc), 7.2 —W. Bagby 3 Also started: (6) Bomnntic S.O. (4) Master Mind 7.9, (11) Paddon 7.8. (10) Gold Mint 7.8, (7) Abbereeldy 7.8, (2) Nastori 7.4, 19) Our Queen 7.1, (1) Oreum 7.0. (13) Queen Arch 6.11, (13) Waning Light 6.11, (11) Lomint 6.11, (12) Charis 6.11. Won by three-quarters of a length, a neck between second and third. Time, 1.2 1-5. CHRISTMAS HANDICAP, o£ 600SOT8. One mile. I—SAXDSTAR, l> c, 3yrs, by Sands of the Orient —Mary Beaton (Mr. W. Scholium), 7.0—8. Koaen 1 S—BKIGHT DAY", eh g. syrs, 7.8 (car. 7.12) —H. Gray 2 G—RACEFUL. b h, aged (Mr. J. Fraser Smith), 7.3— H. Wiggins 3 Also started: (7) Surveyor 9.10, (8) Kick Off 8.7, (!)) Quest 7.12, (2) Footfall 7.3, (3) Lady Kidieule 7.3 (car. 7.5), U0) Landslide 7.2, (4) Gala Day 7.0, (12) Mount Mnrta 6.12, (13) Rouex 6.11, (11) Dazzling Light 6.U, (14) Malatour 6.7. Won by three-quarters of a length, a head between second and third. Time, 1.40 3-5. THE TARANAKI MEETING. SGNSHOT WIXS CHRISTMAS HANDICAP. <By Telegraph.—Press Association.) NEW PLYMOUTH, Friday. The Taranaki Jockey Club's meeting opened to-<lay in showery weather. The attendance was larg<>. and the going good. The totalisator handled £29.170, compared with £29,989 on the first day last year, a decrease of £783. The following are the results :— Huatokl Plate, seven furlongs.—General Pryde (J. Dombroski) 1. Close Fire 2, Hallowmoon .i. Also started : All Wind, Cooinda, Ratapako, Grand Lupin. Enthuse. I Moeatoa, Calm Eve. Won by a length and I a-half. Time, 1.29 4-3. j Borough Juvenile Hack Handicap, five ! furlongs.—Shut eye (.1. Dombroski) ], Lucernal 2, Bahama 3. Also started : ; Insurance, Roburant. Anchor. Won by a length and a-half. Time, 1.3. ' Rahotu Hack Hurdles Handicap, one mile and a-half.—Te Kawa (T. Holman) 1, I Miss Mickey 2, Gold Peak 3. Also started : | Equitable, Waimatoa. Sling Camp, Silent I Knighf (who lost his rider), Craigowen. Edenholm, Lady Comet. Won by two lengths. Time. 2.53 4-5. btewards . Hack Handicap, six furlongs. Sunny Vale (J. Dombroski) 1, Wee Sandy 2. Lord Loppy H. Also started: Maria, Trendwell, Mountain Ore, Lusylvia, Fire Brigade. Won by half a length. Time, 1.15 4-5. Christmas Handicap, one mile and aquarter.—Sunshot (M. Edwards) 1 Irapnka 2, Abbey Bell 3. Also startedEuchre. Glencniru, Kahikatea, The Banker (ileiigariff. Won by half a length, with a neck between second and third. Time, Lepperton Welter Hack Handicap, seven furlongs.—Merry Ann (M. Mitchell) 1, General Pryde 2. Arsene Luplu 3. Also started : Blue Peter, The Curragh. The Emperor, Interest, Dignity, Roaming. Won by a neck, with two lengths between second and third. Time, 1.20. Tikorangi Hack Handicap, five furlongs Papaponga (N. F. Johnson) 1, Empire Camp 2, Llghtwood 3. Also started : Rehutai. Mountain Bell, Lord Loppy, Shuteve Lady Hazel. Gold Clip. Lisogn'e. Straight Fire. Won by two lengths. Time. 1.3 1-5. I' lying Handicap, six furlongs.—Rational (S. Anderson 11, Orchid 2. Yoma 3. Also started : Tinokaha. Sunny Jim, Thunderclap Hori, Emerald Hill. Festive. Won by half a length. Time, 1.15 4-5.

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Auckland Star, Volume LV, Issue 307, 27 December 1924, Page 12

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SUMMER RACING. Auckland Star, Volume LV, Issue 307, 27 December 1924, Page 12

SUMMER RACING. Auckland Star, Volume LV, Issue 307, 27 December 1924, Page 12