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J AUCTIONS. IJ. H, A XBELL AXU 'C a ' AT THBIK KOOMS, 107, QUEEN STREET. mUESDAY, mUESDAY, AT I>> O'CLOCK. rp II E Jfi U iTI QONT EN T S EIGHT-ROOMED TJESIDENCE ANn -ti GENERAL HOUSEHOLD FfRMTfBK, AXEI THE ACCESSORIES OF SAME. TO BE REMOVED TO OUR MART FOR IMMEDIATE SALE. The nbovp comprises Well Selected Fmnishinps, and will he ON VIEW MONDAY AFTERNOON. Full Details Later. J. H. A^ L AND C°AUCTIONEERS AND VALUERS. 167, QUEEN ST (Next IT.M. Theatre). Louis Lpwls, Auctioneer, riinno 2-T'SA 14 —i . - — J TT A NSELL AND /"-«O. SALE OF TTXKEDEEMED TpLIiDGES. T "-NKEDEEMED pLEDGES. T7IRIDAY AND (JATIKDAY, QCTOEER e)t AND O^ AT 1 1 O'CLOCK EACH DAY. Favour-.! with Instruction? from MR. ARTHUR LANGFORD, (if the Imperial Loan Co., 33, Victoria Street West, AUCTION AT ICT. Cjl V.V.S STREET (Next lI.M. Theatre). A LARGE SELECTION OF SUPERIOR PLEDGES, including :— DIAMOND RINGS AND BROOCHES, £80, £60, £40, Etc.. DIAMOND AND OEM RINGS. LADIES' AND GENT.'S GOLD WATCHES GOLD ALBERTS. WRISTLhI WATCHES, PENDANTS. GOLD AND SILVER JEWELLERY. SILVER AND PLATE TEA SERVICES, ENTREE DISHES, BANGLES, AND TRINKETS. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, LEATHER BAGS. TRUNKS, SUIT CASES. CLOTHING AND BOOTS, CURIOS AND BRIC-A-BRAC. PRISM GLASSES, CAMERAS. BIKE, AND ENDLESS SUNDRIES. Nov. 7th, 1023, G32S, Suit: "til. 6285, Blanket : Oct. 24th, 01:77, Suit ; Aim. 27th. Gfi:)2, Dress Suit; Nov. llith, 6:t.'i4, Suit; .Inly 23rd, GOO.'t, Dress Suit; l'.Mli. :>WVI, Dress Suit: Dec. 17th. (W.". 0. Dress Suit; Feb. ISth. 1024. 6577., etc.; Jan. 7th. U.'.ns, Oress Suit; Feb. 7tli, li."i7i). Lady's Cont. etc.: An;. 20th. 1!>23, 3H73, Suit Case; June i:r.tli. 3303, Suit Case: 1-th, .", Suit Case; Nov. 10th, 4177. Kit Bac : Aug. 15th, 3052, Suit Case; -Oth, 3li7U. Suit Case anil Boots; Oct. Ist. 3013, Ilumprr. ctr. ; Nov. ISth. 412.-.. Mandolin: 27th, 4245, Violin ; July 12th. 3451. Violin ; Sep. ]Sth. 3833. Violin: Aiie. Kith. 3ii.V>. Mandolin: Dee. 2!) th, 440."i, Aecordeon, etc.; June 2.'ith, 3303, Suit Case and Boots; Oct. :;Ofh. 407 C. Tennis Rscijuct; Ailß. l:itb, 3i>4l, Raccjuet : Nov. Kith. 4177, Kit Bag; July 24th, 3520, Prism F Glasses: Sept. 21s't, aSiiii, Prism F (J lasses; Dec. 14th. 430.-1, Prism F Glasses: Sept. 1, :!7.",!1. V Glasses: Oct. 24t11. 4032, Opera Glasses : 2!)ih, 40U0, Glasses and Brooch : July 23rd. ::.'«IK, Camera; Nor.\lSth, 4100. Camera; 7th. 4117, Camera : Aug. 22, SHOO. Camera ; Nov. 20th. 41!i.s. Al Clock: May 7th, 3073. Tejt Spoons; July 13th, 34«!>. 0 S Knives: Sept. lfllh, 35411, Surveyors Tape; May Sth, 30S0, Cutlery; Oct. 13th. 3a7<i. Silver Tea Set; l.Stb, 4002. Camera: Aug. 27. 3705, D Ring. etc. : Nov. 20, 4200, Oboe ; Jan. 2."ith, 4<i.-»0. Clock: Nov. 15th, 41ii7, Typewriter: July 23rd, 8521. Camera; Aug. 10th, 3G33, El>. Cruet : July 31st, X. r >7o, Camera; Oct. Oth. 1022. 1061, D Ring; Oct. 4th, 1023, 3!i.Vi. D and X Ring; May 14th, 3111!, D Cluster Ring: April 12tll, 2(l4t>, DC King; Oct. Otli, 3017, !• King: Sept. 21st. 3sti,"i, D King; Feb. 12th. 2i>r><;, Grst Cliain ; .May Ist. 304», Bracelet: 2nd. 3054. Oct B Watch : 3rd, 30(11, I+ct Watch ; 4th, 30fi">, Oct Cliain and Sow Pell : 4th. 3067. 14ct Watch: Oth. 30S0, SF Watch Chain; 10th. :;nn: - .. King; 11th. I 3103. Watch and Chain ; lHth, 311 H. 'Watch and Guard; 10th, 3150, Watch; I lOih, 31.12, Ring: 2"ilh. 31SJI, Watch; 26th, 3103. Gold Chain: 20th, 320.%. Ring: 30th. 3217, Watch: 30th. 3215. «riiain : inth, 3225, Watch; lnth, 3120, Sil Chain: June Sth. 22r.t>, Watch ; 2ud, 3246. Pendant ; Sth, 3272. Watch and Chain; Ist. 3244, Watch; 13th, 3313. Watch: Bth, 3350, Bangle; 80th. 342."".. Bangle; July 3rd, 3430. Watch; ilrd. 3441. Ring; Illri, 3475. Ring: 10th, 3.".03, Ring; 10th. 5!>01. Watch and Cliain: ISth. r.070. Sil Watch: ISth, r.OS2, W King: 24th, 3530, Bracelet, etc.; May 14th, 3110, Watch: March Kth. 275.1. Coins; Sept. 27th. 3000. Sleeve Links; June ISth. 3351, Sil Chain 27th, 340G, D Stud*; Aug. ISth. 3665; W King: 21st. 3677, Pendant; 23rd. 3000. Watch anrl Chain; 24th. 370:!. Wutch : 27th, 11712. Watch: 20th. 3725. 2 Gold Kings; Sept. Ist. :5744. Watch; 4th. 3700. Watch: f.lh, 3701. Watch; Oth. 3770. Watch: Oth. 3772. Wutch; 7th. 377», Chain: 12th. 3702, Watch and Gold Chain; 15th. 3801), Watch and Chain; 21st. 3SOO, Dress King: 21st, 3S4">, Neck Chain; 21st. 3S4S, Chain: 26th. 3W)G, Watch: Jau. 13th, 1!)22, r>72, Watch; 13th, 570. Coins; 13th. 50S, Coins: 13th, 574, Coins; Oct 27th. 102 S. 400-1. Watch: 4th. 3937. King; sth. 3042. Watch and Chain : Gth. 3044. Soy Brooch : Sth, 305:',, Brooch and Pendant: Aug. 17th, 3055. Cliain and Soy ; Oct. Oth, 3055, Watch: 10th. 3002. Watch and Ring: 10th. 3002. Pendant: May 4th, 300 S. Watch; Oct. Sth. 3557, King und Watch : 2nd. 3024, Ring; 10th. 305.5, King and Bracelet; Nov. 3d, 4004, Sil Cig Case: Ist, 4052, Brooch:" Ist. 4083, W Ring; 3rd. 4005 King; sth, 4105. Watch: 7th. 4120. Chain; 12th. 4147, Brooch; 15th, 4104. Wristlet Watch loth. 4108. Watch; 17th, 41S0, Chain and Pendant: 21st. 4200. Ring; 23rd. 4210. Watch; 24th. 4233. Watch and Chain ; 20th. 4214. Chain : 20th. 4257 D Ring; May lCth, 1022, 1200, Watch' 20th 1530, King; Sept. Sth. IS2S, Wnteh : Dec 3rd, 1023, 4273. Gold Chain; 7th, 4310, Bangle; 4th, 4295, Chain: sth. 4304 Watch: 7th. 4317. Bangle: Sth 4327. Chain and Pendant: 12th. 4340, Watch; 20th 4458, Gold Chain; 14th. 43ii2. Bangle: 10th. 4304. King; 31st. 4477. Watch and Chain24th. 4412. Watch and Chain; 22nd, 440S King; 2Sth. 4450. Ring: June Sth. 10' M 6540. Suits: March 10th, GOG 7. Blankets : Feb. 15th. 1>504, Suit: 23rd, (»C,24, Rug : April 15th. G73S. Kug: Feb. 20th, 6CIV Cloth ; May 28th, GSOti, Suit : .Inn. 10th' l>slo, Boots: May 10th. t>Bs2. Sweater.Feb. 16th. GGOS, Boots: 2!)tb. 0044 Boots : Jan. Ist. g<lo7. Shict. etc.: May 31st, GOOo! 'Shirts: June sth. GO2l. Shirts: 14th. ssoo Dress : May 20th. 0002. Shoes ; Nov Sth 1023. G320, Boots: May slh. 1024. 005.-,', I Shoes: June Oth, 003 S. Bonts • Feb ->nd 1023, 5553, Shoes : Sept. sth. Gll4. Rug; Aug Oth. 0040. Skirt; Oct. 2tith, G271 skirt" Dec. Ist. 6400. Dress: Oct. 3rd 0">l' Sheets: Aug. 3rd. 3501, Tools: FPb. Bth! Ffib. 20th, 4.521. Suit Case: Jan 21 l'.r'-l' 4011, Att Case: sth. 4520, Kit Bag:': 20U ' j 4b56, Suit Case; March 10th, OOSI Suit Case; Feb. 27. 4820, Casements: Aug. 27th 3705, King: June 11th. 1023. 3"OS Cornet • ' ASK: % 3 5 77 - Cruet; .Tan. 12th, 1024', : 407;>, Kit Bag: 24th. 05.14, Suit Case• Sept. 24th. 1023. 3553. Cornet : Jan. loth 4i>uo, Rarquet; 3rd. 4400, Racquet ; Nov' 20th, 1023. 4108. Kit Bag; Feb ir.tu I'l'M I 4700. Brief Bag. etc. : Nov. "Oth l^3 14200, Oboe: Jan. Sth, 1022. 2422 Watch- , Jan. 3rd. 1024. 4457, Watch- "ith 4114' I Watch: 7th, 4534. King: sih 4543. Watch •' ! 21st, 4015. Watch and Chain; 28 h 4fiOo' Watch: 2Sth. 4001. G Chain- 31st 4 070 Watch: 31st. 4684. Ring: ' 31st 40S-,' I Watch : Feb. Ist. 4003. Chain- sth 4711 !Wt Watch: 14th. 4750. G Ring ISti , I 4773. Wntch and Chain: 18th 4774. ij I Ring: 27th. 4824. G Cliain: 2Hlh 4s-!7 ! Watch: 20th. 4540. c, King; 20th' 44gV I Boy. etc.: March 7th. 4SOS Ran"• ,'. • "r, ' 4845. Armlet; 17th, 4013. Watch :']s[' 14043. Ring: "flth. 405:!. Watch- ai»t 4072. Watch and King; Feb. 1; h' Knincoat: Jan. Sth. 0511 R incn-ft •' 2.-.111. 000 S. IMlncoai! March sth GO L >7 Overcoat . April 6th. 0704. Overcoat- - March 23rd, 0700, Overcoat- Miv "7,i,' GSSft. Overcoat : June 20th, «nSB. Tmitw •' Jan. 11th. C 043, Boots: nth" 4507 n : Ring: Sth. 4535. D Ring- 10th isa-i n ■ and R Ring: Feb. 4th, 4704. G«W RWe° March 7th, 1921, 2505, 2 Rings. ,1 "" s ' AUCTION FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, QCTOBER 24 AXD 25, AT 11 AM - I J. H. A NSELL AND c°AUCTIONEERS AND VALUERS 107. QUEEN STREET I (Next lI.M. Theatre), I LOUIS LEWIS, Auctioneer. Phone 2565 A. v

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Auckland Star, Volume LV, Issue 248, 18 October 1924, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume LV, Issue 248, 18 October 1924, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume LV, Issue 248, 18 October 1924, Page 8