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1 I f% Summer Clothing Needs for Boys i " Cash and Carr y" Ijl 3 i UnHUr i Noteworthy J.C.L. Value Speciality — -■Hlfift[l s [J ' : "* sS=====^s = ; InUWP aY ' BRING YOUR BOYS TO THE J.C.L. FOR RELIABLE CLOTHING. i ! I . /rilyffl VV ' 11 iHI ixU A \ Practically all J.C.L. clothing for boys is made in our own up-to-date workrooms under expert super- JWuMßlfjfijflk ' '' 3 • ■ MM .lIJL mrf '< 1 I i " ! i mTTI -\ vision, affording an unusually good opportunity for value giving and the introducing of perfect garments. All lffllEH»Bx?s*fti ' i " vfr-, ; J* - ' I\\ WLJ» m '■ || J ,|Vi I IIX (1 '\ materials are carefully chosen, well cut. and tailored, and securely put together to withstand the hard wear which DDII4K ' I </-vu W | /* s\w tiyr I'm I • fe* ; HUiiflm I ' /~~*~~ I i " ill j Vl , r\\ boys are Sllre t0 glvc - A " clothin s carries the J<: i.. guarantee for lasting service,, good quality, and keenness of ; IUMN V<O vl Ivl "I ' Ifc*/ | IUM Wu E ■ ! !l \ 5 JV\'w price. Also showing are a complete range of Summer Headwcar for Boys, comprising Sun Helmets, Crash Hats. i | *** | I ; ; ' j\ ; ==^N',: , V i Vl —?°» B ' White Tennis Shirta of Beatrice Y3—Boys' Striped Cotton Pyjamas, White . / '• ' lj ' v — — «OaW ! ' iO / \ flirsliwrZ! .■fjiir* Also. Good Tussore Silk. same. ——; ' ■ / ; Jy, ) t,rfi)l Jfti ■ A f-f l<nnnc ' In=^ , : . ! ' 1 and 2. 3 and i. 5 and 6. 7 and 3. 0 ami 10. Eo^j c ,"!, b^< : d^ as, ? m * re ,- """ /tUfi'Julfl f* \ rtIIXaCIIVC VIUUUS ; , p* i J.C.L. Value in ! cni™-. T . n cot Mn ß**.,m sl zes»« s - s j " 6 "" : V°V "fyprJlx ; Marked i g>., 3 i Silk Hosiery I ■ 1/ - " 1/2 I>3 " IH mW ™S -- - ;, s 6 f: ISrBP— v 111 i A™ Low i I I , J \ Chltdren'i Whit. Merceriied Cotton Sockt. IMflfl $ pM\ '"-i M Cotton |','J I— , Q ~< 4 a , . c ~'-' ,:!: T *■*"' •' ?J 9 9j 'L'/V-L' W-B . | -I — ; Sizes to nt as-es 12 months to 6 j-ears. JEHS | B UL \ , ( \J striped Wverlna— 2629211 33. 3 6 3/6 ]/ '• * "2 I Ladies' Pure Silk Hose, vMth strone : o' 2eS: I s a * B « Qfflpty&m > c ,,, H B ,- 11 - h 6 ' 3 6/e 69 6 ' ll 73 Children's White Mercerised Cotton Sock., Tf \\ "Vhe" 'wee '< • ST *? ; Lisle tops and feet. A reliable • V- 1/1 1/1 1/3 1/4 1/B L *T/6 B9 B/11 6/3 6 6 SViSp r a«£ l fc STolthlTo Li 'rSade ! Ladies' Summer Frocks, in Maro- i f§{ ■S I Gre": n Ld qU S,. in BlaOk> ite> i A and PrlceS taWhi " ■— I ™teTwn,- 4/e , 9 4 , 1f ~3 ~. 9 j< <\ jjjj ,»,, Hf( K,^^£SM ! cain and Jacquard effects. j J^ ; 9/11 i ifilimSm U-'-'M ~~ Let Ag* , Made up m several pooa j 8/11 each. { fe^i i . ■ V*— Boy.' Bun Helmet H«t« for summer ik'^UW , "hosT "\ v '"Tii.-.Jm "*"? i""*." ur,s" "rf°V' ' * iA <2J , , ; J,. Sixes 2to v i I j W : Lower p-ade, in Black and WhHe | SinJiiaK. f >-' "' "' ? ° DD2 °- u/'gVy Kt.Ke. XVtncey- j 30 -" eh Bordered Casement ; fc. rss| • 6/11 I strong- Crash. Recommended ror pro- PMwmfr — / *i,«- , "' ~ > ' /-"Pf tu i' Sllk - ? ood Quality— ; smart Doraers. ; »• : ' i lectin from sunstroke, etc. Ail V /fCi\ '(V 211 31 33 3"6 19 6 " . i 1/11 yard. j 2 i -Ladles' Extra Fine Silk Hose, with ' 3/ " " eh - ' nH lW\ "** W%£™%*"& £?"}« \~.- 1C ~ pT .D 1 , | : lace clox, in Light and Dark • " 4E^* c!^ v - X / -\i /M' I Vs. \ J \ I ages 3,0 6 . ye a r? - ! tte>ys Uolf Hose, Plain Black ■ fe. : Natural, Grey. Brown, Black, and ; Boy« Sailor Str«w Hata, -n-tth nat crown and blue / fl W ],\ M/n£l\ Tl : U\ts\ \ 17 6 th« Suit. . an j G rey _ gizes 4to 9. I C t? : White, also Plain. I *" SIZeS ,0 flt ages from 3 year 9to * p#- \ A 'l/fi Ejß tW Do2l—The Litett Oeiign in Dutch Romperj for ; «>/-»• l^ , : 11 /a ' jmi»- / »i| t\ iBIk Iv, ,( e **l''//(/eS. }y rhlldren, asres rrotii I to 3 years. .Novelty ■ */<J pair. , L,j J li/D . ■' 11 - »' t V fife. iM F N \\\\///\7 / / desirns in Washing- Hiverina. I — ■ S> Cf I: . I A 'so. auiUble for Boy* from 2to 4 y»«rt. If j fi.fc )%J \f A M \ Nki//v iff ell a«ch. ; . ~ . _ . ' fej I Superior Quality Pure Silk Hoae with \ / I l\l j\L I V 4 M AulCl DDll4s—Thl. diaplays a Boy's Norfolk I La a»« 1 wo-tone J a P a n«fe Crepe , g» ' Lisle tops and feet in Black \YhitP ! '"fanta , Btraw Hats wltn UTjlte or Blue band trim- \\*s=l A"-V*- jSM Mf (/J7 , -h \ ■ ? ult made U P of " K'lnfs " Park r.rey Worsted | rrOCKS, excellent tor house or • &* ■3 ! Light Fa4 c : ! m.n. : _ Sues to flt a S es t,o 3 years. Good aual.ty M CT / Mf I I beac h. : S» : : "oya , Whita Straw Hata, In sultaDle shape, bound White \IA li \ M \z\\\\ IST R' S|ZPS: «. a 'i , >i>, J', ' 5 ; ~.„. o . I ■ fcj I Ladles' Ribbed Art Silk Hose in ■ For ages 3 years to 6 years. I" l W X=UU m IB £* 89/6 61/- 62 ; - 63 >- 64/- . Millinery Sprays, m many effects. g , ! *3 I Black, White, Brown Grey 'and ' : : Yz - M ■ f\. ■ D ' Youths' "All-wool" Indigo Navy Serge Sao Suit. ', -»j l .. Si I *% : Tan. Splendid value *' ! »oy' School and extremely #10% vounlmln'rrom vT »7eT4r S S tbm =ult has ; 3d ' e * Ch> .; £ # • «'v»v.. finished and rut hliph fnr rnmfnrf fintehort cMo ■ I >oijii(f iiian irufri 10 to i» jrdis. iflis ucis , » K3**' 1 i 6 / 6 i U.U.L. Whm SSS"i"™"- i Ladies * f Na^and B — Blo <- i S^ j Also wth Cashmere Feet and Topa. \ ,„ on for lastlnßr servlce - ««CT A D ATTDATTIAMCN All-wool Worsted , ers of strong cotton crepe. ; <g ; Black, White, Grey. ! IM A 'fe O sf er? r 7 » • 10 it « X. OI AX AI 1 KAt 1 IUINb. M DDlßl _. oy .. Sp<>ft Styl6 , uW . made a3 ~l Uiltra. j 1/9 the pair. ■ & ; 7/6 ' Sizes: 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 v tlon stronely (lnlslied and serviceable in every ■ ; \\> mSk ' ' ■; 13/- 13/6 14/- 14/e 18/ , - 18/6 16'- , way. Plain knickers Silesia lined, the coat ! I j- • j pi .11 . r> i < s> l T ?? ; , , Ages: 13 14 15 Iβ 17 IS 19 Ladies , Fine Ribbed White Cotton Unc!er- Un?tl 'tallan cloth; twx) patch rackets and one . Ladies and Children S Kush ' C^; eS& ' Ladies' Nnn.laririoKlnn Bilk u_, ! Sizes: il ta 13 14 15 16 17 ,eBM a l"\v nerk sleeveless popular outside breast pocket. A favourite style ror I Hats nonular for h»arh nr • S»i . Lames Won-ladderlng Art Silk Hose, ; -ie/c 17/- 17/e 18/- 18/6 19/- 19-6 fummpr style, mushed rrenrti lundi" school boys from 7 years to 10 years. riats, popular ror Deactl or , jzr, r£k ■ nea\T weight, serviceable quality, ; Grey Worsted— on arnihoie" and ne,:k. An unmistakable Indlgn Ser?e— ' picnic wear. « Xl , with Lisle suspender tops and feet. J Ages: 6 7 8 9 10 it 12 sur Au,. I . n li »VT'! teal, LS' n '' m ' AfeS: ~ g c 10 11 is 13 ; i/.- 1. { I fo. ! S?M- fi !S. \ ""T/s'a-—" - X g4 fft f f v , . ' A ."*, „J I ■3 ; 12/6 ! Slzes: 11 12 ,3 ,4 15 ,6 » T all >1. L^ ie *' Daintily Embroidered Fine Swi« Slze3: -ir -i 3. J• . -L? J" e 1T : •♦-inch Check Glass Cloth ■ fe,' I IA/D , IT/ . 17/e Ig/ _ 18/e 19/ . 19/e 20/ . gl I■■ muslin Handkerchiefs. A useriil sizn & co '" • 1 '- eie 62 "6Ze G3 " I Towelline : **l 7& : — -/ !. Bough ser*e— ■ M '• l " r ' ,w herr.>tltrhe,i n n e. with All m Mid and Light Grey Tweed— ■ " ng- ; fe,' « ; Ladles' Plain Coloured Art Silk Hose, ; Apes: 6 7 8 g ,0 .1 19 /^^^p^k # .IpmS..*" % *«cV: I, S ? '*? V Is i? i per yard. i ; with Lisle top and feet, in Nude, Size 3: % \ ,? 3 BJe c : 953 .?. 9 U L M I i , '" ' m 43'- «3 6 44- 44 645- « s 46- : : J3 : Onion, Champagne, Shoe Grey. Affes: T3 ll 1J Tβ % Tβ ie 1* ' tSSv # Star Attraction Price MONDAY- m 11 13 16 17 ■Iβ 19 ; J ; ffgS > 4/11 noo nii n ! tihp*. 4< 14 jo ! ; is j a i- MBA C.'D. Each. Sizes: 12 13 I i I .• 1b 1 , , « r ' *^ 2 : 4 / n p p i Ye/- Vo/3 io/e io/9 ii/. ii/ 3'■ rmL # 5 - m « cc «- « 76 •»- ♦»■* «/- ■ look for ; j^,. 3 :• . i En ?^ s ?. Tw r d - 7 8 9 io ii „ # Fmm Qtnll fl m nnlV m A ?es Dar 7 Gre} s an<l T™ , T 0 ' eed 77 ia n i Important Announcement Re i I ! fiSli cc ~ . 7 J 3 V VJS a#. ' '• % ¥ZeS « 5e •'- c «/" -*/• -- : ASSIGNED STOCK SALE I g 2 ! Guaranteed Five Year, j W ,}f ff Jf V!f%' V #MJ Order, no, - K ' jjl jf. jj. j% i%i% = in mdn new, .heet, j $ J3l : The Wonderful ; e,e β-e 9/- m All-wool xz. Tweed— I To-day* Issue. \ C§ ; i Dark-Grey All-wool Tweed— W m \?p«: 7 s 9 10 H ia 13 I . L. i Jensen-Moore i sf«V: S s f ? V n V Iα i,zes: 3 a>- 32 % 33- & - w , /- ; I g , I! iw i s 1111 i * ,fi, Always Busy s i lii- o pos,ag v r Frci^ N : paw i t ;XU D »V 1 D- • ! 13/- 13/8 14/. 14/6 IS/- - -* m T .a*"*. W T W V Cray " All-wool •• Kln e '. Colleee Suit., made sac | On Basement Goods. L^ . Ihe tsest Vaiue fiano in , All-wool Tweid " Eddl." Knickera. Sizes Ito i. I iVT aW I I ■ I M- i rMt a " d knl,:ker!, - Flt a ? es from '"» t0 ' ? ' —— — ' V j S i -— JLltirN I JLtCL ® JJ- A. JJ. el% [Bargain Basement,] | 3 [ s " us ± ! Auckland's Leading Drapers and Furnishers -- - The J.C.L. Queen Street \ <?Mee "^ reef ; | |

f. * /** -~ Wallpaper ) ANY DUDDACB W ' 4i>£\ J MHT KUKKUdB ThC devel °P ment of Wallpapers jf ' n colour harmony and in artistic F , • 1 •,! r* I If design synchronises with our most equip your home witn | iiF^tlS , I \« i recent in,portations - We show Wai, - ---" . 1 • ! I *% V papers that are thoroughly up to date. Hot Water to Doctor . order,, di 11100011 AutOHiatlC Tl rv*cv Gas Califont, and Beauty and have really Hot Water Quality but in all parts of the | no t Costliness | tMt hOUSe lOr all DUr- I In quality. SmithandSmith-sWall-To H °' F YsSSBY WealthieSt; in COSt ' | fIACpC I they satisfy the owner of the simplest i UUeVlIi .... r , . ! /~~\ ' "»vv cottage, which is a rortunate thing i < <^ r^^* , - — or t^ie avera S e man's family. S. &S. ! v y-J ' s %I lifrlttlflff lit*AC AX f* ' **■ SO Wallpaper is one of the lines in which iigniing iireo, ur the best is within the reach of aIL l i even striking matches. Ho UK w O rk ; . «». »i>,n you A P o, t c a rd A visit to ° ur showrooms win CVCIIOUUUMSMMMV have plenty of Hot Water. will bring a prove to you that beautifully designed •" Vnil flirn AH thp tail -v ran S e of P at - * Wallpapers can be yours for a very Hot Water to freshen you up. I Oil IUI 11 UU UIC lap tern "' ° f reasonable investment. All our WallJ *L li f urofav * /Wf — c " ge " a ' papers offer the same advantages of £~'~^i£y?& r \ Wale! . :: * y ° U can - moderate cost and finest quality. Jr comes autoroancauy. // £JL~ c% "_lI O "xl ymSSm \ # \ omitl] & omiti] Ltd. f ( II ft f J AlltolH3.tlC WALLPAPER SPECIALISTS, °1 H t Water for Dish- Hot Baths ad infinitum. j 9-11, Albert Street, Auckland (Opp. Parcel Post Office), washing. IB I And at Wellington, Christchurch, Dunedin and London. ,\ e xCll.l.Xv#n.l WOT A GERMAN POW2SR „•., .„„.».«=. gas appliance, ■»-... -»«*sir ""'■ """""'"" " d " Hn " ""*" imJSTDIE KILLS THAT FLY! Auckland Gas Co., Ltd. gega •r-raffe , 3S

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Auckland Star, Volume LV, Issue 248, 18 October 1924, Page 69 (Supplement)

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Page 69 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LV, Issue 248, 18 October 1924, Page 69 (Supplement)

Page 69 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LV, Issue 248, 18 October 1924, Page 69 (Supplement)