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RACING FIXTURES. SEASON 192*. Ort. 25, 27 —Wellington H.C. Oci vi —North Canterbury R.C. Ocl . 2- —watpawa County R.C. net. 27—Waverley R.C. O C t 07 —Watfcalo Hunt Club. Oct. 27. '."J —Jure B.C. , . Oct. 30, Nov. I —Poverty Bay Turr Club. t\,iv. ), 3 —Auckland n.C. jvov. s—Dirchwnod5 —Dirchwnod Hunt Club. Kov. S, !u —Waikuto R.i.. ?iOY. f, 10, 12. ID— Canterbury J.C. Nov. )."■, 17 —Thames J.C. .-soy 10— Ashhursl-I'ohanglna R.C. Nov. 2 1, 22 —south Canterbury J.c. Nov. 22—Levin R.C. Nov. 2i'j, 27 —Winton J.C. .Nov. 2H and Dec. I—Takapuna J.C. Nov. 2'J, Dec. I—l'elldiug J.C. December o—Metbven n.C December C —Tnumarunul R.C DecimlJi.T lil. 11—Woodville district J.C. December 13 —Walpa R.C. December SO—Walpukuran .7.C. December a<;. 27—iiuneiim .i.e. berwuber Sβ. 27—Wesllaiul H.C. December 20, 27—Taranakl J.C. December 20, 27, 2U—Manawatu R.C. December 2u, 30, January 1, 2—Auckland X.c. December 30, Jan. 1, 3 —Greymouth J.C. Dorinda showed a lot of paco in tho Whangarel Cup lor about a mile, but then laded out and finished well back. Tralseworthy was a startpr In the Kensington Hack Handicap at Whangarel on Thursday, and led tho field ror about five rurlunge, evenlually finishing third. Just Quietly made hi? first appearance as a br"dler at Whangarei on Thursday, but caniu down at the second fence. He jumped big at the llrst obstacle, and with a bit more experience should do better. Gold Fern was made Tavourite for the Maiden Dale at Wlinngarei, but Mc daughter <>r Poloa never looked like winning, and finished out or a place. She certainly had no chance with Cawnpure. Greetings, by Quln Abbey—New Land, was a starter In the Maiden Plate at Whang-arei on Thursday, but never threatened danger, though he is reported to possess a fair amount of speed in private. Lig-litwood, an Imported gelding: by Limelight, showed a good turn of speed In the County Handicap at Whangarci on Thursday, being well up for about live furlongs but then faded out. Ruapapa, considering lie was giving Gold Jacket 341b and Far North 331b, did well to get third in the Wbangarei Cup, with 9.7 on his back. He was always about the centre or the field, but he put In a good run at the ilnisb and got third. Pinon, tho three-year-old hair-sister to Tlnopai, by King Lupin, owned by Mr. G. Hyde, and trained by M. .1. Carroll, at J-rankton, was a starter in the Maiden Plate at Wbangarei on Thursday, and finished second to Cawnpore. This nily was always well up, and by the way she raced should show to more advantage later on. Nocturne, who was previously owned by J. Thorpe at EUerslie, carried tho colours or her new owner, Mr. C. Swan*berg, at Wbang-arel on Thursday. She was comparatively neg-lected on the machine and beat all but Abbey Bell in the Manaia Handicap. She will Improve. Winkle's Wheel, owned by Mr. J. T. Young, EUerslie, put up a couple or good performances at Wbangarei on Thursday when she ilnlsfied second to Sandstar in the Kensington Handicap, and later in the day won the Hlkurangl Hack Handicap from Tactitlan. Mr. Young has not had a great deal or luck since coming to Auckland last season, and tbe success the.mare met with did not come out or Its turn. Cool Stimulants is back to form again judging by the manner in which be won the concluding event at Whangarei on Thursday. Ho bopped out smartly and with Lady Rewa led the field to the home bend where he drew out and won well rrom Te Kuri, who, under pressure, got up to beat Lapidary for second honours. Coldnncb, who had the mount on Cool Stimulants, rode a well Judged race. Marble Bell looked as though she would have a show In the Whangarei Cup when tho field were crossing- the top as she was going Tast on the outside. However she failed to sustain her run and had to bo content with fourth place. She was well back in the early stages ana making up the ground took a good deal out or her. She will do better later on. Abbey 8011, who is trained by M. J. Carroll, Frankton, Is a good sort ana the manner in which she won the Manaia Handicap at Whangarei on Thursday suggests that she will be hard to beat in some or her ruture spring engagements. She was bred by R. Hannon and last season won for him the Nursery Handicap at the Auckland summer meeting, Shining Armour, and Voltore lllllng the places behind her. Joy Ride drew the outside marble In the Manaia Handicap at Whangarei on Thursday and tailed the Held for about two furlongs. He then commenced to move up and under the whip was striaing along in great style at tho finish, though he could not reach Abbey Bell and Nocturne. Joy Ride is rapidly coming- Into forni ana < over a little longer course he wouia bo difficult to beat even now. He is still capable of improvement. Iloarlri, the Antagonist-Country Picnic colt, though he did no: win a race last season showed promise in some or his essays. He was produced for the llrst time this season at Whang-arei on Thursday when ho captured tho County Handicap. He, however, wouia have had a much harder task had Titaness, who was flying at tin-, finish, got a clear run through on the rails. Far north made his llrst appearance Tills season at tbe Whang-arei Racing- Club's meeting on Thursday, when he contested lhe cup. He ran a surprisingly good race, and it lookea at the lop or the straight as iT he would win. However, bo was unable to pace it with Gold Jacket, ana was beaten by a couple of lengths at the finish. He did not get the best or passages in the middle stages, otherwise he might have been much harder to dispose or. Gold Jacket, which won the Whangarei Cup on Thursday, was third last year to Marble Bell and Goldplane. He was comparatively littlo fancied and returned his supporters a good price. This Is his first success since he won a mile event at the Walpa meeting last December. 'He was always well placed and when it came to the business end lie drew out to win nicely by a couple or lengths in the good time or 2.20 -1-5. Gold Jacket Is pretty well just now and may be hard to dispose or in some other event berore the spring fixtures are concluded. Titaness, by Lucullus, showed that she possessed a good turn of speed when she was produced at the Whangarei meeting In the Maiden Plate last season, but on that occasion she ran very wide at the l)enU when in front and lost her chance. She subsequently captured two races at tho Bay or islands meeting. She was saddled up for tho County Handicap at Whangarei on Thursday and If she had got clear over the last bit she would have about turned the tables on Hoariri for she was going very rast at the nnlsh and Just went under by a long head. She will bo hard to dispose or in some of her futuro engagements. Cawnpore, owned by Mr. E. \v Alison Jun.. registered his nrst win at Whanrarci on Thursday, when ho led almost X start to finish in the Maiden PlaTe scortS? comfortably at the llnlsh. Cawnpore was taken to Australia during the winter to get the benefit of the tracks over there He was not raced on the other side and since his return has only started on one prey oui occasion, when he was unplaced at the Pakuranga Hunt Club's Meeting The going was heavy on that occasion but on Thursday it wa3 nice and firm and he was suited by the conditions. He gallon's sele O c?^ l o y mp a an a y f lloUW Pr ° Ve usctull »S ?£?« he won the Kensington Handicap Hedld r«ffl? a b n a d rl fn r SSJgKe" *£ B KM: ire'^A^wLS position crossing the top, and, ireuinir « run on the rails, be simply new PralsewortUy ana Winkle's Wheel an passed the post a leng-th and a-hair to thi g-ood. Ho is ny Sands or the Orient, anc was bred in Australia. Sanstar i«i &ur jo jinjprov& on this performance, -..t.

\V. Bagtiy will ride Kenmore at Wellington. Irapuka was started at Whangarel on Thursday but could only Ilnlsll ruurlh. He was never In a position that threatened danger. llushman ran about at hi? fences In the lliianui Hark Hurdles at Whanfrarci. Hi" was in rront in the early stages, but did not seem to relish his task, and imished rourth. W. Jones, the lightweight apprentice in T. liporgrc's stable, was in good rorm at Whangarei un Tbursdav, winning- two events un Gold Jacket and Winkle's Wheel ri-.-pectlvfly, and llnishing second in another rare on Winkle's Wheel. I.ady ni'wa was prominent mr six rnrlong-9 in the I'arabakl Handicap at I Whangarei on Thursday being with Cool stimulants up to point. She. however, then round the pace 100 strong lor Iht and llnlshed out or a place. 11. Gray has been engaged to ride Bpear-rr-lt in the V.R.C. Derby at Fleming-ton next month. He will leave .New Zealand on Oi-tober 24. Spearfelt ran third in tlii' A.J.C.. Derby to Heroic and .Mgger MliLstrcl. He i≤ owned by Messrs. V. (J-.Neill and D. C. '•Kamesburg-li." Tom Moore looks as though he t* going to be a success in the hurdling business judging by the manner in which he won the Huanui Hack Hurdles at Whangarel on Thursday. He took charge live furlongs from home, and was never headed. He jumps well, and has plenty or pace. Te Tahi was started in the Huanui Hack Hurdles at Whang-arel on Thursday, and raced well, but Tom Moore had too much I pace ror him on the Hat, besides being able to hold his own at jumping. At the last hurdle Tom Moore outjumped Te Tahi anil Scottish Knight, and, going on, beat triii Krnier Jjy four lengths. Horses Imported from Australia won three events at Whangarei on Thursday— Oiwnpore. Sandstar and Cool Stimulants. All or them scored rairly comfortably at the llnish. Praiseworthy, who also comes rrom the other side, and Lapidary, imported rrom England, lllled minor places in the events in which they were engaged. Beautiful weather favoured the Wbangarei Racing Club for the opening or their spring meeting on Thursday and In consequence there was a large attendance. The meeting was excellently managed by the president, .Mr. R. 0. Hosklng, and the officials, and the newly appointed secretary, .Mr. L. G. Hill had all the arrangements in excellent order and everything worked smoothly throughout. That the Ilxture opened well Is indicated by the large increase in the totalisalor the sum handled being £53-10 In excess of the receipts lor the corresponding day last year. The g-ate returns were also In advance, and given fine weather to-day the club will have gqod cause to congratulate Itself un the success or the gathering. Two New Zealand-bred horses in The Hawk and The Monk are engaged in the Caullleld Cup, which is being decided today, and or the pair the llrstnamed Is regarded as having the best prospects. Horsee Ined In the Dominion have of late years rieely competed In the big handicap at CaulllPld, and on live ccaslons they have supplied the favourite. In 1004 Gladsome, a brilliant mare, which had proved herseir capable of winning at welght-for-age amongst the best in Australia, was looked upon as having a great chance, and sufficient support was accorded her to send her out ravourite. She failed badly, and was never In the picture. Four years later another New Zealander In Pink-Un was regarded as a certainty, and started a short-priced ravourite, but weight or money did not assist him, and the best he could do was llnish eighth. In 1911 that good mare Lady Medallist held pride of position In the belting, and she won, this marking the llrst victory In the Cauineld Cup for a New Zealand-bred one. In 1014 Anna Carlovna lot her supporters down badly when she finished In the ruck, and last year The Cypher was sent out favourite. The son or Martian finished seventh, a position which might have been improved had he received a better run In the race. THE WELLINGTON MEETING. j ACCEPTANCES DECLARED. WELLINGTON, Friday. The following acceptances have been received ror events to be run at the Wellington Racing Club's Spring Meeting:— Taita Handicap; live furlongs.—lndian Sage 8.3, Standard 8.3, Swift B.S. Rebekah colt 8.3. Grand National 8.0. Beacon Lignt 8.0, Lin Arlington 8.0, Runnymede 8.0, Inca 7.12, Berlnthla 7.8, Motion 7.8. Wainui Handicap: one mile.—Solirorm 9.2, Halßjna 8.0, Comical 8.0, Prlntemps 8.6, Blade Ronald B.C. Quest 8.8, Happy Days 8.3. JJttle River 8.2, Rouex 7.13, Solfanello 7.1.1, Clandhu 7.10, Kinfaire 7.10, Carpentier 7.0. The Polymnian 7.0. OlantKiller 7.7, Imperial Spark 7.7, Stream 7.7, Mount Marta 7.7, Pantlor 7.7. Ilimutaka Handicap; seven furlongs — Kuhlo 8.7, Kilceit 8.4. Clarinda 5.4., Master Black 8.4, subjection 8.3, Glimpse 7.13, Dazzling Light 7.13, Crisna 7.13, Bon Homme 7.12. All Gold 7.11. Quiescent 7.1 1 Tinoharl 7.11, Ma Boughal 7.0, Pronto 7.7, Bonny Gold 7.5, Matin Belle 7.4, Gluement 7.2, Bright Eyes 7.1, Agitato 7.0, Kaladorc 7.0, Bonomel 7.0, Sottano 6.10, Panache 0.10, Sir Moment 6.10. Pantrymaid 6.10, Importer 6.10, Tlkima 6.10. Wellington Handicap; one mile.—Gold Light 0.8, Bonnetter 8.11, Enthusiasm 8.10 Merry Day 8.10, Musketoon 8.8. Sunart 8 7 First Salute 8.4, Palestrlna 8.1, Tarleton 8.0, Diamond Ring 7.8, Stork 7.0, Bumptious 7.3, Waetea 6.9, Vindictive 6.7, Kalakaua 6.7. Dominant 6.7. First Hurdle Handicap; one mile and threequarters.—Santiago 11.0, Brigadier Bill 10.13, Miss Mickey 10.0, Mllltaire 0 8 Sir Wai 9.7, Phrax 9.5, Demand 9.4, Kyoto 0.4. Koauou 0.0. Shorts Handicap; six Turlongs.—Tukia 9.1, Mlreusonta 8.11, Songbird 8.10, Royal Divorce 8.0, Martian Miss 8.6, Hipo 8 6 Peneus 8.0, Master Sandstone 8.1, Suggestion 8.0, Reremoana 8.0, Motley 8.0, Kllloera 8.0. Santonlo 7.12. Civllform 711 Arcs 7.10, Last Crust 7.8, Ecuador 7 6 Lady Fingers 7.4. zouave 7.3. Fool's Paradise 7.0, Flrestlck 6.7, Subjection 0.7 October Handicap; six furlongs.—nebntal 9.0. Piquant 0.0, Gardenia 8.13, Lava 8.13, Degage S.ttrllka 8.3, Wilderness 8 2 Benmure 7.12, Ruby Ring 7.12, Hall Mark 7.10, Lake Urn 7.9. Tut-ankh-amen 7.8, Laughing stocK 7.7, Dubious 7.5, Rich P.-lce 7.0, The Tank 7.0, Treadwell 7,0 Salamls 7.0. Miss Hupana 6.13. Woetl 6.12 Ardflnnan 6.10, Beaumont 6.10 Drawbridge 6.10, Gardant 6.10, Star Shell fi io Lipsol 6.10, Pleasant Surprise 6.10, Willow Weiiesiey Stakes (First Day).—The Thorn, Panmure, Gay Lad, Assertive, Father O'Flynn, Hymestrason, Oreum (by King John—Desert Gold), Tiega. Lady Cavendish, Shirley, Maurotl, Lyrene, Kllroy, icilK a.Kack Or c'at ßontl ' Bant Dran - NBdrln °' Champion Plate (Second Day, w.fa) Musketoon 0.4, Sunart 0.4, Black Ronald 9.0. Tarleton 9.0, Kalakaua 9.0. Bonnetter 8.13. Enthusiasm 8.13. Gold Light 8 13 "nrerno 7 V ii Ce 8 - 11 «' N| 8« or Minstrel 7.11, THE WAVERLEY MEETING. LIST OF ACCEPTANCES. (By Telegraph.—Press Association.) WAN&ANUI, this day. The following are the acceptances for the Waverley Racing Club's Jubilee Meeting:— Brewer Handicap, six furlongs Rational 10.1, Civility 8.10, Galllard 8.7, Yoma 8.4, Avola 8.2, Lady Bentinck 7.12, Kiireao 7.12. Merry Jest 7.9, Rehutai 7.6, rtijj Push 7.3, Mangawhero 7.2, Thunderclap 7.0. Hack Hurdles, one mile and a half Veloclform 9.13, Price 9.13, Amber Tips SU3, Roaming 0.8, Chesforte 9.7, Haligan 0.4, Marquette 9.0, Rajput 9.0, Akbar 9 0 Lord Formby 9.0, Bonifant 9.0, Gold Peak 9.0, Craigowan !).0. . Wilson riaek Welter Stakes, seven furlongs.—Sunny Vale 9.0, siaosi o.G. Cambee 0.1, Mnuntniu Ore, Itonogtie 8 111 Interest 8.7. Arsene Lupin 8.7. Opa Sβ' Taltaiata S.O, All AVind S.O, Merry Ann so' Waverley Jubilee Cup, one mile and ii quarter.—Muraahi 0.12. Is'ukumai 7i> Black Cruiser 7.11. Bitters 7.10. Euchre 7.7. Passin' Through 7.7. Mangawhero 7 5 skari 7.3, The Banker 7.1, Empyrean 6u' Sir Pam 0.7. ' ' Plying Hack Handicap, six furlongs — tehntat 9.4. Snnny Vale 8.10, Carnbee 8 1 Solfrange 7.13. Roburite 7.12. Wee Sandy •J. A" Wind 7.0. Closeflre 7.0, Mairehau 7.0. Gold Rangi 7.0, Empire Camp 70 Monmahaki Hack Stakes, one mile— Olengarifl 8.3, Solfranse 7.13. Bonogue 7.10, N°?," aln , P«e 7-50. Shininjr Armour 7.5 Prn ™£. n 7 - 3 A n n °J? lfflnt 70 - Gold Teak 7.0 Craigowan 7.0, Rerannl 7.0. 8,11, Merry !" n IW M 4 rc , hinea l mare

HAMILTON RACING CLUB. NOMINATIONS. The following nominations have necn received ror the Hamilton Racing Club's meeting on November 8:— Trial Handicap.—Makora. General Pryd<\ Llbcrtus, Pendennl.-. Maburangi, Kaiwhn, Sea Comet, Cohesion. Quin Kama, Trill, Sulla, Rrd Comet. Juliilantr, King Potoa, King Amans. Lilac Domino, Qulnsella, Spalquln. Topping, Laily Citra. Zaun, Rnynl Bonus, Klki. Scat, Tinil. Temonanui, Bright Comet, Mym l'otna, Kaikabu, CouKtellntion. Kine Day, llliogar, Aloa Rosa, Cnrleen, Penitentiary. Tburnham gelding, King the Bell, Hercules. Gold Clip. MultiHeld, Queen Sheet, Monday. Vernta, Star Comet. Cherry Ripe. Bright Night, Athenry. <iv.v (•(■met, King's Guard, Star of the Kant, Submerged, Mutia Aroha, Genetla, Vavu, Last Watch, Kinva, I'luon. Waimai Hurdles.—Eonmark, Tuki. Pentagram. Guiniiform. Totani Jack, llokemai, Advent, War Loan. Walkaretu, Lucullent, King Amans, Mia Bella, Kippllng, Bitholin, Mounpole, Passln' Through, Hyglnns, Grecksnn. Waitu. Prince Rllfus, Don Rosen. I'ine Arch. Keystone, Gold Kip. King Abbey, Yankee Dun, Athens 11., Ore Ore. Tamahero Stakes.—Cold Mint. Wllshire, Town Mali. Wenday, Merry Damon, King Lou. Queen Arch. Lady Cynic, Romeo gelding, Qhlnemurl, Cold Acre, King's Speech, Le Channas, Judge's Box, King's Guard, Welbeck Abbey. Waikato Cup.—Tresilllan, Gold Rain, Royal Present. Roomerday, Nightraidcr, Right and Left, Passionate, Doleful Ditty, Lapidary, Star Hanger. Polonett. Forest (lold. Arizona Maid, Illumination, Tc Kara, Thunderclap. Ilncpful, Olencalrn. Festivity. Matinee. Winsome Arcb, Bright Day, Whetunui. Ilautapu Handicap.—Marble Glass, Finnote, Arch Ainie, I'asslonate, Eton Town, Te Kuri. Fanilmm, Lady Comet, Star Hanger, Rahe Poto, Desert Glow. Bright Light, Irene Brace, ■ Glenldle, Firescreen, Spoony. Potash. Winsome Arch. Miss Vera, Tall Timber. Silent Knight. Lady Petain, Whetunui, The Curragh, (Jay Comet, King's Guard. Hack Steeplechase.—Peter Ainans, Peer Rosa. Syndicate. Totani .lack. Ginger Carl, Ksplanade, Adrienne, War Loan, Pattern, Capstan Kerb, Liicullent, Leuni, Price, Don Rosa. Mapiu. Walton. Gambler's Gold, Waitu, Leo Abbey, Silver Stream, Keystone, Tlva's Isle, Raymond, Glenfoil, Bouru. Te Toa, Royal Abbey, Superior, Submerge, Ore Ore, Roller. Cambridge Handicap. — Golden Bubble, Town Bank. Pagoda. Loyal Irish, Pavo, Charlady, Forest Gold, Ta'maa-roa, Flnelli. Smoke, Rafu. Malatour, Uehutai, Regent, Master ORourke. King Cheops. National. The Lamb. Some Fashion, Alfort. Prince Abbey, Heisler, Atniform. Matinee, Loch Abbey, Peter Maxwell. Abbey Bell. King Quin, Dan Quin. York Abbey, Qulnette, Lord Loppy, Kawa. . Claudeland* Handicap.—Makora. Irish Jig. I'assionate, Kton Town. Archwen. Radiate. Trill. Famdon, Archibald. Red Comet. Juhilante. Fiery Lad. Sans Gene, Multiul. Ring Potoa. Transformer. Bright Comet, Lady Luck, Minnie Abbey, Totoanui, Peter Rosa. The Lamb, Ngaruru. Strongholt, Muscari. Ring the Bell, Spoony. Arch Opal. Monday, Star Comet. Chris Abbey. Rarangi. Bright Knight Puck Lady. Trie Ciirnitrh. Gay Comet, Cureaform, Flnnote, Frankton Handicap.—Makora. General Pryde. Arch Ami, Llbertas. Eton Town, Matauranga, Kawa, Sea Comet, Cohesion, Quin Kainn, Trill. Sulla. Red Comet, Jubilance, Lilac Domino, Quinselln, Spa! Quin, Lady Cintra, Zaua, Sent, Tinii, Transformer. Te Nomanui. Bright Comet. Kaikahu. Constellation. Illingar, Cartcen. Penitentiary, Thurnham gelding. Ring the Bell, Hercules, Multifield, Arch Opal. Vernla, Star Comet, Miss Vera, Cherry Ripe. Bright Knlcht. Glenfoil Athenry, Gay Comet, King's Guard. Star of the East, Submerge, Murl Aroba, Genetin, Zaou, Last Watch, Kawa, Plnon. Mntangi Hurdles. — Eonmnrk, Penta-' gram, Gulnaform, Totara .lack. Advent, I Amans.' Oa Mia Bella*™ Rippling! 1 "SlonopoK I Bright Light. Passiln' Through, Hyglnas, ' Grcekson, Wailu, Prince Kufus, Pine Arch, Keystone, Gold Kip, King Abbey. Roynl I Ruakura Stakes.—Gold Mint, Wiltshire, Town Mail. Wenday, Merry Damon,. King Lou, Queen Arch, Lady Cynic. Borneo gelding, Ohinemuri, King's Speech, Gold Acre, Le Chaucus, Judge's Box, Welbeck, Abbey. Hamilton Handicap.—Town Bank, Trestllian, Gold Rain, Koyal Present, Boomerday, Night raider, Right and Left, Doleful Ditty, Lapidary. Star Ranger. Polonott, Loyal Irish, Forest Gold, Arizona Mai.d, Illumination, Malatour, Thunderclap, Alfort, Rnceful. Gleneuirn. Festivity. Matinee, Bright Day, King Quin, Sir Burnett. ral Pryde. Irish Jig. Passionate. A'rchccn. Matauranga, Sea Comet. Radiate, Trill, Taradon, Archibald, Lady Comet, Jubilance, Sans Gene, Multini. Rahipoto, Lady Cintra, Rippling, Bright Comet, Lady Luck, Kalkahu, Minnie Abbey. Constellation, Glenidle. Peter Rosa, Curteen, The Lamb, Strongholt, Muscari, Kins tbe Bell, Hercules, Potash. New Moon. Monday, Mies June, Chris Abbey. Penitentiary, Rarangi, Day Comet, Cureaform, Kawa, Flnnotc. Clarkln Steeplechase. — Peter Amans, Never Despair, No Surrender, Tuki. Peer Rosa, Totara Jack, Llewellyn, Hokemii. Ginger Carl, Esplanade, Adrienne. War Loan. Pattern. Plttsworth, Brown Heath, Capstar. Glentul, Lucullent. Leura, Lupcrino. Price, Pasain' Through, Don Rosa, Maplu, Walton, Gambler's Gold, Tc Marnre, Waitu, Silver Stream. Keystone. Ulva's Isle, Raymond, Bouru. Te Toa, Royal Abbey, First Call, Ore Ore, Roller. Klrikiriroa Handicap.—Golden Bubble, Town Bnnk, Tagoda, Pavo, Charlady, Tama-a-roa, Topping, Smoke, Kara, Bltnolia, Rebutai, Regent, Master O'Rourke, King Cheops. National. The Lamb. Te Kawa. Some Fashion, Princo Abbey, Heisler, Amiform Matinee, Loch Abbey, Peter Maswell, Abbey Bell, King Quin, Dan Quin, York Abbey, Quinette, Lord Loppy. Tauwhare Handicap. — Marble Glass, Finnote Arch Ami, Passionate, EtonTowii, Kawa, Te Kurl, Farndon, Lady Comet, Red Comet, Star Ranger, Fiery Lad, Sans Gene, Ring Potoa, Desert Glow. Transformer, Myra Potoa, Fine Day, Irene Bruce, Potoanui Peter Rosa, Fink Lady, Ngaruru, Strongholt, Firescreen, Tburotaam gelding. Spoon,-, Arch Opal, Star Comet. Winsome A?eh. Miss Vera, Tall Timber, Silent Knight, Bright Knight, Rarangi, Whetunui, Tlie Curragh. POVERTY BAY MEETING. WEIGHTS DECLARED. (By Telegraph. —Press Association.) WELLINGTON, this day. •».ie following weights have been declared for the Poverty Bay Club's meeting: junction Handicap, or ISOsovs: six and a-uair furlongs.—Koodoo 0.4, Crisls_9.4, Startle 0.3, Heather bprlg 8.11, White Hope 8.10, General Carrington 8.5, bern 7 2 Telbir 6rii, Castanea 6.7. P Fu-st Hurdles Handicap, or 150sovs; one mile and three-quarters.—Highway 12.5, jovfal 12.3, Demagogue -.1.3. Blrka 10 10. Mahla 0.13. Katakehua 0.0, Whispering: Sara 9 0 Kero Kero 0.0, Lord Muskerry 8.0, Sllvernsn 0.0, Radio 9.0. Roseland Hack Handicap, or 130sovs; six furlongs.—Merchant 9.0, Nignt Song 8.7, Voltore 8.3. Welcome Sound 7.13, Princess Nata 7 0 Pita 7.7. Sempllce 7.7, Nancy Lee 7.7, Mangatoetoe 7.66, Dutchie 7.4, Princess Ronnie 7.3, Hinetapora 7.2, Whai 7.2, korero 7.2, Silver Stride 7.2, Call Boy 7.0, Jubilee 7.0, Castanea 7.0. Spring Handicap, or 250sovs; one mile and a miarter. —Correspondent 9.0, Festivity 8.13, Gaze 8.9, general 8.3, Te Kurl 7.13, Highway 7.10, ManuPa welter 7 Handicap, or 130sovs; seven fur]on p S .—Battle Knight 10.7, Jovial 10,2, Heather Sprig 0.10. Dissertation 0.7, Sweet Heather 9.4, Waioeka Jack 8.0. Ginsrer Mick 8.3, Leviathan 8.2, Silver Stride 8.0, notnley 0.0, Lord Muskerry 8.0, Sangfroid 8.0. Castanea 8.0. Jubilee. 8.0. Flying- Handicap, or 115sovs; nve rurInnjjs.—Koodoo 0.6, Crisis 0.0. Startle 9.5. White Hope 8.11, Waioeka JacK 7.9, Flirht Song 7.6, Only Hope 6.1 2, Hinetapora 6.7. October Hack Handicap, or 130SOVS; one mile. —Merchant 0.0, Voltore 8.2, Welcome Sound 7.12, Ktlloch 710, Monte 7.7, Princess Nata 7.7 Mangatoetoo 7.7 Ginger Mick 7.7, Manupango 7.3, French Park 7.0, Rowley 7.0, Sangrroid 7.0, Call Boy 7.0. GLOAMING'S FORM. CANDIDATES FOR FLEMKVGTON. (Received 9.40 a.m.) MELBOURNE, this day. It is suggested in the, Press that Gloaming- be paraded at Flemington on Cup day. This morning: he ran nve rurlongs In 1.12, the last three In 425, and moved rreely. Suomi went three Turlongs in 30s, wear- \ ing bandages. Accarak did four furlongs in 53s j The Hawk was led around. The owner states tbat Miss Disraeli 13 lan .unlikely runner in the Cup. Lanldae 'is alsa.mepUoned.'.as-.iin'iinllKely starter. » jrarwie rides Biac!tw.oo(L=i£ ana N.z.),

WAIKATO HUNT CLUB. THE ACCEPTANCES. Excellent acceptances have been received Tor the Walkato Hunt Club's meeting: 10 bo bcld at Te napa on Labour Day. a?th Inst. A (rood field of 18 remain In the Walkato Hunt Cup the. principal jumping I event, while the chier Hat race, the ] Members' Memorial Handicap, one mile and a-qiiarler has drawn an acceptance \ of 13. The sum or £:>iJuO Is distributed over the eitrht events and pvpryUilaz ' promises a successful opening or Hie. new ■ course at Te napa. The acceptances »re as follow:— Maiden Hunters' Steeplechase of 200----sovs., two ir.ilis niul Ihree-Miiartnrs.- - VlciS Versa 11.13, Walton 11.12, Capstur 0.10, Leo Abbey fl.lo. Lueullent 0.10, Syndicate 9.0. Holler !>.!>, riva's Isle il.fl. Ginger Carl 0.!). Pattern 11.0, Submerge 0.7, Bourn 0.7, Shanks 0.7, Inileiiinity 0.7. Gambler's Gold 0.7, Silverstream (1.7, GlenCoil U. 7. Hypothesis 0.7. Curve 0.7. Bardowie Hack Handicap of 200sovs.. six furlongs.—Stroncholt S.I!, Potoanui s.. r >. Muscari R.I. Milltlnl 8.0, Passionnt' 7.12, Huron;;! 7.10, Klnry Lad 7.5, Kippling 7.8. Irish Jm 7.7, Criss Abbey 7.1 i. Drolatlipie -.."■. I'otash 7.".. Peter Kosa 7.4, Irene Bruce 7.4, Undo .Tack 7.4, Firescreen 7.0, Eaton Town 7.0, Ell Tinil 7.0, Mondiiv 7.0, Sett Comet 7.0, Mauri iMinn 7.0. Miss .Tline 7.0, Cay Comet 7.0, Kawa 7.0, (.old Chip 7.0, It.ihcpnto 7.0. Lady Luck 7.0, Miss Vera 7.0, (ienetra 7.0. Hunters' Hurdles Handicap of ."l.iOsnvs.. one mile and n-hnir. —Wniknretu ll.">. Hyenas 11.8, Dinmond Niip 11.3, Keystone 10.12, Monopol.- 10.0, Advent 10.4. Curem form 10.0, Vice Versa O.l'J. Y;inkee I)nn| n.lO, Leo Abbey O.G, liltlmlln 0.0, Chirrup 0.0, Kind's Anians 0.0, Waitu 0.0, Cherry Klpo 0.0, I'otoa (,'elillns 0.0. Superior 0.0. Members' Memorial Handicap of 4"iOsovs., one mile and ii-quartcr.—Roynl Present B. J. Hoomerdny 7.1 J. Bright Day 7.11;, I-andslide 7.11, Zircon 7.11, Lapidary 7.r.. lloyal Abbey 7.3, .Matinee 7.2, Wlii-tuiiiil 7.1, Arizona Maid 7.0, Cold Jacket 7.0, Landbird 7.0, Clenculrn 7.0. Walkato Hunt Cup .steeplechase of fi.-.0----sovs., about three miles.—War Loan 11.:.. First Call 11.2, Raymond 11.2, Te Ton 11.0, Hokemal 11.0, Adrlenne 10.8. Llewellyn 10.7, Brown Healh 10.11,' K«ystoiifl 10.2, Clentui 10.0, Hafferty 0.18, Totara Jack U.S. Walton Shanks !i.o, I'lva's Isle 9.0, Pattern 0.0, Don Uosa 0.0, Koller 0.0. Farmers' Hack Handicap of 200sovs.. six furlongs.—Dinmond Moon 9.0. Passionate S.O, Penitentiary .S.-l. Potash N.:s. Bright Knight 8.2, Star Comet 5.2. Monday 7.12, Eaton Town 7.12, Firescreen 7 12. Topping 7.12, Trill 7.12, Maori Qiiinu 7.12. Knwa 7.12, Gold Chip 7.12, Currachinore 7.12. Arch Opal 7.12. Miss Vera 7.12. Kalkahu 7.12, Scat 7.10. Span Qulnn 7.10. Illlngur 7.10, Gauntlet 7.10, Fine Hay 7.10, Zanna 7.10. Klki 7.10. lied Comet 7.10, Ngarara 7.10, I'.avu 7.10. Quinsella 7.10. BriL'ht Comet 7.10. Mini Potoa 7.10, Plnon 7.10. Athenray 7.1<). Carleen 7.10. Vernier 7.10, Star of the Uast 7.7, Pink Lady 7.7, Lady Petain 7.7, Queen Comet 77, Constellation 7.7. Lilac Domino 7.7. Maplu 7.7, Klnc Potoa 7.7, West Abbey 7.7, Mairi Arolia 7.7. HuutcTH' Flat Hanilicap of 200sovs., onp mile nnd ii-quarter.—Freshman 11.2, Curcnform 10.2. Adriennc 10.0. Lady Herman 0.8. Silent Knight U. 7. Chirrup 11.3. Lady Comet (1.5. Luciillent 0.3, Hypothesis ft 3 Syndicate 00. Bourn 0.0, Don Rosa Gambler's Gold 0.0. Waitu 0.0, Cherry Klpe fl.O. Pot on. kplilliii; 0.0. lnstow HaDdicnp of Sr.Osovs.. six furloncs.—Te Kara 0.0, Forest Cold S.lO. Rncefnl 8.1. Prince Abbey 7.12. Kiny Quln 7.12, Tamn-a-nm 7.10. Some Fashion 7.3. Tuahlne 7.5, .Uniform 7.1 i, Kafa 7.r>, Qulnettc 7.3. Master O'Uonrke 7.2. Loch Abhev 7.2. Bltholla 7.2. Malatour 7.2. ltecent 7 1. York Ahbev 7.0, Dan Quill 7.0, Peter Maxwell 7.0, Heisler 7.0, Smoke 7.0, Karangl 7.0, I'adojjn. 7.0, Lord Loppy 7.0.

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Auckland Star, Volume LV, Issue 248, 18 October 1924, Page 50 (Supplement)

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RACING NEWS. Auckland Star, Volume LV, Issue 248, 18 October 1924, Page 50 (Supplement)

RACING NEWS. Auckland Star, Volume LV, Issue 248, 18 October 1924, Page 50 (Supplement)