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; AUCTIONS. IJ. H. A- N * ELL Ayu "CrAT THKIR KOO.MS, 107, QUEEN STREET. rpCESDAV, rjpUESDAY, AT "I k> O'CLOCK. Til E T7l UL L C* °NTE NT S EIGHT- KOOMKD TJESIDENCE AND J* GENERAL HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, AND TIIK ACCESSORIES OP SAME. TO BR REMOVED TO CUR MART FOR IMMEDIATE SALE. The above comprises Well Selected Furnishings, and will ho ON" VIEW MONDAY AFTERNOON. Full Details Later. J. H. A NSELL AND C°AtTTtONEKRS AND VALUERS. 167, QUEEN ST. (Next If.M. Theatre). Lnuts Lewis. Auctioneer. Phone 2."iI!SA. 1* —» : — T IT \ NSELL, AND f^°' SALE OF TJNREDEEMED pLEDGES. T UNREDEEMED T>LEDGES. TfIRIDAY AND SATURDAY, /•OCTOBER »>| AND v>~ AT -| -I O'CLOCK EACH DAY. Favoured villi instructions from Mil. ARTHUR LANGFORD, nf Ihe Imperial Loan Co., .'i.'i, Victoria Street West, AUCTION AT IC7, QUEF.N STISEKT (Next lI.M. Theatre). A LARGE SELECTION OF SUPERIOR -"■- I'I.BIKIES. including:— DIAMOND RINGS AND BROOCHES, £SO, £60, £10, Etc.. DIAMOND AND GEM KINGS. LADIES' AND GENT'S GOLD WATCHES. GOLD. ALBERTS. WRISTLET WATCHES, PENDANTS. GOLD AND SILVER JEWELLERY. SILVER AND PLATE TEA SERVICES, ENTREE DISHES, BANGLES, AND TRINKETS. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, LEATHER BAGS. TRUNKS. SUIT CASES. CLOTHING AND BOOTS, CURIOS AND BRIC-A-BRAC. PRISM GLASSES. CAMERAS. BIKE, AND ENDLESS SUNDRIES. Nov. 7th, 1023. f>32S, Suit: 7th. 6258, Blanket : Oct. 24th, 0277, Suit ; Auk. 27th, GO:>2, Dress Suit; Nov. 16th, 63.">4, Suit ; July 23rd, 6003, Dress Suit; 10th, r>o!)., Dress Suit: Dec. 17tli. (M.'iO, Dress Suit; Feb. ISth. 1024. 6577. Shoes, etc. ; Jan. 7th, 0.->ns, Dress Suit; Feb. 7th. uT>7<>, Lady's Coat, etc.; An?. 20th. 1023, 3073, Suit Case; June LJ",tli. 11303, Suit Case: 12th, ."!>.!> 1, Suit Case; Nov. 10th, 4177. Kit Bac : Aug. 15th, :«;:>:!, Suit Case; 20th, 3K7«. Suit Case anil Boots; Oct. Ist. 3913, Hamper, etc.; Nov. sth. 412r>. Mandolin; 27th, 4245, Violin ; July 12th. 3451. Violin ; Sep. IKth. 3K33, Violiii : Auc Kith. 3O.Vi. Mandolin : Dec. 20th, 44.V., Accordeon, etc. : June 2."ith, 3303, Suit Case and Boots; Oct. SsOth, 4076. Tennis Racquet ; Auc. i:ith. 3(541, Racquet : Nov. 16lh. 4177, Kit Bag; July 24th, 3. _ )2il. I'rism F Glasses: Sept. 21s"t, 3Sii«. I'risru F Glasses; Hit. I4th. 436.-., Prism F Glasses; Sept. 1, 3730, F Glasses; Oct. 24th. 4032. Opera Glasses: 2!) th, 4060, Glasses and Brooch: July 23rd. ."..-.IK, Camera; Nov.\ inth, 4100, Camera; 7th. 4117. Camera ; Aug. 22. 3600. Camera ; Nov. 20lh, 410.5. Al Clock: May 7th. 3073. Tea. Spoons; July 13th, 34S!>. 0 S Knives: Sept. 10th. 3540, Surveyors Tape; May Sth, 30SK, Cutlery; Oct. 13th, 31)76. Silver Tea Set; IKth, 4002, Camera: Aug. 27. 3705, D King. etc. ; Nov. 20. 4200, Ohoe; Jan. 2."ith. 4650, Clock; Nov. l.ith, 4Hi7, Typewriter; July 23rd, 3021, Camera; Auc 10th. 3033. EI , . Cruet : July :ilst, 3r,70, Camera; Oct. Oth, 1022. I!i61. D Ring: Oct. 4th, 1023, 3!i:j.-|. D and R Ring; May 14th, 3116, D Cluster King: April 12th, 21140, DC King; Oct. 6th, 3017, D Ring: Sept. 21st. 3NG,-|. I) Ring; Fell. 12th. 26."i6, Orst Chain: May Ist. 3040, Bracelet: 2nd, 3054. Ocf B Watch; 3rd, 3<Mil, 14ct Watch ; 4th, 30Ci5, n<l Chain and Soy. l'dl : 4th. 3067. 14ct Watch: Hth. 3056, SF Watch Chain; loth. 3nn::, King; 11th. .'UO3. Watch and Chain; lHth. .".140. Watch and Guard; llith, 3150, Watch; mih, 3152. Ring: 2."ilh. :US!i. Watch: 26th, 3103. Gold Chain: 20th, 3205. Ring: 30th, 3217, Watch: 30th, 3215. *Chain ;, 3228, Watch: 15th, 3126, Sil Chain: June Bth. 2260. Watch; 2nd, 3246, Pendant; Sth, 3272, Watch and Chain; Ist. 3244, Watch; 13th, 3313, Watch: Sth. 3350, Bangle: 30th. 3425. Bangle: July 3rd, 3430, Watch; 3rd, 3441, Ring; 11th, 3175, Ring; 10th, 3503, Ring; 16th. 51161. Watch and Chain: IStii. 51)711. Sil Watch: ISth, 5052, W Ring : 24th. 3530. Bracelet, etc.; May 14th. 3111), Watch: Marcli fith. 275:'.. Coins ; Sept. 27th. 300(1. Sleeve Links; June ISth. 3351. Sil Chain 27th, 3406, D Studs; Aug. ISth. 366.x W Ring: 21st, 3677, Pendant: 23rd, 3606, Watch and Chain: 24th. 3702. Watch; 27th, 3712. Watch: 2!) th. 3725. 2 Gold Kings: Sept. Ist. ::744. Watch; 4th. 3700. Watch: sth. 3701, Watch; uth, 3770, Watcli ; 6th, 3772. Watch; 7th, 377«, Chain; 12th, 3702, Watch and Gold Chain; 15th. 3SOK. Watch and Chain; 21st. 3860, Dress King: 21st. 3845, Neck Chain; 21st, 3S4S, Chain: 26th. 3N96, Watch; Jan. J3th, 11)22, r>72, Watch; 13th, r>7o. Coins: 13th. 56.5, Coins: 13th. 574, Coins'; Oct 27th. 11)23. 4064. Watch : 4th. 3037. Ring; sth, 3042, Watch and Chain : Olh, 3044. Soy Brooch : Sth, 31)53, Brooch and Pendant ; Aug. 17th, 3655. Chain and Snv l'endanl : Oct. oth. 3055. Watch: 10th. 3002. Watch and Ring: 16th. 3002. Tendant : May 4th. 3008, Watch; Oct. Sth. 3Sr>7, Ring and Watch : 2nd, 3024, Ring: 10th. 3055. Ring and Bracelet: Nov. 3d, 4004, Sil Cig Case: Ist, 4082, Brooch;" Ist. 4083, W Ring; 3rd. 401)5 Ring; sth. 411)5. Watch: 7th. 4120. Chain: 12th. 4147, Brooch; 15th. 4164. Wristlet Watch loth, 4168. Watch; 17th, 41SO, Chain and Pendant: 21st. 1200. Ring; 23rd, 4210. Watch; 24th. 4233. Watch and Chain: 26th. 4244. Chain: 2!ith. 4257. D Ring; May 16th, 1022, 1206, Watch; 20th, 153(1, Ring; Sept. Sth. IS2S. Watch: Dec. 3rd. 11123, 427:1. Gold Chum : 7th, 4:UO, Bungle; 4th, 4295, Chain : sth. 4304. Watch : 7th, -1317. Bangle : Sth 4327. Chain anrl Pendant : 12th. 4340. Watch : 20lh, 4458, Gold Chain ; 14th, 4362. Bangle : 19th. 4304. King; 31st. 4477. Watch and Chain24th, 4412. Watch and Chain: 22nd, 4405, King; 2Sth, 4450. Ring; June Bth, 1024, 6549, Suits: March 10th. 0667. BlanketsFeb. lntli. 0504. Suit; 2:: rd, 6024. Hue: April 15th, C73S. KllR: Feb. 20tll, CiGlli Cloth ; May 28th, 681)0. Suit : Jan 10th 6516. Boots: May loth, c>Bs2. Sweater : Feb. 16th. 6605, Boots: 21) th. 604 1. Boots : Jan. Ist. 0007. Sluct. etc. ; May 31st, OOOO', Shirts; June nth. 6021. Shirts; 14th 5.X00 Dress: May 20th, 6902. Shoes: Nov Sth' 1023. 0320. Boots: May sth. 1024. '1,055 Shoes: June Oth, 6035, Boots; Feb ->nd' u>23, 5583, Shoes : Sept. sth, 6114. Rug ; Auk nth. 6046, Skirt; Oct. 20th. 6271 SkirtDec. Ist. 6400. Dress: Oct. 3rd 0221' Sheets: Aug. 3rd. 3.101, Tools- Feb ,s7h' "24. 4725, Brief Bag: Aug. 6th. 1023.' 3(iO.>, Tools: .Tan. 3. 1924. 4483 Sextant ■ j Feb. 26th. 4521. Suit Case: Jan. 21. 11124 4611. Att Case; sth. 4520, Kit Bag- • -<ith' 14656, Suit Case; March 19th. UliSl, "suit Case; Feb. 27. 4529, Casements: Aug. 27tl>. 3iOS, Ring: June 11th. 1923, 3298. Cornet • : ■*".& Irs(.1 r s( .- 3r,77 - C"" , ' : Jan. 12th. 1024', 4575, Kit Bag: 24th. 6544, Suit Case : j Sept. 24th. 1023. 3533, Cornet: Jan lOtlV 456(1, Racquet : 3rd. 44D6, Racqiie! ; Nov' ; 20th. 11123. 4106. Kit Bug: Feb 15th iiioj" i 4760. Brief Bag. etc. : Xov -Oth 10-~8 ; 4200, Oboe: Jan. sth, 1022. 2422 Watch- ; Jan. 3rd. 1924. 4-IS7. Watch ; 4514 Watch: 7th, 4534. Ring: Bth. 4543 WaYeh i 21st, 4615. Watch and Chain- "Sth 4mm Watch: 2Sth. 4661. G Chain:' 31st.' 4670 Watch: 31st, 4684. Ring- 31st 46^5 I Watch : Feb. Ist, 4603. Chain- sth 471 V !Wt Watch: 14th. 4750. G Ring- isti, I 4773. Watch and Chain: ISth. 4774 D 1 Ring: 27th. 4824, G Chain: 2Oth 4S.TT ! Watch: 20th. 4540. G Ring- 29t 44 V I Box-, etc.: March 7th, 4868, Ban-le • 3rd ■1545. Armlet: 17th, 4913, Watch ■'Ist],' '4017, Watch; 21st, 4033 Ri,™-' l-.\ 1 ,, 14043. Ring: 26th. 405;{. Watch'■ ?iJJ' 4072. Watch and Ring; Feh 1i V ! Raincoat: Jan. Sth. 0511. R iln '„.,,: 251h. 6905. Raincoat; March sth 66,7 Overcoat: April Oth. 6764 Over con r^ March 23rd. 0700. Overcoat- Jlilv -'7th 6589. Overcoat : June 20th, fiftss" iLII. AUCTION FRIDAY AND SATURDAY QCTOBER 24 AND 2% AT A.Si, ! J. H. A NSErx AXD c°AUCTIONEERS AND VALUERS 167. QUEEN STREET i (Next H.M. Theatre) J LOUIS LEWIS, Auctioneer. Phone 2565 A. j]

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Auckland Star, Volume LV, Issue 248, 18 October 1924, Page 44 (Supplement)

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Page 44 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume LV, Issue 248, 18 October 1924, Page 44 (Supplement)

Page 44 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume LV, Issue 248, 18 October 1924, Page 44 (Supplement)