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31 : '"""""" ■ —i ~~ ■.....■. -.— —^gj 5- I ?% Summer Clothing Needs for Boys 4BL. I " Cash and Carr y" i I S'■ W \vHPtHr ; ' \ Noteworthy J. C.L. Value Speciality — - IKiSiil (l= fJ sssa — : & i IVL iWi If • iffilflw/ IkV\ bring your boys to the j.c.l. for reliable clothing. IKBBbPIi I—' ' ' i'; . /l\l\[fl sV ' l! ' I \ Practically all J.C.L. clothing for boys is made in nur own up-to-date workroom? under expert super- JnMllßpHpgßk ; /rQ} ! S • ; IK I JlaL IJF ■ J I v HTTP \\ A vision. affording an unusually gou'i opportunity for value giving and the introducing of perfect garments. All 'io* ' " ', S^ ♦§| i I ll\\ \j\J\ M ; I! J, I-\i 11 :\V (1 '\ materials are carefully chosen, well cut. and tailor.wl, and securely put top-other to withstand the hard wear which D 01146 fSw|Bjnii§E*Ss\ '. I | AIJ . ,I* S\i mT ITTk I ■ fe» I llWwHm H ' /"~»-~ f I " 111 ! J r\\ boys are sure t0 give - A " clothin S carries the J.C.L. guarantee for lasting service, prood quality, and keenness or ' IUMN VrfOLJ Ivl "I'• I£. I || 111 I ji-yN- -/rll" \ R M\k ■ price. Also showing are a complete range of Summer Headwear for Boys, comprising Sun Helmets. Crash Hats. ' '\x ■■ 'I l^ ' ' I \ wlfl ' /\\l ' _/',',/ m.\ T, W&7-A yi—Boys , White Tennis Shirts of Beatrice Y3—Boys' Striped Cotton Pyjamas, While f C?*MPr ?■ i 51" 101 ' I I 1 111 1 '• A V\ II F»fc*> Twin, the most serviceable f:iliric for lioys' proimM with wide Blue, Mauve, or Grej Aij A I ' » -^y ; fej **Hr : ~~"~ . I ' '■ If'Tlfff '' I "" <lCs °°3 ancfT™ and *. 0 antl 10. Boys' BlacK Ribbed Cashmere three-quarter f.ljfu' flflfl §& -g*T \ Attr2LCtlV6 VjOOUS j , $*; *H T T \T 1 ' V 1" \F\l — ' 1 ~ - 3 —- ••°"ror t scUuul''wea! ! .' l % t ue = f 7 1 ' ti'^asfl's' 1 : jjik\ ■ ' ft* 1 J i^ : Value in iehiw^-.. T? cettons^...„ss t MljlMJ§-f^/ Y2 t s , 7 B ffifsl ; Marked ; 3 : Silk Hosiery i ■ ' 1} - " 1/2 1/3 1 " f/ff/ll |f -^ c :; _ ;,;. ; 4 ; 6 ;.:; ISrBP— v -— H | if I i Amazingly Low ig, *S : I Children". WMt. M.rceri.ed Cotton Sock.. «W|l«ils''fi C °" On y"£ l ~ ■, «, -r-,, ■'~ «« : ";" ' Q; ? 0 1 ft_ I N M K.M.SS ; \ fe» ■ I . Sizes to fit ag-es 12 months to 6 years. WBBRIiI Em 4U, c ,, n...«,iZ. 2 6 2 3 211 3 3 3e 3^6 T~WT7 ' • L> #S§ ! > jMJIiiI hit A *m\ * f - '\ Striped Rlverina— , • I / 1x i DD2O—A Podulap Little ■ S* ti I j Ladies' Pure Silk Hose, with stronc ; % UeS: ( o , , B -, ,#rwVy*l :_H Strlnert ß r?a I shi-' 3 66 G9 6/i1 73 chMdren ' s White (Mercerised Cotton Sock., \\ Suit for the wee man. ; ' kb, S : p s «. tops and feet. Areliablf iV- Vt 1/2 1/3 A WMJ Striped Blie/3 66 Sg, tt "To U U VVknlcke'rTari- I Ladies,' Summer Frocks, in Maro- ; gj, l I 9/11 i V«-80,.. ... H. lm .i H.U ror summer MM ffe ' j —~ j ft' : Lower grade, in Black and white ! u-SSin.'SSS. VIW V\ ""'' "' """ '" "" ' DD2 °- Kilke. Wtncey- ! 50 -"f, Bordered Casement ; gj I only. ; Selling m Khaki Drill, wnite Drill. Dark j? ffaWei_J I , V*. «, 7 . . . . . . <®». -« 13/e - : vJoth, Cream and Ecru with I *°i : ' Fswru «3t)«rdine. Grey ntng-nam. also fl/f wßt, : /7~~ 1 I V 7 2 1 2- 2 s 2-7 2 9 Lark O.tton Fahri<-—12,6 : smart borders ■ feU ! 6/11 I strong- Crash. Recommended for pro- B»KfK — / <„,, ■ , " , ,° , 29 tUjl Sllk - ? ood Quality— ; smart Doraers. ; y&I ' ; £ e r «|, on fro "i sunstroke, etc. All on* s\vLs\ 'fV 211 3 1 3/3 3 6 /. ' J/H y»d. \ lfe» ! 3 i • Le ucT cio\ pa F,ne T Hose - " m ' — /"imJtK ~ ~~ {%iIIIM\ ■ _ . r .. „ — _.. R1 . j »?§ ; lace clox, in Light and Dark • a»* X / ~\ Zβ" t\. \ I a * es 2to 6 year?. ; Boys Golf Hose, Plain Black ■ gj.; ; Grey, Brown, Black, and ! »eyi' Sailor Straw H«u, -orith nat and bine X // W'f/ \ N 17 6 the Suit. . and q gj 4,9 j g* ; White, also Plain. I years r Sizes to flt ages from 3 years to - 3 \ A MB /«NH Do2l—The U.te.t Design in Dutch Romper, mr i \,_ I |5» : 11/« : «/H «/•!< A TKn ] t ■ LM 2 ?. *\ \ViW •'///*/«> rwidren. ayes rroui Ito 3 years. .Novelty ; 2/3 pair. 1 fc^i 11/O . ■/«! 9/11. It XF B MtlM F 1 \\\S'/f\J// deslrns In washing- Rlverina. : . ; F?» : . , I Also, suitable for Boy* from 2to 4 ytan. // | B.fe ]J%l \f a M \ \L// >/f 611 each. ; . ~, _ . . IS I ; Superior Quality Pure Silk Hose with ' ■ * /11 ' // / l\p .il I ODII4B Illustration displays a Boy's Norfolk ! a ,, ieS , % " 0 " °" c J a P ane «« Lrepe i Lisle tops and feet in Black White i •""«•' *t™w Htu with White or Blue band trim- L=J ■« t§ A. (W7 % A\ 't Suit made up of '• King-'s ■• fiark Orev Worstea ; hrocks, excellent for houae or ; ©» .•g I Liffht Md Dark Greyf Lso fS ! to flt t,O 3 years. Good qual.ty M O # Hf /> ' i beach " • \& : rs : lg/6 j T/o, s/n. pralf t fUci *fict. W A ? 2 e" to ut ?o ys r 7i" 10 " v y n rs ' v i 6/11 j i^, *S I I Boya' White Straw Hata, in suitable shape. Dound White \\A I 11 \ M ~3 m IBT H ?,7 ' e - *„ , 9 , ''' '', JJ '• «..,, Z _ I £, I Ladles' Ribbed Art Silk Hose in ■ For ag-es 3 years to 6 years. |< » -M t-IU B» »e/e 61/- ea,- 63 - 64/- . Millinery Sprays, in many effects. ,' f**j ! Black, White. Brown Grey 'and ■ ! V 2. ■ «f% I D ' Youths' "All-wool" Indigo Navy Serge Sac Suit. \ oj \ \&*\ « J Tan. Splendid value.' •' ; / IP \ $*£?%£%& & im S |?St ha! i •: j fe, I Also Cashmere Feet and Tops, j , «>» Tor luMnjr service. «»2T A D ATTOATTIAMCM All-woo! worsted ; ers of strong cotton crepe. ; g ; Black, White, Grey. ; 7 8 „ 10 ~ „ V lAR ATTRACTIONS. W w Bp<>rt Styla made as ~l ustra, | 1/9 the pdr. j & ; 7/fi ' Sizes: 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 x "on Stronfly finished ana servlcpable in every . — ; V^, mSk ' •: 13/- 13/e 14/- 1«/e 18/- 18/6 16/- ~A . , _ way. Plain knickers Silesia linea. the coat ; t_ j- • /-UMJ- • D v • 5»» ! I , 1 Ages: 13 14 15 Iβ 17 IS 19 Ladies , Fine Ribbed White Cotton Under- lined rtallan rlott); two patch pockets and one ■ Ladies ana V_nilaren S KUSn ' y*7 i #*4 ! Ladies' Nnn-lo<lHi>nlnn art ciik u«>. I Sizes: II 13 13 14 15 Iβ IT ,eBM a 1"W neck sk-evclcss popular outside breast pocket. A favourite style tor \ Hats nonular (nr h»a<-V> nr ' S» . Laaios Non-laddering Art Silk Hose, ; --16/6 17/- 17/8 1«/- 1»/e 19/- 19/6 summer style, itniahed Vnn'h hinrtini school boya from 7 years to 19 years. . . P°P mar ror oeacn or , g», , hea\T weight, serviceable quaUty, ; Grey worsted— ?"„? m" ? r Ole and nP '- k - An unmistakable indiiro Ser?c— ! picnic wear. ! , with Lisle suspender tops and feet. I Ages: 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 in a serviceable garment. W Ayes.- * \ 9 10 11 1J 13 ! 1/.. I. < fo, ; flff'' and Light i s,zes: 4 5 -•/« 4- « % c X T/3--• MONDAY - X r;4 -r- "' c f- " s -"- "'• ! : ft 12/6 ! Slzes: 11 I* 1 » H <5 16 17 M \\\ Ladies' Daintily Embroidered Fine Swi« Slzes: -I? e i :i , -L*. Ji e ' ,; e e !, T ; 4 ">nch Check Glass Cloth ■ L± 1 17/ _ 17/e , e/ _ iB/c i9/ _ 19/e 20/ _ MX—J 1 m " ut,in Handkerchiefs. v n -J"'\ *iz" 61/ 6ie 62 62/e 63 " ! Towelling : 3 I —— . , ! Ronrh Senre Wt I M '"'J?* hm.stitchfil lino. with "mi Mid and Grey Tweed— ■ »«"cuwg. , I. ! ; Ladies' Plain coloured An sun Hose, ■ Apes : r s 0 10 11 12 M l'l\ll™ .."'..''■m-''-"""''^' , eml,r " % Jf, e /. : I f. 2 " ' : per yard. ; £r : with Lisle top and feet, in Nude ; blze3: ,L .?. ,) ; 6 c" 9 3 »<e >- 5 a # f r ' m ?izee : _ q ._ _ ; = i |fe». J3 : Onion, Champagne. Shoe Grey. Ages: ?3 i. 13 Tβ 17 18 19 ItT* ' V I>S< # SUr * ttr «"»n D Pr'ee. MONDAY- m Jjreji: 14 j-> te it is .9 ; 1 ■ 3 ! 4/11 P-P-r. ; j? \- jj« # 5i D ' --• % —46 47 3 , 4 V% «tf, | LOOK for I gj : '■ 1 *? ,1 - - . 0 ,„ X # Prnm Q tft 11 OIP nnlu % e s Dark z Grey s and , 3 „ i Important Announcement Re !g^ g; — I «. cc .j, 7 T3 7 v v js JL* from 9to 11 a.m. only, m J e i. i. X-i« J.% i e i assigned stock sale • g 3 : Guaranteed Five Year, ; 'f ft J" jf ff ' V V Orden no, A tl racUon" Pric,% SK jj gg J? : in n»in new, ,he*t, g J3 : The Wonderful ; 8,6 S 9 »/- m AII-wool SZ. Tweed— : To-day , * Issue. |S!» . . Dark Grey All-wool Tweed— m A|re,: " 89 10 11 13 13 I ; £ *m : Jensen-Moore i S I f ? y V IS c?: 32 e e wv. si'le ak'. i -•= ;g* 1 ! Pianos. i sflfl I" f f "Always Busy IBr-I II I! J; p - F ; £ ITL D *V 1 D- " ! 13/- 13/6 14/- 14/6 18/- « W r■ < W » Gr »» " *H-weel •• King', College Suit*, made sac ; On basement UOOdS. . i^ ■ Ihe Best Value riano in . All-wool Tweed " Eddie ■■ KnicHert. sizes lto 4. ■ lm.l Ijj ■ I ■ I rMt ana knickers. Fit agns rrom 13 to 19 ', j s*^ J ! |"""" "'"™" """~ JUHIN LitCl. S Jjt U_ jl,_ J?_ !'Bargain Basement, | | I ! s " u -* boutKn !* ! Auckland's Leading Drapers and Furnishers ■- - The J.C.L. Queen Street I ! |

f. ' 7 /Tr - Wallpaper ) ANY DUDDACP W ' $><s A x */ Mill rUKrV/dC ThC devel °P ment of Wallpapers • in colour harmony and in artistic ji • 1 "lL %l\ '~>l ~" / H design synchronises with our most equip your none witn | I \Jf recent importations. w e show wii- a- * _ I • i I *% v papers that are thoroughly up to date. ho, w,,,, - D0e..,. „*„ a modern Automatic n Gas Califont, and Beauty and have really Hot Water «. „,„.„ Quality but in all parts of the not Costliness ki put Hot house for 311 pur- -tf Inquaiity - Smithandsm;ths Wail - -m Water in kettle. Y^^^S^^ papers satisfy the wealthiest; in cost, DOS6S they satisfy the owner of the simplest k • * cottage, which is a fortunate thing /'^ < f /-"Ov 1, . or t^e avera S e man's family. S. &S. SV \1 m i X \l*r\*lZ**r* Ctvnr* au <e_" i— MJ Wallpaper is one of the lines in which Wo ugnnng ores, or i iheb^iumthinthe^chdan. I wen striking matches. pro A j^ u —^^-- g^ •" Vnil him All fliP foil -s range of pat " Wallpapers can be yours for a very Hot Water to freshen you up. lUU Will Ull lUC lop tern "' f " e ° f reasonable investment. All our WallJ *L A lial iirifnv > 7(CHI 1 ' ch " ge - Call, papers offer the same advantages of /^?B^ r \ I*™ Waier I y ° U ""' moderate cost and finest quality. comes automatically. // y? /% ■. ■ ■s ■ affiHfe I . , i Smith & Smitl l- Ltdt ( II ft f J AlltOlllSltlC WALLPAPER SPECIALISTS, D l f Hot Water for Dish- Hot Bath, ad infinitum. j 9-11, Albert Street, Auckland (Opp. Parcel Post Office), washing. _ a j And at Wellington, Christchurch, Dunedin and London. c A * M J[ NOT A GERMAN POWDER. ~. a .uaranteea GAS APPLIANCE, HU* all the *A h wiU sive y ou enduHn, dependable S e rviC e 'j||(JSTDy^JiILI^THAT PLY! Auckland Gas Co., Ltd. ggf| t 1 eSS

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Auckland Star, Volume LV, Issue 248, 18 October 1924, Page 33

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Page 33 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LV, Issue 248, 18 October 1924, Page 33

Page 33 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LV, Issue 248, 18 October 1924, Page 33