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SuurUe: To-morrow, rt.4.".. Sunset: This eveninc, r..!). Alncn : Full Moon, 13th, 7.40 p.m. HIGH WATER. • Auckland Ti>-day, o.4Sa.m. 1.17 p.m. Auckland Sun., 1.4!) a.m. p.m. Sun., "i."6 a.m. *j.02 p.m KalparaHds.-.Sun.. .j.21 a.m. Manukau lids. .Sun.. 4.2Gajn. r..02 p.m. ABBITALa—YESTEEDAY. Ronald, from Whangarei. 5.30 p.m. Tan i who, from Paeroa, 8.10 p.m. Ulenelg, from Whangarei, 11.15 i>.m. THIS DAT. I-is Vegas, from San Francisco, 5.15 v. Kawau. from Kawau, 5.10 a.m. Clansman, from Russell,, Walpu, from Kerepeelii, G.-O a.m. j Canadian Constructor, from Montreal. 10.30 a.m. Akaroa, from Purn. DEPARTURES.—IESTKRDAY. Ulimaroa, for Sydney, 4.10 pju. Navua, for Southern ports. 4.35 Nerbudda, for Tonga, 4.40 p-in. Mako, for East Coast ports, ;"> p.m. Kalmanawa, for Portland and Welling- i ton. 5.10 pjn. Matangl, for Tauranjra. 6.40 pjn. Hikurangi, for Whaugarci, G. 30 p.m. Manaia, for Whangarei, 10.10 p.m. THIS DAT. Apamii. for Awanui, S.JO a.m. Wakatere. for Thames. SAO aju. Xofna, for FIJI, Tonga, and Samoa, 11.40 «uui. Passengers: Saloon, Misses S. Marshall, K. V. Thompson, M. Deuton, I. Denton. G. A. Warner. V, Rapson, D. Kapson, Seaton. L Garnett, C. A- Broad, IC. ileßay, I. B. Brown, M. O. Walker, Mesdames Statham, Burnet, R. S. Thompson. si. mils, v. m. mils, MeGusty, Denton, X <». Matthews. Gardner, Richardson, M. J. Sadler. M. Kruger, N. O. Ardrey, G. Garven, JUtcliell, Tuck, E. M. Pinch, T. SI. Marshall, Jones, Allen, C. I. Stewart, Tyler, ISroad. McKay Messrs. Burnet, G. Barr. A. E. Whitaker. W. H. Denton, U. Ardrey, K. C. Cox, R. A. Gardner. H. H. Richardson, v. liamilton, G. E. Charlton, L. H. I). Davison, L.. B. Lavrton, A. Magee, Vf. H. Staples, P. G. TUorley. J. B. Graham, W". TL Patterson, W. J. Croft, H. D. Crocott, A. C. Mitchell, 11. J. Tuck, C. A. Adams, \V. C. Gray, N. A. Johnston, Manhire, W. Norman. D. R. Jones, E. H. Jolinstone, 11. E. Willis, .T. C. Uanley, TS*. D. McLennan, A. E. Broad, A. J. McKay. O. R. lJuchanan, A. Turner, Capt. Allen, Capt. J. C. Hill, Dr. V. W. T. McGusty, and IS steerage, including eight Chinese and one Hindu. VESSELS EXPECTED AT AUCKLAND. Canadian Planter, Vancouver, August a. Rona, Fiji, August 9. Arahura, East Coast. August 10. Trewyn, Nauru, August 10. Orient Citj-, Sew Orlwins, via Napier, Aug. 10. Kaitoke, Tort Stephens (via Wellington), August 11. Largo .Law, Montreal, August 11. Kama, Niue Island, August 11. Karorl, Tasmania, August 11. AVanaka. South. August 12. Kio Claro, New York. August 12. Sonthern Cross. Solomon Islands, August 12. Keelung, New lork, August 13. Tekoa. London. Augmst 13. Tremere, New York, August 14. Pennyworth., BunbuTy, August 15. Niagara, Vancouver, August IS. Manuka, Sydney, August 10. ! Kaikoura, Liverpool, August 20. I Trelyon, San Francisco, August 20. Maimoa, Liverpool, August 25. Kalomo, New York, Aug. 27. Sussex, Calcutta, August 30. Mamari, London, August 30. I Ruahine, South, August 30. Low-ana, Bfontreal, September 0. West Cahotda, San Francisco, Sept. 12. VESSELS IN PORT. j In Stream—Eewa (harque), Isabel (uqtne.). Northern Chief (schnr.). Trinces Wharf—Kaiapoi, Las Vegas. Kinps Wharf—Canadian Constructor North Wall—Tangaroa (schooner). Devonport—H-M.s. Philomel, H M c s li-1« Central Wharf—Koromiko. : RUAHINB AT WELLINGTON. I The New Zealand Shipping Company's Tesßel Huahine arrived at Wellington late ! last nisht, from London and Southampton I With a 44 passengers, lnelndin-' uo lirst ' saloon, 25 second, ana 49<l third class, ann 1 a quantity of general cargo. Prom Welling i Dunedin. Steamer SC ' es ° v to ami NORTHERN COMPANY'S MOVEMENTS « Expected Arrivals. To-day.—Haulti, from Coromandel, at i To-morrow.—Watatere. from Thimpc » at 5.40 p.m.: Kawau, from Waihek? v : '• ' G. 30 p.m.; Omana, from Surfd-iie -iA.i I v Ostend, at 6.30 p.m.; Manai ., f }. Whangarei, at o a.m.; MatansL Trom ' J 'lauranga, at 7 a.m.; mmn from 'i Ili.kiansa, at 0 a.m. ' rrom ! \ ' Projected Departures. '. To-morrow. for Pneroa n t 6 p.m.; Omana. for Siirfdale. Ostend'and 5 yinlhn, at 9.50 a.m.; Claymore, for " W liangarei, at 3.30 p.m. • ior Monday.—Omana. for Surfdale Osten.l 1 ami Omiha, ot 0.30 a.m.; Wakatere for 1 Thames, at in a.m.; lliiuiti, for Orewa ' Waiwera, Mahurangi and Warkwortli ',! * 800 a.m.; Kawau. for Kawau, Let-h 'ami Mangawal, at S a.m. LOADING IN AUSTRALIA. ' • The Union Company advise that their Rteamer Kaitangata has been fixed to load the second week in September at Pittsbur■' i and Adelaide for Auckland, Portland and Wellington. CAXADIAX CONSTRUCTOR ARRIVED. After a good voyage from Montreal, with the exception of the Inst two days, when j hrad winds and seas were encountered, the I'anadlaa Government steamer Canadian I'onstructor arrived at Auckland this morning, a-nd berthed at the King's wharf shortly before noon. She is expected to leans here next Tuesday for Australian iwrts. - . , I

j The, auxiliary scow Ohia left for TauTbe Karori left Deronpori (Tasmania) : Rt 4 p.m. on Thursday for Auckland. S -, The Kaimanawa is now loading cement iat Portland, and is pxpovtwl to Iwive there . This evening for Wellington, and WeatpOXC J" Tlie Kaitoke is due at Auckland from : I'ort Stephens, via Wellington, at J- p.m. I Tomorrow, ami will berth vi. the Kind's ": wharf to complete. d Afler loading IM.OUO cases of .Iritnl milk ' .in.l ."Ji.kiO ..rates of cheese, the 1..1. steamer y Nerbudda left for Tonga last, fvpnlng, to _. toad copra for P.:-itisli Ishv and North European i>orts. Tbe Arahnr.L i~ experi.-rl '" lα*" Gls-l-ornc at 4 r '"■ t">-Uay. ami be due at Auckland about ihf -amo hour to-morrow, 'vhin she will li'Tfh ill llu: eastern side of. . !b<! Prince's, wharf. The Wanak.-i leave* Lynelton to-day for Wellington antl Auckland. Proceeding Southwards on her next tri|. she will call !at Napier wiih iruusbipuipniK I'rom the. J , I Makura. ■'-j Tlie nil iiniUer Meri.'os 11. Wh'.rticr ari rived at Wellington yesteril;i\- from San , Luis Vobisj.,, i Californiai, witli a cargo " v 'o£ oil fui'l. Heavy weather ..! \\'.in;.in-ii h:i< delayed the Talma's loading. Sfio is vow expected, :n li'ave the rnailsimiil on Tuesday for ilix- ! Loruc and Wellluiruui. nnil will protiably ! sail on August M |. r London, \iu Tene- ! riffe. ii i Captain -1. Kiyim will >:i'i.-ed Cai't- A. H. Jiavey t» I hi 1 ■•mnmand <•*' the Waikaw.a ■ wlieu ihut vcKse] an-ives ill New Plymouth from Wellinctou. ('uptiUn lhivey will rrtiiru s I to Welllnstun to await inKtnirtious. ! The S.S. anil A. llompan.vs liner WaiI mnna was due ai this morning 1 from Tlniani io ronlinne loading for Mom.'. ! She will sail from Wellington on Aiipust Hi . fur Gisbnrno and Aiu-kland t" till up. and ! should sail flnallj fioui \\l'.n port ahout I August -li. 7 ' W.MTiIM" DELAYKU. 7 j Tlie Waiiomi.'s loading has been delayed '.i jby bad weather m Port Pirii-. aud the ." ' vessel is now not especteil to flear there !! until Monday :ii [he earlier for WelHng!i ton aud Aucklaud. TuKIA SAILKH. Uiih lvii onsSfngerß. and also mails and gtneral wrsu lbe Tofua sailed for itie Western I'fcdiir Islands shortly before midday to-day. She will be due buck ru Aueke ianil asai'n mi September I. MAKIIIA AHBIVKII SUVA. - ' En route fi-oni Auckland to Vancouver. f the mall liner Maknia,- which left here . last Tuesday, arrived at Suva at 11.80 [ ' a.m. on Friday and sailed 'In- same day lv:I i Honolulu. I ; CANADIAN PL>\.VTEH TIIMURCOW. Laden with timber and general carso from Vancouver the Canadian Planter now radios tbat she will arrive at Auckland at 10 a.m. to-morrow. She will berth at the Prince's wharf to discharge. ' LOWANA IJiAVES NEWI'tIRT. ! 'J'he New Zealand Sliippins Company have been advised (hat the I-owana arrived at Newport News on I he morning of August . 1 from Montreal and sailed a?:tin on the . afternoon of that date for], Wellington, Lytteltoti. Timaru. and Uuredin. I The steamer is due here about September KIO CLARO WIHELKSeJBU. Tlio Karniers' Auetiouceriag Com puny advise tbat the C. and l>. Line's rnarteren steamer Hio Clam, which left New York on July 8, has wirelessed that, providing tie weather moderates, she will arrive in harbour on Monday. The vessel, at noon yesterday, was 600 miles from Auckland. .She lias general cargo for discharge at Auckland, Xapier. Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin, and Bluff. i RONA DUX 0 TO-NIGHT. j A further wireless messase has been received by the Colonial Sugar Company from the steamer Rona statins that she will arrive at Auckland at n o'clock to-nisht, from Fiji. The steamer will come to an anchorage in the stream, and will probably berth at Chelsea to-morrow morn- | ing to discharge her cargo of raw sugar. j RUAPEmj FOR HOMK. i Tlie pr.Z. Shipping Company's steamer Uuapehu left Wellington at daybreak today tor Glasgow, Liverpool, Manchester and Avonmouth, via Panama. The vessel took the following passengers:—Saloon Mrs Walsh and infant. Captain and Mrs. Clifton, Master Clifton. Mr. H. G. Robertson. Mrs. Luaid, Miss Oliver. Tbird-cla-ss : Mr IJuvey, Mr. Mcßride, Mr. Stephenson Mr Esscr, r.M. Mart, Mr. H. Mitchell. j THE AXTARCTIC WHALEKS. The steamer Sir -Tames Clark Ross mother-sbip of the Ross Sea Whaling Com pany's fleet, is due at Tasmania from Norway about the end of October. Captain C. A. Larsen, the leader of the expedition, has cabled for '2~> Tasmanlans to volunteer to accompany the fleet to the south on the next voyage. It is expected there will bo no difficulty in securing the number of men required, as some applications have already been received by the Norwegian Consul in Tasmania. , LAS VEGAS IX PORT. Laden with cargo shipped at Seattle, A aueouvei- and San Tranc-iseo, the Swayne and noyt Line steamer Las Vegas, S4OQ tons (Capt. J. FritKcli), dropped anchor in ■tlie stream early this morning, and later was brought to a berth at the Prince's wharf. The steamer lert San Francisco at v p.m. ou July 12, and experienced fine ■neather on her passage across the Pacific On Thursday last strong south-west breezes were met with, and continued until reaching the shelter of the New Zealand coast, un tne voyage across the Pacific the steamer averaged nine knots, the be»t Cars I running being accomplished on July 20 !»!*'(?„ n 'W 25S milps ' After com- : Jilettng the local portion of her discharge I the Las A egas is expected to ret ntvov towards the end of next week for WellTnton. Lytteltou, Dunedin. Melbourne arid Sydney. The rates of eschanse on the vessels cargo for customs purposes are:— ( anada 4.37 dollars. Cnited States 4 H(i uollara to the £1 sterling. ! Captain Fritseh has associated with him i e .,,. f01,0w,n S officers:—First. Mr E H \u. 4 PS \t- s<? A°S' l 'i Mr ' A - c ' Careen; third! ;\r A Y ' W ' °P nfiil ": chief eugineer. Mr. F w. nnokley: first assistant engineer. Mr w. ii. Walton: second assistant. Mr L r Richardson; third assistant. Mr. V. p" \\ellcoui; wireless operator. Mr. X Loewen: steward-in-cbarg-e. >fr. J n* Gninnane. Messrs. Henderson, MacFarlaue are the local agents.

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Auckland Star, Volume LV, Issue 188, 9 August 1924, Page 6

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SHIPPING NEWS. Auckland Star, Volume LV, Issue 188, 9 August 1924, Page 6

SHIPPING NEWS. Auckland Star, Volume LV, Issue 188, 9 August 1924, Page 6