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A machine has. been invonU'd which sup- | .lies v substitute for sloop. The subject j rill stop intu ail Insulated cage, attach an 11 ; lectricul apparatus l<. the head and wrist. ' h n<l turn on the current. Fifteen minutes ii, liter the subject will leave I lie cage just s refreshed as though he or she had slept | v Ight hours. h STREET TOBACCO SALE. h A Birmingham rciiill tolmeconisl was .. ine,i .t.l for s.lling tnhncrn in Ihn sm-.-r ■ „ .viilimii a li.-.n,-... He bnil a licence t»r iis Klnip. li'M Mild in the street as people £55.000 FOE WORKERS. ', At the annual meeting <>f Messrs. Ueckitt s m<l Sons, the starch ami blue manufae- . β-nrkore under the --prosperity bonus | RIVER OF WHISKY. A fire broke nut lit lime nclock in the '' norning in a big whisky st..n- between ligh Street and Aim Street. Belfast. The whisky harrela exploded and tlie lames t<. a grout height, v.liilc rivers , i£ whisky fl..we<l down the s.-wcrs. f The hiiil<lin-,- was destroyed. A tireman , i-as injureil l.y a slaie falling from the , •OOf. j SPIKES FOR BIKES. Out ell Fascists, who number iibntit 3000, • ir- rauiiliie a m>iih;:i i-<n In Amsterdam. Recently the Fascists blurted a lire at ' md the meeting had i<. lie suspended. A Socialist ii:-i"i<-tatlnn ha<l organised ■■ ;ycle. ].r<.cession through Amsterdam si reels, jut the Fascists strewed :i large number <.r , jails nn the route to cause punctures. I A WAR-WRECKED FAMILY. A constable whu arp->ted K. A. Haynes. • ipod '■!<>. a labourer, on a charge ..f wander- ' iiir. save the following catalogue <.f thejl routh's mi-fortunes at Marj lohono. Police I ..V.urt:— I; "Lost father, motiier anil three sisters in | • :he Kllvertown explosion in the early part ' )£ tlie war. '•Four brothers killed on the war fronts.- ' "Two aunts who had looked after him ' iilled in n homb cxplimlon." Ilaynes was runiaadi'd lo be scon by the Court missionary. ASLEEP ON THE WING. Eritaiu's w<.rl<l-lli<Ts thus diwcrihc the ; not<-<l "sliiikinj; c,.asf of lialuchisuin. north ' >t .he Arabian S-a :- |J "The coast lacks fresh water. TPRCtntinn md population. As a l<<-ul proverb puts ii. ' n-hen the Almighty had fmishe.l makinir the ' farth, ho cast aside the remaining rubbish iml called it Baluchistan. The coast is celebrated for its enormous fish trade." ! During the Persian Hull" flight (adds the i j •Times;," the heat w-as. very tryinfl. One!' nisht, while lying off Kharg Isle, the air- I the aeroplane, and Fyins-oflieer Plenderlielh nearly rolled overboard in his sleep. STRUCK ON EEAD. Tlie West Ham magistrate recently i remanded Solomon I.ahrer IL's) on a.! charge of murderins his father-in-law, IJyman Uorin. At the inquest on Dorm. Hie same day, a I verdict of. "Denth hy mlsadventuru" was j returned. -• I l-ahrer was aliened to have admitted that I lie bad hit his father-in-law on tin- head i with a fryins pan. At the Inquest, however, ' ii doctor said ll.viiian had died from sulToca- j tion. I The post-mortem revealed that the wind-j pipe was completely blocked by a piece of ! orange. "I do not think the blow contributed to his death." the doctor added. "The excite- j ment of the scuffle mijrlit have caused | reirursitation. and food £ot int<. his windpipe." NO " GENTLEMEN." The town council ~f Anshneh. in Bavaria, hns decide,] lo impose a lax on all fon-lgn w,.r<ls uk.hl in print, sijnis. anil advertisements. A barber who is a mem-1 her of the council declared it would ho monstrous to lax him f<.r calling himself a ••friseur" because the w<.r<l is French, and there Is no Gorman word to take its place. Another member wanted to know what German equivalents could be found for those words and phrases which signify fashion and aristocratic elegance to the simple German mind—such words as "high life," --j o'clock," "Rontlenian," ami' "sport." Nevertheless the council derided j thai the unforlunatc persons who employ i these exotic words must pay 1/ n letter j yearly up to 10 letters, and for each letter | above 10, 3 '. FLAPPERS' DAY IS GONE. I "The day of the flappers is over: the! girl of 21 has become serious sine! the j war." This startling assertion was made' by I.ady Terrinylon, M.1., speaking at a "votes for women" meeting organised by the Women's Fioedom Loarruo at Essex Hall. I.ady Terriugtoii resented men saying ihey did not want lo give (hi; vole to "flappers." It was a good tiling sin had not caught ihe Speaker's eye in lhn House of Commons during the debate on Mr. Adanison's Equal Franchise Hill, because she was so wound up sh.- did not know what she might have said. "I was very disappointed that women could vole against women in Parliament." she a/lded. -That was hardly playing the game." "Women in polities are just like women being courted—it y<. v say -yes' you are done," said I.ady Astor, addressing members of the National Inion of So. i< ■:!<■* for Equal Citizenship, at a luncheon in Ihe llolborn Kestauiant. I.ady Axtor confessed that so far Ihe House i.f i'iiiiiiikmis ha. l been "down on her." Ii was n<.i easy hi go where one was not want..!, even in pri vale life, but in public life ii was iippalllnir. The fact was that men did want women in the House, and >h<- did imt blume them.

GAVE HER BABY AWAY. A woman who now regrets an action of indness is :i Win nor mother who favc or baby to a stranger who said she was .jn.-Iy anrl had no children of her own. The mother says she- was out walking .hen- lli.- woman slnp'ped and admired her aliy jrlrl. She said she w-uld UUc to .| ii. The mother demurred, bur two later gave or tin: fllrl. The stranger declined to ive her mime or address,- saying she did ,ul wish to be ask. a to return it. THE FLYING 'WHISKY. I-'iii- mc L omoulence of airway passon-%-r-. on llin lHi-inile?aiiiiniir journoys lie-A.-..M bunion iiml the .-apitiilg of Europe, novel automali.: machine is now to t>c .xperimonted «iili. If successful, it is to 'jc installed in the 'aloons of air expresses. Travellers who diviro liquid refresbnent slip jinir-n-urowu into the slot of thie u.iiiiinc A flap opens, revealing a little intile on a ledzo which contains a double vhlsky, a linltle of soda-water, and a glass. ANTIQUITY OF PYORRHEA. The Egyptians oC the tlmn o£ rharaoh iiid iiyorrhoea. The Inons of Torn, posilily running ha. I; as far as the Egyptians if I he Pharaohs, also had pyorrhoea. Before lie Egyptians 'here isjj no record except a ;knll and a few hones here, and there. \<:mr(llni; tn Momlic, in his "Antiquities of Uedicine.'-' pyorrhoea began to concern man i-es hcfori! man began to build Pyramids. Hie disease is now. as it has been for ages, he prinripal eaiiM; of loss ..£ teeth in Middle aged and old people. 120 FOOT ROMAN WALL What was thought 10 he the ruins of a vnlrh lower on tin- Roman site which is icing Pscnvilted ill East CHIT, Folkestone, iiis now heeu identified as a basilica i hall i. where the olßccr held his court. \ complete covering roof tile was dug "P •ereiitly, and another British coin of the .',() ];.('. to A.I). 1, has been found. Mr. Winb'ilt, the archaeologist, a classi•iil master at Christ's Hospital, Ilorsham, suFsex. said recently: "There is plenty ,f evidence available that there was a British occupation previous to the Roman VTiipntlon. One wall of tb-o main buildng now extends 3 I>Oft."' EVANS OF THE BROKE. Captain E. K. G. R. Evans, R.N.. the \ntarctic explorer and hero of. the Dover Patrol action in 19:17, when the Broke (his ship) and the Swift defeated six German lestroyers, speaking in AVeymouth in couipctiun with hoys' welfare work, pleaded on ..-half of the Iwd boy. lie added: "I am mc of those unfortunate fellows. I was expelled from school at the age o£ eight because three of us went on a little expedition down Harking Creek. On the way we hoarded an old barge with the idea, of sailing to the Spanish Main. We laid in two guineas" worth of provisions, which I put down to my father's account, and then got arrested by two policemen." DIED BY FIRE. So careful about fire that whenever ._ visited her son-in-law she took her own fireguard Willi her, Emily Gertrude Craven, a widow, aged 00, was at Southport found dead iv front of ther bedroom fire, badly burned. At the. inquest, when a verdict of death by misadventure was returned, her maid said Mrs. Craven was fond of cigarettesmoking, and was smoking when witness left her the previous night. S Dr. l'opert said death was dne to suffocation. Ho thought Mrs. Craven bad a seizure, and this caused her to fall on the lire. The burns had nothing to do with her death. EXHIBITION FACTS AND FIGURES. The British Empire Exhibition is "the greatest tile world has ever seen. The entire cost is £42.000,U00. There are 13 miles of roads. .More than a million electric lights are iilled. The stadium has 40 miles of terraces, and is held together by ]~1110.1100 rivets. 2.~>.0u0 people can be fed at once in 51 restaurants. 30.000.000 visitors are expected. The Pleasure Park lias a theatre and a dance hall twice the size of the Albert Hall. The; largest bandstand has an enclosure of 10,000 seats, and 3000 seats outside. TWO PERFECT GIRL SCOUTS. The ('.olden Easier, insignia of perfection in Seontdom, was conferred upon Gertrude Greene and Hannah Gerher at the Fprlnc rally of the Manhattan Council of Girl Scouts in the Seventh Regiment Armoury, New York. Mrs. Arthur Osgood f'hoate, vicepresident for the Girl Scouts, decorated the two young women. Miss Greene is eighteen years old and it member of Troop '1. Miss Gerber is nineteen and a member of Senior Troop 1. They have been adjudged perfect morally, physically and menially. 11l proof .if their perfection they denied it. Miss Gerhor's modesty did noi 'prevent her from acknowledging, how. lever, that she was pretty good at every- ■ thins from dishwashing to astronomy, i Humph not so piod at other things. j i SEVENTY-FIVE YEARS SENTENCE. ! Seven ly five ypiir* li-hlli-l ill" wails of ' Juliet penitentiary. lUIn-ii , , \* thu sen-|liMli-e Imposed by Chief Jusii.-.- Juhn li. ■ Cavc-'v up..ii Harry Tln.inns. master buri:- -- -!li:r nged t:i. "I iif.**-! to the comniissinn of ■■--, K.-P'ifi •"»»-* « £ a " jiiaiiiri'M aii.r li- lunl enter.-d n plea of ! Klli j ly ,'„ ~ ~,,:,.■,■ ..: cnnilnnl assault upon Cro'r.' .hisiic. i av.rly ni firs' ..a a <-!. a rg.> ■of murdering William C. Kraufr, a wealthy ' r ,..,l ~f | :ii,. d.-aIT. 11111- ill -r au attempted burularv in .h- laih-r's hot,, May s. ■•;,,,,. 11.. plead.d gniliv. Or. 11. Foils- | :ie S [, ~ •,,.,: I'!-. Williiim O. Kr.ihn. ; ,li..| ; ;sts" Irsilili-; Iha I !:•• was -Have IJ-..U "jiny'ihiiis i" say biforo judgment is •i:i v .■. lv. "Nothing uvi'ii, j >i-. . ex.'pi I :iin ulad to jfi.| my mind clear." ".Sevcutyj iiv ..-.irs iJi Jcilli-:." was thu Court's reply. SOLDIERS SUICIDE. \, ,],.. ~;,,,!'--' on Private iiarr, aged lfi. c.,!.-ii.-i. :• v.iili I.iK >i.b- of his head blown i,«a\ anil a S-rvli" revulver by his side, a |.■IH-γ l-fi i.y him i" lii.-i barrack-room v,.,- -,;,,l by ill-: e..i r: "To iili ' , ,v- kinil iri.nds in ;li. ■ room —I have at 1 i,,'., ;' ~| ini-ans ;■■ ri'l myselt from yuiir J pr . -"ii.c. I kn'.w ihal ■■■.■■ and all of you haie ii,.- Inii !!-■ ly :in-l v. ill 1..: flail t ■ >•■.- ---■ !:.. , i,.1 mi hi... i irii.-i 1 will forgive ,:;.- |~r ;l:-- a..'i." r.arr .- diary, found on 1 hi, body, was »li»i produced, and on the ,!:,i-. April 17. wa-i ililn entry : -This day .;,.-. i,:y r.-i- ry. ' .-■ vera I men in Barrs ; ,,.,.. ~, v.; re --all-l. and nil denied that h.- ---;... : ! :i i iHi. .1. ii,..'.:.-h » o-rpnrnt said 1,,, had eh.-eked .;..■:■-.-1 for taking his mirror. .v. fellow soldier said he had a I -terrible habit of. rearlins books.' , A verdict of suioide during temporary [insanity was returned.

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Auckland Star, Volume 55, Issue 152, 28 June 1924, Page 19

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NEWS FROM ALL QUARTERS. Auckland Star, Volume 55, Issue 152, 28 June 1924, Page 19

NEWS FROM ALL QUARTERS. Auckland Star, Volume 55, Issue 152, 28 June 1924, Page 19