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H. BUTCHER SELLS IT FOR LESS I H. BUTCHER SELLS IT FOR LESS __ g I I Great. Selling of Chesterfield Suites, Easy 3IL J L lI'tIIT^^ —111 ' * 7^-— I; Chairs. Morris Chairs, at prices that beat all fraSl II ™ j IF /fljfr | previous offers. XI *S=Rl4 This Rimu Dining Room iJL-,™!! The Oval Bedroom Suite. | •1 * ll I • I 1 Cm £?*?/1»;/ 1 Solid Oak Suite, for £38/12/6 Y& What's inside! That's what matters when buying a Chesterfield. The ■ i 8 9 OUlie lOF XX J/ U/ ". 1 |J Kauri Suite, dark finish, for , £31/10/- M thorough reliability of our Chesterfields is a strong recommendation. Every- a sDkndid pvarrmlp nf thP'wrmrfprfnl mir Great Sale offers to-day «J II Selected Rimu Suite for ...... • -- £29/10/- M thing is of the best, English coppered springs, lashed to a webbing BeiShe Wonderful Value for this Suite. Note the pleasing design of gj base. Let us demonstrate to you the superiority of our Chesterfields. Furn!ture at SeesS below lucommotion C • each 4 Pieces - will satisfy the most critical who W HANDSOME SUITE, upholstered in Moqnette, 3 pieces, as above illus- N e w DeslnSideLrd^ o fte7v handle as illustrated SaVUIgS On Jill appreciate the skilled cabinet work and the beautiful nch § trated; comfortably sprung. An ideal Suite for smaller rooms—Usually WeW DeSlS * b,deboard of very handsome design, as Hallstands. handsome Suite. M <5iTPPRini? aiTiTw ■„ v,~,+ a + cv. j ■ i • j x ~' ' „ ' Dining Suite of 6 Chairs, as illustrated; neat and very strong. , . <as£*tff!--ajgTOF i gg F ' M am biuuit aUllii, in best Art Shadow, similar in design to above. Very c,.i» Pr i w ca/n/n Attractively designed to T^ \Tffl&£2£ltßM m well made. Reduced Sale Price £18 10/- o<uerme,»o/u/u. imr>rp<ssive an iillirTOßAl W ■**tAim_c\i uaic 1 1 lit, irj.oxu/"» ct • i\' • mil *j_it j. ■*• i /» tj_ i i-iiii 6'vc all 1111 pi cool VC <XiJ— IIW ICPIBW Lf* ■. PILLOW CHESTERFIELD SUITE. A particularly handsome Suite, in SUPeriOr Dlninff TaWe ' ™ th beautiful tOP and pearance to yOUr en " Flf IB miflHfom i very latest style, with well filled cushions on chairs and two cushions on '' "" trance hall. tjf I ! l|| tj.IS H jj: jj| W Chesterfield. For comfort and rest this Suite is unsurpassed. OA\7IMr-C! r>7VT r-AT>nrTC The illustration is one of fc~ Ifl tim m Sale Value at £32 10/-. REMARKABLE SAVINGS ON CARPETS. our popular new designs. ' P* Sj rl ill 0$ LYNDALE CHESTERFIELD SUITE, upholstered in Moquette, comprising Wonderful Selection of Beautiful Wilton, Axmineter, Velvet Pile, and J* .ffd Oak-Usually i | f ffifff f 9 lIlFn fill & UsuSlv^Toy 1^3 - Chesterfldd » nd ™ m , y ea f. .Ch a rS - Ta P estr ? Car Pets at the lowest prices you have been able to buy. The f n 6 *J, ™J * YWsmgS fc. Hfiillflll 1 1 mM P Usually .£-37 10/-. Wonderful Value at £32 10/-. large selection offering comprises Carpets and Rugs suitable for any room pj mu £4 12 6 StSlia 11 111 ' S§ gH smallest Hearth Rug to large room sizes. If you need Carpets or Rugs Other popular Hallstand If ~~ ,1 | ~ ■*. \/ m SmaU Size AxminsJr Seamless A*minster S »™*7 6/ .. I 50-KplB! r *- A fR£« ju nil'""" ii f' nff Rujwfg- ffl Carpets. Carpets, sale Price, £6 10/-. NiSl I K»^—■ fSBj H ML « 6,t. and 9ft. x 7ft. 6 ta . . 9f, x 1*! Drt Finish- b a Leader in Sale Value.,. | j -|y.«- ™-»— Beautiful in Appearance and A very choice assortment of deep, Sale Price £5 5/ In Solid Oak—Usually £44/19/6. Sale Price, £39/17/6. 0 W T Excellent Qualities heavy Pile Carpets, at O iled Rimu-' '' " In Kauri, dark finish-Usually £35/4/6. Sale Price, £32/10/-. 8$ Large number of delightful pat- positive savings ot m _ _ terns to harmonise with any sur- 14 10/- Carpets for £12 10/-. Sale Price, £4 15/"-. In Selectd 0M Rimu.—Usually, £33/7/6. Sale Price, £29/10/-. t ¥TV¥Tr>ir\TTC3 v onniT-KTr, . roundiiigs. You must see these distinctive design, superior finish and workmanship of this (H Kfjy RI OUS HEAVILY SPRUp CHESTERFIELDS, m design as illus- Rugs to appreciate the unusual This hallstand has useful Suite appeals to everyone who appreciates good furniture. ttt S?etc. ,1 Moquette ' French Tapes - it c : £ e -' 9ft - x 12f *• £ -ts s& may be purchased separately at these Bargain Sale '« £45 10/—3 Pieces for £39 10/-. £5 IS/6 Carpets for £5 12/6. WlltOH Carpets. seat, wiffi""' ' _ ffl £4710/—3 Pieces for £42 10/-. 19/6 Carpete for £6 10/-. r p i ace on either side for v i . *m , R jp> IS , i 0 lft/ ? P i ow>o fn , f«i in/ & 5/- Carpets for £8 10/-. A Magnificent Selection of upwards umbrellas Look at 1 hese , I f Mfc a^ y iv/— j rieces tor 144 iu/-. 9ft _ x ?ft gin _ of 100 watoTi Carpets. All grades Further Savings fIS I fjwf««»| g 15 /" Carpets for £6 17/6. from the serviceable medium quali- Hallseat. Very neat on Sideboards '■ <■ "» Eil ii IB ffi £8 17/6 Carpets for £7 19/6. ties to the Wilton de luxe. Every desien ffcfik W BritiSh Lin ° leUmß - £9 7/6 CarPetS f ° r £S V - ? Ua v™r f^ b nT in 7/0. ollusuaUy v 17,6. "L^Boi^FO^ X | A NOTABLE SELECTION. These are the Tor^» e Pai'nAfe £21 10/- Wiltons for £18 15/-. Special Price, £4 7/6. £15 15/-. _— -3J| I Q===C M ffi smooth finish linoleums that wear so much i apeSlry V*arpeis. £23 10/- Wiltons for £21 10/-. Rimu—Usually £3 10/-. This attractive Sideboard [ ■— — I, H M : longer and polish so easily. 9ft. x 10ft. 6in. and 9ft. x 12ft. . Special Price, £3 3/-. stands well off the floor 'lj >■ • |(U }d - bpilwl rnlflili Slffl l t : Sale Price, 5/11 yard. These Carpets are offered at sub- ' on cabriole egs. Fitted U |g|i ; $g tf> PrirP -t ;-,pH stantial savings. Serviceable hard- Qfi. „ "J Af f C' ■ with (wo deep centre «i ; g> oi « • Q/o T wearing qualities in neat patterns X lUIt. OUI. drawers, with spacious W W Sale Price, 9/3 yard. and colourings; Fawn, Blue, Brown, A«™wi e f*«. Wonderful cupboards on either side. } I SaJle Price ' 10//3 yard ' Grey, etc. /AXlUlllSier Values in An attractive Sideboard J U j^ ___________ 9ft i l0 l f o; 6i Ca"r;etsf o r£6 15/ SEAMLESS SQUARES beautiful English flflO/- Sideboard for £7/17/6. | f mrmi S for £6 5/6 p P . ande " C Sp Q uahties - China Tea BOARD FOR £10 7/6. The Best Value Rimu Sideboard in § Linoleum SaUareS S 19/6 Carets for S 5/e" Remaxkable savmg here - C ets The beautiful dark finish the Dominion. Made in our own | l-moieum squares. £5 19/6_Carpets for £0 5/6. £12 10/-Carpets for £10 19/6. :setS ' makes an instant appeal, factory, we guarantee the workman- g 7 ttiil New Shl P ment in latest designs - 71 • ; £13 10 /_ Carpets for £12 10/-. 85/- TEA SETS It has all the cupboards ship and finish to be the very beat. far and colourings. All sizes—9ft x « i7/fi rSSS for £? 7Zβ FOR 75/-. and drawers that one The drawers are dovetailed back and M HHrai btt -' yit - x / lt - „" „• x yic -» pc in/ rnmpfti fnr 17/fi a iL j ■ could desire. For the front, and run smootnly, the cup- vVS yi • ' • * AnoLner wonaer- money this Sideboard is boards fit perfectly, while the mirror W BtS' Auckland's Lowest Sale Prices. f upvalue off er for an investment. is English bevelled plate. M —- r—. the much-wanted nnAim vntt 11/ \ki ' colours of Mauve « *•"■'**'" rv)K *n i-i/-- /xf = * \pSmart Occasional Tables. T " »i! [ bSrd In souS oak l for if /I # f S^S %J M, =^B^ a ? 1 O D 1 J\7 1 i/5 , I iff 1 49/6 TEA SETS £11 n/ . Ample room is JSmkW, ({ M ff) —= Jjap Tr* \L borne Keai Uood Values. I \ l / |j V, / F ''i fr for 32/6. provided by 4 centre [iSHKMk SA [r it fi I |1 3/17/6 OAK TABLE for 70/-. .Exactly as illus- N \« | [ / , njj j l^, m^^:S It>g a ]ong time drawers and cupboards V in Rimu-Usually £2/17/6. Sale Price, 52/6. IS' ll! _-_ I |l|i| II i iTo'Vtl 6 Albert F°OR°£l4 n/G^ LT [| r8 ~~ H. IFT tl low S price. SU These The lower part has two English Dinner Sets, at Keen | C l_ £ O μ-m. W V, I I - - 1 n g t large drawers for table Squabs for Settees. j|| HI fe J 3 I handsomely deco- linen while the centre Sale Prices. g IHnrniTr ITU IIIUMOI _ _ Made to give satisfaction. Big selection Hi B rated; 21 pieces. these is fitted with 82 - SETS FOR 73/6 M' All Eyes Are On This Offer! tf"dM | U l- ' * Squab only, well filled with fibre and upholl SOllO U3K DedrOODI f» ■» OflO, / SYSTEM. May also be had in Dark coep. isoup vahie 331 pieces. (J steredm smart Cretonne. Sale Special, 24/6. P j. X 1 O IU/- Our Lay By Sys- Oak. 33-piece Sets that show you big savings. S r>. . T Ll OUlie *J*.V*J A\fj tern is a great Navy and Gold pattern that is neat; also OT Dining 1 ableS. __ ~ __ ... _.. . ... ~ . . ~ help to everyone BeGamg az AUCIt " Gold and Black key pattern. M -, 2 _ _ _ _ Making 25 of these Suites in one batch enables us to cut the l-,Mrl'e rra IT. «r'^«,^r ,, Great Sale ValueS. ProfiU to a minimum. You get the Big Saving. We get the Turnover. furnishing. Call knas . ReencSl $S IHe cllcc. This surely Brings Down the Cost of Living. Let us tell you how it's and talk it over " rices. S-£ ■% ,^ wS, Tlsuallvs9/6 Sale Price, 53/6. Our Dining Tables always give done. with us To-day. We offer an exceptional Usually oy/-o. f"" 5 perfect satisfaction. Soundly con- . selection of Bedding that |.-{.. ,y ■>~.■; - z WH m. The best value Rimu Settee on the structed with beautifully figured ■-———--■——™—^—ii——■—■----————i^—>————»—. . g widely k nown for its j 1p .■'.'.. w .|Ns fe] market. Superior finish, with strong tops, mounted on 4in. x 4in. club- mm --— „« thorough reliability. The I 1 . ,'.!,"', , ;v"i - t3 wire bottom. Also makes a useful shaped legs, fitted with ball bearing I|g J& kapok, flock, or fibre fil- ■..■•V-γ; .. : : .--s- t^j r-™ « n . » CaUaa ' sft. x 3ft. £5/0/0 rJBOP A^f are ' good dependanable ■ Splendid design providing a restful 8$ Ihe KeStmOre Oeiiee sft- 6in- x 3ft# 6in- £7/19/6 -_ _ qualities. couch and a useful space for stowing \ft m | p: ;;;;;;; Furniture & Carpet Co., Ltd. |JKS?3 1 8?£a fc II KARANGAHAPE ROAD Sj Jfß*. JK " j

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Auckland Star, Volume 55, Issue 152, 28 June 1924, Page 15

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Page 15 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume 55, Issue 152, 28 June 1924, Page 15

Page 15 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume 55, Issue 152, 28 June 1924, Page 15