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iM . , flor>7r}o rh/ir/"/? Anne/tc[ There Are Still Plenty of Bargains Bargains in the Showroom. ' 0 R ai . ffa ; . •„ Bargains in Women's Hose. 24 Only—Model Sports Costumes, of heavy Brushed Price, 3,3. H.._ in DargaUlS in Women's Black Cotten Llama Finish Hose, Hawley'i Woo], etc. The skirts have elastic waists. All O»od Quality Striped Flannelette and Winceyette |1 , Traced Nightdress lLenfftllS. fast black - wide tO P s - medium weight, servicesizes. Colours: Cream, Navy, Heather, Grey, Pyjamas, with neat roll collar—Usual Price. ' ■ itf • vt* isoo g «• afc) j c qua]lty . sea miess. A good Stocking at a Fawu, Peach, Cherry, a.nd Mole—Usual Prices, 13/11. Sale Price, 9/11. *!&fy&lOm H Coloured Cotton Crepe Nightdress Lengths. An- ] ow pr irp—Usual Price, 1/11 A. Sale Price, 1/3 £5/196 to £6/19 6. Sale Prices, 69 6to 89/6. Heavy Weight Creme Flannelette Underskirt!, with KM KJw KpiMkllla? ° ther '" s lot to liand > and B omS out at a ve T P a < r . Jut to hand-A Fine Selection of Imported Exclu- . " a f row * callo P ed Price, 5/6. Sale W |iS HN p| pc ;" al >' nee ' rhese are In a B ood <l™ lit y Women's Plain Black All Wool Cashmere Hose, sive Model Costumes and Coat Frocks. Suitable Pr,ce ' 4/6 ' <2| WgL «H» MM Effl W" i^ 6, dlstinctl - v traced in smart neW G°od serviceable quality, with wide tops. Se amfor present wear as well as for Spring wear- « , « ~., , » T Him ff Wfl Hi HK3 fr de *»B°»- Wh.tePink, Sky, Helio., Lemon, Saxe. less, medium weight, soft finish, and serviceable Usual Prices, £10,10- to £16/16-. AH Clearing Veiy Special Value 111 NaVy j| W Eli RJS** ft e « h " y ~ 1Ce ' 6/ "' -Usiid Price, 4/H. Sale Price, 311 pair. Below Cost. Early inspection advised. Q bmtß Mwwi a EaL ' m* • /**l Excellent Quality Velour Coats, heavily reduced. SergeS. -M ||§ HUg & Certicelli Pearl Cotton, large hanks, size 3, in range MOmmg Cllory We have these in five different up-to-date style.! You run no risk whatsoever if you buy your re- HI HHP ififf C ° lo " rs - P™>. 2/11. Sale Price, Pnff A t>» F^« A All sizes-Usual Frices, £4/19/6 to £6/6/-. Sale quirements of Navy Serge from us, as we guarantee H tH Bl WW Mb *" ILXCeUa raiiern Tree. Prices, 59 6, 69 6, and 75/=. ALL our NAVY SEIJGES to be absolutely fast in M l*Hk ZZt Every purchaser of an Excella Pattern of any kind Wonderful Throw-out Bargains to be had in Exten. colour. . S Pfl BHIp JSmk in Cf\f<iM<t is entitled to a smart Morning Glory Pattern sive Assortments of Exclusive Frocks, in newest «.inch Serge, all wool ; for college frocks, etc. Mm**. ll ill Hl** , T«-ifi* m/■ c V ' Urßelß, free - A big selection to choose from is offered season's materials and colourings. Suitable for -Usual Price, 4/0. Sale Price. 3 3 yard. ' w '"t Model 9306, ,n Satin-finished Coutil. Very in Excella Patterns in the litest fashions for evening and reception wear-Usual Prices, 54-incfa Navy Serge. The celebrated " Endurer - Jllfctw W\ °" lo , ng sklr £. rust ' ess and Winter and Spring-I/., 1,3, for children's styles; £6/19/6 to £9/9/-. Sale Prices, 57/6 to £5/1.9/6. brand; all wool. Fine twill and soft 9 A s« Sllu Prkl, Itfll? . ." A Special Purchase o3 a limited quantity of Model Usual Price, 10 6 Sale Price, 8 6 yard. _ . />i .11 • ~T Twilfit Model 0804 n Ptmne Pontil low BafffainS 111 ShoDDinOT Ra«lr^t« Pleated and Embroidered Skirts. These are H*rt Navy Admiralty Serge Al, pure woo,. An BargaUlS 111 Children's Wear. bust. m eL m k-irt andVnr Spenders. £Z S"£de Shopping^SS^nSfof^^t exceptionally well made and the best qualities- ideal Serge for smart frocks-Lsual Price. 13/6. 21 to 30-Usual Price 16/11 Sale Price 14/6 nana saopping nasiieLS, made ot best quality Usual Prices, 95 - and £6/6/-. Sale Prices, 49/6, Sale Price, 10 6 yard. Children's Brown. Grey, and Crea. Imitation Fur Twifflt Sport 4?n .tron? oualkv Satin finiSedCou ' «PT •» * V?t\ J"" range ° f ...inch Indigo Serge, thoroughiv shrunk. In ,i P ht P —• «»• «11, 7/11. Sale Price. ;TetX ITmi '"*' ""' *'"' «"> AH Wool Fancy Knitted Cardigans. Perfect fitting, and dnrk shades of Navy For costumes, frocks 4/11. . four suspenders P 2] 30 _ Usual p rice , 5/6 ' 5/U ' and ' /U MCh ' and all good ehades—Rust, Rose, Saxe, Putty, etc.—Usual Price, 186 Sale Price. 146 yard. 1 3/6 Sa , e pHce ~/ 6 D»-«r«:« e { M Q A a»~~ r>U • and Cream—Usual Price, 25/-. Sale Price, 12/6. 6§i«th Indigo Suiting Serge, thoroughly shrunk; Children's White Flannelette Nightdresses, long Dargaills 111 OeagraSS V^ilaiTS. suitable for ladies' costumes or men's suits— sleeve, inset; roll collar and cuffs epokestitched; Seagrass Chairs. Comfortable shapes and nice deBargains in Silk. 23/6 and 24/e Sa,e Priceß, IBe "si" 60 i 2 3 4 Bargains in Ladies' xm m 5 styles. c and 19 6 yard. * lzes 1234 o # No j style—Usual Price, 25/6. Sale Price, 17/« each Coloured Crepe de Chine We are offering our full I'.aal Price. Vβ 511 6/6 6/11 llandkerchiefs. No. 2 Style-Usual Price, 31/-. Sale Price, 22/6 each Bargains in Cotton Dress Priceß T' ? f 5^ n u« «* .*-«« J&JSgfcSSSIS SSSSS" 1 ! i;;U/.v y r' i2/n - Fabrics. Esrvssra si: s K l . ™ h White Jap. Silk. Three specials, in good wearing EBfliih Crepe. A limited quantity of Plain White Prices, 6sd, and 7jd. Sale Price, all 3 Rarffaint IF» Flrw»f Crmminnrrm and washing qualities, in White Jap. Silk. 27 an <* Cream. A good quality heavy English Children's Fleecy Lined Woren Stay Bodice. tor !/• «je.lga.lll» 111 1 IOUi \X9VCniIgS. inches wide—Usual Prices, 3/9, 5/U, 6/11 Sale Crepe 30 inches wide—Usual Price, l/ll£ yard. Sizes 12 3 4 5 6 7 Ladies' White Pure Linen Handkerchiefs in a ~»» Chinese Twisted Grass Mats. Just the Mat for hard Prices, 2/9*, 4/6*, 5/4* yard. Sale Price. 1/6} yard. Usual Prices 2'll 3/3 3/6 39 3/11 4,3 4/6 " of qualities alleoinß out at practically half nrice Wean Cream Fnjl Silk. An. extra heavy quality, for cos- Cambrics. Best quality goods, light grounds, with Sale Price. 2/6 2/9 2/113 3 3/6 3/9 3/11 -Usual Prices, i<3 1 6 and l/ll Sale Prices 27m. t 54in.—S<tle Price, 4/11. tumes, frocks, etc. A good line for the Spring neat spots and stripes. 30 inches wide—UsunJ Sizes 8 9 10 n 12 13 9 d lOid, and I/, each. ' 36m. x 63in.—Sale Price, 7/9. at Sale Price. 30 inches wide—Usual Price 8/11 Price. 1/6$ yard. Sale Price. 11 jd yard. Usual Prices 4/9 4/11 53 5/6 5/9 5/11 " Mohair Hearth Rugs, fringed ends, in Saxe Blue, Sale Price, $/ll yard. ' ' Lanark Wincey. Cream only. A real good quality. Sale Pricei 4/3 4/8 4/9 4/11 5/3 5/3 # Crimson, and Green. Good quality—Sale Price, soft-finished Wincey, that will give every satisfac- BargcHTlS m Ladies' GIOV£S. 28/6 each. Raw»;*.» :~ I J , » tion 31 inches wide—Usual Price, 2/11 yard. Children's Black Twill Italian Cloth Bloomers, c **»•• • • ■» t ur OargamS in LACUeS Sale Price, 2/3* yard. " strong quality. Elbow Length White Kid Glores. Reliable make, BargaillS 111 DOyS WeaT. Underdothin? Gr *^, Nß " e C,Ot H- A B oo * quality ht * vy cloth - in Ze8 > d■ L *„, L 1,, L *, soft finish, extra quality, full elbow length; per- Beys' School Knickere. A very dependable line, in VllUClUUllllllg. p lain Lißhfc G on]y at a very , ow ice to Upun | p rices m 3/u 4/6 4/1 , 5 , e 5/I1 feet fittlng _ Usual p rice> 25/ . Sl|e p ri 12/1| Cheviot Ser*e Fast colour and well Ladies' Winceyette Nightdresses, with V necks and 29 inches wide-Usual Price, l/ll yard. Sale Prices 3/2 3/« 3/11 46 4/11 5/3 pair. pocket and belt loops long sleeves, trimmed with silk embroidery, in- s *'e Price, 1/3* yard; 15/- dozen. Elbow Length Coloured Suede Gloves. Smart, reli- gj zee 5 c 7 8 9 10 11 sertion, and scalloping—Usual Frice, 10/6 Sale Gingham, in the following plain shades:—Sky, Pink, Children's Na»y Fleecy Lined Bloomers. Sizes 10, able quality, perfect-fitting Glove, in pretty TTen«l Prir>»« 7/fi 7/9 7/n r/i R/fi fl/q Rrti Price, 7/11. Mid Blue. Helio., Strawberry, Mid Grey, Dark 12-Usual Prices. 2/11. 3/3. Sale Price. 26. shades of Grey. Champagne, Beavers Nigger, Sale Prices B/9 7/ 7/2 7/5 7/8 7/11 8/ Flannelette and Winceyette Nightdresses, with long Grey, and Brown 30 inches wide—Usual Price, Sizes 14. Iβ, 18—Usual Prices, 3/6, 3/9, 3/11. Sale Black aDd White—Usual Price, 12/-. - Sale Price, J. .' .* '* '* '" .' 8/ e ,ar Sa.?p med ,^ th Mlf frillß - 1/6 i y " rd - S " e PriCe " " id y " rd - PrlCe, I2U PBlr - % SK Price. 9/3 9/1 9/9 9M, 10« 10/6 Usual Price, 8/6. Sale Price, 7/6. . -■■ M Sale Prices 8/4 8/7 8/l« 8/11 9/3 9/6 Fnll Length Fleecy Lined Vests, with long sleeves- " B«y«' School Knickere, in All Wool Tweed. Dark Lad^WncTett 9 ' C*'* *****' 2 " " ■ and medium 'shades of Grey and Brown. L-dip- fui, »J'ZirZlJll"'l Postage. ■[ [:■ A it 4 llf Postage. 5fS f5 5

When You TTZTZTi [~~ ~~ \e£7/' MMBBB g^^g^^g TfTT * you feel? Thoroughly re- ▼ — '" — WAK£ tin freshed or still tired? Can / UH 4* f fTaAt you the duties of the »■ £ flft* /%¥ MI.O A CIIt*.O «f day with enthusiasm? Or V «■ /Z) , , \ M /UU3 Ul llCCUlll C 4 do you look forward to your work with trepidation? / — • «www»» < If you are unable to claim immunity from those aj i• - v ~„,,„- , -~.„., —. . tinLi; lethargic and Ustiess feeling when you wake \ A A delicious brew is ALWAYS made with "Amber Tips" < up it will be well to turn your attention to this un- B which is all FINE tea, skilfully blended to give the utmost 4 satisfactory condition and seek relief. Begin right fl LB fp) s> t>i_ » . |j^— < away wito BEECHAM'S PILLS. ' I ■ in flavour and economy. There's no waste; each spoonful I 18. being sufficient for half a pint of fragrant tea. I 77<w/*/e*V,z> / ' YOU WILL LOOK BETTER, \ MM nXtIUMVV . C'"?A I I I There is a charming some- ; . feel better and ; fS Insist on fe. ab w u j lpa^: tK w^ d 3 WORK BETTER \ «—*.»— AA rttil^ftS 3 «yo UJf et.boxatonce.ndtakethem.n.ccordance I * T" * •• A I*l ™iAufIFUL i with the directions. > <£mUs of o<juaf yuatity to out* at a 6>*>orfyut: I 1 ■ M | WALLPAPERS. < You will see the wonderful difference in yourself. ► q/ yy y y 'fw we offer Uiteelf a creation < Sleep wiU refresh you, food wUlajrree with you. your ► «- — '" p// " y A ""/>"' , • decS on your < outlook will be cheerful, and you will be a more > *? y? •" n P>,/ tf» , /gy . _«. Thttem" Fine Tea" is used by tea _„- paper, call and see the late* < efficlentbein.alto.ether.lfyoutoneupyoursyste™ ; A* Sff I * - £"?A FINE Te* S£- = < RY TAKINO #,»&/*»*>/**/*<* tfer,,,p ,„ Gtuc/fanJ /o. per pound, but much lev per cup. « rt . co, NoVthT ."d™": « 1. IAAIIIU ' Parcel Post Office in Albert < _ _ ► </ay, ana toe fft/ttK fnai Ifjo tact or ttavtug seta ovex M Street, one mmutc from Beechatn s ptlls; JSE;~-: i i S ~~ — —— ■ — ■ — -■..,.-. ■_■ —■■ . , w . W |i—f " | | I -And «t Wellington, Chnrt* Iμ .. ._. _ | | - -in j _ "^^^' * ** L*!A 1 church, Dunedin and Londonfor oyer ,s£%&, PaihleSS Fillings Bright Children " ' ||i:l^| A C&ntliriJ NO MORE DREAD OF THE DENTISTS DRILL ! Onglll | VrV&.°«VBlSw tern—Free y NO MORE PAIN I When a child i. bright you know iti liver .ni . v, -ny .d----ff *) Painlwe extraction* h»»«- been for tome time M fact- ttonnch are functioning properly. But the if "—- ' -J dress. IHi IV J/y I we use the method e»ery day. Now we announce painlew filiiig r ■ r J,,|| ni .., nr |i fi »| r ,. n «ii is the daneei ! i.MT> \ \i*-J7 JJJ I •» »•»»»• »»y » nr deeenMtwine method, which baniahe. pain com- | hr«t «ign ot dullne.* or listle«»neM _w the dangei , I ■ \ \Jgg-A?tay / pletely. Itnablei oa to fill t«etb withoal pain, and U arailkbl« tignal indicating the need lor aperient medicin* S'BBBR©K H« 1 without extra charge. j —the need for " Laxettee." Rgßg B I Theaearethe plain, rimple facti. Back of them t> ooi repnUtion i >«[„„» ,„ ,_.,;,„. -Knmlatr* a his?h!v «y 1 a.Bur«eon Denti.U for 20 years. We knew that it ii a big claim * j "P" 1 " 1, - hocolaf «- a ni ? n, y ™"» I — M —. * to make, but it v an eeUblished fact in oar rargerie*, and we i eflicien: medicine lor the Stomach, Liver and /!je j—j rtf—l I MVSfytf^^4* MW~ Jff # WMt y °" *° iMp «**- j Bowels. Children take them as readily at E> WW I BALLIN AND RUSSELL \ SUie^^tJ^miuriol^er^feS! 1 "' I O« XT , aSSZZL b, E».) c f SYMONDS STRKT il/6 A CTE^S g« PEACH'S CURTAINS I SHEETINGS r -—■-..a P .-..t^p... )j : a -« *^^* * c I DTT T I j ARE YOU HAPPY ? | M S Cj%P cu ya Z Su t > !!' b bade"d a de "' m I i ILLUW COTTONS N^^rf y " They're Chocolates." P ?l?"'* Dym W *r** &^L^ißiM^f^ i— NZI I a Make inquirW. to-day at MOORE'S, 8, Cutoou Spr. e gon. Ltd., Dept. I. Vell.n.ton. for. free .ample. ~> •»«€«* r«o. mm CjJLJi wriunow-T^i-.,,,uiH»i»rfto*

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Auckland Star, Volume LIV, Issue 185, 4 August 1923, Page 30

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Page 30 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LIV, Issue 185, 4 August 1923, Page 30

Page 30 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LIV, Issue 185, 4 August 1923, Page 30