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(By WHALEBONE.) RACING FIXTURES. March 1!4, l!(i—Southland X.1. , . March :M. -JU—Westport .I.e. March 31 —Xuupeka County J.C. March :;1- April -J— Auckland R.C. Munh Kl. April -1— Feildlng J.C. March ai. Ai>ril a—ltlvertoll K.C. March lil. A|iril - J—W'nirurapa K.C. April li—Beaumont H.(J. Ain-il 2—Kumnra H.C. April 2— Waiiiukuinu J.C. .April -1. 3—Cunterbury J.C. 1 April 4 -Westland H.C. Airil 7—'Jreymomh .I.e. April 7.! i Avondale J.C. April 11- Iteeflon J.C. April VI. 14—Wellington R.C. A|.ril I!) -Matianaiu I;.L. 1 April -ii. South canterbury J.t . April 21. l!. r i -Auckland Trotting Club. April -7. -ilawke's Bay J.C. April is— Auiberley H.C. ANSWKHS TO COKRESPONDENT. 1 AI'PUEXTU'K.— The i-niiilltloiia are only I insi ructions to the handicapper not to wclghi a horse nt more than II.U or under i 7.(1. The race is for apprentice riders. I and any boy who has earned the weight licimity will tinvc to ]nit it up. even though II makes his poundage over the li.ii. and similarly will tic entitled to i flnini his if It takes his weight i. i.ii. but not below O.T. Word irolll the Soulli states Hull Hose-luJ-utH ai ii.c- A.K.i . allium. i uii-uiiiifi. I a.-Mii Through was v sinner in the K:n.-...i.*ci > up ..,i We.uusduv. tiui broke a ..i...... »»•«»!■., .Mill mils iiuiteu lip. AlC.r" ir.i" Jer= n'-mUuited for tlit- Welllli>,ioti I.iiclllk I'iuli» auiUUiii aim .1 mc .ii-i_.n» a.i- i-iLi,i.ilc Iho AUuli-aIUIU-I'eter Amu oh and Kilvi-rion were schooled n-.vr iiuir liiiiilles vi fjiierslie on 'luurHUuy iiioniiiig. ihi , pair a good ineinUj o> I'clic-illg. The rising iwo year-old by .Marble Arch— Wee Ulg.-l is |o H" 'mo .Mr. \v'. liarreit s ciiarge. ami Hill lie lai.en liiii-k Hi Masier , ton uy Hull trainer wneu he reinrus suinh. Mr. W. Townieuil brought die Messrs. Itiiiilstou's pair Uiiromeit-r and .Muiget n. dlli-iug the week, and they will be located at lifiidiiiiurteiH until inter mc Atolldule .IX\ Mteliug next luotltu. Mr .1 M Cameron has mnile a present of the inure Soulterlnu to .Mr. T. J. Loughllu, and the male is m race- in Uis i-oio u is in the tui.iro. She still remains in Mr. h;. Pope's caarge. I Scottish Knight, which Is back in Mr. C. CideaiMii s charge, and Oakland, weee sent io > c.ui|iany over lour hurdles at Kllerslie on ■riiiits,i.iy morning, neither making v uilslalic. Ac c-,,rding to ■Cleni-oe." it has been deemed to do away with mc Judge H box at I ivntliaiii, and in i mure the ntbcinl will i>e nc.ommoiiaieu with an upariuioui in lue I The ntlpcndiary Btewards in the South ate cvldc.illy keen on putting down toul riding, and lollouiug on tue recent suspenHloij oi 1., (i.-orgc vi opunnke. comes word that the apprentice C. .MeGovern has been Biil'll a Uunuay i ur a couple i>l inuuths. I At Kllerslie on Thursday morning, Oak- ; leigh was schooled over the sod wall, water, i stone wall, and then the sod wall, double unci stone wall, glvli.g a ilrst-i-lass cxoiD. linn, although he hit the second fence o! ; the double. ! Mr. l>. Moraghau Is taking up his profession a» a trainer again, and a couple of rising I wo year olds, a gelding by l.uoullus — Lassie Diiou. and a Illly by Thurnhuin— ; Mouella have been placed lv his c-harge. I I The mishap to Santiago at the Itangitlkel meeting on Thursday, by which the apprentice, l>. R (lutiii, had his collarbone broken, is bad In.k for the youngster, for he had a lot of riding engagements during Baxter. I All Talk, which is now owned in Te Kuttl. was taken to the Kangltikei Meeting. h<l ran unplaced in each of his engagements. The sou of All Black fell in the Sanson Hurdles on the second day. Tory in the Bny of Plenty Steeplechase at Avundule on Wednesday, steered his tirst winner. lit- received a lot of uttention during the nice, and It was rather a pltv a c.iuplaint was not laid. i Aerofortis, the winner of the Mnuneanm Handicap, the two-year-old event at Avondale on Wednesday, Is an Auetrnllau-hred Illly by Aerotlx—Tarlillian. and races lv the same nomination as Fur North. The tilly showed a lot cf pace ami her victory was well anticipated by her connections. ! Piltswnrlh has been schooling so well in his essays over country that he would have been the last horse picked out its likely to fall. In the Bay of Plenty Steeplechase at Avondale oil Wednesday. however. tie , toppled over nt the first fence, the mishap I being caused by another horse blinding him 111 the obstacle. Wish Wynne scored her first win over ; hurdles on Wednesday, when she won the I llalrlnl Hurdles at the Hay of Plenty Meet- ! I ing. Wish Wynne was turned out very well ! ]hy Mr. \V. Call, and Jumping in good stylo I throughout. S. Wall (who. hy the way. rode I !n well-judged race on the daughter or I I Marble Arcln lauded her a winner by half !a length from the favourite, Oranaa. I The withdrawal of Razzle Dazzle from her engagement in Jhe Great Northern Champagne Stakes will hp regretted, for her meeting with Tukia. Queen March nnd I'alhos was being looked forward to with tin , kppnest of intorost. It is tiinlorstoo«l that the daughter of Kilhroney has been giving her trainer some trouble since she was unexpectedly defeated in the Duneilln Champagne Stakes and it was found necessary to give her a rest. His Roynl H IKb new the Prince of Wales ha- register, cl -red. blue (deeves, l>lac> mi." us his .-..lours under National linn: Club rules. He has entered Klnliirk for the Open Steeplechase arid 1.1 I tie l-'.-nourlte, Ji-«t AB Idea, and I.ittie Christy for the Unties , Puree nt the Melton Hunt steeplechase meeting on March JS. These nominations represent the first appearance of tlie Prince <>f Wales as an owner under eilliei National Hunt or Joe key Club ml. s. l-'uither evidence ihut the Victorian turf is m a parlous Male us far us tue n u mi»Mou oC StUVCIrS IS COiieel-llt-n. a .MtflllOUr.lU A'riter, was ahorded ii.v Hie fact that ouly seven— pool' c «[ l,,at—H'eni to tnß post lor tue iNortncoie tlitiHilcuu, nt VI miie and a hint. \\ hen will t.ic •powerM inai Oe" realise that it is absolutely necessary l<l take immediate, steps to i>ui|> tlie iui 1 Large uelud are i-ot to lie expected for tne mile and (i Imif hiiniilrap on the last c.,i> of the atiiumn meeting, but surely there ought to lie more than seven iimd.'i me.-, , competing, and ceiLainly would lib if tht | ii'.iiklhK of stayers was losterccl in the rignt Well, the doubters ought to be satlsriecl now lliat Kurj'tnmic has to some extent "lost his piiin h." us I wrote earlier in the week, says ••Touchstone" in commenting on tlie recent iletevit of the champion. In ;. tic'l-d of lour, he was well ben ten in the c- M I.'.ovd Stakes mi Thursday, and thenwns no llcmpsey to blame this time. In fact, n section' of the spectators In the L'.audstiiud expressed theh , sympathy w,n. I>emi>ey in no uncertain way. (!. Harr:son kept Kurythmic well to the fore, and he was Just behind the leader. Maid or tncMist, turning Into the straight. Harrlsni- ; rode his hardest, and even pulled out the whip a furlong from nnme. but the ehestmn horse showed none of his old-lime brilliilncy at the c-r;tc-!al ll'oment. and wabeaten by (he All Ulac-k filly. I'rohabi> Miiiil nf tin' MlPt would have trouhlpd Sunburst in the Newmarket, but for dwelling :it the l-""'-After singular inactivity, says a recenr i.indon cable, the m.llket on the Lincoi::shire -Knudtc.ip has moved in a most se;:salional way." thonsards of pounds belnp invested on Tons of Money, whi.-h liar 'lever won a race. He was backed from ■JO to 1 to 11 to 1. finishing only a point behind the top weight and favourite. Roman Bachelor. The hncfclns nf Tons of Money followed two trials with Cloehnabeinnd Orar.ely. last year's winner. Tons of Money won the first trial easily. :inrt :n the second, carrying more wel-ht. Tons of Mor.ey ran a de.-id-heat with Clorhnahen. Tons of Money is ovc-nel hv Mr. I,«die Henson. the fnmotts nctor. wlio Is stn-rl->s '~ th ■ re-"-M-k"bly SM-c-e-sful phiv. "Tons ■■' Miner." l"s rr'ln<T. Torn W-lis. is ri.'wdry in "Thp A'ej-dians" In Volbournp so'np yea's nan. As the cable Informs us . lightly-weizhted White Bud winning, with I the favourite, Roman Bachelor, second, and I i50v.1l third.

Mr. V. Loornb brought his team from Te Awninutu during the week, nnd will probably rpuiniii at Ellerelie until after the Avoodale I.C. Autumn Meeting. Young Tliiirnhom \v:is sent out favourite for the frreerton Handicap at Avondale on Wednesday, but dlil nor begin .-is well as usual, and'always seemed to be uubalanccil. A number of Auckland unnrtsmen. Im-liid-Injt Meters, h. Nelson and It. li. Hnsking. left for Sydney l>.v the r"limaro a yesterday, ami will attend the yearling sales. Golden docket is the name claimed for the mare by ijnln Abbey —Wcnonah. which is working at K.llerslie under the supervision of Mr. \V. G. Irwln. Marble Roll wns accepted for ill the Opotiki Cup today, but was found to be sore after working a I Kllerslie on Thursday morning, and was withdrawu before the acceptances closed. Pentagram, for some reason or other, was sent out favourite for (lie Taiirnnca <'up on Wednesday, but after helne well placed In tlie cnrlv stages was one of the first horses beaten and was one of tlie last to finish. The gates at Kllerslie are always opened at RllnrlKe but iliirinir Ihe winter months, after the June Meeting is over, the probllhllllies are tlur the (racks will not be available until 7.3(1 a.m. The recent Oiahnhn Trottins ('lull's course Inspectors n-|t:i»nl comment. The clrh Is one of the few tti earn the dUTwn have been encased at Mr. \V. ii. Irwln's. KUor-d!e. l.v the liaicra lrfiln-r Mr. .1. Prnwn. mil lie i< expected to arrive here next week with Kntlowil and the two-vear-old Kings loy. l!rl"lit n-iv sent out ii red-hot 'Hvourlte for'the Te I'iil.e Welter at Avondale on 'Wednesday. I,at although he WHS nhvnvs w-ji proved unequal to reaohina Smoke Cineert. which s-orml by three-quarters of a lennth. IVlhi'in which ran second In the Maune.inul Ifniifllrnt) at Avondale on Wednesday, vas sornowhnt unlucky, for his Huddle slipped during the race. But for the mis Man he might have given the winner mom trouble. Coo] Stlimdanls n< a hit unlucky to miss fie Kail 'Katl Handicap at Arond'ile "n VVo.liiP«d-iy. for -h» -on of ronttrlm. after hp7lntilii2 very slowly, llnlshed at a great one,.. . lr ,i nrlv failed by a head to rea.-h Golden Hubble. The miinv fri»nd-< of Mr. Donald McT.cod. president or tie Aro-idalp J->-kov Club, who »•!>■! r. -pntlv n-,pr:iti-l on f>r anpeiidlcllls. will h« plen«ed |o leirn Ilia: lie Is prn*rrp«si*itr , -nv row-irds rc-overv at the Awanui Private Hospital. ff-olden Bubble retains hit* vace in a wonderful manner, and appears to do nest on n Plrctilar track It was the break he got in the enrlv narr Ihnt enabled him t" keep Cool Stimulant* off In the K.iti KuM Handicap on Wednesday and win by a head. Smoke Concert calmed fllh s'lowanep in the Te Pnke Welter on Werttlpwiny. whl'-li brinehf her weight clown ro 7 .T. and the J-istrallnn-'irei mare. fc"l*Mn2 m:'--h better than expected, scored nicely by three-quar-ters of a length. Podokes Is the nnme under which the Plly hv Rockflint—Galloping Girl, one of !"•! nines importations, is to race. Tin; Plly was n starter in the »;reerton Handicap atAvoudnlo on Wednesday but was very green, and was never prominent. Vociferate "Ives promise of beinii much better over big country than orer hurdles, tind srnlnz wo'i In the H.nv of Plenty Steeplechase on WednendMy when he hit the fence neur the live fi'Wnne nORt hard •.nd nearly .-nine ib.wn. Ills rider. K. C. Rfie. made a great recovery. N"o Hother rande hl« first annoarnnre over Mr roiintrr in tip Hay of 'T'lentv Steeplertaso on Wedno-M.iv. nnd but for -'ettin? Intn the fence by the five ferlone post intrht /lilve been h.lrder to beat. Up eventually ran third, but would hnre been out«U» " rlaep had Shcvlsho 1; not fil'.en at the last fence. ThP Wplitngmn Itaeinit Huh hm-e decided to instfll nn electric dock nt Trenthnin. ar-l it Ivis he"" oT-derPd. b-f ho« .-of ver arrived from Melbourne. The VTMllnrton Club Is the ft>«t In flip Dominion to ndont the electric- timer lind the r : se c.f the barrier starts the cloc-k and the timekeeper stops it. •Considering the amount of racing an" , travelling he h?* done of lnte. f=frk .-nrrle* Ms condition rowrkahly well. The son of Kall'in-miis has been one "f flip hardestworke.l horses In tMe Dominion tliis senson. but apparently thrives on it as Ms records shnw. fne'p Ned. whleh lms lieen off the S'-ene since Rpftiif. made a reappearance under silk on Wednesday, whc-i he was saddled nn t.> contest the Tanrania din. The vp>tenin ran a real i.icij race, md with a lilt of luck would liave been harder to beat. Roynl Abbey made a hid attempt to win the Tanranz.-T dp on WeJnesrtny. and It was only in the last few .stride* th'it Surveyor headed him. Royal Abbey did finish as straight as usual, and but for 'coming away from ihp nils It Is doubtful |lf Surveyor' would have got through. Prince RnfiM was nearly bringing off a hie surprise in the T« Tukn Weter Ilindlcny on Wednesday, and H dividend of about, half a century would have been returned had he been 5,,-voss.riil. Turning for home It looked as if he would see it out. hut the Inst furlong ivis too much. and he was beaten Into third position. Mldcet's victory In the Oropl Ilandleajon Wednesday was well anticipated by her connections, who iienetited !.y the good'priee she returned. The daughter of Klyslan only got home hv a neck from Quaestor, while Polinl was only n head further back. The latter ivis uiri'cky in the early stages and with anything. like a decent run would have given Midget much more trouble. Sir (Itway continues to be a disappointment, and seems the reverse of his lull brother Surveyor, as far as the ciuestion ot gameness is concerned. While Surveyor was tiist in the Tauranga Oill>. Sir Orw.i.v was absolutely last, and for lull brothers one lo lie at each end of the field lv a woo is something unique. When Surveyor was sold by Mr. W. O. Slead for alter tlie A.H.1.-. AuCUUIII MeeliiiK year, it was generally tl.tit his d i.vs of usefulness ns n ra.'chorsu ■wrrc ended, and that the remainder of his Jays would he spent lining stud duty. liewas taken to Mr. I'alorson. Due Tree .Hill KstiUe. ami was ur.ited with n nuinlicr of mares during the season, after whl h his looked so .leiin that it was decided t> try mill s.'Pt another rice oit of him. The son of Nassau has sioml up well to his ! preparation, and boiii ~,t Tukapuiri and I New I'lymouth showed s.gns that he wan Wednesday sc-oreu nicely in the Tanransa ■('tin. c'tiiing at the rUIn end. Surveyor is engaged in the A.X.C Kaster lianclic-.ip at 7.11. and if he goes on lin;>r.wln« should he one of the ;iossliiillies. TIIK KKCEXT niS()I'AI,IFICATIONS. The recent ilisi]imliHcntlons in connection with the rennllws anil T.ima-a-roa cases affect lioth these horses, as well as the felding Signature, which last raced in Mr. Oeo. 1 'aiil's nomination, tinier Hie rules of racing, all horses owned by any person at the time of the committing of :in ntTence I are disqualified, and as Signature and j Ivnriles.s wore owned by Mr I-'lemiue and I Tiuna-n-mit by Mr. Roles, the horses are automatically "under the ban. Thp position created is not a new one. nnd In the past there was coiisi.!e rn blo hardsh'.p Inflicted on genuine purchasers of horses similarly' placed, and this was recognised hy the AucklHnd Distri.-t rom.oltt.--e. with th.result that a new rule was pnssecl by tlie conference dealing with the matter. The n-le. after reforrlns: t<. tlie .lis.-il.ill;le» placpd on the horses so affected, states - — "Provided that any pers'tri owning or having any Interest in a horsp or horsps which hv reason of this rule have become subject to the disnbilities therein specified. xxxlli. of these mips. The anpel'unt shill 2ivp the notices to the District Tom mittcp and rne secretary of (lie conference, and nay Hie deposit as if th° -n-nt-v from a decision of the District Committee, and thp rules as to the procedure and otherwise of nart -cjxxiii. shill. mutatis mutandis, npoly. Thp inc lr -p= r -*-r- K^ O r. n'lli't'pe. the Kcihloet of 'n whole o- in t>nrt: iCi revovp the d i *-'nb i "M'- fl in ~-bole or |n -jrl- iKi erant kik-Ii other rp--I'ef to the an-iellnnt or make su.-h or'leIn the premises as to them may seem meet. This means that the present owners of Tamn-a-roa and Signature will have ro appeal if they want the disqualification removed from the horses named.

The imported horses. Pebble 11.. Knighthood, Fraisette, and Musketoon have been paid up for at the Feildiug meeting. Election is to be given a spell, and Mr. Tom Stewart has sent Oligarch to lake his place in Mr. F. Steniiingjs team. Mr. J. 11. .Tefferd has engaged five boxes at Mrs. Tollman's, Green Lane, and ills team will probably consist of Gasbag. Rapine, King's Trumpeter. Grotesque and Balhos. Toddy tried to win the Bay of Plenty Steeplechase on Wednesday from end (o end. but though be gave a flue exhibition <.r jumping, lie was beaten at the end of two miles, eventually finishing third. With a view lo doing away with Hie crowding that sometimes takes place in tlie straight at Trentliam. a new idea Is lo be tried at the next meeting, says "Glen.-i.e." As things are now a horse in front comes round on the rails the whole way. but witli the new order of things, when the lio-se in front gets in a line for home, he will be no less than 21 feet out from Hie rails, which have been moved back this distance. Thus If the leader goes over tr. the rails lie will lose ground, whereas, if he keeps straight on it will give the horses behind him a chance of a clear run. The experiment is expected to prove a great success, and in future we may expect to see the horses finishing wider out from the rails than is at present the case. It should be insisted that once a horse enters I he straight his rider must keep his line. MAN.AWATI' RACING (1,111. The Manawatil Racing Club's Autumn Meetlne is fixed for April is and 111. when ,In addition to the handicap events, the i Manawatu Sires Produce Stakes. Mannwarii 'Stakes, and Awniuini Gold Cup. will com" up for decision. Nominations for all events close with the secretary. Mr. .1. M. Johnston, on Monday next. Mar, li 20, nl 0 p.m. At the snnie time forfeits for I he Sins Produce Stakes and Manawatu Stakes undue. THAMES TROTTING lI.IR. The Thames Trotting Club have fixed May ."> as the date for their annual meeting. which is to be held on the Thames course at I'arawai. The principal event is the Thames Trotting Cup. of Ollsovs. Xomi-.a-tlons for all events close on Friday, Apil !•';. at ."i p.m.. and can be made either with Mr. R. L. Ahsoliim, secretary of the Otaliuliu Trotting Club, or the secretary, Mr. E O. Brownlee, Thames. A.X.C. AUTUMN MEETING. RECORD ACCEPTANCES. The acceptances for the opening day of the Auckland Autumn Meeting constitute a record, and are as follows:— FIRST DAY. PRESIDENTS ILVN'DICAP of GOOsovs. One mile and a-qunrter.

St. lh. st. Ih. Gasbag f) ]2 Landslide .. 0 12 Riiapapa ... 8 3 Wheat field . 0 0 Boomerday . 8 4 Gold Jacket G 7 I'ncle Ned .. 8 2 Classification o 7 Royal Abbey 7 0 Comedy Prince 0 7 Glen Canny 7 8 Prince' Rufus 0 7 Archie 7 3 Te Kara ... 0 7 Glencairn 7 3 Walton .... 0 7 GREAT NORTHERN OAKS of 700sovs. One mile and n-half. Enthusiasm .. S 111 Shebang .... 8 10 Pirouette ... 8 10 Valerie S 10 Refinement .. 8 10 Viyella .... S 10 BRIGHTON IIIRDLE RACE of OOOsovs. Two miles. Explorer 12 0 Whipcord ..10 2 Demagogue . 11 S Active !' 12 Sir Fanciful 10 13 Never Despair '.' 11 Snake 10 13 Silverton ... '.) '■> Corogleu ... 10 12 Miss Melva.. !> 5 Te Maire .10 6 Oranga .... 0 3 Shellshock . 10 1 Guerre a Mort 0 0 Peter Amans 10 4 I'anchito ... U 0 Mia Bella . . 10 2 G.N. CHAMPAGNE STAKES of lOOOsovs. Six furlongs. Attractive .. 8 10 Turn 8 8 Bathos 8 10 Tukia 8 8 Deluge 8 10 Queen March 8 8 Sleepy Sol . . S 10 EASTER HANDICAP of 'JOOOsovs. One mile. Thespian .. 0 3 Rosedav .... 7 12 Income .... 0 I) Surveyor ... 711 Grotesque .. 8 12 Gulden Bubble 7 in Solfanello . . S 10 Alfort 7 !> Rapine .... 8 7 Kuapnpa ... 7 0 Royal Present S 0 Illumination 7 r> Kiusem .... S 4 Lucius 7 3 Koyal Blood .8 4 Broadwood . 7 1 K. Trumpeter 8 4 Tactful .... 7 1 Loval Irish. 8 I Lord Star ..7 0 Gold Light.. 8 1 Geoffrey ... 7 0 Merry Dav. . 8 0 Vivella .... 0 7 ONSLOW STAKES of SOOsovs. Five furlongs. Gold Rain.. 8 D Davlight ... 7 6 Bugle Note . 7 12 Hokioi 7 0 Himpo 7 11 Pelham .... 7 0 White Comet 7 10 Aerofortis .. 7 ?. Muria 7 10 I'rnlla 7 '■> Ora's Delight 7 10 Sunny Roe.. 7 3 Startle 7 8 B.-eycd Susan 7 3 Miss Egypt . 7 S Rawhetu ... 7 u Major Abbey 7 7 Balstou .... 7 0 Whetunui 7 7 Ltbertas ... 0 7 Tresillian . . 7 0 Char Lady . . 0 7 Appreciation 7 0 NELSON HANDICAP of SOOsovs. One mile. Pentagram . 8 11 Te Kara ... 7 .". Wheatlield 8 8 Glenidle ... . :'• Narrow Neck 8 r> Bright Light 7 :t Ben Xevls . . S 2 Tiuopono 7 0 Flowing Bowl 7 12 Barometer . . 7 0 Flving Abbey 7 11 Bay Dighlon 7 o Vindictive .. 7 11 Bir-el-Abd .. 7 0 Frettvmnn . 7 11 Dancing Doll < 0 Y. Tliurnham 7 0 Economic . . TO Far North . . 7 I) Electrode .. I » Lndv Kerniun 7 8 Kopaka • . ■ • J " Rosullus ... 7 8 Lady Rouge < o Aeriform ... 7 7 Makora 7 I Mia Bella . .7 7 Marble Crag 7 0 Elsie Aroba 7 0 Opaloid J " Dnddys Girl 7 3 Pirouette .. 7 0 Lady Patience 7 3 Soulterlna .. " <J Master Rohan 7 3 Te Iliwt ... 7 0 EDEN HANDICAP of OOOsovs. Seven furlongs. Grotesque . . 0 7 Prince Abbey 7 2 Rational ... « 0 Sheffield ... ' o Favo fl 0 Fueling 7 0 K. Trumpeter S 13 Smoke Concert O 1Volo 8 10 King Quin . . B 11 Listowcl ... 8 3 .lolly Princess o 11 Golden Bubble S 7 Emerald Hill > II Alfort ... 8 6 Bui" Sound •> It Cool Stim'lants S 2 Bitholla ... t; 11 Dovelet ..81 Bright Day n 9 Golden Light 7 K Master ORorke H 7 .Amilorm . . 7 8 Queen Abbey > t Namutere ..7 4 Mysucal Rose b i_ Waipatu ... 7 2 Blanche Abbey b ± Infante 7 2 Bonny Canny 0 i Archie 7 2 Some lash.on fa I SECOND DAY. G.N. ST. LEGEU STAKES of lOOOsovs. One mile and three-quarters. Rapine 8 1" Zouav- 8 10 Lucius . 8 10 Kuthllxiasm. . 8 S Riiapapa ... 8 H> Retinebieni . . s 8 Sir Otway . . 8 10

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Auckland Star, Volume LIV, Issue 72, 24 March 1923, Page 12

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RACING WORLD. Auckland Star, Volume LIV, Issue 72, 24 March 1923, Page 12

RACING WORLD. Auckland Star, Volume LIV, Issue 72, 24 March 1923, Page 12