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HALF-PRICE ALL Remnants, Oddments AND MANY STOCK LINES AT EXACTLY HALF-PRICE —Open 'til 9 p.m. REMNANTS AND THERE WU - L HALF PRICE stock lines— half price stock lines— half price stock lines— half price stock ljnesRFMNANXS Continued. Continued. Continued. Continued, in Various Departments at R white kid gloves. 2 do m «, flexible q «aiit y . silk fringed ribbon. 2 ,nch.. wide, in seagrass squares. 10 . 12-42/. h* mews grey weed ™2»»«j£ 3 " 4 WAIF PUiriT Of MANCHESTER GOODS Size, from 6to 7—l/lI.IUMcVSI. Plnk , Blue. Grey. Fawn, and Ni fß er— Price, 21/-. and 7 only—2l/-. Half Pr.ce. 10/6. rIALf KKIUt,. black sup£R cotton hose hMvy U.u.Uy 2/9. Hd* Pri«, 1/SJ. SEACRASS SQUARES. 9 x .2-34/-. lUf B ° YS ' COLOURED-TOP SCHOOL^HOSE. £ SUCH AS—EMBROIDERY. LACE. GIMP. fIALr quality. A good Black. Seam at back. All LADIES' SUSPENDERS, on bands; 2 Su.pen- Price. 17/-. 1/IIT '" ' IZe *~~ FLOUNCING. FRINGE. VEILING, TULI£ SUCH AS—CALICO. SHEETING. FLANNEL- -««—»/«». lUlf Price, 2/5J ,air. der.. .trongly n«de. and sood el-.tic— CHINA SQUARES . 9 , 12—17/6. Half MEN - S ODD BOWS AND TlES—Usually 2/6. NET. etc.. etc., ON FRIDAY. ETTE , CRETONNE. FORFAR. MADRAS ladjeS" WHITE OOTTON HOSIERY. S,«. U ' ual1 * 2 / 9 H ' lf Pr,ee ' >/ 4 * " eh " Price, 8/9. Now 1/- «eh MUSLIR TOWELLING. DAMASK. 9 *-mch to 10-inch—l/9. H*lf Price. S[LK FR , NGE about wi<Je fa come CHINA S q UARES . 6 x o_ 9/6 . H .lf Price, , '—— ■ — AND THERE WILL BE TAPESTRY. «tc. etc ON FRIDAY. IOJd. pah, of the be.t colour—U.ually 1/3. rUlf 4/9. The balance of OW Stock of PURE THREAD SILK HOSIERY, in White Price. 7J4. y«-d. 6x 5 EIDERDOWN QUILTS. Floral de.ign, in FINEST QUALITY ELECTRO-r-.r\TMVyriTKrrC AND THERE WILL BE »ny- Lille top. and Lule feet. Sizes 9i leather BAG FRAMES, witn Leather Vieux Ro.e. Blue, end Black, with plain PLATED GOODS, UDL/MfcJN 1 5 io--ek—o/ii. Hjf Pnc, 3/«. . handlee _ Well made _u, ua n y 6/6. h«k pane ttoi Pric 27/6 ..d,. Brand, Sheffield. • *k WnWROOM REMNANTS TRACED ORGANDIE NIGHTDRESSES. Mag- Price. 3/3. IB x72 DUCHESS RUNNERS, drawn thread ALL HALF MARKED PRICES. 11l tile OrTL/WKA-NJm. yar style—Usually 12/6. Half Price, 6/3 p ETER SHAM White and Black boned. 4 and embroidered—?/1 I. Half Price, 4/11 \ ' ' AIIM fHAIPPPiriT Of DRESS GOODS at -«•• 32 , 32 hemstitched and embroidered t^J^S^^TvX^^ I All Marked at HALF PRICE. traced madapolam camisoles, with y «<L TABI p covers—4/6 h.k Price 2/3 »"°rtment au «... w-r HALF PRICE. .houlder .trap^U. U .ny 3/6. H* PHe., WHIJE p£RLE COTTON , „, large hank . o( SUC w, ,°M D, T' S SUCH AS-PRINTS. TWEEDS, VELVETEENS. 1/9 — ounc e _U.-.,«y 4/6. lUf Pric, 2/3 36 SSfIED LEATHER GOODS FROCKS—UWIy 5/11. Marked 2/Ul; SILKS UN i NCS etc ON FRIDAY TRACED FAWN POPLIN TABLE CENTRES. hank. —AH Half Marked Pric. Usually 7/-, Marked 3/6; Utually 7/11. ' ' ' roun d ahape. Splendid WHITE HEMSTITCHED LAWN HANDKER- 0 HEAVY WELL-GUMMED MANILA ENVEMarked 3/11., U.ually 9/11. Marked _.„. ... 3/-. HJf Pric. 1/• «eh. CHIEFS, with embroidered corner-U.u- DRESS CASES-3/6. Half Pnce, 1/9. LO PES. .«= 8-1/3 100. For 7ld. 100. 4/Ui - ltlfcW AUAITi, lHtKt AKii CHILDREN'S TRACED CREPE ROMPERS. In -Uy I/- each. Half Price. 6d. each. CRASH ROLLER TOWELLING—I/6. Half COLDEN RULE WRITING TABLETS. Finest ALSO—ONE TABLE OF ROMPERS—UiuaIIy _ _ { , TA «> Blue; al.o White—U.ually 5/9. Half EMBROIDERY FLOUNCING. 27 inche. wide. PHee. 9d. Bank Paper—6d. each, 4 for 1/-. 5/11, Marked 2/11 J; U.ually 7/-. Marked riALr "KlCfc. dIUUV Price, 2/10 J. In Mu.lin. Lawn and Voile—7/6. Half 70-INCH GOVERNMENT SILK—S/11. Half GENUINE SOLID HIDE MUSIC CASES. 2 3/6; Usually 8/ 11. Marked 4/11 J. tf KT¥7O AMERICAN WASHING RIBBON, in Scarlet Price, 3/9 yard. Price. 2/lli- .trap,, lock and key-22/6. For 11/3. ALSO—LADES - CREPE FROCKS. Really LINES only; 4i-inch wide—U.ually 3/6. Half CHINA LACE, wide width*, beautiful pattern.. KITCHEN TABLE COVERS—I 2/9. Half I-PINT THERMOS FLASKS, reliable—6/lh nice goods, well made and quite .tylisu. Price, 1/9 yard. - ■*/ 6 - Half Price. 2/3 yard. Price, 6/41- For 3/SJ. The .hades are Lemon. Pmk. Fawn. Ro«. SUC « , A^rP kD , IES " W " Al f BONE _ J HA / IR SILK FOULARD RIBBON about 44 inche, 27-INCH SEAGRASS RUNNER—2/11. Half LACE EDGE CURTAIN MUSLIN. Stencilled ALUMINIUM WARE—Kettle*. Saucepans, etc. Also in White—Usually 21/6. Re-marked BRUSHES—U.uaIIy 8/6. Re-markad 4/3. Royal y Roje Price, l/SJ. Border—2/6. Half Price, 1/3. Gla.s Bowl,. China Plates, Covered 10^9 - READY-MADE VEILS, in quite a nice variety Navy—U.ually 2/1 I. Half Price, 1 /5£ 36-INCH PLAIN lAP. MATTING— 3/6. Half M£N - 5 TWEED SAC SUlTS—Uaually 85/- Dishea, Cutlery. Art Va.e.. ALSO —LADIES* GINGHAM FROCKS. All "I colours and pattern.—All Half tke yard . Price, 1/9. Half Price, 42/6. S.ze. 3s to 7s. ' AND— sizes and various designs. A really nice U.ual Marked Price. UNIFORM BREAD SLICtHS, with Knife— range—Usually 19/11. Re-marked 9/11 i- TULLE, in quite a wide range of dainty colour.. m- SF\ A/} Complete, 3/1 I. Re-mwked, 1/11 J. A sliehtiv bette- line—U=,u a Uy 25/- Re- U.ually 2/6 per yard. Half Price, 1/3 per 'aft# 3 ALL LADIES' BATHING CAPS—The remainder ..,.,_ ward sfW m C m f f of " n enormous stock At Half Price. marked 12/6. yara. %*f M M %+ M *T m M 9 A a *^kv "WsiEM «5M«n more. Pric= 7 7iL 6 /6. U Price, 3/3. DON T BE LA, IL.

It H. BUTCHER SELLS IT FOR LESS.———— Save on Yotir Friday Purchases tr.« ine H. Butcher's furniture Sale sAvmcs on British gI, ( , '3T Th»t knows no Parallel linoleums. ill un .i.I . FYHTI? A Reduced Prices. ' ' """ 11 L 11 IB ~ jil "** sTin COME AND SEE T HE SUBSTANTIAL SAVINGS S I Co ßu *" th ° FINE FURNITURE. Rimu chair, 19/e. TA u^?LE^.t V tK A Well-thought-out bedroom suite. TTSluriP H*g e ht" .iLc! Splendid Made in Oak or Rimu.. Undoubtedly one of the fineit values ever iff fl H Col ° te 11/6 Offered b Aoekknd. IUiLJ retosble wool 4 Pieces in Solid Oak - Reduced to £29/15/- Wjft In Oiled Rimu -- - Reduced to £24/15/- °^^l™-: «izee. Frwn \Q/Q SOUD OAK DINING CHAIRS READ THESE VALUES. Ri™». 24 6. CARPET RUNNERS. Best Reduced to 35/6 coMBINATIOIN CHESTS. in Oiled A IjT^ quality Axmin»ter. 27in. ~ i-u.rec -it, , , Rimu - s,rt Wy ™ ade »'ze mir- •frllk Tp=rwide. Smart designs and KITCHEN CHAIRS, Welnat finish; extra ror Usually £4/106. fIIUVW Jwf\ colourings — Reduced strong Chair. Reduced to 12/11 Reduced to £3/19/6 W~~&? Ll '•)& Price*, 14/9, 15/6, ' «-»/l»/o h- l^ *J e/6 .J mrd - o_, °AX HALL STAND. Qu.te a new de- FOLDING BEDSTEi«>, m Oiled Rimu. Hi T ~T *° "gn. with circular mirror in back. ""B ie »««- Reduced to 39/6 ffl * .'' " 24/9, 2S/6 yard. R«A.»»J »« GR/1/c Mβ TAPESTRY RUNNERS. Keduc«J to tb/J/b SIDEBOARDS; „,« design, with H. -U---22iin. wide, in Fawns, rimu uiit Cl .. m ~ , , mirror, ample drawer and cupboard WV T ' Grey, or Green colour- WMU HALL STAND. w,th «a,t. place for room . Reduced to £9/9/ ■ \ * ing* — umbrellas, etc. Reduced to £4/15/- «, „ . r» r Rednced to TIC -A *••»/*"/ OAK SIDEBOARD, attractive desisn. Dress.r.? Cnest— Kedueed to 7/6 T A Reduced to £11/11/ R ' mu - £ « ' 5 6 CHESTERFIELD SUITE, in Brown XI 1/11/- Hundreds and Hundred. 27in. wide. A .plendid Moquette; well sprung and well made. DOUBLE BEDSTEAD, m CWed R.tnu. of Barga.n.: range, in all colourinss D . , ~,.,.„, w itk wire mattress. FURNITURE.. BEDDING, and designs— Q/ -II y d. Reduced to £29/10/. Reduced to £3/10/- CARPETS, RUGS, LINOo/il LEUMS. FURNISHINGS, "Siaei- H. BUTCHER , FURNITURB » CARPET CO., LTD. I te TSL"I', ~ I wide, in Blue and Fawn NeW Premises : e, ~ e<l °" S.-,,--.,/ Reduced to 2/9 yd- Right Side K»rangah»pe Rd., from Upper Queen Street. starr» »nn, a , p. en , e . j.

ijMl Jyi/ *"k For Sound Teeth and Qood Health Oarienuts i A Delicious OatFood in Big, Crisp Grains ; DELIGHTFUL FLA VOUFL Recommended by Doctors and Food Specialists. Beneficial to digestion. Develops sound teeth. Prepared only by FLEMING & COMPANY ! LIMITED ' L. M| ._. Enquire now about this special Southern | Crass Assurance otf cr : ONE POLICY ONE PREMIUM CoTering Life, Endowment, Accident, and All Sickness. j AH m one. Economical, Easy. Enquire Now. The Manager THE SOUTHERN CROSS i ASSURANCE COMPANY Ltd, aoi N.Z aniidtnsm, swahson sTasrr. abcklajtd. B JMM k "My sance is « matiured in JE wood like // good -wine— that is why it is so appeuiaing." HOLBROOKS k Sauce

Tonson Garlick's Great Re-organisation Sale Ends positively on Saturday, March 10th This leaves you just one more week to avail yourself of the memorable bargains in— Furniture Carpets Linoleums Crockery Furnishing Drapery etc. Make Your Final Purchases Without delay—a wonderful array of bargains still here for you to select from Tonson Garlick CO., LTD. ANDREW MENZIES, lluvr. Quality Furnishers. QUEEN STREET, AUCKLAND. Branch: Hamilton.

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Auckland Star, Volume LIV, Issue 51, 1 March 1923, Page 15

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Page 15 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LIV, Issue 51, 1 March 1923, Page 15

Page 15 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LIV, Issue 51, 1 March 1923, Page 15