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I _ final CLEARING PRICES THAT COMPEL INTEREST. j| 1 Oddments in AH Departments. If |P*' ff BARGAINS EVERYWHERE. || I - « i R . ——■—— si flLidf?B I —m—— Men's All-Wool Tweed Sac Suits. ij pj LrfICIIGS r I"OCX O3.rga.inS. **F^TLl— J y ~"" M H f— y—y Wnmij) f■■ I ' 4^%— Ken's AU-Wool Tweed Ready-to-Wear Suits, displaying correct cut and style, ! i ■-Q . — * Jr 5 ■""• SB 'S3 careful workmanship; showing in all sizes. Those in need of a ready- j I pj . -. . _ . yrf— iS aai »> mi ™|— B "*" ___i V|j "™ to-wear .should not miss this last chance of securing a reliable, fitting, jj fV. Smartly-StyM Figured Voile Frocks, featuring long inset sleeves, small / W _« \J !ZZ — — Z A« | >■ |Ql vl ~ I—l - — • Colossal Sale, £3/17/6- ¥ tH collar, and crossover blouse. The skirt eased from low waist, with tie \mM ■ —■■ ' — «■ "J ""* p" J ■ -■"■ ■"" ___ j Sj __ — ■■■■ "~™ """ """ ~~ "*» /~» 2 ™~ n| r™J CZII™eI< •—■ Final Clearing Price on all remaining Sponge Cloths, various popular | 5 _ _ — T" H—' ■"■"■' ™" r"l ■"* r" "» !■ """" £ZZir~C n- \ designs and shades. Usually 4/11 up. All at sensationally low prices ' £ Figured or Striped Cretonne Frocks. IZ — — — "n JM " ■ •*"*«*■—, |y F~S " — — to cie»r. a* Extremely Uselul and Simply-Styled One-piece Frocks, in Cretonne, of dur- V ■—■ — — — — I "™ ' " - — — Colossal Sale, J/g^ ( 1/lli tO ° lear i ft! able quality, with attractive Horal designs and stripes;" cut Magyar —— -*• — — —A -■ r °^ a^ fc | jj " ~ , . _ W style Fleeve"; ro,,nd ~eck ; the f kirt cased at sides; also, tie belt.- —— ZI W tVLKYIHINU fc — — I -4; a »l O n Am « IIIl:i. OJF!, P1.,,.. s Usually 196. ' " MM — REDUCED „ __ Ladies 2-Dome White Sisk Gloves. W Colossal Sale, 19/6 ——— —— — y^T^' ' 'J - — — A Ladles' " Milanese" Silk Olove, with 2 domes, .offered at a bargain price. i re "™ c "" ■■■ — B Large sizes only. Lstiallv 6/11. ! ffi ' ' "— — f yJr 1 T I ZH ZZ Colossal Sale, O/fi Sizes Only. i I Striped and Check Crepe Frocks. —— ZZ II LAST I — DAYS E Z ! ft One-piece Washing Crepe Frocks, with smart check and plain stripn de- * ■ ■"" ■"" P*J MSIi'S UniOfl Flatiliel ShirtSi i 3J signs: showing in a range of effective becoming styles- and shades.— ■ \__ .Jk _-. 1- — —■ /jl ] S Usually 296 25, - " : ■ \ m ~\ "* S' lirt ' 1,1 collars or bands; recommended for .service; suitable for cool *5 ' ' Colossal Sale, IC /(J - J rm,l 01etIin 8 Prlces * r e everywhere »t the J.O.L. Colossal S»le, which, finishes ~" Ji^ weather. Secure your needs at "Sale" Prices.-Usually 10/6. ft! 10/ D' ■ M »n Saturday next. Bargains that yon feel elated over when you get home,'because —fl Colossal Sale, f/g. Cm-ivt Qnnntrp Clnth Ft-nrl«? M H you've got so much more than your real moneys worth. Be early today and to- % y ■ jx. amari oponge uiuin rruws. I E D# morrow; many lines too small to advertise are marked it less t a »n b>ll the usual price \ Zl mm* Men's StriDed Fuii Silk Pviaitias i W Serviceable Check Sponge Cloth Frocks, of suprrioi- quality and finish, styled «■' EIM to clear. . \ ZZB CS IVien S OinpeO TUJI OIIK t-yjamas. SJ boat shape neck, and Magyar sleeves. The skirt eased at sides, with S f M % ■ —fl /jf Of best quality Silk, in a variety of smart stripes, in pleasing colourings. A i n= tie belt to finish.—Usually 25 . X t V^**—f § % well-made Pyjama, finished with tunic collars.—Usually 45/-. g Colossal Sale, JJ/g V / A \ V =1 CoIOBMI 35AJ« ' ! « HEAVY UNBLEACHED /N»k 33-INCH tfINE WHITE »<■ —^——— aj HERRINGBONE \k. LONGCLOTH, 1 Organdie and Lace Flouncings Silks and Ribbons SH "™° #\, * JT£ SL. LADIES , SKIRT AND BLOUSE BARGAINS W PRICED TO OLEAK. AT BAKOAUf PRICES. '\r"d'wL'and'S.'ctiol" '/ nr -j\ * •"'cSS'.^S'r , " 3 '™ , SENSATIONALLY PRICED TO CLEAR. t Beauty Kov:lty organdie F lounc ingl in 45-inch Poplin M line ?ift ia Lemon .hade S4-.n.. ..-nj 2/11 / 2JU \ " 1() C ;g S^. 8a D , :- zen . ' IXX ■ gj width. A floral design ".th lace insets, in only .-Usually 9/11. V \ €\ I \k s 'gn», in Grange and Green. Also, Gold and necks the fronts with handkerchief fiichu. ffi Flame shade only.—Usually 24/6. Colossal Sale, 4/11. M 111 Blue.—Usually 25/-. Good 'Val. lace and insertions feature as trimX Colossal Sale, 12/6 per Yard. 36-Inch Check gWflonTafleU Silk, in Henna VMLMMV illUlLl Ooloml Sale, 6/11. " % to Clear. 45-Inch White Embroidered Organdie Flouncings.- B Ool^^'»/n 6 ' • *'STAR ATTRACTIONS." A Good Variety ol Voile Blouse, u d Jumper*, ffi Usually 15.11, 12/11. Pretty designs. • 1 1- —. m. w • *~m*% ni lixnviivnw* Ladles' Japanese Silk Skirta, in K ood full widths, with square and round necks, trimmed with W Colossal Sals 4/11 to Clear. 38-lnch Silk Charaeuse, in Cerise and Fuchsia SO-lnoh Whit* Heavy Twill Sheeting, of W gathered at waist, and finished hemstitched Val. lace, insertion and medaUions.-Usually 3! ; . shades only.—X T »uallv 15y6. " Wiean" manufmctire a mako noted for tucks. In Navy and Blark superior quality 12/6 ' * I Imitation Brussels Lace Flouacings, in Paris s hade ooW bi., .yii. f J Sjlks.-Usually 28/fr and 59/6. Ooloaal Sale, 4/11 to Qlyr. S only, 24 to 38 inch widths. All dainty design... 40-Inch Painted Crepe de Chines, in Lemon, Rose, U.u.11, S/e. Colossal Sale. 9/11 and 19/6. Charming Crepe de Chine Blouses, in variou. j»J -Usually 8/11, 9/11, to 19/6. \Vhite. and Black grounds, with small, effec- SUr "A J P retty sty ! es - finishe d with embroidery X Colossal Sale, 4/11, 5/11, 6/11, 12/6. tive design.—Usually 12/6. 2i/K)- ' Extra Oood Quality Ivory Japanese Silk Skirts, the an d hemstitching; square neck, short sleeves, W . Colossal Sale, 7/11. Af waist gathered In elaetir, finished with pockets ' fancy collars, and handkerchief fronts; some aj _ , ■ - ■ *- L«ef«*' Fin* Whi.« Waven Cetton Blcem- MB _ n , *t h TT«>,alK- trimmed Filet lace.—Usually 27/6, 35/-, and 3 80-Inch " Wulella-'Silk and Wool Flouncmgs, in .. ._. , n , Bihho _. ■ , ,-, , f W er», a good B hap». finished with ela.tio at W and sash.—Usuallj 25/-. a y i , i , tc „ , „, , T . tt I- /-I „ ■• j 5-Inch Plain Cire Eibbone m a splendid range of • »..;«» .Jj u, a i «.rrir«aVi!» iin» at an . 4S/0. Hi Pale Blie, Nigger. Heho., Grey, Mastic, and shades a] , reliab]e quaUty ._ L f ßually 3/u b M '£ n l rd , g d ,™ e P ri«-rj.uaU,• */c * l m . Coloseal Sal*, 19/6. ooloeMl i»/6, 85/-, 39/8, to Clear. X Apricot.—Usually 25/6. OOlossal Sale, 1/11. B Star Attraotlon Price, Te-morrow. Wlk __. . , ——~ ; ~~ ~~~ S „..„.,.. c-i,, 19/n to nipar w«w»i oaw, */**. , . w* Ladies' White Voile Jnmpen, m a particularly * Colossal Sale, 12/11 to Clear. —— —- 1/8 Ladiee' Japanese Sdlk Accordion Pleated Skirts, . showy st le with neck; f ucki ov ,i; S ■■ : Reversible Moire and Satin Kibbons, 2-inch width, M Wk in Ivory and Light and Dark Navy. All sizes shoulder and wide lace about 9 inches deep at S 34-Inch Ivory Spanish Lace Tlouncing, trimmed ln various popular shades.-Lsually 3/11. m r--»-» ft » A a n m nnlu m procurable.-Usually 69/6. waist.—Usualjy 17/6. X deep Jazz braid fringe, slightly Ooloaal Sale, »/«• M ffOITI 9tO 11 /..111. 0111/. CoIo(Ha , 29/6# ColOMal Sale, 9/11.jjj Usually 35/ -. J-Inch Striped Cire Kibbons. Usually 2/3. M Mail Oiders not " Stai AttiacUon" — ■ Light and Dark Zephyr Washing Blouses. These ffi COlOM * l SalC ' ,/U, Colossal SaUvl,-. M . % Smart Grey Tweed Skirts, accordion pleated, show- Zephyr Blouees show special value are wj* 5 ' — . . M VL in in neat check designs suitable" for present finished with roll collars and revera; the colX Extra Strong Cambric Scalloped Embroidery, ni 6-Inch Wide foulard Ribbons, all reduced greatly. W % ■ wear An' attractively finished wool fabric. kr« to fasten high tf Shades com. j 6 74-inch width.-Us U ally, 1/11. . Usually 5/11, 6/11 g " . " A " 59/6 P nee Red, Ureen, and bold X Colossal Sale, 1/- to Clear. _ Ooloesal Sale, 3/U. Colossal Sale, 29/6. . Coital" Sa£ 7/11 to Clear. | I 22 x45 COLOURED CHECK TOWELS. V .' . SHOP EARLY T0 SECURE THE BEST BARGAINS. ART S|| _ K SPORT CO ATS. jj r5 A New Line of Heavy Quality soft finish and remarkably rood value.- TT HW. T TT T IX In » v fashionable shades, with, assorted collars, in contrasting shades, etc. X ffi Usually 2/3 each. * '■ ■ ■ fr"fl ■ ■ ■I "I U II I I II B ' Usually 39/6, 69/6. * I Colossal Sale, Each. J MM M\ JL M J| M-β V 19/6 *"*' *° | 1 AUCKLAND'S LEADING DRAPERSr - - THE J.CL, QUEEN STREET - - AUCKLAND'S KEENEST PRICES. |

"A SIMILE A DAY." A smiling face is the sipn of health and happiness. Many people find 11 bard to smile: 111-health prevents it. "Maltexo" (Wilson's Malt Extract) is the remecy needed. Quickly removes indication ami constipation. It enric-hes the impoverished Mood, tones up the whole system, ana keeps you fit. All stores and chemists. 71b tins for family use. "Wholesale Distributor: C. FT. Hnoper. Brunswick'«Bulldine Auckland. (AcU •

Wy A Simple Trifle a real old-fashioned custard ff will nourish and delight the T flr family at little cost. Use I H Brown * Poison's 9 'a Corn Flour & % and follow the recipes in the A EUCALYPTI EXTRACT ONCE USE SANDERS AND SONS' AXD TOU WILL ALWAYS INSIST ON IT. EECACSE SANDERS AND SONS , EUCALYPTI EXTRACT HFAI.S AVn rrRFS A« X;") nT"rn

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Auckland Star, Volume LIV, Issue 51, 1 March 1923, Page 14

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Page 14 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LIV, Issue 51, 1 March 1923, Page 14

Page 14 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LIV, Issue 51, 1 March 1923, Page 14